Colonoscopy of the intestine under anesthesia

FCS of the intestines, what is it and how is this procedure done? This question is asked by many people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. FCS or fibrocolonoscopy is an endoscopic method for diagnosing various diseases of the stomach and large intestine. Using this examination, you can take a picture of all parts of the large intestine, take material for a biopsy, and also remove, if necessary, various pathological neoplasms. Fibercolonoscopy is a fairly safe method for diagnosing various diseases from the rectum to the cecum.

Why is a colonoscopy needed?

Such minimally invasive examinations are necessary in the following cases:

  1. Conducting an examination of the colon in the presence of pathologies, cancer and inflammation.
  2. For screening purposes, when there are no obvious symptoms of the disease. Most often, examination for this reason is prescribed to people over 40 years of age.
  3. As a treatment method. The study makes it possible to remove the formed polyps and perform minimally invasive surgery.
  4. For screening oncological pathologies and confirming the presence of remission of certain inflammatory bowel diseases.

The study allows you to refute or confirm a preliminary diagnosis, which makes it possible to prescribe the necessary therapy in a timely manner.


  • Hoarseness of voice.
  • Hemoptysis or bleeding from the throat.
  • Swallowing disorder.
  • Chronic cough of unknown etiology.
  • Breathing problems.
  • Swallowing disorder.
  • Suspicion of a foreign body.
  • Monitoring the treatment or course of an already established disease.

In general, the following pathologies are diagnosed using laryngoscopy:

  • Abscesses of the larynx.
  • Inflammatory diseases.
  • Foreign body.
  • Benign and malignant neoplasms.
  • Stenoses and strictures.
  • Traumatic injuries.
  • Bleeding.

Fibrolaryngoscopy is not performed for the following pathologies:

  • Traumatic injuries of the cervical spine.
  • Decompensated cardiovascular pathology.
  • Severe laryngeal stenosis.
  • Uncontrolled epilepsy.
  • Acute epiglotitis.

Indications and contraindications for colonoscopy

This manipulation is prescribed to people who have clinical signs indicating intestinal damage or complaints. Among these signs, several should be highlighted:

  1. Formation of traces of pus and blood in the stool.
  2. The patient suffers from chronic diarrhea.
  3. There is pain in the colon and constant bloating.
  4. The etiology of anemia was established.
  5. Polyps of the upper gastrointestinal tract were identified, which requires a complete examination of the colon.
  6. The presence of tumor formations that were identified by diagnostic methods such as MRI and CT. In this case, the study allows for a biopsy.
  7. There is an increase in hemorrhoids or the presence of anal fissures, in which such study is an additional method of examination.

However, manipulation is prohibited if there are gastric bleeding, bleeding disorders, large anal fissures and heart failure. Also, diagnosis is unacceptable during pregnancy.

Diseases diagnosed using colonoscopy

The technique allows you to diagnose pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • colitis of different etiology (origin);
  • polyps and pseudopolyps;
  • diverticulosis;
  • benign tumors;
  • oncological diseases.

Examination using a minimally invasive method allows you to obtain the most informative results. And this, in turn, is the key to a correct diagnosis and the prescription of correct and effective treatment.

Consultation with a proctologist

The Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences employs doctors who not only see patients, but also engage in scientific activities. The clinic’s specialists are always up to date with the latest advances in the relevant fields of medicine.

Advantages of visiting a proctologist at the Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences:

  • delicate, ethical, attentive attitude of the doctor to the patient;
  • clear and precise advice;
  • effective diagnostics;
  • optimal treatment plan using modern methods.

An appointment with a proctologist is required to receive a referral for a colonoscopy. After the study, the doctor examines the data obtained, makes an accurate diagnosis and develops a treatment plan.

How is a colonoscopy performed?

In most cases, patients tolerate this examination satisfactorily. In certain cases, unpleasant sensations may occur. To ensure comfort and maximum care, the procedure is often performed under sedation. The manipulation itself can last from 30 minutes to one to two hours. The manipulation involves taking a lying position on your left side. As the probe passes through the intestines, a feeling of fullness and pressure in the abdomen may occur. The specialist conducts a mandatory inspection, both directly when inserting the endoscope and when removing it.

