How to quickly get rid of heartburn during pregnancy - advice from a practicing doctor

Heartburn is an unpleasant burning sensation in the epigastric region and behind the sternum. Often accompanied by the appearance of a sour-bitter taste in the mouth. Almost every pregnant woman faces this phenomenon, especially in the second and third trimester. Heartburn can be triggered by quite a few reasons - from banal overeating to serious gastrointestinal pathologies. It often manifests itself in tandem with nausea, belching, flatulence and even vomiting.

Heartburn in pregnant women is predominantly physiological in nature. Under the influence of the hormone progesterone (during pregnancy, its level in the body increases significantly), the tone of the alimentary sphincter weakens, and it can no longer fully protect the esophagus from the reflux of gastric juice into it. As a result, hydrochloric acid from the stomach cavity enters the organ mucosa and irritates it. A woman experiences a burning sensation or heat in the epigastric region - this is heartburn.

The second reason for the appearance of an unpleasant sensation during pregnancy is the pressure of the uterus on the internal organs. The reproductive organ increases quite quickly and gradually begins to shift the abdominal organs upward. Due to pressure, gastric juice may reflux into the esophagus.

Modern pharmaceutical companies can offer people many drugs that actively fight heartburn and can eliminate it in the shortest possible time. But there is one significant problem - many medications are prohibited for pregnant women. In this case, you can turn to proven folk remedies. A popular method of combating heartburn is baking soda. But before taking it, you need to make sure whether it will harm the health of the mother and her child.

Clinical manifestations and causes of heartburn

Heartburn is a burning sensation (discomfort) in the epigastric region.
A quick way to neutralize this manifestation is baking soda for heartburn. This “treatment” is only applicable in extreme cases. In general, heartburn therapy requires an integrated approach and high-quality diagnostics. Heartburn can be a symptom of peptic ulcers and gastritis with high acidity, and can occur with a diaphragmatic hernia, intolerance to certain foods, and during pregnancy. Causes of heartburn:

  • overeating and excess weight;
  • abuse of meat, fatty and sweet foods;
  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • aerophagia;
  • chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer;< li>
  • disease of the operated stomach;
  • use of certain medications (aspirin, ortofen, ibuprofen);< li>
  • excessive consumption of coffee, carbonated drinks and hot spices;
  • stress and neuroses;
  • wearing tight belts, lifting weights;

Please note that there are three degrees of heartburn: moderate, moderate and severe. The attending physician will tell you what medications for heartburn will help in each case after a comprehensive examination. The pathology is treated by a gastroenterologist.

Other methods for treating heartburn during pregnancy

Pregnant women are not recommended to drink soda for heartburn.

The easiest way to prevent heartburn. Even if it is caused by hormones, it can be alleviated by eating small portions and often. Small portions do not provoke the release of acid into the esophagus and do not overfill the stomach. It is also advisable not to lie down immediately after eating. Let's consider popular methods of dealing with heartburn during pregnancy:

  1. You can try milk instead of soda. A couple of sips will relieve the burning sensation and discomfort.
  2. Freshly squeezed carrot juice relieves heartburn. It should be drunk in small portions so as not to cause stomach irritation, nausea and an allergic reaction.
  3. Doctors recommend that pregnant women eat nuts, 10 pieces per day. This is not only very beneficial for the health of mother and baby, but also helps prevent heartburn. If there is already an attack, this method will not be very effective.
  4. Some people find regular roasted sunflower seeds helpful. However, you should not eat them in large quantities. Sunflower seeds are quite fatty, high in calories, and difficult to digest.
  5. Almagel. This drug is found to be safe during pregnancy. It relieves heartburn, neutralizes acid, coats the walls of the stomach, protects them from the aggressive effects of hydrochloric acid. It also helps with flatulence. However, doctors do not recommend taking Almagel during pregnancy for longer than 3 days. This is due to the drug’s ability to cause constipation, which is already a common concern for pregnant women.
  6. Rennie. Rennie is a popular heartburn medication. This drug can be used for abdominal pain and flatulence. The medicine does not have a negative effect on the fetus or the woman herself. However, doctors still do not recommend taking any medications unless absolutely necessary. In the first trimester, any medications are prescribed with great caution.
  7. Smecta. Smecta is often prescribed for diarrhea, but it also eliminates heartburn. You can drink it in courses, no more than 3 sachets per day. Smecta has an unobtrusive taste and does not cause nausea. It is considered an absolutely safe drug for pregnant women and infants from the first days of life.

