Marva Ohanyan. Cleansing the body in 7-21 days, scheme

Human digestive system

Marva Ohanyan is the author of a method of cleansing the body with herbal infusions and juices. Her technique of conditioned fasting helps prevent and eliminate health problems, but such therapy is not suitable for everyone. The classic cleansing course lasts 21 days, then it is repeated after 3 months and six months.

Who should not undergo cleansing?

Cleansing according to Ohanyan is aimed at restoring normal body functions and preventing diseases. The technique has a number of limitations:

  • tuberculosis;
  • diabetes mellitus and other carbohydrate metabolism disorders;
  • hypo- and hyperthyroidism, autoimmune thyroiditis;
  • oncological processes;
  • rehabilitation period after myocardial infarction;
  • severe forms of renal and liver failure;
  • liver diseases (cirrhosis, hepatitis);
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers during exacerbation;
  • allergies to foods taken during the course;
  • age under 18 years;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding period.

What is pus and mucus that pollute our body?

1. These are products of chronic inflammation that are not excreted from the body and are “preserved” in the cells of our body. And especially in certain organs, such as the maxillary sinuses, lungs, kidneys, liver, intestines, mammary glands in women, etc. and so on.

2. What are the products of inflammation made of: dead antigen molecules and antibodies. The antigen is usually: foreign animal protein, molecules of pathogenic bacteria and viruses, toxins. Once our immune system recognizes an antigen, it produces antibodies and directs them to where the antigens are located. As a result, both sides of the conflict die and turn into pus. Inflammation, which is familiar to us, occurs: purulent tonsils, sputum in the lungs, purulent sinusitis, etc. and so on. These are just the most obvious and familiar to everyone.

Fasting technique

Marva Ohanyan offers a method in which fasting lasts 3, 10, 21 days. People who are practicing this method of cleansing for the first time are recommended to start with a one- or three-day course. Only based on personal experience can you choose the appropriate method.

How it works

Herbal teas enhance the detoxifying effect of not eating. Healing infusions improve the functioning of basic systems:

  • respiratory;
  • lymphatic;
  • circulatory;
  • nervous;
  • immune.

Fluid reserves during fasting according to Ohanyan are replenished with herbal infusions (3–4 liters per day) and freshly squeezed juices (up to 1 liter). During the course, the production of tissue enzymes responsible for the removal of toxic substances is activated. Herbs in combination with juices saturate the body with useful substances and make it easy to cope with hunger.

Benefits for the body

Using Marva Ohanyan’s method for people without chronic pathologies helps avoid frequent colds, heart and vascular diseases. The risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and multiple sclerosis is reduced.

Cleaning helps ease the flow of:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • allergies;
  • hypoacid gastritis;
  • cholecystitis (in the absence of stones in the gallbladder), pancreatitis;
  • epilepsy;
  • neuroses.

Attention! The technique helps to get rid of infertility.

Why do we get sick?

1. Any disease is the body’s desire to cleanse itself and establish normal metabolism. By the way, acute respiratory infections help a lot with this, since with these diseases we actively get rid of pus and mucus, which are the main problem of metabolic disorders.

2. Where do pus and mucus come from? Firstly, due to prolonged malnutrition. Secondly, due to the unfavorable environment: toxins are now everywhere, especially if you live in a big city and eat food from the supermarket. Air, water, food leave much to be desired. Well, thirdly, our immune system is now VERY weakened: decades of universal vaccination, drug treatment and consumption of industrially produced food. Well, add here a sedentary lifestyle and lack of movement and exercise. Therefore, our body would like to cleanse itself of everything unnecessary (what gets into you with poor nutrition and contaminated foods, water, air), but it cannot! Immunity is no longer the same. Often, instead of cleansing, the body produces a bunch of autoimmune diseases. This is how he “perversely” tries to cleanse himself...

List of allowed herbs

Herbal tea mixture

When cleansing the body using the Ohanyan method, you need to drink herbal tea. Allowed herbal ingredients:

  • peppermint;
  • oregano;
  • plantain;
  • coltsfoot;
  • thyme;
  • liquorice root;
  • agrimony;
  • yarrow;
  • bearberry;
  • chamomile;
  • sage;
  • stinging nettle;
  • motherwort;
  • hop cones;
  • tricolor violet;
  • calendula flowers;
  • St. John's wort;
  • hawthorn fruits;
  • valerian, rose hips;
  • buckthorn bark.

