The most popular porridges: who are useful and who are harmful?

On water or milk? Whole grain or flake? Every day or once a week? For breakfast or dinner? Is buckwheat or rice better? Nutritionist, Doctor of Medical Sciences Mariyat Mukhina helps to sort out the “mess” of these questions that consumers regularly ask Roskachestvo and

Mariyat Mukhina

nutritionist, doctor of medical sciences

What's good about porridge? They energize, quickly saturate, cleanse the body, and strengthen the immune system.

Porridge can be called a dietary product if you do not add butter, sugar and sweet fruits to it.

Leave the chopped ones for the children. The less the grain is processed, the healthier it is. Crushed cereals are digested faster and carry only light carbohydrates, which quickly leads to a feeling of hunger and the acquisition of extra calories. For a child’s body, which grows and consumes a lot of energy, this is justified, but adults, whose metabolism is slow, are at risk of weight gain.

Milk porridge is healthier than boiled porridge in water. But only if the milk is well digested. Sometimes there are not enough enzymes to digest milk. This question is individual. Some people digest dairy products perfectly, but for others they cause digestive problems.

Why is it so healthy to eat porridge for breakfast?

Porridge is cooked from cereals, and cereals are grains of different types and different methods of preparation. All grains have one thing in common - they are rich in fiber, vitamins, especially group B, valuable plant protein, “slow” carbohydrates and at the same time quite low in calories. Of course, if they are not found in porridge with butter and sugar. Morning porridge keeps you feeling full for a long time, does not create additional stress on the digestive tract, supplies the body with nutrients, teaches you to follow a diet, forces you to wake up and not “bite” before having a snack before lunch. And at lunch, a good breakfast allows you to eat less - this is useful if you are losing weight and controlling portions.


A distinctive feature of buckwheat is its minimal calorie content while maintaining high nutritional properties. Buckwheat porridge has long been taken note of by fans of various diets, and for good reason. In addition to nutritional value, buckwheat has many beneficial properties.

  • Cereals contain a large amount of vegetable protein, which is an excellent complement or substitute for animal proteins;
  • Buckwheat is rich in iron and magnesium. It is often prescribed as an adjuvant for anemia, disorders of the heart or blood vessels;
  • Buckwheat porridge is an ideal food for patients with diabetes. This cereal has a minimal glycemic index. When consumed, it does not cause sudden spikes in sugar levels, helping to maintain normal natural insulin levels.

The most useful is the unusual buckwheat porridge, when the cereal is simply poured with water or kefir. Swollen grains retain the maximum amount of nutrients that are lost if the cereal is cooked.

Different cereals - different benefits

is a dietary cereal made from rolled oats.
It is rich in fiber and valuable protein. Oatmeal porridge is considered one of the most satisfying and high-calorie breakfasts. Oatmeal is just as healthy, but it cooks faster and is easier to digest. Buy unprocessed cereal without marks like “1 minute!” or “instant cooking” - “quick” oatmeal is devoid of most beneficial properties. We will tell you more about such cereals below. Semolina or semolina
is finely crushed (or coarsely ground) wheat.
It produces a tender, fluffy porridge that is easily digestible. Buckwheat
is rich in protein and has more calories than other cereals - more than 300 kcal per 100 g. But at the same time, buckwheat is very rich in magnesium, potassium and iron.
There are buckwheat made from whole grains and crushed buckwheat, grain with a broken structure. Pearl
barley is barley grain, freed from the shell.
Barley is rich in B vitamins, protein and minerals, especially selenium, a known antioxidant that strengthens blood vessels. A relative of pearl barley is barley
groats - crushed but not completely peeled barley grain.
Due to its high fiber content, this cereal stimulates digestion and is even used for weight loss. Rice
comes in different varieties: long-grain and short-grain.
For morning porridge, round white rice is best because it gives the dish a creamy texture. Rice is quite high in calories (boiled white rice has 116 kcal per 100 g), but contains vitamins B and E. Millet
cereal has nothing to do with wheat - it is millet, a separate type of cereal.
Millet is rich in protein and is very well digestible. Corn
grits (polenta) are finely crushed corn grains. It contains a lot of vitamins - groups B, A, E, PP, and microelements - iron and silicon.

Type of cerealCalorie content per 100 g of porridge (kcal)
Pearl barley135

Use for high stomach acidity

Increased acidity is a rather serious pathology; diet plays a major role. Patients with a similar diagnosis can include the following cereals in their diet.

