Why do pregnant women experience belching and how to get rid of it?


is a sudden and involuntary release of gases from the esophagus and stomach through the mouth. Belching is caused by contraction of the stomach muscles when the cardiac sphincter (the ring of muscle that separates the esophagus and stomach) is open. The cardiac sphincter is a muscular valve that allows food to enter the stomach but prevents it from flowing back into the esophagus. However, if too much gas has accumulated in the stomach, the body needs to get rid of it. The sphincter opens and the stomach muscles contract, squeezing gases into the esophagus and then into the oral cavity. This is the mechanism of belching. In this case, gases released from the stomach, as a rule, have a specific, unpleasant odor. The movement of gases can entrain particles of stomach contents, which, when they hit the taste buds, can cause unpleasant taste sensations. Sound can also be considered an undesirable manifestation of belching: since burping occurs uncontrollably, the loudness of a burp can ruin the situation and bring discomfort to our communication with other people. Therefore, it is natural to try to avoid belching.

Is this normal?

Physiological changes during pregnancy affect the functioning of all internal organs, including the gastrointestinal tract. The uterus, which grows along with the growth of the fetus, requires more space in the abdominal cavity, so it begins to put pressure on nearby organs. Belching, heartburn and other digestive problems are completely normal during pregnancy.

Belching is the expulsion of air from the stomach cavity through the esophagus. It usually occurs as a result of overeating. Sometimes it has an acidic reaction, which is associated with the entry of gastric juice into the lower esophagus. Gastric secretions irritate this area, causing belching.


Belching occurs when a certain amount of air escapes from the stomach cavity through the esophagus. In a healthy person, it forms after overeating. And during pregnancy, all organs of the female body begin to work in a slightly different mode. The uterus grows in size over time and requires more space. Gradually, it begins to put pressure on nearby organs, so the appearance of belching should be considered a logical consequence of such processes.

Although belching cannot cause serious discomfort for a person, sometimes it can be the first signal of serious pathologies . Under no circumstances should you try to diagnose yourself. This should be done by an experienced doctor. In such a situation, you can only observe to understand how this condition manifests itself.

If this phenomenon bothers you repeatedly, and the air coming out has a sour taste, then most likely this is due to changes in the composition of the gastric juice. This is often observed with gastritis, which tends to worsen during pregnancy. Experts call the cause of this disease the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which is activated when the immune system is weakened, so expectant mothers are especially susceptible to gastritis.

Belching during early pregnancy may occur due to reflux syndrome. Its appearance is usually associated with the development of inflammation in the esophagus. If this pathology is not treated in a timely manner, then in the future, foci of inflammation may spread to other areas, which will only worsen the pregnant woman’s condition.

If belching occurs too often, then it is necessary to carefully study the composition of the air that leaves the esophagus. If there is a taste of rotten eggs, then the most likely cause of this condition is a long retention of food in the stomach, where fermentation processes occur. A similar condition is often observed when the functioning of the digestive organs is disrupted.

In what cases is belching a symptom of illness?

Despite the fact that belching is completely harmless, in some cases it becomes a symptom of serious pathologies. But you don’t need to invent terrible diseases for yourself - only a doctor can diagnose them. You can only pay attention to the features of belching during pregnancy.

Repeated sour belching indicates changes in the composition of gastric juice. A similar symptom occurs against the background of gastritis, a disease that often worsens in pregnant women. The culprit of gastritis is the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which becomes active when the immune system deteriorates, which often occurs in expectant mothers. Read more about the treatment of gastritis during pregnancy →

Belching in the early stages of pregnancy can be caused by reflux syndrome. Its cause is inflammatory processes in the esophagus. Reflux is dangerous due to the growth and ulceration of existing foci of inflammation, so the pathology requires mandatory treatment.

If you are worried about frequent belching during pregnancy, you need to pay attention to the quality of the air leaving the esophagus.

For example, the taste and smell of rotten eggs in your mouth will be an alarming symptom - most likely, food in the stomach lingers longer than it should, undergoing fermentation processes. In this case, we can talk about pathologies of the functioning and structure of the digestive organs, as well as intestinal obstruction.


After identifying the type of disease (as well as the cause), the doctor will definitely prescribe medications that are, if possible, harmless to pregnant women and the unborn child.

But if the disease is already known, and the factors that provoke belching of rotten eggs in pregnant women are not pathological, then the following measures can be taken.