The herbs are mixed in equal proportions and stored in a linen or paper bag in a dry place.

Important! Before cleansing the body, it is necessary to study the pharmacy instructions for herbs and exclude the presence of contraindications.

3rd Stage.

Introduction of juices

It is not recommended to consume juices for the first three days. You should only drink the herbal infusion and some water. On the fourth day, two or three glasses of decoction are replaced with 500-700 ml of grapefruit and watermelon juice. Starting from the fifth day, gradually bring the ratio of juice and infusion to 50% to 50%. You can consume berry juices:

  • Currant
  • Blueberry.

From the tenth to eleventh day you are allowed to drink juices from apples, root vegetables and cabbage. The amount of infusion should be at least 50% of all liquid drunk per day.

How to prepare a decoction

Homemade recipe:

  1. Place 3 tbsp in a large enamel pan. l. herbal mixture.
  2. Pour 3 liters of boiling water (spring or pre-filtered).
  3. Cover the container with a lid and bring to a boil.
  4. Remove from heat and leave for 40 minutes, strain.

The decoction should be drunk warm. Marva Ohanyan recommends adding 1-2 tsp to each glass of liquid. honey, lemon or sour berry juice (1 tbsp.).

The liquid prepared in the morning is drunk in equal portions every hour. You need to consume 10–12 glasses of the product per day.

2nd stage of the system.


The next day after completing the first stage of cleansing, at five o’clock in the morning you should begin cleansing the intestines using the rectal method. For an enema, a soda-salt solution is used: two teaspoons of sea salt and one teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate (soda) are diluted into two liters of water, the temperature of which should correspond to body temperature.

Enema should be performed three times, alternating with bowel emptying. After the last enema, stand in a hot shower for 15-30 minutes. Morning rectal cleansing is performed daily during the first week of fasting. From the second week, enema is done every other day. In the third week - once.

General scheme

Marva Ohanyan calls the method of cleansing the body conditional fasting. During the course, a person does not give up food completely, but stops eating solid foods, replacing them with herbal infusions and juices. The body gets nutrients from drinks.

Ohanian recommends cleansing the body for 2-3 years (depending on the condition). For 1 year, therapy is carried out at intervals of 3 months, then the course is repeated every six months.

Attention! If it is not possible to fast for 21 days, you can shorten the procedure to 3 or 10 days.

Preparation in 3 days

Magnesium sulfate

The cleansing course begins in the evening by taking 50 g of Magnesium sulfate (magnesia) powder. It is diluted in 130 ml of water and drunk in one gulp on an empty stomach. The solution has a bitter taste and sometimes causes vomiting. You can drink magnesia with water with honey and lemon juice or a herbal decoction.

After using the product, you must take a horizontal position and place a heating pad under your right side. It is better not to get up for an hour. During this period, you need to drink the decoction in small sips.

2 hours after taking magnesium, an enema is given. For the procedure, use 2.5–3 liters of water (temperature 37 °C). Principles of the procedure:

  1. Take a knee-elbow position.
  2. Carefully insert the tip lubricated with Vaseline or vegetable oil into the anus.
  3. Slowly open the clamp on the hose and let water in. If pain or vomiting occurs, the infusion should be stopped. Without removing the tip, breathe deeply into your stomach for 1–2 minutes and continue the procedure.
  4. When the water from Esmarch's mug goes into the intestines, you need to try to hold it for up to 10 minutes, and then empty yourself.

On the first evening, the enema is repeated 2-3 times. On subsequent days of the course, intestinal lavage is done in the morning.

On the second and third days, Ohanyan recommends drinking a decoction of herbs with the addition of honey and lemon or grapefruit juice.

Fasting for 10 days

Starting from the 4th day, freshly squeezed juices are added to herbal infusions. You need to drink 3-4 glasses of them per day. Ohanyan recommends using mono- and multi-component nectars:

  • grapefruit;
  • orange;
  • apple;
  • cucumber;
  • carrot-beetroot with the addition of apple (3:1:3);
  • pumpkin;
  • carrot-beet-cabbage (3:1:1);
  • cucumber-tomato with the addition of bell pepper, parsnip root or celery stalks (3:2:1:1).

