Potatoes for hemorrhoids: recipes, suppositories, enemas, reviews

Treatment of hemorrhoids with potatoes is a long-known and proven method of combating this disease. You can make candles, compresses from potatoes, and use its juice. This remedy helps with many manifestations of the disease.

Potatoes for external hemorrhoids can be an effective means of combating the disease in addition to medications, diet and other measures prescribed by a doctor. Potatoes help reduce inflammation and pain, and also stop bleeding.

The beneficial effect that potatoes have on hemorrhoids

Before using potatoes for hemorrhoids, it is better to first consult with your doctor to avoid complications.

For procedures, it is better to use raw potatoes, because they retain all the beneficial properties and elements that are useful for treating the disease. The following substances contained in potatoes help against hemorrhoids:

  • Starch - with its help, wounds and cracks tighten and heal faster, and bleeding stops;
  • Vitamin C - it has a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels, strengthens them and tones them;
  • Other elements, including potassium, help relieve inflammation and reduce swelling.

When the main symptoms of hemorrhoids subside, pain and discomfort decrease when going to the toilet and after.

Those who are faced with this disease have a reasonable question: treating hemorrhoids with potatoes, is it dangerous? Since potatoes are a natural remedy, they do not have the harmful effects on the body that some drugs have.

Composition and beneficial properties of the product

Everyone's favorite potato is not only tasty, but also has truly healing properties for the human body. The secret lies in the composition of the tuber, and the peel contains the largest share of useful microelements (there are as many as 32 of them). Potato tubers, not thermally treated, are rich in:

  • vitamin C;
  • pectin;
  • starch;
  • dietary fiber (fiber);
  • methanol ethers (methyl alcohol);
  • essential amino acids;
  • zinc, potassium.

Eating the so-called “second bread” in its raw form has a pronounced regenerating effect, especially when fighting inflammatory processes. Being an indispensable food product in the daily human diet, the root vegetable serves as an effective and budgetary aid in the treatment of various diseases.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with potatoes has earned recognition due to the following effects of the components on the course of the disease:

  • vitamin C strengthens the walls of blood vessels, prevents bleeding;
  • starch eliminates pain, itching and burning, envelops the damaged area (mucous membrane, venous plexuses);
  • microelements relieve swelling and inflammation, reduce cones in size, and promote active tissue regeneration.

Raw potato juice stimulates the healing of microcracks and is an excellent prevention of relapse.

Nutrients are contained both in the tubers themselves and in the peel of the root crop.

Potato candles

Potato suppositories for hemorrhoids help relieve internal swelling, inflammation, and heal wounds. Raw potatoes perfectly hold the shape of a candle and are easily removed from the straight passage when going to the toilet.

It is necessary to cut out the candle (it should be the same size as regular rectal suppositories) immediately before placing it. Only fresh product is used. There is no point in “preparing” candles for the future, even if you keep them in the refrigerator. Insert it in the same way as other candles. For easier progress, you can grease the candle a little with honey.

How to use it correctly

Suppositories made from natural products should be used only at night. When inserting a suppository, the latter must remain in the anus for at least 8 hours.

Before use, the candle must be cooled and rinsed under running water before insertion. The method of introducing a fresh product does not differ from the use of other medicines: the suppository is inserted into the anus while lying on your side and bending your knees.

If the patient has hemorrhoids that occur in the acute phase, then the suppository is additionally lubricated with sea buckthorn oil. You can replace the product with fresh liquid honey, which has not had time to sugar.

You should not remove the candle from the anus on your own; it will come out on its own during the morning process of visiting the restroom and defecating. Doctors prescribe the procedure for placing a suppository for 10 days, every evening. But for the best effect, it is advisable to carry out the procedure for 14-21 days. After this, you need to take a break from therapy for a period of 1 month, and then repeat the event.

If necessary, it is possible to prepare the medicine in advance by placing the suppositories in a plastic container and placing them in the refrigerator. But it is better if a fresh candle is prepared daily.

Compresses with grated potatoes

Grated potatoes are used for compresses for hemorrhoids. It is very easy to prepare them - you just need to grate the raw tuber on a fine grater. For convenience, wrap the resulting pulp in a gauze bandage and apply it to the anus. You need to lie down with the compress for about 20-30 minutes (the most comfortable position is lying on your stomach). Before using the compress, washing is also recommended. You can do it several times a day for 5-8 days.

Raw potatoes are most effective for hemorrhoids in the form of compresses, when the nodes and inflammation are located outside or near the anus. This compress relieves pain, itching, burning, and helps reduce inflammation.

Who are potato suppositories contraindicated for?

