How to prepare slimy porridge and soup: good for the stomach, 6 recipes?


Prepared by: Alexey Marchuk

11/02/2016 Cooking time: 1 hour 0 min

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If you don't know how to make slime soup, use this recipe. Such soups are very useful for those who have stomach problems. Healthy and wholesome food!

Required consistency

It’s not for nothing that diet soup is called slimy. Visually, it looks like jelly and has a very delicate and uniform consistency. There should not be a single, even the smallest, particle of solid food in such a soup, as this can mechanically damage the inflamed walls of the stomach or intestines.

Slimy soups are concoctions of various grains that resemble thick cream. The taste of the dish is weak; the aroma of some kind of cereal, milk or egg is only vaguely felt.

How to cook slimy soups?

Any cereal for soup can be used, depending on the preferences of the sick person. First, it is poured into a pan and washed under waste water. Next, pour 250 - 600 grams of water into the cereal and put it on the fire. After boiling, reduce the gas pressure and cook for approximately 1 hour. Cooking time depends on the type of cereal. Rice should be cooked for the longest time, and semolina will take less time.

Dietary mucous soups cook faster if you grind the cereal in a coffee grinder before cooking. To do this, it is washed, then dried in the oven at a low temperature, poured in small portions into a coffee grinder and brought to the state of flour. Now you can cook soup from it. Doctors advise using this method also because this way not only the decoction of the cereal, but also crushed grains gets into the soup. The dish becomes more satisfying and contains more nutrients, which is necessary for the recovery of patients after surgery.


Recipes for medicinal decoctions are quite simple. They are cooked from a variety of cereals; you can add a little cream, sour cream, butter or olive oil to the finished dish. Let's look at the most common and useful recipes:

  • Oatmeal can be cooked in water or milk. To cook milk, you need to take a glass of milk, 45-50 g oatmeal, an egg, a little butter, tbsp. l. honey and 150 ml. water. Place the cereal in boiling water and boil for 45 minutes, then separate the resulting broth and boil again. Boil the milk, cool and combine with the egg, then pour in the broth, adding salt to taste, a spoonful of sugar and butter, stir, cool to a comfortable temperature. Oatmeal broth is nutritious and healthy.
  • Rice broth based on meat is prepared as follows: take 45 g rice cereal, 200 ml water, 350 ml meat broth, 1 onion and carrot. Peel and wash the vegetables. Then chop into strips and put in meat broth, which is boiling. Cook for 30-40 minutes. Separately, cook the rice in water, then strain it. Strain the meat broth and combine with the rice water, add a pinch of salt and boil again, stirring constantly.
  • Semolina soup is cooked with the addition of milk. To do this, boil 35 g of semolina in a glass of water, thoroughly stirring the boiling mixture. Cook for 10 minutes. Take 1 egg and mix thoroughly with cooled boiled milk, then combine semolina with this mixture. Add salt and sugar at your discretion. You can put dried apricots, raisins, and prunes in this decoction.
  • For intestinal diseases, you can eat potato-based soups that are prepared in this way. Place peeled, washed and chopped carrots, onions and parsley root into boiling water. Cook vegetables over low heat for 30-40 minutes. Then strain the finished broth and add finely chopped potatoes to it, cook until tender. You can eat this dish with the addition of butter and herbs.
  • Puree soups are prepared from a wide variety of ingredients, which are then pureed to a puree-like consistency using a sieve or blender. These soups are useful if a person has impaired functioning of the stomach, liver, intestines, or pancreas. For a pureed dish, boiled or stewed vegetables are taken, which are pureed, and then combined with broth, which can be prepared from vegetables or meat, boiled again and most often added white sauce, which consists of milk, cream or sour cream. You can take a wide variety of vegetables: potatoes, carrots, broccoli, pumpkin, cauliflower, green peas. In this puree soup you can add croutons, lightly sprinkled with olive oil. Puree soup can be prepared based on meat and cereals, such as rice, oatmeal, semolina. To do this, the meat is cooked with the addition of vegetables and cereals, after which everything is ground through a sieve or whipped with a blender. Here are the recipes for the healthiest and most delicious pureed soups.

