Is it possible to take Dimexide with Analgin and Novocaine at the same time?

From this article you will learn:

  • How effective is novocaine?
  • which is better - novocaine or lidocaine,
  • Is it possible to dilute ceftriaxone with novocaine (or cefazolin).

The article was written by a dental surgeon with more than 19 years of experience.

Novocaine (procaine) is a local anesthetic with moderate analgesic activity that was widely used in the past for anesthesia in dentistry and general surgery. Currently, novocaine is available in the form of a 0.5 or 2% solution, in ampoules of 5 ml. In terms of the effectiveness of pain relief, it is much weaker than other anesthetics (for example, it is weaker than lidocaine - 2.5 times, and an anesthetic such as ultracaine - at least 4-5 times).

This anesthetic was previously widely used in the USSR for local anesthesia. In dentistry, it was used to remove teeth and open purulent abscesses, and in general surgery - to perform any operations under local anesthesia. Novocaine is currently not used in dentistry (it has been replaced by anesthetics based on articaine). In general surgery, novocaine is currently replaced by lidocaine - due to the greater safety and effectiveness of the latter.

Anesthetic Novocaine (in modern plastic ampoules) –

How they affect the body

Dimethyl sulfoxide is used externally and is characterized by a high level of penetration through the skin and mucous surfaces.

Pharmacological properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • local anesthetic;
  • antimicrobial;
  • thrombolytic.

The medication enhances blood microcirculation, improves trophism and gas exchange in tissues, and blocks pain sensitivity at the site of application. It partially inhibits the adhesion of red blood cells and the appearance of infiltration in tissues, and helps normalize fibrin formation. Suppresses the vascular effects of inflammatory neurotransmitters:

  • constricts blood vessels:
  • reduces their permeability;
  • increases tone.

It also stimulates phagocytic activity, increases the susceptibility of bacterial cells to the action of antibiotics and the effectiveness of externally used drugs. The product has minimal toxicity and does not accumulate in tissues. Penetrates into the bloodstream a few minutes after application to the skin and remains in the plasma for up to 3 days.

Analgin belongs to non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs group). It has a pronounced analgesic and antipyretic effect, and exhibits antispasmodic properties. The anti-inflammatory effect is weakly expressed.

Novocaine is a local anesthetic. Accumulating in the membranes of nerve fibers, it temporarily disrupts the conduction of pain impulses.

The combined use of these drugs allows:

  1. Reduce inflammation and severity of allergic reactions.
  2. Eliminate inflammatory symptoms (pain, swelling, redness, local increase in temperature).
  3. Accelerate tissue regeneration.
  4. Improve motor activity at the site of the lesion.
  5. Reduce treatment time.

Important Cautions

Why is it important to accurately determine the proportions of “Novocaine” and “Demixide” during the preparation of the compress, because even without calculating them a little, you can get a skin burn. It is necessary to protect areas of the body, especially the mucous membranes, from contact with the undiluted concentrate of the last resort. This can cause severe skin damage.

It is recommended to test for individual intolerance to Dimexide. To test for an allergic reaction, you need to apply the product to a swab and lubricate a small area of ​​the epidermis with it. For this purpose, an aqueous solution with a 30% concentration is used. If redness or itching appears on the skin within a few minutes, then making compresses with this drug is not advisable. Increased sensitivity to it deprives the patient of this opportunity, so another medicine should be selected.

The medication should be kept out of the reach of children. If a child tries the medicine out of curiosity, it will lead to serious complications. It was noted that even when a few drops of the solution entered the human body, poisoning occurred, nausea and vomiting began.

It is important to remember that a toxic drug cannot be used in its pure form, even if it is prescribed in combination with other drugs. For example, the composition may be as follows: “Dimexide” + water + “Novocain”. Compresses, in fact, are prepared from diluted medicine. If Novocaine is excluded from this scheme, then the remaining two components are diluted in a 1:1 ratio. You need to take only distilled water or boil it twice.

Indications for use

Dimexide with Novocaine and Analgin is used in the treatment of:

  • diseases of the spine (ankylosing spondylitis, osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, radiculitis);
  • joint pathologies, such as rheumatoid arthritis, polyarthritis, arthrosis, deforming osteoarthritis, arthropathy, gout, bursitis, synovitis, etc.;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • traumatic injuries (bruises, dislocations, back injuries, muscle or ligament sprains);
  • neuralgia;
  • myositis, myalgia;
  • erythema nodosum;
  • lupus erythematosus;
  • burns;
  • streptoderma, furunculosis, abscesses, acne.

