Signs of food poisoning in children and possible causes

Indications for the gastric lavage procedure

In what situations is gastric lavage required? The procedure is carried out in cases of digestive disorders. There are several indications for performing manipulations to cleanse the stomach.


  • Poisoning with food, toxic substances, alcoholic beverages.
  • Stomach diseases in which an increased volume of mucus is released, which interferes with the normal digestion process.
  • Diagnostic washing is necessary if the presence of malignant diseases is suspected, to determine the pathogen in case of intoxication and bronchopulmonary diseases.

Gastric lavage is one of the most effective ways to remove toxic substances in case of overdose. However, the procedure is not permitted in all cases. There are contraindications in which manipulation is prohibited and can cause harm.

They do not carry out:

  1. the presence of bleeding from the esophagus or stomach;
  2. impaired blood circulation in the brain;
  3. poisoning with acids and poisons that cause severe burns;
  4. disruptions in the cough reflex;
  5. dysfunction of the cardiac system;
  6. lack of consciousness in the victim;
  7. the presence of convulsive manifestations.

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In case of such pathologies, rinsing is not carried out. If the victim is restless (often due to alcohol poisoning), then sedatives are administered to him before cleansing. This will allow the manipulation to be carried out quickly and painlessly.

Possible causes of poisoning in children

Poisonous products can cause poisoning to a child.

Food poisoning is conventionally divided into 2 types. However, this conditional division does not reduce the danger to the child’s health. So, there are 2 types of food poisoning:

  1. Poisoning a child with poisonous products. Such poisoning can occur due to the child’s consumption of poisonous berries, mushrooms or plant seeds.
  2. Poisoning with toxic substances. Such poisoning refers to poisoning resulting from ingestion of food containing pathogens and toxic substances.

I don’t even know if it can be said that poisoning with toxic substances is even worse than poisonous products, but it is a fact that such poisoning can lead to intoxication or some kind of pathology.

Do not confuse toxin poisoning with food poisoning. It differs from poisoning in that it has a short incubation period. This infection is not contagious, so it is safe to contact a child with toxoinfection. Most often, food poisoning occurs after consuming the following foods:

  • Eggs (especially if they have cracked shells or raw eggs)
  • Seafood
  • Sweets with cream
  • Greens and root vegetables
  • Milk and dairy products

I think that there is no point in talking about salads and other finished products on supermarket shelves, because... This food is a treasure trove for E. coli, salmonella and staphylococcus.

If your child feels fine after eating finished products from the supermarket, then you can consider it a miracle.

It is definitely difficult to prevent your child from eating fruit or one serving of ice cream in the summer heat. And, strictly speaking, there is no need to do this. It is enough to simply be more careful when choosing a product.

When buying something for your child in a store, make sure that you are buying quality products and also pay attention to their expiration date. You can only rest easy knowing that your child is eating quality products that were manufactured by a reliable company in compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards.

What is needed for gastric lavage

In the hospital, the procedure is performed using a thick or thin probe. Before cleansing, the healthcare professional calculates the appropriate amount of solution. For adult , the volume is up to 7 ml of liquid per kilogram of weight. Additional tools will be required for this.


  1. Wash probe. It is a tube 1.5 meters long, the thickness can reach 12 mm.
  2. Adapter.
  3. Funnel.
  4. Water bucket.
  5. Petrolatum.
  6. A container to collect the escaping liquid.
  7. Solution.

Before washing, you need to prepare everything. If the patient is unconscious, then specific instruments will be required to keep the tongue and mouth from closing. It is important to correctly calculate the required length to which the probe is inserted due to the fact that all people have different constitutions.

Treatment of food poisoning in a child

In case of poisoning, antibiotics should not be used.

The maximum time you can give yourself to try treatment at home is 24 hours.

If the situation does not stabilize within 24 hours, immediately call an ambulance. Immediately throw the following treatment procedures out of your head:

  1. Taking antibiotics
  2. Taking antiemetic drugs
  3. Treatment with antidiarrheal medications

This is explained by the fact that vomiting and diarrhea are a reaction that seeks to protect the body from invading harmful bacteria and toxic substances.

Washing algorithm

How is the stomach washed in the hospital in case of poisoning ? The procedure is performed by a medical professional. There are several stages for carrying out the manipulation.