Emergency home care

First aid for belching

What you can do before your medical examination:

  1. When overeating, in order to eliminate congestion in the stomach, you need to take medications that speed up the digestion process: Mezim or Festal - no more than 1 tablet.
  2. For gastritis and pancreatic disease, you are allowed to drink 1-2 tbsp. Almagel.
  3. Probiotics Linex (2 capsules), Hilak Forte (up to 50 drops), Colibacterin (no more than 2 tbsp) are suitable for the treatment of dysbiosis.
  4. If there is stagnation of bile, pregnant women can take Holosas (1 tsp), Allochol (up to 2 tablets) to get rid of belching rotten eggs.
  5. If you suspect poisoning from stale food, you need to rinse (urgently) your stomach, drink activated carbon, Smecta, or another sorbent. Call an ambulance.

The doctor will prescribe other medications, since any self-medication causes harm to both the expectant mother and the baby.

Diet as a form of treatment

Often, the appearance of belching during pregnancy with the smell of rotten eggs is not associated with diseases, since women who register early are constantly tested and pathologies are detected, and treatment is carried out in a timely manner.

What can be done if hydrogen sulfide is released from the stomach due to insufficient digestion of food:

  • Lunch, dinner, afternoon snack, and breakfast should be done by the hour, preferably at the same time.
  • Take your time eating and stop talking so as not to swallow air.
  • Do not consume food in large quantities, it is better to eat less, but more often.
  • Avoid foods that irritate the gastric mucosa: sour, bitter, spicy, salty, and also overly sweet.
  • Do not drink carbonated liquids.
  • Stop eating fatty, smoked, overcooked foods. As well as cakes, canned food, sausages, industrial and homemade semi-finished products that are harmful during pregnancy. All of them increase the acidity of gastric juice, which causes stagnation, causing belching of a rotten egg.
  • It is not recommended to eat immediately before bed, since the digestion process slows down significantly at night.
  • Avoid physical inactivity; constantly spending time in a lying position interferes with the absorption of protein foods, and this is what causes the rotten smell when belching.
  • It’s not even worth talking about alcohol and tobacco; everyone knows how toxic they are for mother and baby.

If the cause of belching is excessive nervous excitability, you can drink tea with mint, lemon balm, and motherwort more often (in the absence of allergies).


As a rule, belching of air in a person occurs unexpectedly and regardless of his will.

Belching during pregnancy can occur due to the following reasons:

  • Hormonal changes in the body in the first trimester. An increased level of progesterone affects the tone of the muscles of the digestive tract. As a result, the process of food movement slows down, it lingers longer in the stomach, against the background of which a gas formation reaction occurs, which leads to the removal of gases from the stomach through the esophagus.
  • In late pregnancy, belching occurs when the stomach is deformed due to pressure from the enlarged uterus. This is also a variant of the norm.
  • Overeating or, on the contrary, insufficient food consumption, dry food - all these factors lead to nausea and belching during pregnancy. The diet and diet must be followed by the expectant mother.
  • Increased physical activity increases gas formation in the digestive tract, so bending over and carrying heavy objects causes discomfort. Any load, especially in position, should be in moderation.

Sometimes women wonder: could belching be one of the first signs of pregnancy? This actually happens. At the same time, an unexpectedly changed reaction to familiar foods can indicate to the expectant mother her situation. Even your favorite sweets and fruits suddenly begin to cause belching.

All of these factors are physiological. But most often, belching worries a woman in the last trimester. By 38 weeks it reaches its possible maximum. Fortunately, after the birth of the baby, its unpleasant manifestations noticeably decrease.

Causes of belching during pregnancy

During normal pregnancy

The release of a small amount of air through the oral cavity is a physiological process that is observed in absolutely healthy people. During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes changes in various organs and systems that can affect the frequency of belching. Physiological erection is characterized by belching of air with a specific sound, while the pregnant woman does not feel an unpleasant odor or taste in her mouth. The following factors contribute to the frequent release of gastric gases during pregnancy:

