Homemade recipes for using garlic for hemorrhoids

November 12, 2020

Inflammatory processes of bacterial and non-bacterial etiology in the male gland are a common pathology. It requires mandatory medical care, since without adequate therapy it can seriously undermine health and lead to infertility and impotence. What not to do with prostatitis in men and how to undergo treatment correctly, read the article below.

Is it possible to eat?

You can eat garlic for hemorrhoids, but it is advisable to follow some recommendations:

Essence of Garlic

Traditional methods of eliminating hemorrhoids have variable complex therapy for the disease. Most folk remedies based on the use of baths, anal suppositories, and ointment preparations have a proven therapeutic effect. The popularity of taking garlic for hemorrhoids has been known since ancient times and has proven its irreplaceability.

The method of therapeutic treatment using garlic has become widespread. The vegetable for hemorrhoids is used in the initial stages of the disease.

The vegetable contains active ingredients that exhibit unique medicinal qualities. Garlic is used to heal a wide variety of diseases.

Medical practice has proven that the described vegetable is distinguished by strong anti-inflammatory qualities. It has long been used as a remedy for helminths and an antimycotic element.

Characteristics of Garlic

The basic characteristic of a hot vegetable product is the ability to influence viral diseases. An integral part of the vegetable is a specific component - allicin, which contains a poisonous element that affects active microbial cells. The particle can cause irritation and expectoration effect.

Benefits and harms

The use of garlic-based products for this disease relieves inflammation and congestion, reduces pain, and disinfects hemorrhoids. Garlic contains essential oils, phytoncides and allicin. Thanks to them, it has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antibacterial effects.

Due to such actions, garlic baths, ointments, and suppositories effectively help in the treatment of hemorrhoids in the initial stage. It is impossible to harm the body when treating this disease with garlic . You just need to take into account individual intolerance to this product and not overdo it with the dosage when preparing suppositories and ointments.

In severe cases of the disease, you cannot rely only on garlic treatments. In this case, it will be effective in complex therapy.

Read more about the benefits and harms of garlic here.

Garlic therapy for disease

The described qualities of the small vegetable make it effective in combating hemorrhoids; the causes are considered to be congestion in the vascular system of the anus. The result is venous swelling, changes and protrusions. Characterized by pain, itching, and bleeding in the rectal passage. In severe cases, the hemorrhoids may die.

Thanks to garlic, bacteria in the vascular system and inflammation that accompany infection are removed for hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoidal bumps become smaller and do not cause severe inconvenience.

Steam therapy

Steam treatment obtained from the vegetable is considered a proven remedy against hemorrhoids. Heat the brick (use the oven), place it in a metal vessel with chopped garlic cloves, and cover with a lid with small holes.

Next, the patient sits on the lid so that the affected area is located above the holes. The steam emanating from the vegetable will relieve inflammation, soothe pain and itching.

Garlic ointment preparation

Treatment of hemorrhoids with garlic comes down to preparing an ointment preparation. When external hemorrhoids occur, the inflamed lumps stand out and are visible to the naked eye. An effective remedy is considered to be an ointment preparation made from garlic, which can reduce knots and relieve discomfort. To create take:

  • a small spoon of bee product;
  • 0.2 kilograms of chopped garlic;
  • 0.05 liters of milk.

Mix the ingredients and heat slowly over heat, stirring occasionally. The thickened substance is mixed and left for three hours. The ointment preparation is applied to cotton wool. Apply when going to bed. You can smear it on a hemorrhoid. It is allowed to smear the anus with an ointment preparation for a long-term period, up to a complete correction.

Anal suppositories

You can treat garlic disease at home using anal suppositories. When the lump is from the inside, candles made from garlic are used. For preparation you need:

  1. Take equal parts of garlic and animal oil.
  2. Grind the ingredients through a meat grinder.
  3. The butter is softened.
  4. Mix the ingredients.
  5. Create a tube from paper.
  6. The mold is filled with the mixture and cooled.
  7. Before use, the candle is freed from the paper shell and inserted into the anus.

A course of procedures alleviates symptoms.

Instead of a candle, a piece of garlic is inserted into the anus. The vegetable is cleaned, soaked in a water base and inserted into the rectal passage. The event is effective - garlic substances constantly affect the cones. You need to be treated for several days. For preventive purposes, the event is scheduled three times a year. You can lubricate the garlic with sunflower, animal, petroleum jelly or sea buckthorn oil.

Garlic baths

Traditional medicine involves treating external and internal hemorrhoids using steam baths. For garlic baths, chop the garlic head, pour it into a basin, and fill it with a five-liter bucket of warm water. The affected area is placed in the mixture and kept inside for a third of an hour. It is allowed to use this procedure daily for ten days of the month. Recipes require the use of milk.