  1. The patient takes the most comfortable position: sitting or lying on his side.
  2. The doctor must see that the victim is conscious and understands everything that is happening.
  3. Calculate the correct length of the probe: from the earlobe to the lips and along the chest to the lower part of the sternum.
  4. Vaseline is applied to the end of the tube and placed on the root of the tongue.
  5. The victim makes several swallowing movements so that the probe slips inside.
  6. Before introducing the solution, the exact location of the tube is specified: the funnel is lowered below the level of the stomach, liquid should appear in it.
  7. Pour the solution into the funnel and raise it about a meter. After the liquid has completely disappeared, the watering can is lowered to knee level so that the washing water comes out. If necessary, they are collected to conduct research.
  8. The procedure is repeated until the stomach is completely cleansed.

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After the manipulation, the patient needs help getting himself in order. If necessary, he is admitted to a hospital for further treatment .

When washing children, the procedure is carried out similarly. However, the manipulation has some peculiarities.


  • To lavage a child’s , two people are required at once: one holds it, the other performs the cleansing.
  • Before cleaning, it is necessary to select the correct diameter of the probe.
  • Doctors need to carefully calculate the amount of fluid administered.
  • During the procedure, it is important to monitor the volume of fluid injected and removed.

In children, rinsing should be done with caution. The little patient's condition is closely monitored. If he experiences pain or other suspicious symptoms, the process is stopped.

Prevention of food poisoning in children

You must wash your hands before eating.

To prevent food poisoning in a child, you need to wash your hands more often, put away anything that could harm your child’s health and refuse raw water.

In this matter, you need to be not only attentive to the child’s actions, but also to yourself. For example:

  • Give your child only washed vegetables and fruits
  • Wash your hands before preparing food
  • Monitor the expiration date of purchased products

In fact, this list can be very long, but the most important thing is to maintain good hygiene and ensure your child is eating properly.

What can happen after the procedure

After gastric lavage, the patient is kept at rest. When done correctly, there are no negative consequences. If the manipulation technique is violated, then some complications cannot be ruled out.

What is possible:

  • When the probe is inserted shallowly, the liquid enters the intestines instead of the stomach.
  • Often the probe hole becomes clogged. In such a case, take it out, clean it and repeat the washing.
  • If administered inaccurately, damage to the mucous membrane or esophagus is possible, and bleeding is possible.
  • Rarely, damage to the vocal cords occurs and the procedure is discontinued.

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Carrying out the procedure on your own can lead to complications if there is no control of the incoming and outgoing fluid, or the use of a highly concentrated solution of manganese. Therefore, in case of serious poisoning and disorders of the digestive system, it is recommended to contact medical professionals.

Gastric lavage in the hospital helps to quickly and effectively cleanse the body of toxic substances and stop the spread of poisons. The manipulation is carried out by a person with medical education using a specific technique.

What symptoms indicate poisoning of a child?

An elevated temperature in a child is a sign of poisoning.

In case of poisoning, the child’s symptoms will appear unexpectedly with an increasing character, i.e. at first there may be nausea, followed by vomiting, and vomiting will be accompanied by high fever, etc.

In case of mild poisoning, the child’s health may be satisfactory, but this does not mean that the signs of food poisoning will not progress in the future. It’s just that all the symptoms will appear gradually, depressing the baby’s body.

At the same time, with a complex form of poisoning, a child may experience infectious-toxic shock. In general, the symptoms of food poisoning in a child look like this:

  1. Nausea
  2. Profuse vomiting
  3. Upset stomach (this can happen 15 or more times a day)
  4. Diarrhea
  5. Fever
  6. Presence of blood clots, mucus, or green color in the feces
  7. Pale skin
  8. Dry mouth
  9. Increased heart rate and rapid breathing
  10. Lower blood pressure
  11. Concentrated urine, i.e. takes on a dark tint

Don't wait for symptoms to add up. After all, this can lead to dehydration of the body. The longer you delay seeing a doctor, the more harm you do to your child’s health.

Why is this necessary?

Sooner or later, waste and toxic substances accumulate in the digestive tract, resulting from incomplete processing of food. The accumulation of these elements essentially poisons the body. This affects the general condition of the body, leading to a deterioration in the condition of hair, nails, and skin.