  • Hormonal changes
    . From the first trimester, a woman experiences increased synthesis of progesterone, which is necessary for normal gestation and decreased uterine tone. The hormone also affects the smooth muscles of the stomach and esophagus, causing them to relax excessively. Due to the stretching of the organs, gases accumulate, provoking a reflex opening of the cardiac sphincter, spasm of the pylorus and the release of air.
  • Growth of the uterus
    . A significant increase in the volume of the uterus is detected in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, which is accompanied by displacement of neighboring organs. The stomach is pushed towards the diaphragm, compressed, as a result of which its contractile activity and coordination of the muscle sphincters are disrupted. This leads to frequent belching. Women also note shortness of breath associated with insufficient expansion of the lungs.
  • Decreased physical activity
    . In the later stages of gestation, it becomes difficult for a pregnant woman to perform her usual work, so women often lead a sedentary lifestyle. A reduction in physical activity provokes hypotension of the muscles of the stomach and intestines, and slower movement of chyme through the digestive canal. Belching occurs as a reflex act due to overstretching of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, sometimes combined with heaviness in the stomach after eating.
  • Aerophagy
    . Swallowing air while eating is a common cause of erection during pregnancy. This condition develops when talking while eating, not chewing food enough, or snacking in a hurry. Due to the excess amount of air trapped in the stomach, the walls of the organ are overstretched, followed by a sharp contraction. This is manifested by prolonged erection with characteristic sounds and a feeling of fullness in the epigastrium.
  • Consumption of certain foods
    . Failure to follow the gynecologist's recommendations on nutrition during pregnancy can lead to belching. The symptom is most often provoked by eating fresh fruits and berries, black bread, and legumes. The mechanism of development is associated with increased gas formation, which, against the background of slowing gastric motility, causes flatulence and erection of gastric gases. Belching is also provoked by the use of chewing gum.
  • Changes in autonomic innervation
    . During pregnancy, a restructuring of all body systems occurs, including the autonomic nervous system. The regulation of gastrointestinal motility is mainly realized through the parasympathetic fibers of the vagus nerve; when neuro-reflex interactions change, mild dyspeptic disorders are possible. Belching of gastric gases occurs at different times of the day, regardless of food intake.

Specific pathologies of pregnancy

Dyspeptic disorders are one of the manifestations of specific diseases of the gestational period. These conditions have different etiologies and development mechanisms; they can be caused by an immunological conflict, pathological visceral impulses from the uterus, and serious disturbances in the functioning of the peripheral nerve plexuses. A sharp deterioration in a woman’s condition and the appearance of atypical symptoms are indications for seeking qualified help. Belching is observed in such pathological conditions as:

  • Cholestasis in pregnancy
    . Idiopathic bile stagnation, according to various sources, affects 0.1-2% of pregnant women. It is believed that cholestasis is caused by increased cholesterol synthesis and disruption of the colloidal balance of bile under the influence of estrogens. The disorder is manifested by intense itching of the skin, which is combined with jaundice, darkening of urine, and dyspeptic disorders (erectation, nausea, flatulence).
  • Toxicosis
    . Belching during pregnancy is one of the symptoms of early toxicosis, which is detected in 50-60% of patients, starting from the 5th week of gestation. In mild cases, the general condition of the pregnant woman is not affected; she is worried about nausea, drooling, and erection. Moderate and severe forms of the disease are characterized by repeated vomiting up to 20 times a day, up to the impossibility of enteral nutrition, and dehydration.
  • Intestinal atony
    . Difficulty with bowel movements is common, affecting about 60% of women during pregnancy. Constipation in pregnant women has neurogenic and hormonal causes; the situation is aggravated by the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the intestines. Belching occurs reflexively in response to stagnation of feces, stretching of the intestinal walls, and decreased peristaltic activity. With intestinal atony, gastric gases have a foul odor.

Other diseases of the digestive system

Belching during pregnancy can occur against the background of concomitant pathology of the digestive system, which worsens during gestation. The manifestation of chronic diseases during the period of bearing a child is caused by the influence of sex hormones, increased load on the digestive system, and disruption of homeostasis reactions. In organic gastrointestinal pathologies, erection is usually accompanied by other symptoms (pain, stool instability), which requires a visit to a specialist. The development of belching is caused by:

