Popular medications for worms: reliable and effective

Parasitic diseases are among the most common. According to the World Health Organization, every tenth case of health problems is caused by helminths. The choice of anthelmintic drugs depends on the types of parasites, their location in the body, concomitant diseases, and the severity of the infection.

Types of helminths

The common name helminths includes several groups of worms belonging to different species:

  • nematodes - roundworms, which include pinworms, hookworms, roundworms, worms, trichinella and many others, having a cylindrical body shape in cross-section, represent the most numerous type of helminths;
  • cestodes - flat-shaped tapeworms: echinococcus, pork, bovine tapeworm, wide tapeworm, these parasites can reach large sizes and cause deadly damage to internal organs;
  • trematodes - leaf-shaped worms: various types of flukes, flukes, localized inside the tissues of organs.

Helminthic infestation (worms): symptoms and treatment

The toxic effect on the nervous system leads to the appearance of symptoms of worms such as increased fatigue, sleep disturbances, excessive irritability or apathy. A person's appetite may also be impaired.

Depending on the location of the parasites, signs of various syndromes appear:

  • abdominal - abdominal pain, various digestive disorders;
  • pulmonary - dry cough, shortness of breath, bronchospasm, volatile infiltrates in the lungs;
  • hepatolienal - an increase in the size of the liver and spleen.

In severe cases, lymphadenopathy, tonsillitis, migratory pneumonia (with massive lesions), pleuropneumonia, myocarditis, hepatitis, cerebral vascular thrombosis, and meningoencephalitis may develop.

A characteristic, and sometimes the only, sign of the presence of worms in the body is detected during a general blood test. Due to the presence of parasites and their toxins, the level of eosinophils increases. It is by this indicator that a therapist or pediatrician may suspect the development of an invasion. With massive lesions, leukocytosis is observed.

The lack of specific treatment leads to the development of the chronic stage.

Chronic phase

At this stage of development of invasion, organ-specific symptoms predominate, which are determined by mechanical damage to tissues or organs.

With intestinal helminths, abdominal pain and digestive disorders come to the fore. Long-term deterioration of absorption in the intestine leads to the appearance of symptoms of worms, which are caused by hypovitaminosis and nutritional deficiencies. As a result, the person constantly loses weight and develops iron deficiency anemia. Massive worm infestations can lead to hemorrhagic colitis, rectal prolapse or intestinal obstruction.

If helminthic infestation affects the hepatobiliary system, then a person may develop cholecystitis, cholangitis, obstructive jaundice and pancreatitis. In these cases, pain appears more in the upper abdomen, in the right hypochondrium. Sometimes the condition is aggravated by biliary colic.

The migration of pinworms in girls and women to the genitals can provoke the development of vaginitis, endometritis and salpingitis. Patients with enterobiasis often complain of itching in the anal area, which especially often occurs at night, when the female crawling out of the rectum lays eggs.

In chronic strongyloidiasis, ulcers of the stomach and duodenum occur. Trichinosis can lead to damage to:

  • respiratory organs: bronchitis and bronchopneumonia;
  • heart and blood vessels: myocarditis, heart failure;
  • nervous system: meningoencephalitis, encephalomyelitis.

Echinococcosis can provoke the appearance of cysts in the lungs and liver, which can fester and cause purulent pleurisy or peritonitis. With filatriasis, blockage of the lymphatic vessels can cause lymphangitis, lymphedema of the legs with swelling of the mammary glands and genitals. The chronic course of hookworms more often than other invasions leads to iron deficiency anemia.

In case of helminthic infestations, which are accompanied by the reproduction of larvae, manifestations of an allergic nature often persist. Particularly severe allergic manifestations are observed with unilocular echinococcosis. When cysts formed by this parasite rupture, anaphylactic shock sometimes develops.

Particularly severe are helminthiases such as toxocariasis, larval paragonimiasis, unilocular echinococcosis, alveococcosis and cysticercosis. They are often accompanied by multiple lesions of the lungs, eyes, brain, kidneys, heart and other organs. Also, a severe course is observed in tropical invasions such as filariasis and schistosomiasis.

With a long course of chronic helminthiasis, some worms can eliminate themselves due to natural death or expulsion. Their presence in the body always leads to residual effects, which in severe cases cause disability for the patient.

Types of anthelmintic drugs

All medications for worms are fundamentally divided into:

  • Highly specialized products: designed for a specific type of worms and are used only if it has been laboratory determined what kind of parasite lives in the body. Only the attending physician has the right to prescribe highly specialized anthelmintic drugs and select their dosage, taking into account the toxicity of the active substance in anthelmintic drugs, health status, age, and weight category.
  • Broad-spectrum anthelmintic drugs. They affect all known types of worms and can be used for preventive purposes.