  1. Buckwheat: contains magnesium, vitamin B12, nicotinic acid (PP), iron. The benefits increase if it is cooked in milk. Buckwheat is a unique grain that contains little fat and gives you energy for the whole day.
  2. Rice: helps eliminate toxic elements and has a beneficial effect on the digestive system. For gastritis, it is recommended to eat rice without oil, adding non-acidic fruits or berries.
  3. Corn grits: contains phosphorus, nicotinic acid, carotene, sodium, zinc and many other trace elements. Promotes the elimination of toxins, especially useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system.
  4. Barley: a unique porridge for inflammation of the stomach with high acidity, as it contains regenerative elements, fights long-term constipation. Recommended to be consumed with honey.

Wheat porridge, for example, helps eliminate the dermatological manifestations of the acute stage of the disease, it is hypoallergenic, and therefore is allowed for all patients with high acidity.

Semolina porridge: beneficial properties for gastritis

Semolina porridge for gastritis is indicated for patients with inflammatory processes of the stomach, due to its regenerative properties. Semolina is included in therapeutic diets for erosive and ulcerative forms of the disease, as it eliminates the stress factor, promotes healing of the mucous membrane, and relieves pain.

Semolina is prepared for inflammation of the stomach according to the following recipe:

  • 300 g of semolina per liter of water or milk;
  • bring the liquid to a boil, add semolina;
  • cook for 2-3 minutes, stirring constantly;
  • the finished semolina is infused for 20 minutes.

Ready-made semolina is eaten with fruit, adding butter and sugar, if the diet does not prohibit it. Semolina is ideal for patients with gastritis, it is easy to prepare, and can be used during exacerbations of the disease.

The only negative point is the risk of developing an allergic reaction, then semolina is excluded from the diet.

Porridges help with gastritis with high acidity, so you need to stock up on different types of cereals and prepare delicious and nutritious meals every day.

Are there any benefits to “quick cereals”?

Porridge sachets are made from so-called “flakes” - flattened and steamed grain, peeled from the shell and practically devoid of fiber. There are no vitamins left in this product. Almost always, manufacturers add sugar, milk powder, dyes, thickeners and flavorings to cereals that have become tasteless after processing - it can be difficult to even find real raisins in such porridges! Oatmeal from a bag is three times more caloric than that cooked from regular rolled oatmeal - 100 g of such breakfast contains about 350 not very healthy kilocalories.


It is the result of processing the oldest grain - millet. Millet porridge contains carbohydrates that take a long time to digest. Due to this, people who consume this product feel full for a long time. Along with quick saturation, millet is rich in elements necessary to maintain the proper functioning of the entire body.

  • A large amount of fiber intensively cleanses the intestines, relieving constipation and removing accumulated toxins from the body;
  • Microelements in millet stimulate blood circulation, preventing the formation of cholesterol plaques and the development of atherosclerosis.

Due to the high level of polysaccharides, millet porridge is not recommended for people with diabetes and pancreatic diseases.

How to avoid spoiling porridge with oil?

Nutritionists believe that grains and dairy products are best digested together, which is why porridges cooked with skim milk are the healthiest. This porridge loses at least 30 kcal per 100 g compared to regular porridge cooked with full-fat milk. Some manufacturers produce special, extra-fat milk “for porridge” with the addition of cream - it is, of course, best to avoid it. Just one teaspoon of melted butter adds 40-50 kcal to a serving of porridge and an additional risk of cardiovascular disease. And add 20 kcal to your serving with each teaspoon of sugar.


Rice cereal has been the staple food of Eastern peoples for many centuries. There are several varieties of rice. The healthiest one is brown, unrefined rice. Being a natural adsorbent, rice has the ability to attract and remove excess moisture, toxins, and waste from the body.

  • Unpolished brown rice contains a huge amount of plant protein, which gives strength. Vegetarians are happy to replace meat dishes with this porridge;
  • White refined rice is not as healthy as other varieties. However, its use also has a good effect on the functioning of the stomach, intestines, and pancreas.

When choosing rice for cooking, pay attention to the main feature: the more refined the grain is, the more quickly digestible carbohydrates it contains and, as a result, the porridge is more nutritious.

How to make porridge tastier without sugar?

