Dubazhi at home. Liver tubing (liver cleansing) - how to do it correctly and effectively

Dubage (tubage, cleansing) of the liver is a very popular procedure recently. Scammers are trying to make money on this by offering miracle remedies for removing toxins and waste from the body.

However, liver cleansing can be done correctly yourself at home.

Cleansing the liver with home remedies allows you to remove harmful substances, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, remove sand and stones from the gallbladder, etc. Dubazh is classified as an alternative medicine procedure, and a home procedure is significantly different from a medical procedure.

What is tubage?

The most acceptable and effective way to cleanse the liver at home is tubage, essentially blind probing. This event gently facilitates the outflow of bile, while simultaneously making it less viscous and thick. Consequently, the ducts are freed from accumulations of low-density lipoproteins and the load on the gland is reduced, significantly accelerating its recovery.

Probeless cleansing was first carried out by Demyanov G.S. at the end of the 40s of the XX century. Nowadays, the technology has been modified, but the principles remain the same.

It must be remembered that this procedure can be purely auxiliary in case of pathology of the hepatobiliary system, and not replace the main treatment.

Liver tissue does not contain sensitive nerve endings, which is why its diseases can be disguised as damage to other systems or not manifest themselves at all. Therefore, it is important to carry out preventive and cleansing measures by regularly visiting a doctor.

Tubage is performed with or without a probe for duodenal examination. We are interested in the latter, since its technique is so simple that the procedure can be carried out independently.

Dubazhi at home. Liver tubing (liver cleansing) - how to do it correctly and effectively

The liver needs to be unloaded from time to time, its ducts cleaned so that it works normally, so that the bile does not stagnate. One of the techniques that is used for these purposes is tubing of the liver, bile ducts and gallbladder.

What it is?

This special technique, which is based on taking drugs with a choleretic effect, allows you to remove bile clots from the ducts, thereby cleansing them. If everything is done correctly, the benefits of such a procedure are very high. Liver tubing:

improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;

reduces the risk of stones forming in the gallbladder;

has a beneficial effect on overall well-being, because the liver works well and cleanses the blood better.


The purpose of the manipulation is to prevent the formation of stones or even remove only the smallest ones. After all, cholestasis (stagnation of bile) in itself creates a favorable situation for the activity of pathogenic microorganisms and the deposition of substances that lead to the formation of such stones:

  • Cholesterol (for obesity, poor diet, metabolic diseases, sedentary lifestyle)
  • Pigmented (usually due to chronic infections, bacterial or parasitic infestation)
  • Calcareous (less common)
  • Bilirubin
  • Mixed (with combined pathology)

Among other things, such liver cleansing can be additionally carried out in the following pathological conditions:

  • JVP (biliary dyskinesia of hypertonic and hypotonic type)
  • Cholecystitis (calculous, chronic)
  • Hepatitis (outside exacerbations)
  • Excess body weight (obesity)
  • Constipation, inflammatory diseases of the duodenum
  • Dermatological diseases

After the procedure, the general condition will improve, symptoms (spastic pain, discomfort, constipation) will be relieved.


What kind of breakfast should you eat during such procedures?

  1. To make the drink, add a spoonful of honey to a glass of warm water.
  2. Warm grape or apple juice is also recommended.
  3. You can make eggnog. To prepare it, you take yolk, sugar and honey. All ingredients are mixed and heated. Eggnog must be consumed warm.
  4. It is also recommended to eat vegetable oil during the procedure.

Tubage according to Demyanov can cause pain in the liver. This occurs due to the flow of bile. Also, the consequence of this procedure may be the movement of stones, and blockage may occur.

If the tubage is carried out correctly, then bile will be noticeable in the patient’s stool. It is also possible for small stones to come out.


If you still decide, then you need to start preparing for the procedure 4 days in advance. To do this, follow these dietary recommendations:

  • Avoid fatty, fried, spicy and smoked foods

  • Introduce plant foods, kefir, porridge into your diet
  • Take up to 2.5 liters of warm drink

To carry out tubing at home, use the following methods and substances:

  • Sorbitol (also called Sorbitol or Glucite).
  • Magnesium sulfate (Magnesia)
  • Various mineral waters (Narzan, Borjomi)
  • Vegetable oil (olive or sunflower)
  • Herbal medicine collections
  • Sour fruit juices

The method of implementation is determined purely on an individual basis, taking into account concomitant pathology.

It is imperative that you visit a doctor and have an ultrasound scan done before the procedure to check for stones.

An important part of cleansing the liver using tubage is the effect of heat (a heating pad on the organ area), which helps to intensify blood circulation in the gland, as well as relax the spasmodic ducts.

If no stones are found, then the night before the event it is recommended to cleanse the intestines (you can give an enema or take a collection of herbs that have a laxative effect).

