A complete collection of recipes for hemorrhoids with birch tar

general information

Condylomas are a benign tumor formation that is “located” on the epidermis or mucous tissues and looks like warts and papillae. Single specimens (about 7 mm) or entire “colonial formations” (up to several tens of mm) of condylomas settle on the body of women and men and often resemble cauliflower in appearance. The color of these substances ranges from flesh-colored to brown. Condylomas are viral in nature, so such problems can even occur in children (during childbirth from an infected mother). As long as the growth has not reached the epidermis, the person does not pose a threat to others; the risk of infection increases if the growths are located in the epidermal layer. Condylomas are usually divided into two types:

  • wide;
  • pointed.

In the first case, condylomas in women and men look like a mushroom with a cap and a wide stalk and are most often a consequence of secondary stage syphilis. Condylomas of the genital type are transmitted through sexual relations; the human papillomavirus (HPV), which is activated under certain conditions, is involved in their appearance. The main location of genital warts is the genitals and oral cavity. Condylomas in women settle on the outer and inner parts of the labia, in the vagina, clitoris and anus. Warts and papillary growths in men select the glans penis and frenulum of the foreskin.


Although tar is included in many ointment recipes, it is in liniment according to Vishnevsky that its combination with other components has the desired effect in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

The combined action of xeroform (an antiseptic, astringent and regenerating agent), castor oil (a natural emollient and laxative that helps other components penetrate better into tissues) and tar is expressed in an antiseptic, disinfecting effect. Vishnevsky's liniment reduces swelling and inflammation, activates blood circulation and eliminates blood stagnation in hemorrhoidal cones, stimulates healing and restoration of microtraumas and cracks.

To be successfully treated with ointment, you first need to prepare the area to be treated. Lotions of a weak solution of potassium permanganate (slightly pink) are applied to external hemorrhoids for three days. Gauze wipes moistened with the solution are applied to the painful nodes three times a day after hygienic toileting of the anal area.

The main active ingredient of Vishnevsky’s liniment is birch tar

After such treatment, a sterile gauze napkin is generously soaked in Vishnevsky ointment and applied to the inflamed nodes, trying to secure it more reliably, since the compress should remain in place for 12 hours. Then it is changed, the total duration of application is two days. According to another scheme, the compress is applied for 2 hours three times a day. This leads to a clear subsidence of inflammation and a reduction in hemorrhoids.

Another option for using the ointment is to go to bed, take a warm sitz bath in a solution of potassium permanganate, and then apply a compress of the ointment at night. It is recommended to alternate it every other day with a compress of sea buckthorn or rosehip oils.

Also, if necessary, Vishnevsky's liniment can be used as a microenema or simply lubricated with it on disturbing areas. In any case, the tar in its composition has a good disinfectant effect and helps prevent suppuration of inflamed veins.

For internal hemorrhoids or anal fissure, the ointment can be inserted into the anus on a tampon as a suppository.

Reasons for appearance

“What causes condylomas?” - a question that worries patients with a similar problem. The route of infection with condylomas is through unprotected sexual contact. Moreover, these include traditional intimate relationships, as well as oral, anal and homosexual relationships. Children get the disease from sick women while moving through the birth canal. Do not be negligent about household methods of infection. There is no need to take risks and use other people’s personal belongings, especially bath accessories (washcloth, towel, flip flops, etc.). Condylomas are activated under the influence of certain factors:

  • indiscriminate unprotected sex;
  • early onset of intimate relationships;
  • sexual contacts with partners with condylomas or HPV carriers;
  • decreased immune abilities of the body;
  • previous diseases of the genital tract;
  • frequent stress, vitamin deficiency;
  • sloppiness and failure to comply with personal hygiene rules.