Anti-worm medications produced by the domestic and foreign pharmaceutical industries differ in their mechanism of action on parasites, comprising 2 main groups.

  1. A group of anthelmintic drugs whose active substances paralyze the muscles and organelles of worms. Worms lose the ability to move, feed, and die. Dead parasites are excreted from the body in their natural form along with feces.
  2. Deworming agents that destroy metabolic processes in the tissues of parasites, so that after death they become susceptible to the action of the human enzyme system and are partially digested by the body. In this case, the remaining helminths are excreted in a destroyed form.

Almost all anti-worm tablets are recommended to be taken during meals or after meals. During the treatment period, it is advisable to combine anthelmintics with laxatives or enterosorbents to cleanse the body of toxins and dead parasites.

How to identify a parasite

First, pay attention to how you feel, what specifically causes concern. If you have problems with the intestines, be it constipation or diarrhea, restless sleep, itchy skin, muscle pain, you should consult a doctor. All difficulties with the body in the presence of parasites are associated with the release of toxins by them, which affect the normal functioning of the human body. And restless sleep and grinding teeth are a sign of anxiety, this is how the body talks about the problem. The main method for identifying parasites remains stool analysis. In this case, a distinction is made between a standard analysis and a detailed one, which is used in the medicine of functional disorders. Their main difference is accuracy. A standard test can only detect the parasite if it is alive and active. Then, if the pest has died due to the end of its life cycle, or is hibernating, the standard method will not work. The result will be negative, and you will be sure that you do not have a harmful microorganism, although this will not be the case. There are no such problems with a detailed analysis, since it uses the polymerase chain reaction method. The method allows you to identify the parasite in any state and does not depend on the laboratory assistant’s ability to see the pest under a microscope. Thanks to this approach, patients who received a negative standard test are surprised to learn about unwanted “cohabitants” after PCR, which subsequently allows them to solve the problem with their health.

Treatment of nematodes

Effective anthelmintics for all types of roundworms - based on levamisole. The most popular is Dekaris. It is used against ascariasis, enterobiasis, trichuriasis and a number of other diseases. The anthelmintic effect is based on intervention in the metabolic processes of parasites. Levamisole helps strengthen the immune system by activating the functions of T cells and macrophages that are aggressive to foreign proteins.

The medication Piperazine has a gentle effect on helminthic infestations. It is used to treat ascariasis and enterobiasis in pregnant women. The drug does not have significant toxicity and is safe for the fetus. Only severe disorders of the nervous system can be a contraindication.

Antihelminth medications, the active ingredient of which is mebendazole, are used for all types of nematodes: roundworms, pinworms, trichinella, whipworms, and toxocara. They treat mixed types of helminthic infestations and are used to prevent disease in cases of suspected helminthiasis. The most effective remedies for roundworms in adults:

  • Vermox;
  • Vormin;
  • Vermakar;
  • Mebex;
  • Vero-Mebendazole.

The action of medications is based on blocking the feeding processes of helminths and destroying their bodies. Contraindications for use are liver failure, hypersensitivity to mebendazole. Side effects from taking it may include nausea, dizziness, weakness, and dyspepsia.

Effective and relatively safe anti-worm medications for children and adults:

  • Pyrantel;
  • Nemocid;
  • Kombantrin;
  • Helminthox.

The medications contain the compound Pyrantel, which paralyzes the muscular apparatus of roundworms and is detrimental to all stages of worm development - from larval to adult forms. Drugs in the form of syrups are prescribed from 6 months of age.

Rating of the top 5 anti-worm tablets according to KP

We have selected the most popular and frequently prescribed remedies for the most common parasites - ascariasis and enterobiasis, as well as tape parasites.


Nemozol. Photo: Ipca Laboratories

Available in the form of film-coated tablets, chewable tablets and suspension. The active ingredient in the drug is albendazole. Dispensed with a doctor's prescription. It has a wide spectrum of activity against roundworms, as well as tape parasites. The drug is convenient to use; during treatment they do not need a special diet or large amounts of fluid intake. Depending on what parasite was identified, the course of treatment can last from 3 days to 1 month. For enterobiasis and ascariasis, a single use of the medicine is possible.

After two weeks, a second dose of the drug is necessary to prevent helminthiasis. By this time, eggs from those parasites that remained during the initial treatment could have already hatched. It is important for all family members living with the sick person to take the medicine to avoid re-infection. The drug has a pleasant taste and does not cause severe side effects, but it should not be taken on an empty stomach.