Cleansing is carried out early in the morning, as soon as you wake up, then the result will correspond to expectations, since it is at this time that the outflow of bile is stronger.

If an attack of hepatic colic (severe pain) occurs, use antispasmodic drugs, such as:

  • Spazmalgon (Baralgin, Spazmadol);
  • No-shpa (Drotaverine, Ple-Spa);
  • Papaverine hydrochloride.

Remember that tubage has, in addition to a choleretic effect, a laxative effect, so it is better to be at home all day. More rarely, vomiting, bitter belching, weakness, dizziness, blood in the stool and even convulsions may occur.

Prolonged and persistent side effects are an indication to immediately stop the procedure and call an ambulance.

On the day of your liver cleanse, you should continue your dietary restrictions by drinking plenty of warm liquids. If you did everything correctly, liquid yellowish-green stool with white clots will appear. The presence of pain that is not intense and of short duration is allowed, which will indicate an active contraction of the walls of the gallbladder.

How to prepare

How to properly perform a liver tubage? Preparation for dubazh should begin in advance. It is important to plan the procedure in advance. Three to four days before this, you need to start a diet, ideally a vegetable-dairy diet, with the exception of fatty, fried, and spicy foods.

On the eve of dubage, a cleansing enema is performed. It is best to do the procedure in the morning, ideally on a day off, since it is necessary to maintain a lying position for at least two hours.

Methods of carrying out

It is important to understand how often liver tubing should be performed. On average, the course is 2-3 months (1 procedure per week), but you need to focus on the severity of the condition and the purpose of cleaning (either preventive or therapeutic). Therefore, before doing this, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Method No. 1

Magnesium sulfate is used for probeless tubing according to Demyanov. The technique is quite simple: 1 tablespoon of magnesia is mixed in 250 ml of warm boiled water, which is drunk immediately upon waking up. After which a tolerably hot heating pad is placed under the liver projection area for two hours. At the end of this time, you should feel the urge to defecate. Everything went well, if the stool was watery and green in color (with an admixture of small stones). This method can be used no more than once a week for about 3 months. To prevent pain, immediately take an antispasmodic before the procedure to ease the flow of bile.

The use of magnesium sulfate is contraindicated in the following conditions: hypertension, severe renal failure, frequent bradycardia, individual intolerance, intestinal bleeding, atrioventricular block, dehydration.

Method No. 2

It is carried out with the help of Sorbitol. This drug must be purchased in powder form, but in everyday life it is a simple sugar substitute. It has choleretic, detoxifying and antispasmodic properties.

It should not be taken by people with fructose intolerance, ascites (the presence of free fluid in the abdominal cavity) or irritable bowel syndrome.

In addition to the sweetener, you will also need mineral water (one of the ones listed above). The technique is as follows: on an empty stomach, take a glass of warm drink (release gases in advance) with 1 spoon of sorbitol dissolved in it. After this, they also lie on their right side, placing a heating pad, for a couple of hours.

Method No. 3

Tube with mineral water is the most popular, as it does not require the purchase of special medications, which may simply be contraindicated. They use different manufacturing companies, such as: Slavyanovskaya, Narzan, Borjomi. It is better to choose sulfur-alkaline options; for this, pay attention to the composition. Immediately upon waking, drink one glass of warmed liquid, and take the rest (from a small bottle) in small sips after lying on the heating pad.

The preventive course consists of 1 time every 2.5-3 months, and for active cleaning it can be carried out every 3 days for 2 weeks.

Method No. 4

As a more effective method, tubage with olive oil and lemon is used. The preparation is the same as in the previous methods, however, on the day of the procedure, you are allowed to eat some vegetables 2-3 hours before the procedure, and after this time take oil and juice. They do it this way: first, a couple of small sips of a fatty substance, and then a sip of a sour one. This technique will avoid unwanted nausea (or even vomiting). The total volume should be approximately 150-200 ml. Next is the stage with the heating pad.

This type of cleansing is contraindicated for patients with hyperacid gastritis (with elevated pH).

Method No. 5

Tubage with choleretic herbs also has good reviews. The following plants have a similar effect:

  • Rose hip;
  • Immortelle;
  • Yarrow;
  • Peppermint;
  • Dandelion;
  • Marigold (Calendula);
  • Corn (or rather its silk)

They are used both in combination and separately. Pharmacies sell ready-made liver preparations, so you don’t have to waste time looking for a large number of components. It is brewed in a heat-resistant container overnight, and in the morning on an empty stomach, take 1 glass orally (preferably warmed up) and lie down with a heating pad, as in previous recipes. The remaining infusion is drunk gradually over 2 hours.

If you decide to use one herbal remedy, then infuse it as well, but add a spoonful of sorbitol to it before taking it, since the monopreparation has a weaker effect.

