Preparing for colonoscopy: fortrans, diet, features of the procedure

Colonoscopy is a diagnostic procedure of the colon performed using a colonoscope. This type of study helps to examine the entire colon for tumors and fistulas. Colonoscopy is prescribed for patients with chronic abdominal pain, blood in the stool, ulcerative colitis, diarrhea, and those suffering from unexplained weight loss. What should be the preparation for a colonoscopy with the drug Fortrans?

Two-stage preparation scheme

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the two-step preparation scheme for colonoscopy using the drug Fortrans. Preparation is preferable as it provides better quality of preparation and is easier to tolerate by the patient.

It is recommended when conducting the study at lunchtime after 11:00.

  1. 3 days before the test, follow a slag-free diet.
  2. 1 day before the test, before 15:00, take only liquids and do not eat solid food.

Stage 1 of taking Fortrans (1 day before the study):

  • 18:00-19:00 - take 1 liter of Fortrans (1 glass every 15 minutes).
  • 19:00-20:00 - take another 1 liter of the drug (1 glass every 15 minutes).

Stage 2 of taking Fortrans (on the day of the study):

If the examination is carried out without anesthesia (sedation), you can drink tea with honey or still water. If the test is carried out using painkillers, you must be on an empty stomach.

  • 5:30-6:30 - take 1 liter of Fortrans (1 glass every 15 minutes).
  • 6:30-7:30 - take 1 liter of Fortrans (1 glass every 15 minutes).

General characteristics

Fortrans is a French drug designed for quick and effective cleansing of the intestinal tract. Unlike an enema, this cleansing method allows you to eliminate harmful substances throughout the entire digestive tract, and not just in its lower sections. Fortrans does not cause pain or discomfort during use.

Most often, this drug is prescribed to patients before diagnostic procedures, such as colonoscopies, and surgical interventions that require the absence of any contents in the intestinal tract. This remedy can also be used at home, for example, when switching to a diet or before fasting. In this case, you should strictly adhere to the recommendations specified in the instructions. For complete cleansing you will need three to four sachets of Fotrans.

Important! As patient reviews show, a single dose of Fortrans is much more effective than several cleansing enemas.

The product is available in powder form, from which a medicinal solution is prepared using plain water. One sachet of potent laxative medicine contains the following active ingredients:

  • macrogol;
  • magnesium sulfate;
  • sodium bicarbonate;
  • sodium chloride;
  • potassium chloride

Macrogol is the main active ingredient. It has a pronounced laxative effect. Macrogol cleanses the upper and lower parts of the digestive tract. Fortrans has a wide spectrum of pharmacological action. The mechanism of the laxative effect is based on an increase in osmotic pressure, an increase in fecal volume, fluid retention, stimulation of mechanical receptors and improved peristalsis.

The active component is not absorbed into the systemic bloodstream, does not change the acidity of the intestinal tract and does not have a toxic effect on the body. Given a one-time use, the drug has virtually no effect on the balance of the natural intestinal microflora. However, this cleansing technique is not suitable for everyone.

The use of Fortrans is prohibited in the following cases:

  • ulcerative lesions of the intestinal mucosa;
  • abdominal pain of unknown cause;
  • children under fifteen years of age;
  • serious condition;
  • intolerance to active ingredients;
  • heart failure;
  • exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • intestinal obstruction, including partial.

Fortrans is able to cleanse the body of heavy metal salts, toxins and wastes

One-stage preparation scheme

It is recommended when conducting the study in the morning before 11:00.

  1. 3 and 2 days before the test, follow a slag-free diet.
  2. 1 day before the test, before 13:00, take only liquids and do not eat solid food.

From 16:00 to 20:00 - take 1 liter of Fortrans (for 4 hours, 1 glass every 15 minutes).

On the day of the examination, during the procedure without painkillers, you can drink tea with honey or still water. When performing the procedure under sedation (with pain medication), you must avoid eating and be on an empty stomach.

The indicated administration time can be changed, but it is important to remember that it is recommended to finish taking the last dose of Fortrans 3-4 hours before the start of the study.

Precautionary measures

Fortrans is suitable for one-time colon cleansing. To treat constipation, milder and more gentle remedies are used. You should not use Fortrans for the purpose of losing weight. Yes, you will lose extra pounds for a while, but only liquid will go away. This method of losing weight is fraught with dehydration, weakened immunity and dysbacteriosis. Fortrans is not intended for regular use.

The drug is usually well tolerated by patients, but in rare cases discomfort and pain in the anus occur. This is mostly due to frequent bowel movements. To avoid discomfort, experts recommend not wiping the anus with toilet paper after stool, but rather washing it. And also the anorectal area can be lubricated with Vaseline oil.

Fortrans should be used exclusively for medical reasons.

And also Fortrans can cause diarrhea, pain and abdominal cramps. In this case, it is better to use other methods of cleansing the body. It is also worth understanding that the drug helps to wash out not only toxins, but also beneficial bacteria. Therefore, the next day after treatment you need to start taking prebiotics.

Constipation medications

Uncontrolled use of Fortrans can lead to other complications:

  • intestinal atony - the inability to empty oneself without the use of laxatives;
  • impaired absorption of vitamins, minerals, salts. This manifests itself in the form of bleeding gums, brittle nails, hair loss;
  • bloating and flatulence from any foods;
  • diarrhea;
  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • inability to digest rough food. This causes the development of anal fissures and hemorrhoids.

Fortrans reduces the absorption of any other medications. If there is intolerance to the active components, allergic reactions may develop in the form of skin rash, urticaria, and swelling. In rare cases, anaphylactic shock may occur. Unpleasant symptoms do not require symptomatic therapy.