Poor preparation (we will talk about it later) or structural features of the large intestine can prevent a complete overview of all parts of the intestine. In such cases, doctors additionally prescribe non-invasive examination methods, such as computed tomography and x-rays. If there are symptoms of the development of diseases of the intestinal mucosa, the procedure is additionally accompanied by a biopsy (doctors take a tissue sample for additional analysis), which allows confirming or canceling the preliminary diagnosis. Thanks to the results obtained, the most effective treatment can be prescribed.

After such manipulation is completed, the specialist announces the results to the patient and issues a written conclusion. If a biopsy was also performed, a final diagnosis can only be made after receiving the results of histological tests. If the study was performed under intravenous anesthesia, observation of up to 24 hours is required. If there are no complications, the patient can safely go home. A return to normal eating is possible on the same day.

Advantages of fibrolaryngoscopy

An endoscopic examination of the larynx allows a detailed examination of all its parts, including blind spots that are inaccessible during examination through indirect laryngoscopy or rigid laryngoscopy.

During the study, high-quality photo and video recording is carried out. This allows, if necessary, to revise the materials again if there is doubt about the diagnosis, as well as track the dynamics of the process or the effectiveness of the treatment.

Book a consultation 24 hours a day

How to prepare for a colonoscopy?

The quality of the results obtained after the examination depends largely on the correctness of the preliminary preparation . From one to three days before the day when the colonoscopy will be performed, it is necessary to follow a diet. This style of eating involves the exclusion of foods such as carbonated water, vegetables and fruits, and foods of plant origin. If a person suffers from constipation, it is necessary to take additional laxatives and adhere to a diet for about three days. One day before the procedure, you are allowed to eat only liquid food and drink plenty of fluids.

To ensure maximum visibility and eliminate the need for a repeat procedure, the examination should be performed in a “clean” bowel. This effect cannot be achieved with diet alone. Additionally, it is necessary to use special drugs with a laxative effect.


To cleanse the intestines, you can use drugs such as Fortrans,
. For proper preparation, please read the instructions for use.

While taking medications, you can only eat liquid food!

Preparation for colonoscopy with Moviprep

Preparation for colonoscopy (FCS) with Moviprep is indicated for adults and the elderly. In preparation for colonoscopy, use 2 liters of diluted Moviprep. Additionally, it is recommended to drink 1 liter of clear liquid: water, fruit juice without pulp, soft drinks, tea, coffee without milk, clear soup.

To prepare 1 liter of solution, you need to dissolve the contents of 1 sachet A and 1 sachet B with a small amount of water and add water to 1 liter.
The entire prepared solution should be drunk within 1-2 hours. The drug "Moviprep" is taken only after complete dissolution in water!

Scheme of preparation for colonoscopy with the drug "Moviprep"

1st option:

The course is divided into 2 parts. Take the first liter of the diluted drug in the evening, and the second in the morning on the day of the clinical procedure (at least 1 hour before, like any other clear liquid).

2nd option:

Drink 2 liters of Moviprep the evening before the clinical procedure.

Preparation for colonoscopy with Fortrans

On the day of the start of the cleansing course with Fortrans, the last meal should be no later than 13:00.

Dosage of the drug "Fortrans" depending on the patient’s weight:

  • up to 80 kg - 4 packages;
  • 80 - 100 kg - 5 packages;
  • 100 - 125 kg - 6 packages;
  • 125 - 150 kg - 7 packages.

Each packet of Fortrans is diluted with 1 liter of clean water. If the taste is unpleasant, you can add lemon juice without pulp or use a solution of 500 ml water + 500 ml clarified apple juice.

The drug solution should be taken from 14:00 to 22:00 at a rate of 1 liter per 1-1.5 hours with a break of 30 minutes.

Recommended (optional): In parallel with Fortrans, when preparing for a colonoscopy, you can take the drug Espumisan (2 capsules before each liter of solution).