Pumpkin puree soup

To make this soup, you will need half a kilo of pumpkin, 700-800 ml of milk, half a glass of cream, a spoonful of butter, 150 g of white bread and salt to taste. Peel the pumpkin from the insides and peel, wrap it in foil and bake in the oven at 180 degrees for about an hour. Separately, boil the milk and combine with the prepared pumpkin, pureed through a sieve, boil again and add butter and cream. You can add a teaspoon of honey to this soup, or eat it salty, along with dried white bread croutons.

Puree vegetable soup

For this soup you will need 1.5-2 zucchini, 1 cucumber, leek, a bunch of dill or parsley, a glass of cream, one and a half glasses of broth, butter, salt and spices to taste.

Sauté leeks and zucchini in a small amount of oil, then simmer this mixture for 10 minutes. Then add the broth, boil and cook for another 20 minutes. Let it cool, after which you can blend the soup in a blender or grind it in a way convenient for you. Add cream, salt and pepper to taste.

Any pureed soup is good for the stomach, it normalizes digestion, helps regulate intestinal motility, and improves the patient’s well-being.

Serving soup

Soups for diet number 1 are served warm. The temperature of the dish should not be less than 55 degrees and above 62 degrees. If cereal was prepared, then after complete boiling it is filtered through a fine sieve or cheesecloth. The soup should consist of one decoction; there is no need to press hard or rub the cereal itself through a sieve. If you cooked a dish from semolina, then this procedure is not necessary, since it is already small.

The resulting dietary soup consists of cereal gluten, as well as gelatinized starch.

After the mucous mass has been strained through a sieve, the broth must be put back on the fire and brought to a boil again, and then additionally put in a water bath. To do this, prepare a pan of boiling water and insert a bowl of soup into it so that the bottom does not touch the water.

How to Increase the Nutritional Value of Soup

There are several different ways to make slimy soup more filling:

  1. Before boiling, grind the cereal so that in addition to gluten, boiled cereal flour also gets into the dish.
  2. Add butter before serving to the patient.
  3. Add milk.
  4. Make the egg-milk mixture.

Let's consider how such a mixture is prepared. Whisk the yolk of a chicken egg with hot milk. You can use cream. If such an additive is added to the soup, do not bring it to a boil when reheating. Due to the high temperature in the first dish, flakes may appear from the egg curdling; you will have to filter it again through a sieve and, as a result, the product used will not get into the dish. The finished soup can be lightly salted or sweetened immediately before use by adding a little sugar.

Cream soup with liver quenelles and mushrooms (Italy)

1.2 liters of white sauce with chicken broth, 250 g of chicken puree, 150 g of chicken liver quenelles, 20 g of truffles or porcini mushrooms, 100 g of cream, 2 eggs, 50 g of butter, salt.

Add puree (minced meat) from chicken meat into the prepared white sauce with chicken broth and dilute with chicken broth. Prepare quenelles from chicken liver, rolls, onions, eggs, boil in water and add to soup. Along with them, add boiled and cut into strips mushrooms. Season the soup with cream and butter. Add salt if necessary.

Recipe using rice cereal

Slimy rice soup is a satisfying dish that is healthy for the stomach and intestines. It can be prepared from whole grains, but it cooks faster from ground flour.

To prepare, prepare 40 grams of rice, 300 grams of clean water and 5 grams of butter.

Before putting it into boiling water, the rice must be sorted and rinsed under waste water. Cook the porridge until softened. This may take about an hour. Then take a fine sieve and rub the resulting broth through it. Large particles of grains should not get into the soup. Next, the slimy soup needs to be brought to a boil again and a little salt. Allow the dish to cool slightly before serving to a sick person. Don't forget to add a piece of butter.

Nutrition rules for gastritis - choosing a diet

Disease with different levels of acidity

To determine what kind of diet a patient needs, the level of acidity in the stomach is measured. A special procedure - intragastric pH-metry - helps to determine it.

If the doctor has diagnosed gastritis with high acidity, you need to adhere to a diet that will not only provide mechanical and thermal sparing of the stomach, but will also reduce the level of acidity of gastric juice.