Steam baths based on garlic are used. Finely chop the garlic, put it in boiling water, and pour it into the pan. Next, they sit on the pan so that the vapors fall on the hemorrhoid cones. It is recommended to repeat the method for ten days.

Garlic enemas

Treatment procedures are more productive when the patient complements the therapy with a healing enema of garlic infusion. The head of garlic is peeled and peeled. Peeled garlic cloves are ground on a fine-toothed grater. The resulting garlic pulp is placed in a three-liter jar, and a warm, pre-boiled water base is poured. Mix thoroughly.

Next, a third of a liter of the resulting solution is poured into a douche bulb, the end of which is inserted into the anus, and the solution is poured inside. Do not take into account the burning sensations that appear during the procedure, endure it. Upon completion of the procedure, it is recommended to empty the intestines. It is recommended to repeat the healing enema twice a week; after douching, the patient recovers. If the symptoms of hemorrhoids do not go away, the course of treatment is repeated after a week.

The only contraindication to douching with garlic solution is hypertension.


Doctors in the field of proctology allow the use of garlic in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Eat a clove of garlic on an empty stomach in the morning. Use in food is limited in indications. Eating garlic in parallel with blood thinning medications causes the formation of blue bruises on the skin - it is characterized by a strong antithrombosis property.

The danger lies in the parallel consumption of garlic and medications prescribed to patients with diabetes. The reason is the ability of garlic to greatly reduce glucose levels. Patients suffering from epileptic seizures, disorders of the kidneys and liver, and females expecting a child require careful treatment using garlic.

When using folk remedies based on garlic, keep in mind: the active components of the vegetable are absorbed into the vascular system of the anus. Therefore, when treating hemorrhoids, examination and advice from a doctor are necessary.

Garlic is an indispensable product on the human table. Garlic will cure hemorrhoids, help disinfect the body, and strengthen the human immune system.


Garlic has a number of beneficial properties and is often used to prevent and treat various diseases.:

  • The most popular property of garlic is the prevention of acute respiratory diseases and colds. The phytoncides and essential oils it contains help fight pathogenic bacteria and viruses, destroy fungi and even worms. How to use garlic to get rid of parasites is described in a separate article, and you can find out whether garlic helps against viruses here.
  • The substance thiamine or vitamin B1 contained in it improves the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Sulfur in garlic promotes the synthesis of methionine, an amino acid that ensures the normal functioning of cartilage tissue in the joints and liver. Useful for those who suffer from arthritis and hepatosis. How to use garlic to treat joints is discussed here, and how to cleanse the liver and gall bladder with this vegetable is written in a separate article.
  • It contains many vitamins and microelements. .This is a real vitamin cocktail that perfectly improves immunity. Read about how to use garlic for immunity in our material.
  • Useful for high blood pressure.
  • Garlic contains beneficial substances that thin the blood and thus help reduce the possibility of blood clots.
    Garlic is also recommended for the prevention of heart attack and stroke.
  • For all its beneficial properties, garlic also has contraindications for certain diseases.:

    • For stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastritis with high acidity.
    • If consumed excessively, it can lead to cardiac dysfunction, possibly causing or intensifying arrhythmia.
    • It is not recommended for epilepsy or pregnancy.
    • Contraindicated in pancreatitis and kidney diseases: nephrosis and nephritis.

    Recipes for treatment at home

    The duration of treatment depends on the results of the procedures performed. But these procedures should not last more than a month; a break is required. Garlic therapy is carried out as needed.



    A steam bath is a fairly effective remedy in the fight against external hemorrhoids . This procedure significantly alleviates the condition, relieves inflammation and reduces hemorrhoids. It is recommended to carry it out after defecation and washing. For a steam bath you need:

    1. Pour the chopped head of garlic into one liter of hot water and bring to a boil.
    2. Pour the resulting slurry with five liters of hot water, pour it into a small basin and sit over the basin.
    3. The duration of the steam bath is about twenty minutes. You can take a bath every day for a week.


    Recommended for external hemorrhoids, but not advisable for inflammation with noticeable bleeding.

    1. To carry out therapy, take a head of garlic and crush it onto a pre-hot brick.
    2. For convenience, it is best to place the brick in a metal container with a wooden lid in which a special hole is made.
    3. For therapy you need to sit on this wooden cover for about twenty minutes.


    Milk therapy can be used in the treatment of the disease:

    1. To prepare it, add about 300 g of grated vegetable cloves to two liters of milk.
    2. Bring to a boil over low heat.
    3. After boiling, the dish must be covered with a wooden lid with a small hole.
    4. Warm up the anus over a stream of steam for as long as possible.