  • GERD.
    The appearance of reflux of aggressive gastric contents is associated with a decrease in the sensitivity of receptors to histamine, a slowdown in the motility of cholelithiasis and an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. Symptoms worsen in the second or third trimester of pregnancy: women complain of sour erection, heartburn, periodic chest pain that appears after errors in diet, or being in a horizontal position.
  • Chronic gastritis
    . If a woman had chronic inflammation of the stomach before pregnancy, then the probability of exacerbation is more than 75%. The severity of symptoms depends on the type of gastritis. In a hyperacid state, pain in the epigastric region, sour belching, and stool disturbances with a predominance of diarrhea are observed. With reduced acidity, pregnant women complain of erection with a rotten odor, a feeling of heaviness and fullness of the stomach after eating.
  • Chronic pancreatitis
    . Pregnant women are characterized by a decrease in the synthesis of digestive enzymes and a violation of their activation in the lumen of the duodenum, partial obstruction of the pancreatic ducts, so chronic pancreatitis worsens in 1/3 of patients. Dyspeptic disorders are typical for the disease - nausea and periodic vomiting, belching, an increase in the volume of feces and the appearance of undigested food particles in them.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
    . In pregnant women, symptoms of functional pathologies of the digestive tract may worsen. This is due to changes in autonomic innervation and the special psycho-emotional state of the woman, which predisposes to dysregulation of intestinal motility. The disorder is manifested by polymorphic symptoms that quickly arise and disappear. The condition often worsens under stress.
  • Crohn's disease
    . This inflammatory bowel pathology is classified as rare. According to statistics, in women the disease often manifests itself during pregnancy. Crohn's disease is caused by immunological disorders, which are often triggered by increased estrogen levels. Belching is combined with abdominal pain (especially in the right iliac region), stool instability, nausea, and other dyspeptic symptoms.


Belching in an expectant mother is not always the only symptom. If its cause is pathology, the release of air is accompanied by other signs of discomfort associated with dysfunctional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

A woman may complain of symptoms such as:

  • nausea;
  • heartburn;
  • vomit;
  • constipation;
  • stomach pain.

Belching may also be accompanied by accompanying phenomena:

  • release of gases from the esophagus with characteristic sounds and smell;
  • contraction of the diaphragm;
  • unpleasant taste in the mouth.

You should definitely pay attention to the symptoms that accompany belching. They are the ones who can tell the doctor what pathology we are talking about.

Other causes of belching

While expecting a child, a woman becomes more vulnerable, so an exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal diseases and endocrine diseases is likely. Belching may be a symptom of these problems. A sedentary lifestyle reduces the ability of the intestines to actively move food and absorb it completely. Stagnation of leftover food and relaxation of the sphincters also provoke unpleasant attacks. The reason may also be due to heavy physical activity. Few pregnant women can boast of the absence of belching, but we must remember that in some cases the body signals this about pathological conditions.


What to do if belching causes discomfort during pregnancy? First of all, visit a gastroenterologist and get directions for the necessary examinations.

Most often, fibrogastroscopy or FGS is prescribed. This is a time-tested method of examining the digestive organs - the esophagus, stomach and intestines to detect possible diseases. FGS allows you to identify gastritis, gastroduodenitis, polyps, gastric ulcers and duodenal ulcers.

The procedure lasts no more than 15 minutes. During this procedure, a flexible hose with a light at the end is inserted into the woman's esophagus through her mouth. In this case, there is practically no pain, since the oropharynx is treated with an anesthetic - Lidocaine. After examining the organs, the hose is removed.

If pathology is suspected, tissue samples may be taken during the procedure for a biopsy. The accuracy of fibrogastroscopy is quite high, so the method is used everywhere.

Which doctor should I contact if I have belching during pregnancy?

Constant belching of sour or rotten eggs during pregnancy is a reason to contact a gastroenterologist. The specialist will explain to the expectant mother what could have caused this symptom and tell her how to get rid of it.

Drug therapy is not always necessary. But if the need arises, treatment is carried out with drugs that are safe for the fetus. Most often, expectant mothers are diagnosed with gastritis. Effective medications in this case are: Maalox, Phosphalugel, Rennie. Thanks to them, the acidity of gastric juice decreases, pain, belching and nausea disappear during pregnancy. Read more about using Rennie during pregnancy →

Symptoms of toxicosis

Food preferences change sharply, there is increased sensitivity to smells, nausea, irritability, and you constantly want to sleep.
Uncontrollable salivation, low-grade fever, and vomiting occur less frequently. Usually this condition takes a woman by surprise. She needs to continue working, taking care of her family, she has a lot of things planned. With this she goes to the doctor, already pretty tired and with a sad look. And we begin to figure it out.

Firstly, toxicosis does not torment everyone. Some people simply eat everything and do not gain weight, or even lose weight, and this is where their toxicosis manifests itself. Such women are lucky. Although they also manage to worry about this, since they have heard enough “how it should be” from their friends.

Secondly, the severity of toxicosis depends on the state of the nervous system, lifestyle and the “similarity” of the baby to the mother in protein composition.

And here's more about this.

How to get rid of belching?

As mentioned above, treatment is not always required for expectant mothers. In most cases, correcting the diet and frequency of meals helps. It is necessary to exclude from the menu foods that increase fermentation in the stomach. These include legumes, grapes, fresh baked goods, and cabbage. Partially limit the consumption of black bread, potatoes and oatmeal, as the most starchy foods.