Please note that the examination is carried out on an empty stomach (you can drink at least 1 hour before the colonoscopy), so patients with diabetes are recommended to undergo the procedure early in the morning. Insulin-dependent patients should definitely consult a doctor before a colonoscopy!

If a colonoscopy is performed under anesthesia

On the day of the procedure, the patient comes to the clinic on an empty stomach. You should not drink liquids before the procedure.

If a colonoscopy is performed without anesthesia

On the day of the procedure, the patient comes to the clinic on an empty stomach. You can drink some water or sweet tea.

In technical terms, colonoscopy (FCS, video colonoscopy) is a rather complex procedure, so it is extremely important that the patient follows the rules for preparing for FCS and strictly follows the doctor’s instructions during the process. Unfortunately, you will have to endure the urge to defecate and moderate pain, which changes in intensity during the insertion of the endoscope. You should be patient and understand: the doctor will do everything possible to ensure that the colonoscopy takes place without traumatic sensations and with maximum benefit for further treatment.

The colonoscopy method is one of the most objective in detecting tumors. Using an endoscope, you can stop intestinal bleeding, remove polyps, remove foreign bodies and prevent large-scale operations.

Recovery after colonoscopy

The procedure is considered a low-traumatic diagnostic method. Due to this, disruptions to the gastrointestinal tract are extremely rare. Often there is no need for recovery after the procedure. Normalization of work is observed within one to three days. However, some unpleasant consequences may occur, in most cases due to improper preliminary preparation. Studying the gastrointestinal tract can provoke the following dysfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract:

  1. The appearance of flatulence, constipation, diarrhea.
  2. Stomach ache.
  3. The appearance of nausea and weakness.
  4. There may be an increase in body temperature.

The above symptoms are possible due to irritation of the intestinal walls under the influence of the probe. In addition, due to the expansion of the intestinal lumen, the introduction of gases is inevitable. In the vast majority of cases, these ailments go away on their own within a couple of days.

It is possible to restore intestinal functions more quickly after the manipulation has been performed by following a certain diet. It is recommended to consume the following products in the first days after the procedure:

  • Lean fish and meat (boiled).
  • Steamed omelettes and boiled eggs.
  • Vegetable broths.

The introduction of solid foods should be gradual, and they are allowed no earlier than every other day.

Colonoscopy results

An endoscopic examination allows you to assess the condition of the colon mucosa and identify a number of pathologies, if any. During the examination, the specialist has the opportunity to examine the walls in detail from the inside, determine their color and, if necessary, take tissue samples for histological examination. In a normal state of the intestine, the mucous membrane is smooth and has a pale pink color. There is also a moderate vascular pattern, and the mucus is clear and present in small quantities. The presence of a different picture on the monitor may indicate any pathological changes that require additional treatment.

If polyps and small benign tumors are identified during endoscopic examination, the doctor can perform surgical removal of these formations immediately at the time of diagnostic endoscopy. There are various non-traumatic and minimally invasive methods for removing such formations. According to modern standards for diagnostic colonoscopy, removal of small formations must be carried out without first taking them for biopsy, and if there are certain indications and the possibility of complete removal using an endoscope, diagnosis is combined with surgical endoscopic removal, which may require additional time for the procedure. This highlights the need for good visualization and ideal preparation with specific bowel wall cleansing agents.

What should a patient do after FCS?

After the fibrocolonoscopy procedure, a person can drink and eat as usual. If you feel increased gas formation in the intestines, and you cannot get rid of the remaining air in a natural way, then you can drink about 8 - 10 tablets of regular activated carbon dissolved in? glass of water. Immediately after the procedure, it is recommended to simply lie quietly on your stomach for 2-3 hours.

Fibercolonoscopy is a fairly painless and safe procedure that takes place without complications.

. But sometimes minor bleeding may occur after taking material for a biopsy or after removing polyps.

The colonoscope can also accidentally rupture or create a hole in the intestine. Such cases occur very rarely. In addition, the patient may experience adverse reactions to the use of sedatives.

The doctor informs the patient of the results of the examination immediately after the procedure. If a biopsy was performed, the results will be known only after two weeks.

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