Why does one feel sick before menstruation, and what should a woman do - doctor’s advice

Menstruation is a natural process for all women of reproductive age. It would seem that there should be nothing abnormal in it, and in a significant proportion of women it proceeds without any peculiarities. However, for many ladies this process is worse than the disease, although some consider them sissies. But the pain can be quite serious, and mood changes are not at all a consequence of bitchiness, but symptoms that are completely understandable from a scientific point of view. Science also answers other questions, explaining, for example, why you feel sick before your period. This is exactly what we'll talk about.

Changes in the body during pregnancy at the physiological level

Pregnancy involves a number of physiological changes in the pregnant woman's body. And they begin from the very first days of fertilization.

Why do physiological changes occur?

The main task of physiological changes throughout the entire period of gestation is to create beneficial conditions for the health of both the mother and the unborn child. These include:

  • providing the fetus with a sufficient amount of oxygen and nutrients;
  • normal excretion from the female body of the elements of the life activity of the unborn child;
  • preparing the mother’s body systems for the birth of the baby and its feeding.

The very first signs of pregnancy before a missed period are associated with the production of a hormone responsible for its maintenance. The formation of the placenta, umbilical cord, and fetal cardiovascular system stimulate intense blood flow to the uterus and serious hormonal changes.

Moreover, changes occur in all systems of the body.

I feel hungry before my period. Causes of increased appetite

Many women are seriously concerned about the possibility of gaining excess weight, and before menstruation there is a strong feeling of hunger. Why does my appetite increase before my period? The reason is hormonal changes, after which a woman’s body experiences a lack of serotonin. To normalize the balance of substances, a lot of carbohydrates are required. This is where the desire to eat arises.

But how to avoid gaining excess weight? To do this, you need to listen to the advice of nutritionists and endocrinologists. Firstly, you don’t need to endure the feeling of hunger, because these days the body, more than ever, needs to replenish its supply of nutrients. Secondly, you should eat in small portions, but more often than usual. Thirdly, you need to drink more water and enrich your diet with vegetables, fruits and dairy products.

Early signs of pregnancy related to the endocrine and nervous system

Changes in the central nervous system are noticeable already at the early stage of pregnancy. So, the first signs of pregnancy before a missed period appear in:

  • increased irritability, fatigue and drowsiness;
  • intolerance to a number of odors, changes in taste, nausea and dizziness.

In the first case, the central nervous system turns on protective mechanisms that prevent the pregnant woman from becoming overly tired. The second group of signs is associated with a restructuring of the vagus nerve tone.

The endocrine system is involved in the pregnancy process even before fertilization.

The correct functioning of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and ovaries influence the preparation of the woman’s reproductive system for fertilization and are responsible for the development of the egg. Visually, hormonal changes can manifest themselves in skin pigmentation or changes in the facial contours of the expectant mother.

Changes in metabolism

As soon as fertilization has occurred, the woman’s metabolism takes a course towards satisfying the fetus with all the necessary substances.

Thus, increased production of digestive enzymes begins, and the concentration of minerals and amino acids in the blood increases. Already at an early stage, a pregnant woman begins to experience an increased need for vitamins. Internal organs also undergo restructuring. Particular stress falls on the cardiovascular region, which manifests itself in increased heart rate and increased blood pressure. The respiratory system, as well as the functioning of the kidneys, switches to an enhanced mode of operation.

The woman's genitals also undergo significant modification. The size, weight and volume of the uterine cavity grows, the ovaries and fallopian tubes increase, the external genitalia become larger, and the breasts become fuller.

A little theory

Ovulation is the moment when the egg leaves the corpus luteum, ready to meet the sperm. This date occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle, 4-7 days after the end of menstruation.

If a woman's reproductive system is functioning normally, unprotected intercourse during ovulation will result in conception. The event can take place several days before the expected date: the activity and viability of sperm persists for three days.

The connection between the sperm and the egg occurs inside the woman’s fallopian tubes. It leads to the appearance of a special element - a zygote. From this moment on, the woman can be considered pregnant.