In the case of gastritis with high acidity, the following are added to the list of general nutritional recommendations:

  • Drinking milk is allowed (except high-fat milk);
  • kefir increases acidity, so it is better to avoid it, but yogurt and curdled milk are useful in small quantities;
  • you can eat cottage cheese, especially in the form of puddings, casseroles and soufflés;
  • It is allowed to eat eggs in the form of an omelet or soft-boiled (2-3 pieces per week);
  • Fruits eaten include sour apples, bananas, cherries, pears, and peaches. The juices of these fruits are allowed. You can’t eat citrus fruits, grapes, melon.

For gastritis with low acidity, the goal of therapeutic nutrition is to ease the load on the stomach and at the same time gently stimulate the secretion of gastric juice. To do this, your daily diet includes foods that help awaken the gastric glands and activate their work.

For gastritis with low acidity, the following are added to the list of general recommendations:

1. It is not recommended to consume milk in its whole form, but it can be used in preparing porridges;

2. any fermented milk products are indicated, since they have a stimulating effect and cottage cheese;

3. eggs are eaten only soft-boiled or in the form of an omelet, but no more than 1 piece per day;

4. As for fruits, sour apples are preferable; you can eat bananas and other fruits, except grapes.

List of foods not to eat

For gastritis with any level of acidity, adults and children should exclude from the menu:

  • seasonings, sauces, marinades;
  • fatty meats and rich meat broths;
  • whole milk and sour cream, salted and smoked cheeses;
  • hard boiled eggs;
  • carbonated drinks, kvass, coffee, and chocolate;
  • nuts, seeds and legumes.

Barley soup with added egg-milk nutrient mixture

To prepare this dietary dish you will need:

  • 600 or 700 ml water;
  • 40 grams of pearl barley;
  • 150 ml milk;
  • half a yolk;
  • 5 grams of butter.

Before cooking, cereals must be rinsed under waste water. Place in a saucepan and add the required amount of water. After boiling, the cereal is cooked over low heat until the pearl barley is completely cooked. Then remove the soup from the stove and strain the mucous broth through a sieve. Put it back on the fire and bring to a boil. Separately, you need to make a lezon, that is, a milk-egg mixture. The milk needs to be heated, but not brought to a boil, and gradually pour in the egg, stirring all the time. Then mix everything with pearl barley broth and add a piece of butter before serving.

Greek egg soup

Ideally, use orzo pasta.

You will need:
2.5 liters of water, 300 chicken fillets, 100 g of small pasta, 4 eggs, 2 lemons, 2 tsp.
coarse salt, 5 black peppercorns, half a bunch of dill. Preparation:

Boil the meat in salted water for 30 minutes. Add pasta and black pepper. In a separate container, beat eggs with lemon juice, salt and ice water. Pour the mixture into the soup and stir. Boil for 2 minutes and turn off. Serve the soup with lemon wedges and herbs.

Oatmeal soup

Slimy oatmeal soup is also prepared with a mixture of milk and yolk. To prepare it, prepare 500 or 600 ml of clean water, Hercules flakes - 40 grams, milk - 150 ml, half a chicken yolk and 10 grams of butter.

Oatmeal is poured immediately into boiling water and cooked until it is completely boiled. Remove the porridge from the heat and strain the first broth through a fine sieve. Then put it on the fire again and bring to a boil. Separately, make a mixture of milk and half the yolk and pour it into the slimy soup. Throw in a piece of butter before use.

Dietary soups can also be cooked from semolina, barley, pearl barley and wheat. The cooking principle is similar. The main thing is that the soup is thoroughly boiled and strained. Dietary food for postoperative patients should be as gentle as possible, both mechanically and thermally. Be healthy!

Goose liver soup with chicken and mushrooms

1.2 liters of white sauce with chicken broth, 250 g of goose liver puree, 200 g of chicken meat, 100 g of cream, 50 g of butter, 2 eggs, salt.

Prepare white sauce with chicken broth. Boil the goose liver, drain the broth, grind the liver until smooth and add it to the white sauce with chicken broth. Season the hot puree soup with butter, yolks and hot cream. As a side dish, use boiled chicken meat and boiled mushrooms, cut into strips. Salt the soup.

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