The appearance of genital warts is often associated with HPV. Human papillomavirus infection poses a great danger for the development of cancer. Condylomas of this etiology are the object of study and treatment by doctors of different specializations: in women - by gynecologists, in men - by urologists. If the location of condylomas is in the anal area, then a proctologist leads the patients. You should definitely consult about genital warts, because the development of the disease can occur in a variety of ways - from self-healing to the degeneration of condylomas into malignant formations. The specialists of the Global Clinic Center have accumulated positive experience in solving such problems, so contacting the clinic is a prerequisite for successful treatment of the patient.


Now there is tar soap on sale, which can be used as a source of tar at home.

There are several ways how it can be used:

  • For hemorrhoids, to reduce inflammation of the nodes and prevent an infectious process after defecation, generously soap a finger and insert it into the anus. In this way, they try to treat the entire radius of the anus. The rectum is home to a lot of saprophytic and pathogenic flora, and with the help of the bactericidal properties of soap it is possible to disinfect the area where hemorrhoids are located. The anti-inflammatory effect of this method can be noticed already on the 5th day of continuous use.
  • It is convenient to cut candles from tar soap. The principle of operation is the same - antiseptic treatment of the surface of hemorrhoids. The method is convenient, especially if it is internal hemorrhoids or anal fissures. But you definitely need to listen to your feelings! Suppositories can cause a burning sensation and irritation in the anus.
  • For external or combined pathology, you can prepare an ointment using tar soap. To do this, the bar is grated, and then brought with warm water to the state of thick cream. The resulting substance is lubricated on the hemorrhoids and left there for half an hour. It is recommended to repeat this manipulation 2 times a day.
  • The easiest way is to use soap for its intended purpose - to wash the anal area after each bowel movement. Thus, the skin around the anus calms down, itching and inflammation disappear. Most patients immediately notice a decrease in discomfort from hemorrhoids.

The use of soap is justified to a greater extent for prevention and additional hygienic care

Such a serious disease cannot be treated with this remedy alone; you must definitely visit a proctologist.


The main manifestation of growths is their unpleasant and repulsive appearance. But women will also be reminded of condylomas by other unpleasant moments. The time elapsed from the first contact-infection to the moment when condylomas become clearly visible can be completely different. Sometimes a week or a month is enough for condylomas to appear; in other situations, years may pass. The incubation period depends on the general health of the woman or man, their immunity, lifestyle, etc. Condylomas in women and men cause itching and burning in the genital area and near the anus. This occurs during the period of germination of condylomas; in the future, such symptoms may disappear. An increase in the amount of whitish discharge, sometimes mixed with blood and an unpleasant odor, provokes condylomas in women, which are localized on the vaginal mucosa or cervix. When condylomas are found in the anus, the passage of feces can injure them and cause ichor.

Recipes with tar

Treatment of hemorrhoids with birch tar at home can be carried out in different ways:

  • take the drug internally;
  • apply tampons and ointment rectally;
  • arrange steam tar baths.

The attending physician will tell you which form of treatment to choose.

Homemade ointment

You can prepare a healing remedy with your own hands.

For the recipe you will need:

  • tar;
  • lamb or pork fat.

Mix all components until smooth. The recommended dosage of components is 1:1. Apply the resulting composition to the affected area.

Before the procedure, you must do an allergy test. To do this, you will need to lubricate your wrist with a small amount of birch tar. Leave the mixture for 30 minutes. If a rash does not appear on the skin, then the ointment can be used for medicinal purposes.

You can prepare the ointment in other ways. Mix the main component with Vaseline in a ratio of 1:10. The composition must be infused, and then the medicine can be used to treat the external form of the disease. Apply the ointment after defecation and washing the anal area with water.

Oral administration

In order for the treatment of the disease to be more successful, it is necessary to be treated comprehensively. It is necessary to influence the inflammatory response both externally and internally. Internal reception funds are designed to help with this.

The following recipes show excellent results in the fight against this pathology.

  1. Add 1 drop of natural product to 200 ml of milk. You need to add a drop daily. The course of treatment is 10 days. From the next day, the number of drops must be reduced by one part and brought to 2 drops per cup of dairy product.
  2. You can eat a piece of bread with tar. It is appropriate to carry out such actions before bedtime. It is not advisable to drink or eat tar.