The resulting zygote actively divides, creating cells of the future embryo. The fifth day is considered the date of its transformation into a blastocyte. If at first the embryo floats in the fallopian tubes, now it tries to attach itself to the endometrium of the uterus. When this moment comes, a woman’s hormonal background changes, and she feels the first symptoms.

The stages of in vitro fertilization in our center are almost exactly the same, only the zygote is formed in the laboratory, under the supervision of specialists. The formed embryos are implanted into the uterine cavity, and a few days later the success of the procedure is determined.

The sooner a woman finds out about pregnancy, the better: any disturbances in the body’s functioning, improper regimen, or stress can negatively affect the development of the baby.

Changes in the digestive system

The first signs of pregnancy appear very well through the digestive system.

A woman may notice an increased appetite, a craving for sweet or salty foods, and an aversion to certain foods. Increased activity of the vagus nerve can cause constipation. Morning nausea, vomiting and dizziness can also tell you about an “interesting situation”.

The first symptoms indicating conception

Not every woman can notice early signs of pregnancy before her period is missed. Often, many symptoms are in no way associated with the birth of a new life. Meanwhile, a woman may feel:

  • Minor tingling or nagging pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Growth and sensitivity of the mammary glands.
  • Increased vaginal discharge.
  • Frequent urge to urinate.
  • Slight brown discharge outside of menstruation.
  • Increase in rectal temperature.
  • The appearance of a vascular pattern on the abdomen, chest and limbs.
  • Digestive system disorder.
  • Increased salivation.

Many early symptoms may indicate the development of some disease. Therefore, even if several signs are present, it is impossible to say with certainty about the early stage of pregnancy. It should be borne in mind that early signs of pregnancy may appear only on the sixth to seventh day after fertilization.

A woman who wants to have a baby always listens to her body; she can confidently say about the changes she wants in it. On the other hand, the expectant mother, who did not plan to be there in the near future, will in no way associate changes in the body with pregnancy until her period is missed.

Types of headaches during menstruation

The female body is a very complex mechanism, the work of which has not yet been fully studied. For example, scientists do not give a clear answer to the causes of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), from which many girls suffer. And although the concept of PMS includes a wide range of different symptoms, most often three out of four women of childbearing age during this period complain of headaches.

Sometimes it is very difficult to distinguish menstrual headaches from “regular” ones. Conventionally, they can all be divided into two types:

  • tension headaches;
  • migraine.

The cause of tension pain is various stressful situations, overwork, lack of sleep. This type is characterized by a bilateral pressure manifestation, which may be accompanied by nausea, sensitivity to loud noises and bright lights. Such pain most often does not pose a big problem, since it is usually easily relieved with special medications.

But with the second type of headache, everything is much more complicated. Migraine is most often a hereditary disease. It is characterized by attacks of throbbing pain of varying intensity (from moderate to severe), which can be intensified under the influence of many factors (bright light, loud sounds, physical or mental stress). It can be either unilateral (pain is concentrated in one part of the head) or bilateral (both halves hurt). In some cases, pulsating attacks can turn into cutting or pressing sensations. Often this manifestation is accompanied by severe nausea (including vomiting), eye pain, and changes in blood pressure (hypotension or hypertension). Menstrual migraine belongs to this type.

Changes in sensations during pregnancy

Many women do not associate the first signs of pregnancy with a missed period in any way. They begin to feel symptoms that resemble those of a cold: general malaise;

  • headaches (read why headaches cause reasons other than pregnancy);
  • rhinitis, sore throat and cough (the treatment of ARVI is described here);
  • frequent changes in pressure;
  • chills followed by fever.

This condition can accompany a pregnant woman already in the second week after conception. Sudden fainting and dizziness often aggravate the situation. Cold symptoms are due to the fact that a woman’s immunity has not yet adjusted to bearing a fetus.