Method number 6

The method is called active tubage. It consists of a combination of physical stress and choleretic agents. It is carried out as follows: on an empty stomach, take 3-4 glasses of heated mineral water without gas in one gulp. After which they move outside (or just in a ventilated room) and do the following exercises:

  • General warm-up 5 min
  • Rotation of the torso in the hip joints 8-10 times to the left and right
  • Side bends 5 times
  • Squats, standing shoulder-width apart, arms extended in front of you – 10 reps
  • Lifts and swings of the lower limbs in the same amount.

At the end, do breathing exercises for a couple of minutes to restore the rhythm, drink another 2 glasses of warm liquid and repeat the physical activity again.

The urge to defecate may begin within 5-40 minutes after the end of the procedure.

Dubazh liver forum. Liver cleansing (dubazh)

Discussion of all our health problems - support, advice, warnings.

Moderator: beauty admin

Good afternoon! My mother is now doing liver cleansing according to Malakhov, she says that a lot of all sorts of terrible rubbish comes out (obsolete, apparently) and the liver hurts, but as a result everything should be fine. I’m thinking - we eat a lot of all sorts of unhealthy food, there are all sorts of mayonnaises... incompatible products, the liver becomes very clogged and then all sorts of cameos begin in it and other nonsense. My mother didn’t catch it in time; right now she has pancreatitis (gallbladder stones). We need to do something about health and prevention. I’ll probably also cleanse my liver... I just decided to first consult with knowledgeable people. Has anyone tried cleansing the liver? Is this thing sensible? Did you follow any diets?..

Well, what can I say... your mother’s poor liver... the fact that, as you say, “a lot of all sorts of crap comes out” is a strong laxative effect from the oil + the release of bilirubin by the unfortunate liver... the body is a single, well-functioning mechanism and you can interfere with its activities, without the presence of a disease or indications doctor - IMHO it’s impossible...

Kava, I don't agree with you. Tubage is a preventative measure, used to prevent stagnation of bile in the gallbladder. And in order to have tubazh done, it is not at all necessary to go to the doctor. Another thing is if you do a liver cleanse, you need to drink apple juice for several days and then vegetable oil and lemon juice, this - yes, is dangerous because stones can form and injure the ducts.

Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee (c)

Megastyle wrote:

Kava, I don't agree with you. Tubage is a preventative measure, used to prevent stagnation of bile in the gallbladder. And in order to have tubazh done, it is not at all necessary to go to the doctor. Another thing is if you do a liver cleanse, you need to drink apple juice for several days and then vegetable oil and lemon juice, this - yes, is dangerous because stones can form and injure the ducts.

You can drink rosehip syrup as a choleretic (if you really want a natural product), and not pervert the body. All these “pieces” are no more than, guess what, fecal stones. Kava wrote:

Well, what can I say... your mother’s poor liver... the fact that, as you say, “a lot of all sorts of crap comes out” is a strong laxative effect from the oil + the release of bilirubin by the unfortunate liver... the body is a single, well-functioning mechanism and you can interfere with its activities, without the presence of a disease or indications doctor - IMHO it’s impossible...

Well, what about the “laxative effect”? She got used to doing enemas, cleaned the intestines with evaporated (I apologize) urine - according to Malakhov, again, with some other agents - she cleaned it thoroughly. Oil, in theory, can’t “drive out” anything, because Malakhov seems to write that liver cleansing should be done once a quarter, the first time it gets dirty, it’ll be like soot or it’ll just be hard, but the 2nd or 3rd time stones will fall out and other evil spirits are causing people to have some kind of “coral” coming out. As a result, there should be strong relief in general. Right now my mother has soot, just as Malakhov prophesied. In theory, the rest of the points should be confirmed, I was really on fire, I feel so sorry for my poor liver! tea is not iron!

Side effects

If you neglected our advice without consulting a doctor or performing an ultrasound examination, there is a risk of complications. Also, a concomitant pathology that was not detected before (or the patient kept silent, not knowing about the contraindications) can affect the tubing procedure.

Sometimes, during a sharp outflow of bile, the level of glucose in the blood drops, hypoglycemia occurs, which is manifested by drowsiness, profuse sweating and dizziness. For relief, just drink a cup of warm sweet tea.

In other cases, intoxication syndrome develops, in which the following symptoms are noted:

  • Blood pressure above 139/89
  • Headache without clear localization
  • Chills and nausea to the point of vomiting
  • General severe depression of well-being
  • Constipation

This clinic requires an immediate response: you need to call an ambulance and immediately take a sorbent (activated carbon, smecta, atoxyl).


Everywhere you need to observe moderation; what is offered does not always benefit the body. There are indications for carrying out cleansing measures, which means there are situations when the use of the technique is strictly prohibited. Tubage also has contraindications. They need to be taken into account when planning a liver cleanse.