    To prepare garlic ointment, take:

    • one teaspoon of honey;
    • 200 grams of finely chopped vegetables;
    • 50 ml milk.
    1. Chopped garlic must be mixed with the prepared ingredients and put the mixture on low heat.
    2. Stirring constantly, bring the liquid to a thick state.
    3. The resulting mass must be thoroughly ground and allowed to brew for about three hours.

    Inflamed nodes are lubricated with healing ointment . Treatment is carried out in the morning and evening for a month. For internal hemorrhoids, the ointment is applied to a tampon and inserted into the anus.

    The procedure is performed before bedtime after a cleansing enema. You can use the ointment until recovery.


    Freshly prepared garlic suppositories help cope well with inflammation of hemorrhoidal cones.

    1. To prepare, chop several peeled cloves on a fine grater.
    2. Mix the resulting mixture with fresh softened unsalted butter.
    3. Then form small candles and place in the refrigerator to harden completely.
    4. It is recommended to insert a candle into the anus before going to bed.

    The product is very simple but effective. Relief usually occurs after 3-4 procedures.


    An enema is indicated in the case of internal hemorrhoids accompanied by slight bleeding:

    1. For therapy, you need to twist a head of garlic through a meat grinder and pour a glass of boiling water.
    2. Cool the garlic tincture, then strain through gauze folded several times.
    3. First, you need to do a cleansing enema with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and then inject 50 ml of garlic medicine with a syringe.
    4. After the procedure, you need to lie on your left side.

    This therapy can be carried out over two weeks.

    Special diet

    With varicose anal veins, it plays a significant role in the prevention and treatment of the disease. A proper diet normalizes stool and the functioning of the digestive tract.

    Excessive indulgence in spicy foods can contribute to the occurrence of hemorrhoidal cones . A special diet for acute hemorrhoids is important. In this case, a properly selected diet in combination with therapy allows you to reduce inflammation as quickly as possible and reduce the duration of the acute period of pathology.

    Patient reviews

    Maria: “A colleague advised me to treat hemorrhoids with garlic. I prepared the ointment according to a recipe I found on the Internet, and I liked it. At first there is a slight burning sensation, but it goes away within 10 minutes. The ointment, of course, has a characteristic smell, so I only used it at night. The hemorrhoids went away in a week and don’t bother me anymore.”

    Ivan: “I found a recipe for garlic baths against hemorrhoids and decided to try it. Apart from garlic and water, no ingredients were needed, I had it all on hand. I poured the liquid into the basin, sat in it for about 15 minutes and felt the pain gradually go away. I didn’t repeat the procedure every day, I only did it 5 times. The hemorrhoids went away, but I remembered the recipe just in case.”

    Elena: “I knew that many people treat hemorrhoids with garlic. It was the internal knots that worried me, so I prepared candles. The recipe is simple and takes very little time to prepare. Ready-made candles can be stored in the refrigerator, and this is very convenient. The suppository must be administered every day at night. I didn’t have any unpleasant sensations, and I managed to cure hemorrhoids in just 10 days. The remaining candles are still in the refrigerator.”

    It’s not for nothing that garlic is considered one of the healthiest foods. In addition to a large number of vitamins, it contains antimicrobial components and substances that affect blood viscosity. It can and should be consumed internally in its pure form or as a seasoning, and also prepare medicinal ointments, suppositories and compresses based on it. Before starting the course, you should consult with your doctor, make sure there are no contraindications and test for an allergic reaction.

    Possible problems

    Problems with garlic treatments can arise when eating raw garlic due to its persistent odor.

    In addition to bad breath and a burning sensation in the mouth, garlic can cause a burning sensation in the stomach, heartburn, body odor and diarrhea .

    If you have very sensitive skin, be careful because garlic on your skin can cause a burning sensation. It is not always possible to use garlic for therapy.

    Due to the fact that this vegetable produces an active effect on the human body, there are significant restrictions on its use. Neglecting them is dangerous to health, and therefore, before starting therapy, you should make sure that they are absent.

    Despite the fact that it is a very hot vegetable, garlic, when used correctly, does not cause any harm to the delicate skin around the anus and rectal mucosa. It is an effective treatment for hemorrhoids.


    Diana, 26 years old: For a week she underwent treatment for hemorrhoids using garlic steam baths. The effect was amazing. Thanks to the weekly procedures, the inflammatory process went away and the hemorrhoids disappeared. I recommend it to people suffering from an unpleasant disease.

    Albert, 57 years old: Used an ointment based on finely chopped garlic cloves. On the third day of therapy, the inflammation went away, the hemorrhoids became smaller, and the painful symptoms disappeared. The event is not pleasant, but garlic helps and brings real salvation from hemorrhoids.

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