Juices should be prepared in a centrifugal juicer. Household appliances of this type squeeze out almost clear juice. Harmful substances from vegetables and fruits remain in the cake. Clear juices can be drunk immediately. Nectars with pulp must first be strained.

Fasting on juices and decoction lasts 10 days (during this period it is necessary to regularly do enemas). On the 11th day, you can begin to introduce food into your diet.

Breaking fast in 8 days

Fruit puree

After the main course of conditional fasting for 4 days, the diet is enriched with fruit purees - apple, pumpkin, tomato. You can eat peeled slices of oranges, tangerines, and watermelon pulp. Daily intake of decoctions (8–10 glasses) and juices (500–700 ml) continues.

Small meals are recommended. Main meals (mashed) should be taken 10, 14 and 18 hours. In the intervals between them you should drink juices.

On the 5th day, vegetable salads are allowed to be introduced. When preparing them, raw carrots, beets (finely grated), tomatoes, onions, garlic, and herbs are used. Dress salads with lemon juice.

This diet is followed for 3–5 days. After this period, Ohanyan recommends introducing baked vegetables.

The right transition to a vegetarian diet

Seasoning food with oil and eating sour cream is allowed only 20 days after the end of the cleansing. After 10 days they start eating porridge:

  • rice;
  • buckwheat;
  • oatmeal;
  • barley;
  • wheat

You should pay attention to the preparation of dishes. Stages:

  1. Rinse the cereals thoroughly.
  2. Fill with water and leave to swell for 6–8 hours.
  3. Place on the fire and cook, covered, until boiling.
  4. Boil for 3-5 minutes and remove from the burner.

You can add grated vegetables to the porridge - carrots, beets, celery, parsnips.

From the second month after the end of fasting, soups and borscht in vegetable broth are allowed. You can add 1 tbsp to liquid dishes. a spoonful of low-fat sour cream, a small piece of butter.

The benefits of cleansing according to Ohanyan

The cleansing system lasts 21 days. The uniqueness of the developed method lies not only in the fact that the body is cleansed of debris, parasites and toxins.

The comprehensive body cleansing program includes intermediate nutrition, which allows you to maintain the results obtained. Poisons and toxins are removed from the body and at the same time, diseases that have accumulated over the years of contamination are cured. These are the following ailments:

  • Salt deposits;
  • Pathologies of blood vessels and associated circulatory disorders;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Pathologies of the cardiac system;
  • Skin diseases.

You should not perceive the course as a panacea for all ailments, but the technique helps the body maintain its condition and, if possible, fight them.

PVC gas outlet pipe

The Esmarch mug should always be used in conjunction with a gas outlet tube for high-quality intestinal lavage. The fluid will pass through the rectum, ascending sigmoid, transverse colon, descending colon all the way to the appendix. At first, the water will enter slowly. The movement of water can be regulated by moving the gas outlet tube. After a few days, you will gain the skill and the water will begin to enter faster.

Installation of a gas outlet pipe

Connect the gas outlet tube with its upper wide end to the lower end of the Esmark mug tube. Everything is done in the following sequence:

  • The tip is removed from Esmarch's mug.
  • Wrap several layers of electrical tape around the upper end of the PVC gas outlet tube and insert it into Esmarch's mug. To soften, the lower end of the pipe of Esmarch's mug must first be heated in boiling water.

Side effects

During fasting according to Marva Ohanyan, a sharp withdrawal of toxins occurs, which manifests itself in the form of a deterioration in well-being. This reaction is explained by the fact that during cleansing a rapid release of toxic substances begins and the cells do not have time to get used to the new conditions. Over time, all unpleasant symptoms will pass, and the body will begin to work much more efficiently.

Negative effects of the cleansing procedure, which signal a favorable course of cleansing and when they appear, you should not stop fasting, are:

  • attacks of nausea, urge to vomit;
  • a white coating forms on the tongue;
  • purulent discharge from the nose, cough with sputum (a good sign indicating the effectiveness of cleaning);
  • weakness, dizziness.
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