But not only food can cause belching with air during pregnancy. You also need to give up carbonated drinks and dry food. And of course, bad habits. Nicotine and alcohol are not only dangerous for the developing fetus, but also provoke problems in the digestive tract, contributing to the development of belching, heartburn and nausea.

Ideally, the expectant mother should eat in small portions - up to five times a day in small portions. Half an hour before meals, it is advisable to drink a glass of water in small sips. This will prevent the woman from overeating.

They chew food slowly, trying not to talk at this moment. Any snacks should be avoided 2-3 hours before bedtime. A glass of kefir at night will help get rid of hunger.

The diet must include fermented milk products, fruits and vegetables. Following dietary recommendations allows you to improve digestion and avoid such unpleasant symptoms as belching rotten eggs during pregnancy.

What is belching: mechanism of occurrence

The air that enters the stomach along with food or is formed during the digestion process expands the walls of the stomach, which, in turn, puts pressure on the diaphragm. The diaphragm contracts and sharply pushes gases into the esophagus, causing belching.

Belching can be caused by:

  • lively conversations at the table during meals;
  • too greedy, hasty absorption of food, accompanied by swallowing air;
  • snacking on the go;
  • love for spicy, salty, yeast baked goods;
  • drinking carbonated drinks.

Along with the air, a small amount of gastric juice and hydrochloric acid can be released into the esophagus, which causes heartburn and pain in the solar plexus and above. People often experience irritation of the walls of the esophagus and spontaneous belching. During pregnancy, especially in later stages, this phenomenon becomes more frequent.

Traditional methods

Traditional medicine knows recipes that relieve belching and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract:

  • If the expectant mother complains of belching, nausea and vomiting, a decoction of plantain and cardamom will help her. The finished product is taken every day before meals, 1 tbsp. l.
  • Ginger can also come to the rescue. A small amount of crushed root helps improve digestion and prevent belching.
  • You also need to pay attention to cranberries. This berry is useful for all expectant mothers. It is not only rich in beneficial microelements, but also fights the symptoms of gastritis. It is advisable to eat cranberries fresh - a handful of berries helps to get rid of stomach problems for the whole day.
  • When belching rotten eggs, traditional medicine advises drinking teas based on peppermint and lemon balm. This tea calms the nervous system, normalizes digestion, and relieves stomach cramps.

Despite the relative safety of folk recipes, it is recommended to consult a doctor before using them. An overdose of medicinal plants, like some medications, can negatively affect the course of pregnancy and fetal development.


Not all expectant mothers suffer from burping during pregnancy. For many, it occurs sporadically and does not cause serious discomfort. In some women, belching, as a sign and consequence of pregnancy, occurs in the first weeks, in others - in the last trimester, shortly before the onset of labor.

Sometimes this phenomenon is observed throughout pregnancy, as a result of dysfunction of the digestive organs. In these cases, we are usually talking about chronic gastrointestinal diseases that the woman already had before pregnancy and worsened during her period. Treatment is selected for the expectant mother to minimize unpleasant symptoms.

Most often, belching and other digestive problems go away after the baby is born, since all physiological factors affecting their development are canceled. If this does not happen, you need to contact a gastroenterologist. The presence of persistent belching in the postpartum period may be a sign of pathologies of the digestive system.

Author: Olga Rogozhkina, obstetrician-gynecologist, especially for Mama66.ru

Possible consequences

Not all women burp during pregnancy. In most cases, it is episodic and does not cause serious discomfort. In some women, this condition occurs only during the first weeks, while in others it may occur in the last trimester.

But there are cases when such a symptom can bother a woman throughout pregnancy, on the basis of which we can talk about the presence of serious diseases of the digestive system. This is typical for those women who previously had chronic gastrointestinal diseases. Therefore, such patients during the period of exacerbation are prescribed special treatment to alleviate painful symptoms.

Not all women tolerate pregnancy equally well. For some, this condition causes certain changes in the body that can make the condition worse. One of these symptoms is belching. Not everyone can say exactly why they burp after eating. This can be explained by various reasons: for some it may be the result of pregnancy, while for others it is caused by severe diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

But regardless of the reasons for which the belching occurred, each such case requires individual treatment and only together with a specialist. It is not enough to know how to burp. Without a full examination, it is impossible to say exactly what is causing this condition, and therefore it will not be easy to select effective and safe drugs to eliminate it.

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