You can get rid of heartburn using safe methods, so it’s better not to take risks by drinking soda. If pain in the stomach and esophagus occurs constantly, you should consult a doctor.

Belching and nausea - what to do?

The presence of these symptoms with the manifestation of heartburn indicates a serious gastrointestinal pathology. In this case, it is not wise to self-medicate. Only high-quality diagnostics and drug therapy will help restore gastrointestinal function.

Hiatal hernia. If the function of the obturator mechanisms is insufficient, heartburn and belching after eating will become the main symptoms of the pathology.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease. The disease is characterized by disruption of the lower esophageal sphincter and the reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus.

Removal of the gallbladder or part of the stomach and surgery for peptic ulcers are common causes of heartburn. Treatment of heartburn with drugs in this case will give a good result.

Pregnancy can also cause increased intragastric pressure. The second reason is changes in hormonal levels. A specialist from our clinic will tell you how to quickly get rid of heartburn during pregnancy.

Mechanism of action of soda

Baking soda is the sodium salt of hydrocarboxylic acid. It dissolves well in water and gives it a characteristic salty taste. If it interacts with gastric juice, then specific carbonic acid and salts are formed, which subsequently also break down into carbon dioxide and water. This is the reason why characteristic belching occurs after drinking water with soda.

If you dissolve baking soda with water, an alkaline solution is formed. It is able to neutralize hydrochloric acid, which provokes heartburn if it gets on the esophageal mucosa. As a result, the pregnant woman loses all unpleasant sensations. But there is one nuance here - a soda solution can only achieve a short-term improvement in the condition. Carbonic acid, which is formed as a result of neutralization of hydrochloric acid, stimulates the production of the latter. Therefore, soda can be called a panacea for heartburn only with great stretch. But it still gives a short-term effect.

Heartburn in children

Heartburn in childhood is quite rare. In the overwhelming majority, it indicates a disease of the gastrointestinal tract. In rare cases, heartburn may occur after taking certain medications and foods new to the baby. If a child has heartburn, nausea and pain in the epigastric region, consultation with a pediatrician is necessary. The doctor will examine the baby and tell you what to do if you have heartburn. General prescriptions include diet, anti-inflammatory drugs, and drugs to improve digestion. Antacids are prescribed extremely rarely.

Is heartburn dangerous for the fetus?

If heartburn during pregnancy appears under the influence of natural causes, then it does not pose any danger. The “fire” behind the sternum will go away on its own as soon as the woman gives birth. But the whole point is that a pregnant woman may not know about the reasons that provoke the appearance of discomfort. Therefore, it is recommended to undergo a comprehensive examination to clarify them. In addition, if heartburn is not the only unpleasant symptom, this may indicate the development of pathology. In this case, treatment must be carried out.

Heartburn at different stages of pregnancy

How to quickly get rid of heartburn during pregnancy

Heartburn in expectant mothers usually appears in the second half of pregnancy and can last from several minutes to several hours. The main reasons are changes in hormonal levels and pressure of the uterus on the stomach. As pregnancy progresses, the uterus puts pressure not only on the stomach, but also on the intestines, thereby causing obvious discomfort. Under the influence of hormones, the acidity of gastric juice increases. If a pregnant woman constantly suffers from heartburn during the day, doctors recommend not taking antispasmodics, but switching to fractional meals, eating nuts, grated carrots and jelly in small quantities. In addition, a woman needs to avoid stress and walk more in the fresh air. Doctors recommend sleeping on your back.

Dilute and drink soda correctly

To dilute soda to relieve an attack of heartburn, it is recommended to use boiled water. But you can replace it with milk. It is unacceptable to use mineral water to prepare a soda solution. For an ordinary person, the amount of soda that needs to be diluted in 250 ml of water is 1 tsp. But if the solution is prepared for a pregnant woman, then this dosage should be reduced by 2 or even 3 times. For the first step, add soda to the glass at the tip of a knife.

It is recommended to take the soda solution not systematically, but once. Only in this case will it be beneficial and will not have a negative effect on the body of the mother or fetus. Soda can be considered an emergency way to relieve heartburn when it is not possible to get rid of the discomfort using other methods.