Nausea, frequent mood swings, rapid fatigue - all this is associated with the physiological transformation occurring in the body of a pregnant woman. In addition, early stages may be characterized by the following external manifestations:

Doctor's advice

Pregnancy planning must be approached responsibly in order to provide the developing baby with everything for his future successful life. Every pregnancy should be planned and after appropriate preparation. When a woman decides that she wants to become a mother, it is imperative to visit a gynecologist for further examination and start taking the necessary medications (folic acid 400 mcg once a day for both partners 3 months before the expected pregnancy)

Olga Zorina Pregnancy and childbirth, Gynecologist, Gynecologist-endocrinologist

  • slight swelling of the hands and face;
  • the appearance of acne (consult a dermatologist);
  • bloating;
  • darkening of the skin around the nipples.

Feelings are often deceiving. Recognizing conception as a cold or other illness and taking medications can have a detrimental effect on the embryo. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion of pregnancy, even before a missed period, you can use methods to establish pregnancy at its earliest stage.

How to treat nausea and the conditions that cause it

Feeling nauseous is a symptom, just like a headache or palpitations. Doctors recommend not focusing on just one symptom, but treating the disease that caused its appearance.

If a patient has seasickness, it is recommended that he avoid situations associated with traveling in the appropriate mode of transport (airplane, ship, and in some cases, a car). If it is impossible to completely eliminate this, you need to take special medications that cope well with this. You just need to use them in consultation with your doctor, since any of them have contraindications and unwanted side effects.

Pashkova Alla Valerievna

Obstetrician-gynecologist, candidate of medical sciences.

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For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, treatment should be comprehensive.

For example, if your stomach hurts with nausea, then most likely it is gastritis. It is treated with a special diet, taking drugs that reduce acidity, gastroprotectors, antacids, antibiotics (the infectious nature of gastritis and peptic ulcers has long been proven). Sometimes hospital treatment may be necessary.

Intracranial hypertension is treated by neurologists. For this, diuretics, vasodilators, drugs that improve metabolism in brain tissue, etc. are used.

And finally, premenstrual syndrome. Its treatment is quite difficult, since the attitude towards this disease in society is sharply negative and not serious. A large proportion of patients do not go to the doctor, and those who do get to the therapist end up being sent anywhere but to the gynecologist. But it is the “women’s doctor” who should treat this disease (yes, PMS is a disease not hysteria!)

Question to the expert

Why do you feel sick before your period if you haven’t felt sick before?

Something may have happened to your hormones. Consult a doctor, get tested and treated if necessary.

It is imperative to normalize the work and rest schedule. Nutrition should be balanced, complete, satisfying the needs for all nutrients and energy. In the second phase of the cycle, you should exclude coffee, chocolate, spicy and salty foods, and also limit fluid intake.

The drugs of choice for PMS are combined oral contraceptives. They block ovulation, which provokes symptoms of PMS. Of course, this scheme is not used if a woman does not plan to use protection.

With any form of PMS, there are certain neuropsychic manifestations, and they are well combated with the help of sedatives and psychotropic drugs - amitriptyline, diazepam, etc. They are prescribed in the second phase of the cycle, 2-3 days before the onset of symptoms.

The edematous form of PMS with allergic manifestations is treated with antihistamines. They are also prescribed in the second phase of the cycle, using long-acting agents - loratadine, cetirizine, fexofenadine and their derivatives. Also, for the edematous form, spironolactone is used, which is a mild diuretic that reduces fluid retention in the body, and thereby combats edema.

In case of crisis and cephalgic forms with increased production of prolactin, they are treated with the use of antihormonal agents - bromocriptine and cyclodinone.

For all forms of PMS, antiprostaglandin drugs are also prescribed - ibuprofen, diclofenac, as they suppress the excess production of prostaglandins - substances that play an important role in the development of the syndrome.

Question to the expert

What to do if your stomach hurts very badly during menstruation and you feel sick?

Most likely you have dysmenorrhea. You can take two no-shpa tablets on your own and wait a couple of hours. If the pain does not subside, consult a doctor; you may need complex treatment that no one will prescribe for you on the Internet.