They go away on their own after stopping treatment. In case of overdose, diarrhea occurs. In this case, symptomatic treatment is mandatory. Elderly people with serious chronic diseases can use Fortrans only under the supervision of specialists. There are no data regarding the active substance on the fetus.

The active component does not penetrate the circulatory system, so treatment is not prohibited during lactation. After using Fortrans, a gentle, lean diet with low fiber content is indicated. Carbonated drinks are strictly prohibited, as they can damage the delicate lining of the intestinal tract.

Slag-free diet

YOU CAN take refined foods and easily digestible foods:

  • Boiled meat (low-fat varieties), fish, chicken
  • Bouillon
  • Low-fat fermented milk products without fruit additives
  • Boiled eggs
  • Omelette
  • Honey
  • Jelly
  • Not strong tea or coffee, clear juices without pulp
  • Not sparkling water

DO NOT eat foods rich in fiber and poorly digestible foods:

  • Grain products, cereals
  • Fruits, vegetables, berries, greens
  • Cereals, legumes, nuts
  • Fatty meats, fish, poultry, mushrooms
  • Cream soups, smoked meats, canned food, sausages
  • Full fat dairy products
  • Bread, sweets
  • Alcohol and carbonated drinks


Fortrans belongs to the group of drugs with an osmotic laxative effect and is used for complete and deep cleansing. The product ensures complete elimination of contents from the upper and lower sections of the large intestine. The product is available in powder form for preparing a solution. With the help of Fortrans, you can cleanse the intestinal tract before a diagnostic procedure or operation.

The active component is macrogol, a substance that improves peristalsis, softens feces and improves their excretion. Fortrans is suitable for single use. Its uncontrolled use is addictive. The drug should not be used by children under fifteen years of age, pregnant women, or patients with exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Recommendations for taking Fortrans

  1. The solution is prepared at the rate of 1 sachet of Fortrans per 1 liter of water. For quality preparation, it is recommended to take 4 liters of solution. Do not reduce the amount of liquid!
  2. To improve the taste, you can add citrus juice without pulp to the solution and drink it chilled.
  3. Drink the solution gradually over an hour - 1 glass every 15 minutes in separate sips.
  4. Approximately 1 hour after starting to take the Fortrans solution, painless, loose stools will appear.
  5. Bowel movement will end with the release of clear or slightly colored liquid 2-3 hours after taking the last dose of Fortrans.
  6. During the reception, it is recommended to walk, perform circular movements of the body and light massage of the anterior abdominal wall.
  7. The drug must be taken 3-4 hours before the start of the study.
  8. If you are prone to constipation, it is recommended to start taking laxatives (for example, Forlax) at least 1 week before the test.

Preparation instructions

How is a colonoscopy performed, and why should you prepare for it?

Fortrans for colon cleansing

Preparation for colonoscopy plays an important role; Fortrans and other drugs will help cleanse the intestines completely. The better the preparation, the more accurate the research results will be. This procedure is usually performed by an endoscopist, without anesthesia. If the patient is admitted with pain in the anus or abdomen, local anesthesia is possible. General anesthesia is used only in the most extreme cases.

To minimize discomfort during the procedure, you must listen carefully to the doctor and follow all his instructions. You need to lie on your side, pulling your knees to your chest. The doctor may ask you to turn on your back or stomach. The sensations during colonoscopy are quite unpleasant, reminiscent of an intestine full of gases, and the urge to defecate is possible. Therefore, it is extremely important to cleanse the intestines before the procedure.

Pain may intensify when the device overcomes the bends of the intestine. If necessary, the doctor can do a biopsy - take tissue for testing using special forceps. This will prolong the procedure by a couple of minutes. The likelihood of complications is low. The most dangerous of them is intestinal perforation. After the colonoscopy is completed, it is advisable to remain lying on your stomach for a while.

There is no rule that you cannot eat for a while after the procedure. However, it is not advisable to eat too much right away. Food should be light.


Fortrans has many advantages, but it is quite expensive (500 rubles per pack), so many patients are interested in the availability of analogues of this drug. Moreover, it has an unpleasant taste and should not be used by children.

Macrogol is contained in such drugs as:

  • Osmogol.
  • Lavacol. This is a domestic drug. The package contains 15 sachets. The cost of the medicine is 180-230 rubles. According to reviews, Lavacol tastes much better than Fortrans. However, doctors indicate that Fortrans cleanses the intestines better than Lavacol.
  • Forlax. For 20 bags of 10 g you will need to pay 310-340 rubles. Forlax, as well as Fortrans, are produced in France.
  • Transipeg.
  • Forteza Rompharm.
  • Relaxan.
  • Endofalk contains macrogol 3350. This drug works in the same way as Fortrans. Its cost is 480 rubles.
  • Fleet Phospho-Soda. This drug is based on a substance called sodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate. However, the drug works the same way as Fortrans. The taste of Fleet Phospho-Soda is not very pleasant, but this does not affect the effectiveness of the drug. Its cost is 560 rubles.

These drugs have the same indications and contraindications.

If a person has an individual intolerance to macrogol, then you can use drugs such as:

  • Duphalac. Available in the form of syrup (15 ml) the package contains 10 sachets. The drug is produced in Germany and costs 310-335 rubles.
  • Bioflorax.
  • Lactuvit.

Analogues also include Goodluck medicines in syrup, magnesium sulfate powder (a 25 g bag costs 40-60 rubles), Normaze syrup, Transulose gel, suppositories and Bisacodyl tablets. All these drugs can be used in childhood as an alternative to enemas.

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