For baking soda to benefit, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • for the first dose, take the minimum dosage of powder;
  • It is best to drink soda on an empty stomach;
  • drink the entire portion at once - not in one gulp, but in small sips;
  • the solution for administration should be drunk freshly prepared;
  • It is necessary to dilute soda in warm water;
  • After taking the soda solution, it is recommended to lie down, but not strictly horizontally; the upper part of the body should be on a hill.

If for some reason a pregnant woman cannot drink diluted soda, then you can add a little honey, sweet molasses, and ginger to the glass. This will make the drink a little tastier, and the woman will be able to drink it without fear that it will cause her nausea or vomiting.

What to do if you have severe heartburn

Doctors recommend using antacids as therapy: Rennie, Phosphalugel, Almagel, Gaviscon - consult your doctor about the dosage. Almonds, which neutralize stomach acid, and barley grains will have a good result. Just chew them for a few minutes and you will feel noticeable relief. If severe heartburn lasts a week or more, immediate consultation with a gastroenterologist is necessary.

On our website you can make an appointment with a highly specialized specialist and, if necessary, undergo a comprehensive diagnosis. After receiving the results, the doctor will prescribe treatment and tell you what to do with constant belching and nausea.

but on the other hand

Unfortunately, it doesn't end there. Therefore, the question is regularly raised about whether it is possible to drink soda during pregnancy. Once in the stomach, soda extinguishes the acid, but the body perceives this in its own way. Namely, as information that it is necessary to produce more acid, since there is not enough of it. The brain sends a signal, and the production of gastric juice occurs with a vengeance. Consequently, very soon the unpleasant sensations will return.

If you resort to this remedy again, the situation will only get worse. Therefore, it is recommended to use special medications that are sold in pharmacies. Is it possible to drink soda during pregnancy? Of course, a one-time dose will not harm. But using it to save yourself from misfortune on a regular basis is undesirable. In addition, you need to know exactly how to use it. It is up to you to minimize side effects.

Your awareness

More often than not, it leaves much to be desired. When resorting to this remedy, women do not really know whether it is possible to drink soda during pregnancy. There are several reasons why it is not recommended to drink this solution.

  1. This is not a treatment. In this way you only suppress the symptoms of heartburn. The fizzy drink will temporarily relieve the condition and remove the burning sensation. But soon a double dose of gastric juice will be produced, which will cause even more painful heartburn.
  2. Baking soda contains sodium, which can accumulate and retain water. This contributes to swelling, which is a big risk in the last months of pregnancy.

How to prevent heartburn without medications

You can prevent the development of heartburn without medications. It is important to follow some rules:

  • do not eat fried and fatty foods, as well as smoked foods, chocolate - these foods relax the esophageal sphincter, which leads to the development of heartburn;
  • You need to eat food in small portions and often, and you need to chew each piece thoroughly;
  • It is not recommended to go to rest immediately after eating; the horizontal position of the body contributes to the flow of gastric contents into the esophagus;
  • It is recommended to use a high pillow when sleeping.

Is there any harm?

Despite the listed beneficial properties, soda, especially if used carelessly, can cause harm. If this product is abused, it is possible to develop complications such as disorders of the digestive tract, irritation of the esophagus and stomach mucosa, and diarrhea.

In case of individual intolerance, when applied topically and orally, an allergic reaction may occur. It is also undesirable to use soda for women with diseases of the cardiovascular system, arterial hypertension, and pancreatitis.

Reviews from doctors

Doctors agree that baking soda should not be used during pregnancy. Experts point out the danger of saturating the blood with alkali when regularly “quenching” heartburn with sodium bicarbonate. You can find the following opinions from medical professionals on the Internet:

  • Obstetricians, gynecologists. Baking soda can be used for emergency relief of heartburn symptoms. It is recommended to take this remedy no more than once.
  • Therapists. Warn about possible negative manifestations from the kidneys, genitourinary system, and intestines.
  • Cardiologists. They indicate that excess salts in the blood and its alkalization can lead to the development of serious diseases of the circulatory and cardiovascular systems.

In general, doctors advise expectant mothers to stop taking soda orally, replacing it with safer medications.

If you regularly experience heartburn, heaviness, or belching, you should consult a gynecologist who is monitoring your pregnancy and work with him to select medications and a diet to prevent the occurrence of symptoms. Expectant mothers should also adhere to the “universal” advice from doctors outlined in the video:

Things to keep in mind

If you decide to use baking soda to treat heartburn during pregnancy, consider a number of negative aspects, including:

  1. The effect of the solution is short-term. How long it will last depends on the symptoms. But usually, after a few hours, heartburn attacks can resume.
  2. Soda can cause intestinal problems and swelling.
  3. Systematic use of soda solution provokes problems with blood vessels and kidneys.