After a few days, the body will get used to the specific taste and smell of the product.

Such therapy requires adherence to the following regimen: the course should begin with 5 drops, which should be doubled over a few days, adding a drop daily. Then take the same dosage for another half a month, and then reduce it, bringing it to 2. The entire course of treatment is 24 days. To prevent the disease, repeat procedures can be arranged, but only after six months.

For internal use, it is recommended to use tar water. To obtain it, put half a kilo of tar in spring water (4 liters), stir the mass thoroughly with a wooden spoon. Then close the vessel tightly and leave it for 2 days. Then you need to carefully remove the foam from the solution, pour the liquid into the bottle, closing it hermetically. This will be called tar water. You should drink 100 g of it on an empty stomach. When infectious diseases are present, it is recommended to dilute birch tar in milk.

Tar with manganese baths

Many patients leave only positive reviews about this medicinal product. For therapy they used a tar-manganese bath. During the procedure, you need to lie in a container of hot water, which contains potassium permanganate.

You should take a bath until it cools down, then apply tar to a tampon or cotton wool and carefully insert it into the anus. The medicine must be kept overnight. Please note that the pure product may cause a strong burning sensation. This phenomenon is considered a normal reaction, since the process of destruction of pathogenic flora is noted. But this unpleasant discomfort is not a reason to stop the procedure.

Sitz baths

A sitz bath is a very effective method of combating pathology.
You need to take hot water, but not boiling water, add tar. The proportion is as follows: 1 tbsp. l. natural remedy for 2 liters of water. Pour the solution into a container and sit down so that the anus is immersed in the liquid. Perform the manipulation for 10 minutes. After the procedure, you need to cover yourself with a blanket and lie down for 30 minutes. The procedure is best performed before bedtime. A steam bath is also widely used to treat this pathology. You will need an iron container, place a heated brick in it, and drip 5 drops of this product on top of it. Then cover the basin with a wooden lid, which has a hole in the middle. The patient should sit on the container and place the anus over the hole in the wooden lid. If there is a strong burning sensation, stop the manipulation until a comfortable temperature is achieved.

Vishnevsky ointment

For the treatment of hemorrhoids, Vishnevsky ointment, which contains birch tar, is often prescribed. When the patient has external hemorrhoids, they should be treated with undiluted product or the product should be applied to them on a cotton swab.

If the patient has internal lumps, it is necessary to lubricate them with Vishnevsky ointment. The product is applied to a tampon and inserted into the rectum overnight. The number of such procedures for pathology is not limited, although several manipulations are usually enough, since pain relief and swelling are eliminated quickly.

The drug helps reduce swelling of the anorectal area, as well as tissue regeneration and pain reduction during exacerbation of the inflammatory process. Vishnevsky ointment cleanses wound surfaces of pus. The product does not have any contraindications, unlike the pure product.

The drug is characterized by a warming effect; it enhances blood transport to the affected area. The result of this is an intensification of the developing inflammatory process under the film of fat of the ointment, an infiltrate begins to form, and the purulent contents break out.

You can read more about the features of using Vishnevsky ointment for hemorrhoids in the article by our specialist proctologist.

Pathogenesis of genital warts

HPV is found in the cellular structures of the skin and mucous membranes, so it can be transmitted from men to women, from adults to children. The long latent period of infection makes early diagnosis of the disease difficult. Condylomas are not immediately visible to the naked eye. To activate HPV, a large number of these pathogens is necessary, only then the papillomavirus “comes out”, represented by genital warts. An increase in HPV may occur due to decreased immunity in women or men. Genital condylomas are caused by the process of atypical reproduction of the human papilloma virus; under its influence, epithelial cells grow and develop with pathology. The skin and mucous tissues change and this is how condylomas appear. Growths in the form of warts and papillae can be single or massive, turning into entire “conglomerates” of condylomas.