The mixture is used for acute and chronic pain in the form of compresses or lotions.

Which compress is best for local anesthesia?

For local anesthesia, a compress with novocaine is most suitable.

The drug, when applied in combination with dimexide, quickly acts on nerve impulses in damaged muscles and joints, localizing pain.

It has a low degree of toxicity and does not cause destructive or irritating changes in body tissues. Additionally, novocaine has antihistamine, antitoxic and antiarrhythmic effects.

To relieve inflammatory processes and quickly suppress unpleasant symptoms, it is better to use a compress with the addition of hydrocortisone.

How to dilute Dimexide, Analgin and Novocain for compresses

Dimexide is used in the form of an aqueous solution, the saturation of which depends on the indications and individual sensitivity. For joint and muscle pain, 25-50% DMSO solutions are used. For scleroderma and eczematous lesions, their concentration can increase to 70-90%; for treating the skin of the face and other sensitive areas, it should not exceed 30%.

How to get the right solution:

Concentration, %Number of parts of DimexideNumber of parts of water

The concentrate is diluted with water (boiled, distilled, injection) or saline solution.

Analgesic for compress is purchased in ampoules. There is no need to dilute it. The concentration of Novocaine is determined by the intensity of pain; it can be 0.5-2%.

Possible proportions

The ratio of drugs may vary. Common options:

Novocain, mlAnalgin solution 50% in ampoules 2 ml, pcs.Diclofenac required concentration, ml
10130-45 (2-3 tbsp.)

Your doctor will tell you what proportions are best to use.

Modern analogues of novocaine in dentistry -

Lidocaine replaced novocaine around the 90s. Lidocaine is 2.5 times stronger than novocaine in terms of depth of anesthesia and duration of effect, and it does not lose effectiveness when administered in the area of ​​inflammation (for example, with purulent abscesses). Lidocaine also has a much lower incidence of side effects. But as we said above, in dentistry lidocaine is now used only in provincial medical institutions, because In terms of depth and duration of anesthesia, lidocaine is 2-3 times inferior to articaine preparations (for example, ultracaine).

Lidocaine 2% solution in ampoules of 2 ml –

And although lidocaine is now practically not used in dentistry, in general surgery it is still one of the most widely used local anesthetics ( The most popular anesthetics in dentistry today are drugs based on articaine (for example, ultracaine, ubistezin, septanest and others). For dentists, these drugs are no longer produced in glass or plastic ampoules, but in special glass carpules.

Carpule syringe and anesthetic carpules –

Each capsule contains 1.7 ml of anesthetic and is ready for use (i.e. it does not need to be opened). It is completely inserted into a special carpule syringe, into which a special double-sided needle is then screwed in from the side of the syringe nose. When you press the syringe plunger, the latter presses on the movable rubber tab located in the lower part of the carpule, which causes an increase in pressure inside the carpule and leads to the release of the anesthetic solution through the needle into the tissue.

How is anesthesia performed in dentistry?

For more information about modern anesthesia in dentistry, read the article: → Pain relief in dentistry

special instructions

Before starting to use Dimexide, a hypersensitivity test should be performed.

The compress should be at room temperature.

Warming and using an occlusive dressing increases the risk of a chemical burn.

The duration and frequency of the procedure are determined by the doctor.

Pregnancy and lactation

The composition should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


The product is not suitable for treating children. Age limit – 12 years.

Elderly age

There are no special instructions.

Recommendations for using compresses

The use of compresses with dimexide and novocaine to obtain a positive therapeutic effect requires compliance with several rules:

  • When mixing ingredients, use protective gloves to avoid skin irritation.
  • Use distilled or boiled, warm (not higher than 40 0C) water.
  • Use a freshly prepared solution - this way the medications will have maximum effect.
  • Use only white fabric as a bandage. Colored fabric dye may cause a severe allergic reaction.
  • Do not rub the compress solution into the skin to avoid chemical burns.
  • Avoid contact of the solution with mucous membranes and facial skin (external use is allowed).
  • Do not independently extend the course of treatment and the time of application of the compress.