For the product to be beneficial, follow these recommendations:

  1. Use a minimal amount of powder, especially if you are preparing the solution for the first time.
  2. Consume the prepared product on an empty stomach.
  3. Drink the product in small sips so that it better coats the walls of the mucous membrane.
  4. Take only freshly prepared solution. The infused mixture can cause problems with the digestive system and will not help with heartburn.
  5. After using the solution, lie down, with the upper part of the body slightly raised.

Recommendation 2: Avoid strenuous physical activity

Is it possible to play sports in the first trimester? Not only is it possible, but it is necessary! Exercising during pregnancy is the key to excellent mood, good physical shape, normal weight, absence of constipation and swelling. In addition, sports allows you to prepare your body for the upcoming birth.

If before pregnancy you did Pilates, yoga, or swimming, then in the first trimester of gestation you don’t have to give up your favorite activities. But it’s not worth learning new sports. Unusual exercises and loads for the body can negatively affect the course of pregnancy.

Heavy physical activity is prohibited in both early and late stages of pregnancy. For example, you cannot jump into water from a tower, ride horses, or go rock climbing. If you were previously into running, then during pregnancy it is better to replace running with brisk walking.

Correct proportions

It is important for a pregnant woman to stick to the recipe and not change the proportions. Under no circumstances should you swallow the powder, even if you then drink it with water. Speaking about whether you can drink soda during pregnancy, it should be noted that it is very important to follow the recommendations prescribed by your doctor. Only then does this substance become relatively safe for the gastrointestinal tract.

To prepare the solution, you will need to dilute a teaspoon of baking soda in 100 ml of water. To this mixture you need to add a couple of drops of citric acid or half a spoon of table vinegar. To prevent the sediment from entering the body, you need to wait a few minutes for the reaction to pass and not drink until the end. What to do if you have a problem stomach and heartburn occurred during pregnancy? Can I drink soda? In this case, when preparing the fizz, you need to stick to smaller proportions. You will need a quarter spoon of baking soda and lemon juice. In this case, vinegar is contraindicated.

How else can you use baking soda?

The period of bearing a baby lasts nine long months. During this time, anything can happen. Most medications remain banned, so an alternative is needed. Soda can be one of these.

  • It is great for gargling. If you have ARVI or flu, laryngitis or stomatitis, pharyngitis or tonsillitis, feel free to make a solution and start rinsing. To do this, you need to dissolve 1-2 teaspoons in a glass of water.
  • For toothache. It is not dangerous for mother and child, but is extremely unpleasant. Of course, it is best to see a dentist, but if this is not possible, then rinse your mouth with a soda solution. To do this, add two teaspoons of soda to a glass of warm water.

That is, soda in many situations is an excellent helper for the expectant mother and not only. But you can only use it internally sometimes, in emergency cases. If the problem recurs, you need to consult a doctor so that he can diagnose and select adequate treatment. Frequent use of soda for heartburn usually only makes the situation worse.

Recommendation 5: Do not wear tight clothes and shoes

In the 1st trimester of pregnancy, a woman’s silhouette changes slightly. Because of this, many pregnant women continue to wear tight-fitting clothes to highlight their figure. However, even in the early stages of pregnancy, it is better to choose loose clothing that does not compress soft tissues, the abdominal area, and mammary glands. Wearing tight clothes can impair blood circulation, lead to lymph stagnation, cause fatigue, and increase the unpleasant symptoms of toxicosis.

What kind of shoes should pregnant women wear? Choose comfortable shoes with solid soles. During pregnancy, the center of gravity gradually changes, and when wearing shoes with heels, the load on the lumbosacral region increases.

If we talk about the cold season, it is better to replace shoes and boots that are very tight on the calf muscles or feet with looser shoes. As with clothing, this will help avoid poor circulation and lymph stagnation.

Is it possible for pregnant women to breathe over baking soda or do inhalations?

Soda solution for inhalation for colds and viral diseases is actively used in medical practice. Such procedures can eliminate cough, catarrhal symptoms, pain and sore throat. During pregnancy, this remedy is absolutely safe, since the principle of inhalation is that particles of the substance enter the inflamed mucous membranes of the respiratory tract without affecting other organs.