The importance of prior consultation with a doctor

The use of birch resin is associated not only with contraindications, but also with complications. If there is an allergic reaction accompanied by redness and rash, treatment should be stopped. Long-term therapy with this product in large quantities can lead to kidney pathology.

Important! If the tar causes a burning sensation and severe pain, it is recommended to stop treatment. Before getting healthy, you should definitely consult a proctologist. It is especially undesirable to use such a product in the last stages of hemorrhoids.


Human papillomavirus infection (genital warts) is diagnosed in different ways, from visual examination of women and men to the most advanced examinations. CM "Global Clinic" has in its arsenal the latest techniques for determining the nature of condylomas. Diagnostic methods used by doctors:

  • Clinical examination. Some types of diseases in women and men can be masked, taking the form of genital warts, so you need to have sufficient qualifications to differentiate different problems.
  • Colposcopy is recommended for women, and urethroscopy for men.
  • A smear will tell a lot about condylomas in women and their nature; this cytotest will also help to exclude cervical dysplasia.
  • Histology.
  • Diagnostics-PCR. This examination not only detects the presence of human papillomavirus, but also determines its type.
  • Immunological research. It is used to detect antibodies to HPV in the blood.

All women and men affected by genital warts must be tested for infectious diseases of the genital area (syphilis, HIV, etc.)


For hemorrhoids, pure tar can be used to prepare sitz baths or, alternatively, steam baths.

For a sitz bath, take a basin or a special medical device and fill it 10 cm with water so that when immersed, the water completely covers the problem area. For two liters it is enough to add 7 drops of tar. Take a bath for 10 minutes, preferably before bed, for 10 days. Any burning sensation usually goes away after a couple of sessions. Be careful not to develop an allergic reaction or dermatitis. In this case, treatment should be stopped.

Sitz baths using tar have a healing effect

A steam (smoky) bath is prepared as follows. A well-heated brick is placed in a suitable container and a couple of drops of tar are poured onto it. The patient sits down on top and wraps himself in a towel and spends up to five minutes doing this. Under the influence of temperature, the active substances of the tar sublime, and the healing steam reaches the hemorrhoids.

Such measures are not recommended in case of severe swelling or bleeding. In this case, it is better to use tar for compresses or apply it internally using a gauze pad.

To improve the general condition of the body and have some venotonic effect, tar can be consumed orally. To do this, drop a couple of drops of the drug onto a piece of bread and eat it as soon as possible, after which you cannot drink or eat the “medicine.”

To gradually acclimate the body, therapy begins with five drops and one drop is added daily. Thus, you need to reach ten drops per dose. This dose is maintained for 14 days, and then a gradual reduction in the amount begins by one every day to five drops. In total, the course takes 24 days, but it can be repeated no more than once every six months.


Condylomas and HPV require a systematic approach to treatment.


To combat condylomas in women and men, doctors act in three directions:

  • against viruses;
  • in order to increase immunity;
  • for fortification of the patient.

Cycloferon and inosiplex act against HPV activation and its reproduction. Inferon and allokin-alpha stop viruses and help restore the immune system. To improve the general health of women and men, Immunal, Amixin, Poludan, etc. are prescribed. A complex of vitamins and minerals is also an essential component of treatment for condylomas.


Condylomas are successfully treated using ointments and sprays of antiviral action (epigen-intim, condylen, etc.). Women and men will not have to think about condylomas if they are treated with inquimod, podophyllotoxin. For pregnant women, you can use trichloroacetic and nitric acids. Women need to fight condylomas in stages: first remove them, and then, or in parallel, act to reduce the number of viruses. Often (in every third woman) condylomas enter the stage of relapse (especially if preventive measures are not followed and the recommendations of the attending physician are ignored).