Pregnancy recognition methods, test price in pharmacies

The diagnosis of pregnancy is undoubted if, during examination, parts of the fetus, heartbeat and fetal movements are determined, and ultrasound examination determines the fertilized egg. These reliable signs of pregnancy do not appear at the beginning of it, but at a later date. In the early stages, the diagnosis of pregnancy is made on the basis of presumptive and probable signs.

Olga Zorina

Pregnancy and childbirth, Gynecologist, Gynecologist-endocrinologist

The most reliable and early method of determining conception is a blood test for hCG.

You can do it a week after unprotected sexual intercourse.

Highly sensitive tests, which are represented by such varieties as: sterile strips for lowering into a vessel with urine, can also determine the “interesting position” before a missed period;

  • a plastic case with a window where you can add drops of urine;
  • an analyzer that determines conception under a stream of urine;
  • digital or electronic tests for repeated use.

Conventional strip tests can detect fertilization 10 to 14 days after unprotected sex. They are inexpensive (their cost will not exceed 100 rubles) and with a share of up to 99% they can guarantee a true result.

An ovulation and pregnancy test will cost significantly more (about 380 rubles), which will not only help verify conception at an early stage (also 10-14 days after unprotected sexual intercourse), but will also tell you the best moment for this. The reliability of the test is 99%.

Electronic tests that not only establish the fact of pregnancy, but also indicate its duration, will be even more expensive. So, with its help you can find out about fertilization from the first week of conception. Prices for such tests start at 500 rubles, but they also provide a guarantee of over 99%.

For greater reliability, the test should be done on the first morning urine, which contains a larger amount of the hCG hormone.

How to determine the sex of a child by the last menstruation

As a rule, women are interested not only in the first signs of pregnancy, but also in the gender of the unborn child. There are many methods that allow you to find out the sex of the child even before a scheduled ultrasound. One of the popular methods is to recognize the sex of a child based on the last menstruation.

The calculation is simple: you need to add the woman’s age at the time of conception and one to the month of conception.

You should expect a boy if you end up with an odd number. Otherwise, you can safely prepare a dowry for the girl.

For example, if a woman at the age of thirty becomes pregnant in May, then she will have a girl (30+05+1=36).

At the same time, the surest way to find out about pregnancy before a missed period is a blood test for hCG and a consultation with a gynecologist.

Useful video: how to determine that you are pregnant before a delay?

If the expectant mother wants the pregnancy to proceed without complications, then it is in her interests to be aware of the “interesting situation” as early as possible. Most women have no idea that they are expecting a baby until their period is missed. She continues to lead her normal rhythm of life, which may include excessive physical initiative, use of alcohol or drugs, and stressful situations. All this can have a detrimental effect on the pregnancy process. Therefore, knowing the first signs of pregnancy even before a missed period is very important. The following video will help you sort through the knowledge you have acquired and discover the source of a new life at an early stage.

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Ectopic pregnancy: symptoms in the early stages What medications can pregnant women take for headaches? Signs of a frozen pregnancy in the first and second trimester How to treat a cold during pregnancy in the 1st trimester?

This article has been verified by Olga Zorina, a current qualified physician, and can be considered a reliable source of information for site users.

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How to get rid of irritability during PMS?

To get rid of irritability a week before or during menstruation, you need to undergo treatment with a gynecologist. Irritability is one of the characteristic psycho-emotional symptoms of PMS. Temperature, pain and other physiological sensations increase the manifestation of psycho-emotional disorders. Without the help of a doctor, it is impossible to control hormone levels and associated PMS symptoms. How many days in advance you need to take the prescribed medications depends on how pronounced the discomfort is and how often it bothers you. In most cases, irritability is accompanied by anger, anger, or a feeling of increased anxiety. Depending on the stability of the emotional state, a woman may be prescribed broad-spectrum sedatives.

Healthy food (normalizes blood sugar levels, improves metabolism) and regular physical activity (maintains muscle tone) help maintain a good mood and well-being during irritability. In order not to aggravate the manifestation of irritability, it is necessary to avoid caffeinated drinks and other stimulants.

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