  • Inhalations with baking soda can be carried out in 2 ways - the method of our grandmothers using a saucepan or kettle with hot water, or using a special inhalation device (nebulizer).
  • To prepare the solution, take 1 tbsp. spoon of soda per 1 liter of water, you can add 2 drops of iodine.

Please note the general rules for the procedure:

  • Inhalation should not last more than 10 minutes 2 times a day.
  • The procedure should not be carried out immediately after eating or at elevated body temperature.
  • After inhalation, it is not recommended to eat, talk, or go outside for 1 hour.
  • If you are using a saucepan, lean over it and cover your head with a towel. The water temperature should not exceed 60ºС.
  • Insert a funnel made of paper into the spout of the kettle and lean as close as possible.
  • Carrying out the procedure using a nebulizer is much preferable, since spraying occurs in a “cold” way, which eliminates the risk of burns to the mucous membranes under the influence of hot steam.
  • After noticeable signs of improvement in the patient’s condition appear, inhalation should be stopped, since prolonged exposure to soda vapor can have a drying effect on the mucous membranes.

Inhalations with soda are recommended for pregnant women with colds

Possible negative consequences

As mentioned earlier, soda is an emergency method of combating heartburn if there are no other remedies nearby. However, pregnant women should use baking soda in small dosages to avoid negative consequences.

If you use a lot of soda, it can cause the following adverse effects:

  1. The acid-base balance will be disrupted. This can cause problems with the digestive tract.
  2. The functioning of the heart and blood vessels will be disrupted. This is very dangerous for pregnant women and the development of the child.
  3. There are difficulties with breathing.
  4. The occurrence of attacks of nausea and vomiting.

If a pregnant girl has problems with the intestines, stomach, blood vessels or kidneys, she should avoid using soda as a treatment for heartburn.

This is also strictly prohibited in case of recent operations or severe swelling in the morning.

Can pregnant women wash themselves with baking soda?

During the period of waiting for a child, the body's defenses necessary to preserve the fetus decrease. This reaction of the immune system often makes a woman more susceptible to infectious diseases and provokes exacerbation of chronic ones. One of the most common is vaginal candidiasis (thrush).

  • The ban on most medications leaves little choice in the treatment of this disease.
  • Washing with a soda solution neutralizes the acidic environment in the vagina, changing it to alkaline, which is an uncomfortable environment for fungal growth. In this case, there is a decrease in itching, burning and discharge, and relief of the general condition of the vaginal mucosa.
  • Prepare a solution by taking 1 liter of boiled water at a comfortable temperature, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of baking soda, 0.5 teaspoons of iodine.
  • Use this composition for genital hygiene 2-3 times a day.

Many women are interested in the question of how to make baths with baking soda for thrush during pregnancy? Such procedures also help relieve discomfort from vaginal candidiasis and allow you to avoid taking medications.

To carry out the procedure, dissolve 2 tbsp. spoons of soda in 2 liters of hot water, pour the solution into a bucket and sit on it for 5-10 minutes, covering your legs and lower back with a warm blanket. Be careful with the water temperature to avoid overheating.

Hygienic procedures with soda solution during pregnancy are recommended for the treatment and prevention of thrush

Can pregnant women douche with baking soda?

Douching is a medical procedure performed according to the indications and prescription of a doctor. In gynecological practice, this treatment method is used for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genital tract and genitourinary system.

There is no consensus on the advisability of this method of treatment during pregnancy. Arguments in favor of banning douching in pregnant women include the following concerns:

  • Pathogenic organisms enter the cervix along with the fluid that washes the infection out of the vagina, which entails the risk of intrauterine infection and premature termination of pregnancy.
  • Washing out the natural microflora of the vagina and reducing protective functions, which can lead to the development of other infections and inflammatory processes of the genital organs.

Be sure to discuss the need for douching with your doctor. If such procedures are recommended, follow all the rules:

  • Prepare a solution of baking soda in the proportion of 1 tbsp. spoon of powder per 1 liter of warm boiled water.
  • Instruments and nozzles for douching must be sterile.
  • The liquid must be administered under minimal pressure. The temperature of the solution should be approximately equal to body temperature.

The need and contraindications for douching with soda during pregnancy should be discussed with a gynecologist.

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