Natalya 54 years old, Tyumen I use this method for periodic inflammation of the knee joint. Pain and swelling go away fairly quickly. I apply a compress once a day. After a few days I can walk normally again.

Nikolay, 30 years old, Moscow Dimexide did not suit me. I diluted it with water 1:3, as a result it burned the skin. I had to treat not only a sports injury, but also a burn.

Sofia, 36 years old, Kerch During repairs, she strained her lower back. The pain was unbearable, ointments and painkilling injections helped little. Mom advised me to make a compress based on Dimexide and Analgin with the addition of 5% Novocaine. A powerful tool, although it costs a penny.

How long to keep the compress, depending on the place of heating

The time for warming up the affected joints or muscles with a compress of dimexide is determined by the attending physician, depending on the severity of the disease. On average, the period of exposure to the solution is 20-45 minutes. For arthrosis of the knee, hip joint, or joint pain, apply a compress for half an hour.

To warm up stretched muscles and relieve swelling, apply a bandage for 1 hour or until the bandage is completely dry. For neuralgic pain in the lower back, use a compress with the addition of diclofenac.

This solution is kept for 1 hour. After the procedure, it is not recommended to contact the affected area with water for 6 hours to achieve the required therapeutic effect. When treating the cervical spine, it is not recommended to use heating. In this case, lotions are made.

Side effects and overdose

The treatment is well tolerated if you adhere to the recommended doses and apply according to the instructions. In some cases, adverse reactions occur, such as:

  • rash;
  • itching;
  • peeling and dry skin;
  • redness at the site of application;
  • nausea;
  • gagging;
  • headache;
  • indigestion;
  • dizziness;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • bronchospasm;
  • weakness;
  • visual and auditory impairments;
  • trembling of limbs;
  • increase or decrease in blood pressure;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • vasodilation;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • decrease in body temperature.

Swelling and soreness may appear at the application site. In case of overdose, angioedema, urticaria, and increased adverse reactions occur. At the first symptoms, treatment is stopped.

Treatment with Novocaine can cause sleep disturbances and bronchospasm.

Sharing solutions

"Demixide", diluted with water, is used to treat stretch marks, bruises of soft tissues, joints, and burns. It helps well with trophic ulcers, fungal skin diseases, and furunculosis. With the help of applications, radiculitis at the time of exacerbation and other problems of the musculoskeletal system are treated.

The solution has also shown its effectiveness against fungal infections of the feet and nails. However, not in all cases such procedures bring the expected result. Therefore, experts often decide to increase the effect of such a drug through Novocaine. Let's find out under what conditions the combination of the described medications is prescribed.

How to apply applications correctly when treating various conditions

We prepare “Novocain” and “Dimexide” in the above proportions. A compress can be applied to a joint that is severely inflamed for one hour. The first medication is usually used in a volume of 50 ml, and the second (the most toxic) - 30. It is best to mix liquid medications in a small container. Then soak a piece of gauze in it, fold it in several layers and use tweezers to transfer it to the painful area. Wrap the top in cellophane or special paper and wrap it with a warm cloth.

When treating a syndrome that was caused by the muscles of the spine, it is necessary that the patient is in a relaxed state. To enhance the effect of the medicine, a napkin soaked in the solution should be covered with compress paper and wrapped in a woolen scarf.

If pain, itching or burning occurs, the application should be removed immediately. When adding a solution to face mask formulations, you can use the product with the weakest concentration.

Properties of Dimexide

Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is primarily a chemical drug; its formula can be represented as (CH3)2SO.

This is an ordinary, rather viscous and colorless liquid. It is used as a solvent in industry and is actively used in biology and medicine.

Among the applications in medicine, the main properties can be identified:

  • Activates microcirculation processes in tissues
  • Promotes expansion of the capillary network, due to which the number of productive vessels increases
  • Prevents the development of necrosis and edematous processes in skin tissues, promotes maximum engraftment of skin flaps
  • Shows a vasodilator effect, affects peripheral vessels as a resistance-reducing agent
  • Improves the conductivity of concomitant medications through intact tissues
  • Local and systemic anti-inflammatory effect
  • Slows down collagen synthesis
  • Is a long-acting anesthetic
  • Potentiates the effect of antibiotic drugs
  • It is an anticoagulant, reduces plasma volume, increases blood clotting time
  • Suppressive effect on platelet aggregation
  • Has a sedative effect
  • Has diuretic properties
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