Instead of excess sugar, you can add any chopped fruits, berries and a little honey to the porridge (just do not add it to very hot milk or porridge - the beneficial substances will be destroyed).
And in winter, you can add sugar-free jam, frozen berries, nuts and dried fruits, not forgetting that nuts are quite fatty, and dried fruits are high in calories. A couple of tablespoons of these additives per serving will be enough. Porridge is the best breakfast, which can be prepared from the most ordinary cereals at no extra cost. The ideal porridge is made with skim milk, has no sugar or excess fat, and contains fresh fruit, yogurt and nuts. Tags:

  • Breakfast
  • Diet
  • Corn
  • Kitchen
  • Weight loss
  • Cellulose

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  • OlgaLL I cook my porridge in a slow cooker very often, I set it on the timer in the evening, and it’s ready in the morning! Consolidation!
  • Flihf And here there is no mention of flaxseed porridge, which has recently appeared on the shelves of dietary departments of stores. I love. I even completely forgot about oatmeal, although I love it. And most importantly, it is very useful.
  • senezh dealogik, why immediately throw accusations of incompetence? checked, corrected, enjoy: barley is still the lowest calorie cereal :)))
  • idealogik It seems to me that the calorie content of barley products - barley and pearl barley - is indicated in boiled form... Because these cereals cannot differ in energy value from, say, oatmeal by 3 (!) times. Check and correct, because it is incompetent for such a resource.
  • max76 Every morning I have oatmeal for breakfast, I really like it, it’s tasty, healthy, nutritious, and helps in the fight against excess weight.
  • senezh nuclear, thank you very much, corrected
  • nuclear Actually, all dry cereals have a fairly similar calorie content, including pearl barley and millet. In the USDA National Nutrient Database, the calorie content of dry pearl barley (barley raw) is 352-354 kcal per hundred grams, millet raw - 378.. (in your table - Pearl barley 135, Millet 109, Barley 96). Maybe this is your data for cooked cereal?

Cooking features

Cereal dishes are recommended to be consumed heavily boiled. Once ready, cover them with a lid and leave on the stove for 15 minutes. Each grain has a certain cooking time, which depends on the method of processing and grinding of the grain. Typically, the manufacturer indicates on the packaging the recipe that is optimal for a specific variety and type of product.

Crumbly porridge is not suitable for patients with gastritis. The cereal is poured with enough water to make the dish liquid. This treatment will retain astringent properties, useful for the wounded mucosa.

Cereals can be cooked in milk if gastritis is not associated with low or zero stomach acidity. A person suffering from these forms of the disease is often diagnosed with intolerance to dairy products, which manifests itself in the form of intestinal disorders or dermatitis.

For gastritis with high acidity, cereals prepared with milk help neutralize excess hydrochloric acid, relieve heartburn, and eliminate belching.

The cereal is boiled in water. After swelling, milk is added to it. This cooking option preserves the beneficial properties of the products. Cereals cook better.

For stomach pain, cereals are cooked in water, without adding sugar or milk. They are pre-ground with a coffee grinder or blender. Porridge is eaten exclusively warm. Cold and overly hot dishes injure the gastric mucosa.

Rules for preparing porridge for gastritis:

  • insist before use;
  • for the hypoacid form of the disease, cereals are boiled in water;
  • sugar is added in moderation, no more than 1 tablespoon per 300 g of porridge;
  • achieve a liquid consistency;
  • well boiled.

Add butter or vegetable oil to the dish. The product is generally well tolerated during remission. The oil improves intestinal motility and promotes the regeneration of mucosal cells. During exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases, cereals are boiled in water, without adding sugar.


Unpretentious to grow, amazing in nutritional properties and benefits, cereals were mentioned in Russian folk tales. Over time, wheat replaced it from the diet. Now producers and consumers have again paid attention to the undeservedly forgotten storehouse of protein, vitamins, amino acids, and microelements - spelt.

  • Spelled is a low-calorie product. It contains a lot of carbohydrates, protein and very little fat. Spelled porridge is excellent for feeding people who regularly exercise;
  • Gluten gives the dish a viscous consistency and contains 18 essential amino acids;
  • Spelled stabilizes blood pressure, normalizes sugar levels, and strengthens the immune system. Finely ground spelled porridge is especially useful for young children and the elderly.

Spelled is also good because all the substances in it are balanced. They are completely absorbed by the body without causing allergic reactions. Spelled can be found on the shelves under other names: emmer, emmer, kammut, spelled. These are all different names for the same cereal.


Whether to include cereals in the diet or not, each person must decide for himself. If cereals are to your taste and do not cause negative reactions in the body, then there is no good reason to refuse them. The main thing is to give preference to whole grains that have not undergone pre-processing.

If a portion of any cereal leads to a deterioration in health, then there is no need to forcefully eat it. Grains contain nutrients, but people know many other foods that can replace them. After all, what is useful to one may harm another.

Author of the article:

Kuzmina Vera Valerievna |
Endocrinologist, nutritionist Education: Diploma of the Russian State Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov, specialty “General Medicine” (2004). Residency at the Moscow State Medical and Dental University, diploma in Endocrinology (2006). Our authors

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