Liver in the human body

The main limitation is the presence of stones in the organ. If the manipulations move the bile formations, there is a need for an unscheduled operation. The stones begin to move along the channels, blocking the flow of bile, and the patient experiences sharp pain. If help does not arrive on time, the procedure will end in the death of the person.

In what cases is the use of tubage strictly prohibited:

  • Tumor formations in the liver, gall bladder and other internal organs. Malignant and benign tumors are prohibited.
  • High body temperature. The thermometer shows more than 37 degrees, the patient complains of chills, dry mouth, and headache.
  • Dysfunction of the digestive system.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Chronic diseases in acute form.
  • Colds caused by respiratory viral infections.
  • During menstruation.
  • Lung pathology, tuberculosis.
  • Pregnancy, breastfeeding.


Those who have tried tubeless tubes on themselves leave positive reviews.

Galina is 44 years old. I clean it regularly using mineral water. The procedure is simple and takes little time. On average, it takes 2 hours. Borjomi suits me. Just in case, I checked my gallbladder for stones. The doctor allowed tubing. I try to drink mineral water more often, adding sorbitol, lemon or honey.

Anna. 38 years. After tubing with sorbitol, there is such lightness in the liver. The belching and bitterness went away. The intestines work like clockwork.

Harm and benefit

Xylitol is most widely used as a sweetener for diabetic nutrition.

Unlike other sweets and sugar substitutes, it is not only harmless, but also good for teeth. The sweetener helps eliminate caries and restores teeth. That is why manufacturers began to produce dental wipes with xylitol used for oral hygiene.

Xylitol is absorbed into the body more slowly than sugar, so it does not increase its level in the blood and does not cause hyperglycemia.

These beneficial properties of the product make it suitable for use in diabetes mellitus and for people suffering from metabolic syndrome.

This substance is added for a sweet taste to medicines, lozenges and chewing gum. It has a choleretic and laxative effect if you consume about 50 grams per day.

Scientists have found that chewing gum with xylitol can prevent the formation of acute otitis media, an inflammatory disease of the ears. This is explained by the fact that when chewing, special elements are released that kill harmful bacteria.

As for the harm of xylitol, it has no particular side effects. When taken in moderation, there should be no negative consequences. However, the sweetener has a laxative effect and, if consumed in excess, can cause stomach upset.

In case of an overdose, bloating, flatulence, and diarrhea may occur. Its use is not recommended for people suffering from gastrointestinal disorders and colitis. Individual intolerance to the substance may occur in some individuals.

To ensure that taking xylitol does not cause you concern, it is best to consult your doctor in advance.


Xylitol in the food industry is registered as food additive E967, is a moisture-retaining sweetener, also known as a stabilizer and emulsifier.

Its structural formula is C5H12O5, melting point is 92–96°C.

Xylitol is produced industrially from brewer's grains. It is made by reducing xylose. Typically, the raw material is vegetable waste - sunflower husks, wood or cotton husks.

The cleansing process in children

Unfortunately, liver disease and cholestasis are not limited to adults. Addiction to fast food and soda, replacing active games with prolonged sitting at the computer is not in vain for health, especially for the liver. But cleaning a child without a doctor’s permission is strictly prohibited. Only a doctor can prescribe a procedure and recommend means for performing dubage for a child.

Usually, mild solutions are selected for cleansing - oral water without additional additives, choleretic herbs (milk thistle, corn silk). The procedure algorithm does not differ from “adult” dubage, the effect is assessed according to the same criteria.

Who is the procedure indicated for?

In a healthy person, the iron is constantly cleansed. It produces up to 2 liters of bile per day, which removes accumulated toxins and metabolic products. But excessive slagging sometimes causes damage to liver cells. As a result, inflammation occurs, and over time, the cells are replaced by connective tissue - fibrosis appears.

For the procedure to be beneficial, you do not need to use dubious recipes. It is advisable to first consult with a therapist or gastroenterologist about all the nuances of the manipulation.

The liver is able to work for a long time against the background of pathological changes. The signal of “pollution” becomes:

  • constant fatigue, tearfulness, irritability;
  • discomfort in the right side under the rib;
  • violation of bowel movements - frequent constipation, diarrhea;
  • coating on the tongue;
  • “unhealthy” skin color;
  • pain in the head and stomach.

But if you notice a deterioration in your condition, you don’t need to give in to the impulse and immediately start cleansing your liver. This procedure is not safe for everyone, and which category a person belongs to can be found out by being examined by a medical specialist.

The doctor prescribes tubages to eliminate cholestasis and remove stagnant bile. This procedure is often included in the treatment of chronic cholecystitis, hypotonic biliary dyskinesia, hepatosis, helminthic and parasitic infestations.

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