Methods for removing condylomas in modern medicine are varied:

  • Electric coagulation. This method has disadvantages - many contraindications, painful procedure and long recovery.
  • Cryotherapy. Condylomas are removed using liquid nitrogen. The positive aspects of this technique are the absence of scars, painless effects, and the absence of anesthesia.
  • Surgical method. The growths are removed during surgery, and stitches are placed at the site of the wounds. Doctors use local anesthesia.
  • Use of chemicals. This method is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Laser therapy. Condylomas are removed with a laser beam; this is a treatment that does not affect healthy cells and leaves virtually no scars.
  • Radiosurgical method. The use of a special device helps remove condylomas without contact with the body. Removal of growths is accompanied by simultaneous sealing of blood vessels. This technique is one of the most modern and in demand.

Tar and its action

Birch has long been known for its medicinal properties; leaves, buds, juice, and pollen are used. Tar is obtained by distilling the light parts of birch bark - birch bark. In appearance, it resembles a dark-colored fatty liquid with a sharp, specific odor. Derivatives of cresol, benzene, toluene, xylene, resinous substances, phenol and guaiacol give it a special “aroma”. Also, the active components of tar include salicylic acid, betulin, tannins, catechins, and leucoanthocyanins.

The complex action of its components provides a whole range of therapeutic activity, on which the treatment of hemorrhoids with birch tar is based. Mainly, this is an antiseptic and bactericidal effect. It also has a local anesthetic, astringent, and wound-healing effect; tar helps in cleansing wounds of dead tissue and softens keratinized areas.

When applied topically, tar improves blood circulation, accelerates the process of regeneration of the mucous membrane, provides a reflex effect on receptors and enhances blood microcirculation in tissues.

Cresol and phytoncides have a disinfectant effect, phenol disinfects surfaces, and guaiacol inhibits decay processes to a greater extent. These components are quite aggressive, so treatment should be started only after a sensitivity test, otherwise unpleasant allergic reactions may develop - local irritation at the site of application, burning or chronic dermatosis.

You should also remember that you should not use tar while taking sulfonamides and phenothiazine derivatives.

Tar can be used both in pure form and as part of various dosage forms, where its concentration can range from 1 to 30%

A very important note - you should not use tar for hemorrhoids in pregnant women or small children. This is due to the presence of substances such as benzopyrine derivatives, which have a proven teratogenic and carcinogenic effect.

To treat hemorrhoids, use tar soap, ointment and pure tar.

Preventing HPV infection

Condylomas must be prevented by preventive measures:

  • use of contraceptives during sexual relations;
  • increasing immunity;
  • proper balanced nutrition;
  • taking vitamins;
  • compliance with hygiene standards;
  • fight against bad habits;
  • increasing stress resistance.

Regular visits to the doctor are a good preventative measure. The use of antiviral ointments, as well as vaccination against HPV, is prevention that will make people’s lives full.

Pregnancy and condylomas

Condylomas are an alarming signal for pregnant women. HPV in the body of the expectant mother does not have a harmful effect on the fetus, but such a lady must be under the supervision of the attending physician at all times. You can resort to removing growths only at the 28th week of pregnancy, not earlier. If the formations have settled on the genitals, then there is a high probability that the baby will acquire HPV while passing through the birth canal. If the infection is not treated, then the unpleasant moments associated with thrush increase in pregnant women. The best option is a thorough examination before pregnancy for HPV and, if it is detected, mandatory and complete treatment.


The disease manifests itself in two forms:

  • outer;
  • interior.

During development, pathology goes through several stages. In the first stages, a person often does not even suspect the disease. When hemorrhoids are not diagnosed in a timely manner (at this point it is quite easy to cure), inflammation begins to progress.

In the final stages, signs of the disease bring severe discomfort. A painful act of defecation, sometimes it is difficult for the patient to walk and even sit, hemorrhoidal cones fall out both during bowel movements and with slight physical effort. It is difficult to straighten them on your own, bleeding becomes profuse, and bleeding develops.

The last stages of the pathology, in the absence of adequate treatment, provoke the occurrence of complications. In this case, surgical intervention becomes inevitable.

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