People with liver problems need to be extremely careful; the drug can be toxic. Plus, it may be difficult to calculate the dose based on body weight. Prohibited for pregnant women and children under 6 years of age.


Photo: Pharmstandard-Leksredstva The drug in tablets with the active ingredient piperazine adipate has activity against roundworms, including pinworms and roundworms. Indicated for the treatment of both adults and children; it is effective in eliminating only sexually mature individuals; it does not affect parasite eggs.

After taking the drug, worms are actively excreted in the feces, the course of treatment is 2 days, between taking tablets, to enhance the effect, it is recommended to take a laxative or an enema. The drug can be taken with food or after food, but not on an empty stomach. The effectiveness of treatment reaches 95%; to completely get rid of parasites, it is recommended to repeat the course after 14 days.

The medicine is used in adults and children over 3 years of age; side effects are not very pronounced; loose stools or intestinal spasms are possible. During treatment, strict adherence to hygiene rules is necessary to prevent re-infection.


Pirantel. Photo: Polpharma

The drug is available in the form of tablets and suspensions and is available with a doctor's prescription. The active ingredient of the drug, pyrantel, is effective against round and flatworms. It has a quick and pronounced effect, the course of treatment is from 1 to 3 days. After 2 - 3 weeks, you need to repeat taking the drug in order to completely destroy the remaining parasites, which at the time of the first dose may not yet have hatched from the eggs.

The drug is well tolerated, with minimal side effects from digestion. Taken after meals, does not require laxatives or enemas, suitable for children over 3 years of age. However, the dose of the drug must be calculated strictly according to the patient’s weight, and therefore there may be difficulties with dividing the tablet. This medicine must not be combined with other anthelmintic drugs; a sharp increase in toxic effects is possible.


Vermox. Photo: Gedeon Richter Romania SA

The drug is produced only in tablets, the active ingredient is mebendazole, and is sold only with a doctor’s prescription. It acts in the intestinal lumen without affecting its walls, and is excreted in the stool and about 10% by the kidneys. Indicated for the treatment of children over 3 years of age and adults; it is active against roundworms and nematodes, cestodes. Unlike many other drugs, it suppresses the activity of both adult parasites and larvae, but does not affect parasite eggs.

Take 2 - 4 tablets at once, depending on body weight, the duration of treatment is up to 3 days, so more than 1 package may be required. When taking the drug, you should avoid fatty foods, alcohol and laxatives. They may increase the toxicity and side effects of the drug.


Decaris. Photo: Gedeon Richter Romania SA

Available in tablets in two dosages, sold strictly according to a doctor's prescription. The active ingredient is levamisole, active against roundworms, pinworms and hookworms. The drug can be taken by adults and children over 3 years of age; there are forms for them in lozenges and capsules. It is important to swallow the drug whole, without chewing or splitting the tablet.

Take the drug once, the entire dose at once, repeated use is recommended after 1 - 2 weeks to consolidate the result. It is dangerous because fruit additives can provoke allergies; other side effects are rare.

Worms in humans

Symptoms that parasites have settled in your body

Parasites in the human body. Symptoms. Diagnostics. Treatment.

“Diseases of civilization” are well known to every modern person - these are allergies that are difficult to treat, frequent acute respiratory viral infections, runny noses and bronchitis, chronic fatigue and asthenia, problems with the stomach and intestines, abdominal pain. Obsessive symptoms that force you to change your lifestyle and cause a lot of discomfort, which often become the reason for numerous visits to doctors. The treatment ends, but the symptoms remain.

What can such violations indicate?

Poor health, increasing symptoms, unexplained manifestations from various body systems - respiratory, immune, nervous, digestive and others - are usually “attributed” to the modern busy rhythm of life, constant emotional and physical overload, which provoke general fatigue and decreased immunity. In fact, there can be many reasons for this condition, and very often the malaise is caused by only one negative factor, for example, helminthic infestation. In order to accurately determine the cause of the malaise and also find out whether there is an infection with parasites, you need to visit a doctor - a therapist, gastroenterologist or immunologist-allergist.

If there is a suspicion that the presence of parasites is the cause of the illness, the doctor prescribes tests for the presence of parasites. There are several available tests to determine helminthiasis. Treatment for the most part is quite simple: specific anthelmintic (anthelminthic) drugs are selected. If you ignore the problem, the presence of parasites in the body can lead to serious illnesses and sad consequences.

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