After toxic substances reach tissues and organs, they cause the development of pathological processes that can pose a danger to human health and life. If cinder stones form in the small intestine, they can cause growths, as well as mold and mucus lumps.

From time to time, cleaning the stomach is simply necessary. The procedure improves the process of digestion and assimilation of food, and also accelerates the absorption of nutrients. The stomach digests incoming food as much as possible. This occurs due to mechanical action and the help of enzymes. In some situations, it is necessary to get rid of gastric contents without harming other organs. What are these cases?

Artificial cleansing of the stomach is necessary in the following situations:

  • after heavy overeating. Excessive food intake causes stagnation in the digestive organ. Neither enzymes nor muscle fibers can cope with such an amount of food. This causes activation of putrefactive processes. In this case, you should eliminate excess food and avoid such situations in the future;
  • poisoning. This includes not only intoxication from stale food, but also from alcoholic beverages. If you feel nausea, vomiting, or confusion, cleaning your stomach will quickly relieve the condition;
  • gastritis with copious mucous secretion;
  • ingestion of a foreign body. Gastric lavage should be done in the first fifteen minutes. Then it will be too late;
  • use of poisonous substances. If the gastric pouch is not cleared in time, the outcome can be fatal.

Important! Cleansing the stomach is an effective way of rejuvenation and healing, which will give you energy and excellent well-being.

If a person is unconscious or bleeding, the procedure is prohibited. Before performing manipulation on your child, consult your doctor. With severe slagging, there can be up to several tens of kilograms of slag stones in the intestines. Over time, they decompose and begin to release decay products. Then they enter the blood and spread throughout the body.

Timely cleansing of the stomach is the prevention of many diseases in the future.

If you have chronic diseases, you first need to undergo an examination to exclude contraindications to this procedure. Cleansing manipulation is prohibited in the following cases:

  • pregnancy, lactation, menstruation;
  • diabetes;
  • ARVI;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • meningitis;
  • suspected perforation of the stomach or intestines;
  • ulcer;
  • epilepsy;
  • inability to swallow;
  • tuberculosis;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • oncological processes;
  • exacerbation of digestive pathologies;
  • severe cardiovascular diseases.

It is strictly prohibited to carry out the procedure in case of poisoning with petroleum products, for example, gasoline or kerosene. Intense abdominal pain is also a contraindication.

Effective techniques

Cleansing the digestive tract should begin by following general recommendations:

  • balanced diet. The diet should be rich in vegetables, fruits and herbs;
  • The consumption of flour, sweet, smoked, fatty foods is prohibited;
  • at least once a week you need to eat fish and lean meats;
  • fractional meals. It is important to practice moderation. You should eat small meals frequently;
  • Drink enough plain water daily.

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Reference! A simple procedure involves repeated injection of liquid into the stomach and its subsequent removal.

If you want to clean the digestive organ yourself, you need to take a cleaning solution inside, and then artificially induce a gag reflex by pressing on the root of the tongue. If the person is conscious, then the manipulation does not cause any difficulties. An important point is the correct posture of the patient, otherwise lavage water and stomach contents can easily enter the respiratory tract.

Boiled water

The human body is 60–80% water. Therefore, we can say with confidence that it is simply necessary to maintain health and life. Water strengthens the immune system and also delivers nutrients to cells. It is considered a truly healing drink. Cleansing with boiled water came to us from Indian medicine.

Followers of Ayurvedic medicine became interested in the properties of this liquid in cleansing the entire body. By the way, you need to use hot water. The intense rhythm of modern man is associated with a violation of the diet. We often snack on the go, dry food, and eat foods that are not particularly healthy.

Boiled water helps improve the condition of the entire digestive system. It is enough to carry out the procedure several times a year. It is a gentle cleaning method. This method has the fewest contraindications and side effects, because everyone can drink water.

You can cleanse your stomach with boiled water.

The first thing you should understand is that the water should not be scalding hot. You must choose a temperature that is comfortable for you, and it should be as high as possible. It is forbidden to drink boiling water! You need to drink water on an empty stomach an hour before breakfast. Drink the liquid slowly, in small sips.

To achieve maximum effect, you need to follow a certain procedure algorithm. Sit on a chair with a straight back and straight legs. Don't fuss, close your eyes and try to listen to your feelings.