Before starting to use suppositories based on a potato product, you should first consult with a proctologist; not all people are allowed to use the medicine. There are the following situations in which it is better to refuse to insert suppositories into the anus:

  1. Milkweed - the released starch can increase the level of glucose in the lymph, which as a result leads to an increase in the fungus in volume;
  2. Severe intestinal obstruction and fecal stagnation;
  3. Decompensated stage of diabetes mellitus;
  4. Low level of pH environment, providing acidity in the stomach;
  5. Hemorrhoidal inflammation, recorded as acute;
  6. Identification of hemorrhoidal cones that cannot be inserted independently;
  7. Open bleeding from the intestines.

During use, it is prohibited to use potatoes with green pigment - such a product has a high content of corned beef, which is a toxic substance.

Baths for the treatment of hemorrhoids

This is, without a doubt, the most time-consuming way to treat hemorrhoids with potatoes at home. In order to treat hemorrhoids in this way, you first need to prepare a container with a wide neck and a wooden lid with a hole in the center of approximately 50 millimeters.

Next you need:

  • rinse the potatoes very thoroughly;
  • peel off the skin;
  • put the peel in a saucepan, add milk and bring to a boil;
  • Next, you need to pour the contents of the pan into the previously prepared container, which was mentioned above;
  • then you need to cover the container with a wooden lid and sit on it, spreading your buttocks so that the steam from the hole hits the anus and the area affected by hemorrhoids;
  • You need to sit for 15 minutes, then treat the anus with sea buckthorn oil.

The course of treatment is 5-8 days.

What people say

Anton, 34 years old: I work as an economist in a large company. Sedentary work. I didn’t attach any importance to the pathology - I hoped that it would disappear on its own. My health worsened. I didn’t go to the hospital, I looked through websites about hemorrhoids. I started treatment with expensive medications. It turned out that I was allergic to one of the components. I decided to treat with cheap methods. I didn’t get any long-term effects – it helped for a short period of time. Tired of suffering, I decided to go to the hospital. My wife prepared potato pulp for the lotion. The effect was simply stunning! The pain quickly disappeared, the burning sensation became less. We continued to do it. Within a week I became a contented person, free from pain and discomfort.

Tatyana, 25 years old: I didn’t expect hemorrhoids to appear during pregnancy. How to treat is not clear. The doctor said that traditional suppositories harm the baby - traditional methods will help. He advised using fresh grated potatoes in the form of lotions and compresses. I tried it. I felt improvements. Soon the discomfort disappeared. I began to trust traditional medicine more.

Mikhail, 48 years old: I am no longer a young man. All my life behind the wheel. I didn’t go to the hospital, I endured it. When it got hot, my partner noticed the symptoms and said: “Have you also suffered from hemorrhoids?” We talked, he suggested proven methods. Lighting a candle for the first time is not easy and unpleasant. I felt the result soon. He spat and continued treatment.

Elena, 51 years old: I read the reviews and remembered myself at 31 years old after giving birth. I went to doctors to get rid of hemorrhoids. Surgery was recommended. Fortunately, there was an elderly nanny in the hospital. She suggested using lotions, compresses, and suppositories to relieve pain and burning. It helped and I do it for prevention.

Precautionary measures

It is very important that potatoes for hemorrhoids are not used if they have been exposed to sunlight. In this case, green areas appear under the skin. Such potatoes contain a dangerous poison - solanine.

In this case, potatoes cannot be used to treat hemorrhoids!

This can provoke seizures, disrupt the composition of the blood and lead to a lot of unpleasant consequences, instead of benefits.

Also, you should not use sprouted potatoes to treat hemorrhoids.

Risk of harm

Sometimes treatment of hemorrhoids with potato juice or pulp is not recommended. You cannot use unripe tubers, those with green sides, or old ones. The best option for using potatoes is from July to February inclusive. The aging root crop forms and accumulates corned beef, which has a destructive effect on human blood.

It is not recommended to be treated with traditional methods for diabetes, venereal disease, or a predisposition to intestinal fermentation. In the latter case, it is undesirable to use candles or drink juice.


Treatment of hemorrhoids with potatoes has different reviews, because each person has their own characteristics of the body. For some, potatoes help with hemorrhoids, for others it does not cause the expected effect. Let's look at real reviews of the use of this product.

Elena, 36 years old

Hemorrhoids began to torment me after I turned 30, I tried different pharmaceutical suppositories, some helped, some didn’t. And once a doctor advised me to try potatoes for hemorrhoids. I used candles cut from potatoes and tried compresses. The suppositories caused me some discomfort and I did not see a noticeable effect, but the compresses helped a lot. After a course of 6-7 days, the symptoms go away and I don’t return to the problem for a long time.