If desired, you can perform a set of exercises to better move fluid through the digestive tract. Lie on the mat with your stomach down. Bend your arms and place your palms down along your body at shoulder level. Raise your head, lifting yourself slightly on your arms, while keeping your elbow motionless.

Look at the left heel of your foot over your right shoulder, and vice versa. Movements are performed smoothly. First, you direct your gaze to the thyroid gland area, move to the spine, and only then lower your eyes to the foot. Lowering your head, you should fix your attention on parts of the body in the opposite direction.

During this sensation, minor pain may occur. There is no need to be afraid of them. They indicate that the process is proceeding correctly. However, it is best to consult your doctor first. Do not think that boiled water is a panacea. This technique has a list of contraindications. For example, it cannot be performed during exacerbations of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


Gastric lavage solutions can be quickly made at home. Let's look at recipes for preparing the most effective liquids that will help cleanse the body:

  • permanganate. You need to dilute several crystals of potassium permanganate in warm water. Potassium permanganate should be filtered through multilayer gauze. This is extremely important to do, as small crystals can cause burns to the mucous membrane. The resulting solution is diluted in water to obtain a pale pink liquid. In case of acute digestive disorders, the use of potassium permanganate is not allowed;
  • soda. The solution is prepared on the basis that two tablespoons of the product are used for five liters of water. This option is recommended for poisoning with acid-containing substances;
  • saline. Prepared in the same way as the previous version. Table salt prevents the penetration of toxic substances from the stomach into the intestines;
  • citric. Used for alkali poisoning. The juice of half a lemon must be dissolved in two liters of water. Alternatively, ten milliliters of a three percent solution of table vinegar.

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Too concentrated solutions can damage the inflamed mucous membrane of the digestive tract. You should not drink too much liquid at one time. This will cause the gastric pouch to expand and some amount of the solution, along with toxins, will penetrate into the initial part of the intestinal tract.


In case of poisoning, sorbents are first aid drugs, as they quickly rid the body of toxins. They will help cope with intoxication of the body of different types and degrees of complexity. The mechanism of action of sorbents is that the active substances bind toxins, thicken them, and then remove them from the body.

The pharmaceutical industry offers a wide range of adsorbents. Let's take a closer look at the most effective, affordable and popular drugs. The leading place in this list is, of course, occupied by Activated Carbon. It is produced in the form of tablets, capsules, granules, and powder. There is white and black coal.

Due to its structure, the medicinal substance absorbs toxins well. Coal can be used for poisoning from medications, food or alcohol. It is impossible not to mention Polysorb, a new generation cleansing product. The active substance is natural flint.

The sorption effect of Polysorb is much more powerful than that of Activated Carbon. It is able to eliminate toxic substances not only from the stomach and intestines, but also gently removes poisons from blood vessels and internal organs. The product is available in the form of a powder with a blue tint, from which you need to prepare a suspension.

Activated charcoal will help cleanse your stomach

Polyphepan is a sorbent of plant origin. It is made on the basis of dietary fiber. The drug normalizes the intestinal microflora and, even with long-term use, is not addictive. Polyphepane is a brown powder that has a rather unpleasant taste.

Enterosgel is a homogeneous paste for oral administration. The drug is prescribed for poisoning by alcohol, medications, and potent poisons. It is even effective against intestinal infections. We cannot remain silent about Phosphalugel. This sorbent contains magnesium and aluminum.

The drug quickly and effectively neutralizes toxins, while gently enveloping the walls of the stomach. Phosphalugel is produced in special sachets, the contents of which are ready for use. You don't even have to drink water. The dosage of Phosphalugel is selected depending on age and severity. It is approved for use in children under one year of age.

The prescription of drugs may vary depending on the cause of poisoning. First, let's talk about alcohol intoxication. It is worth noting that ethanol molecules are small and nimble. Activated carbon will not help with alcohol poisoning, however, if you take a tablet within an hour after drinking alcohol, the drug will have a positive effect.

To prevent a hangover, you can take Activated Charcoal half an hour before the feast. However, in cases of emergency treatment for alcohol poisoning, it is best to use Polysorb or Enterosgel. These medications have a wider range of therapeutic effects and remove toxins from the body much more actively.

In case of drug poisoning, it is best to use Carbolong as an emergency drug. It should be taken three times a day, 5–10 mg. If the cause of intoxication is poor-quality food, experts have recently recommended using Smecta or Enterosgel.

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