Vasily, 41 years old

I have been using potatoes for hemorrhoids for a long time. I tried various recipes, but what I liked the most were the baths. I equipped myself with a container with a lid for these purposes. I sit for 15 minutes and then I don’t have to take out a candle or bother with a compress. The pain and symptoms of hemorrhoids go away for me after 4 days, then I sit for another three days to consolidate the result.

Antonina, 52 years old

On the advice of a friend, she decided to try potato suppositories for hemorrhoids, he said that they helped her. I got nothing but inconvenience and lost time. Ordinary pharmaceutical candles made from sea buckthorn oil help me much better.

What are the results after use, reviews

After use, most patients note significant improvements. Women during pregnancy who previously complained of pain and discomfort, having inserted suppositories only a few times, indicate that the pain syndrome has been eliminated.

Oksana, 34 years old: “I got hemorrhoids, no medications helped me, I tried a lot of them, the bumps just grew bigger before my eyes. One doctor advised me to put a potato candle at night. I doubted the effectiveness of the product, but decided to try it. My surprise knew no bounds when, after insertion, I felt slight relief. So I set it to 10 days; I can’t say that all the symptoms went away completely, but they decreased significantly. I will continue."

Margarita, 28 years old: “After pregnancy and the birth of a child, I first began to experience minor discomfort, then lumps appeared in the anus. It was even painful to sit, let alone move. Due to the fact that I was breastfeeding my son, I was forbidden to use medications, but they advised me to start therapy with potato suppositories. After just 3 uses I felt relief, the pain went away and the lumps became smaller, the inflammation decreased. Now, when pain occurs, I immediately put on potato suppositories at night and don’t wait for the disease to develop significantly.”

In most cases, reviews are revealed only in a positive direction. If there are negative responses, they are usually due to an incorrectly manufactured and administered candle.

Nutrition before and after surgery

Hemorrhoids sometimes require surgical intervention, which requires preliminary preparation and recovery. Since problems with stool can negate all the efforts of doctors, patients are advised to carefully study the question of how to eat properly on the eve of surgery and immediately after it.

Before the operation you need:

  • completely avoid eating prohibited foods;
  • drink more fluids;
  • reduce salt intake to a minimum.

Approximately 12 hours before the procedure, you must completely stop eating. If general anesthesia is used, you are not allowed to drink even ordinary water.

After the procedure, it is important to load the intestines gradually - the full nutrition that was used before the operation can be practiced on the 2nd or 3rd day. Before this, the patient is allowed only liquid soups and cereals (also liquid), a small amount of crackers, water, herbal tea and compote.

In addition to the problem of what exactly to eat after removal of hemorrhoids, the patient may be faced with the question of how to eat - more often or less often than before the operation, or in the same way. Experts advise eating a little more often, but in small portions. This allows you to reduce the load on the intestines and gently return it to its previous mode of operation.

To avoid constipation or diarrhea, it is recommended to ask your doctor in advance which foods you should not eat during the postoperative period.


A contraindication to this type of treatment is the presence of an anal fissure.
If there is a crack, potatoes can only aggravate the patient's condition. The patient may suffer from severe pain, bleeding and an increase in size of the crack. Also, potato suppositories are not suitable for use in cases of severe inflammation. In this case, inserting such a candle will be extremely problematic. It can also damage the lining of the rectum, leading to heavy bleeding and the appearance of new hemorrhoidal lumps. A rare but possible contraindication is the presence of an allergic reaction. Many people believe that an allergy to potatoes is impossible, but this is not at all true. Potato starch also often leads to allergic reactions in the body. In this case, potato candles should not be used under any circumstances. Then the swelling can become very intense, leading to severe pain during bowel movements and bleeding.

You can learn about the main contraindications for hemorrhoids, undesirable methods of treating this disease and restrictions on physical activity from the article by our expert.

The importance of consulting a doctor

There are practically no contraindications to treatment with potatoes. You should not use potatoes as a treatment if the patient has not previously been examined by a proctologist. Without knowing the exact diagnosis and advanced stage of the disease, it is not worth starting treatment with potatoes. Traditional methods are effective, but without medical help they are more likely to harm than help the patient.

The doctor is able to fully assess the patient’s condition. Even after conducting an initial digital examination, the doctor can draw up an approximate picture of the disease. In addition, the doctor collects anamnesis and prescribes instrumental diagnostic methods, including:

  • probing to check the anal reflex;
  • sigmoidoscopy;
  • anoscopy;
  • irrigoscopy or colonoscopy.

Examination is an important part of hemorrhoid treatment, since diagnosis helps distinguish this disease from others. Often patients, seeing blood during bowel movements, do not know the reasons for its manifestation. More serious illnesses, such as intestinal cancer or internal bleeding, can also lead to this symptom. Such patients are also prescribed an examination of the abdominal cavity and digestive tract. An ultrasound, gastroscopy, and a number of tests may be prescribed.

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