8 traditional medicine recipes for treating the pancreas

Ecology of consumption. Traditional medicine: If a person begins to have difficulty digesting food, or the blood sugar level rises...

It is no secret that any disturbances in the functioning of internal organs negatively affect our health. In order for the entire system of the human body to function smoothly, each organ is responsible for one or another biological process occurring inside us.

In particular, if a person begins to have difficulty digesting food, or the level of sugar in the blood rises, then such problems indicate a malfunction of the pancreas.

This small organ, located on the left under the stomach, performs two vital functions at once - digestive and endocrine.

Firstly, the pancreas produces pancreatic enzymes necessary for the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates from food.

Secondly, the beta cells located in it, the so-called islets of Largehans, produce the hormone insulin, which regulates glucose metabolism in the body. Violation of these functions leads to the development of serious diseases.

Pancreatitis and diabetes mellitus

The most common ailments associated with dysfunction of this representative of the endocrine glands are pancreatitis and diabetes mellitus. In the first case, an inflammatory process begins in the pancreas, its tissues swell, hemorrhages occur in them, and the amount of digestive enzymes produced by this organ decreases.

The main causes of pancreatitis include infectious lesions of the gland, cholelithiasis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, benign and malignant tumors, alcohol abuse, and traumatic factors. In turn, a decrease in insulin production and the occurrence of diabetes mellitus are promoted by a passion for high-calorie foods and sweet foods containing complex carbohydrates, a sedentary lifestyle, excess weight, frequent stress overwork, vascular atherosclerosis, problems with the functioning of the thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism), and long-term use of hormonal medications. By the way, pancreatitis can also trigger the development of diabetes.

Features of treatment of pancreatitis

Inflammation of the pancreas is accompanied by many unpleasant and painful symptoms. Therefore, all treatment methods used for pancreatitis should, first of all, alleviate the patient’s condition. But it is also very important to restore the functions of the pancreas. After all, it produces enzymes necessary for normal digestion of food.

In the acute form of the disease, the most important thing is to relieve pain and inflammation, as well as eliminate their causes. This could be blockage of the pancreatic ducts with a stone, overeating, drinking large amounts of alcohol, fatty, spicy or fried foods. Acute pancreatitis can develop against the background of cholecystitis, with certain infectious diseases, after injury or chemical poisoning. To eliminate the inflammatory process, it is very important to determine the reason for its occurrence. Therefore, treatment is prescribed by a doctor after examination.

The chronic form of the disease often develops in patients with gastritis, ulcers, pathologies of the kidneys or biliary tract. In this case, mild inflammation may not manifest itself as obvious symptoms. The patient feels nausea, heaviness in the abdomen, aching pain in the left or right side. He is worried about frequent belching, flatulence, and possibly vomiting. The most common form of chronic pancreatitis is parenchymal. Its danger is that it can be almost asymptomatic, hidden, but leads to the destruction of pancreatic tissue.

Attention: the main task of treating chronic pancreatitis is to restore the functions of the pancreas.

Conservative therapy is effective, the main methods of which are the use of medications and diet. But in addition to traditional treatment, folk remedies are often used. They help alleviate the patient’s condition, prolong remission, and speed up recovery.


Dysfunction of the pancreas is characterized by a variety of symptoms. Acute pancreatitis is manifested by sharp pain in the hypochondrium, in the pit of the stomach, which is accompanied by frequent attacks of nausea and vomiting, decreased blood pressure, and rapid pulse. The pain syndrome may be shingles in nature.

In chronic pancreatitis, exacerbations alternate with periods of remission, typical signs of which are loss of appetite, general weakness, fatigue, constant rumbling in the stomach due to increased gas formation, and bowel dysfunction (constipation or diarrhea). In diabetes mellitus, characteristic symptoms occur with the development of hyperglycemic syndrome. At such moments, the patient feels unquenchable thirst, dry skin, chilly limbs, headache, and blurred vision.

For long-term chronic pancreatitis and type 2 diabetes mellitus (non-insulin-dependent), recovery can be significantly accelerated with the help of traditional medicine recipes.

A few words about the manifestations of an inflamed pancreas

Before we talk about how to treat the pancreas with folk remedies, it is necessary to talk a little about how exactly the inflammation that occurs in this organ manifests itself. And the first thing you need to tell is where the pancreas is located, because the pain syndrome that occurs when pathological processes are activated in it can easily be confused with manifestations of completely different diseases.

The pancreas is located behind the stomach and with its “tail” envelops the duodenum, with which it is connected by special ducts through which digestive enzymes are released, and the head of the gland is located near the spleen.

Thus, it turns out that the pancreas is located on all sides, and when it becomes inflamed, a person may have the feeling that it is not the pancreas that is hurting, but completely different organs. However, when the gland tissue becomes inflamed, certain symptoms appear that cannot be confused with other manifestations of gastrointestinal diseases.

And if we talk about what symptoms of pancreatic disease there are, then it is necessary to highlight the following:

  • Pain. As a rule, when the pancreas is inflamed, it is of a shingles nature. Initially it occurs in the left or right hypochondrium (depending on which part of the gland is inflamed), and then begins to spread to the shoulder blades, cervical region, shoulders, lower back, etc. At the same time, a distinctive feature of the pain syndrome that occurs against the background of inflammation of the pancreas is that when taking a certain body position (you need to sit down and tilt your upper body slightly forward), it becomes less pronounced.
  • Nausea. Accompanied by vomiting, which does not bring relief.
  • Dry mouth. Occurs when inflammation affects the areas of the pancreas responsible for the synthesis of insulin. When they become inflamed, insulin production is significantly reduced, causing blood sugar levels to spike.
  • Temperature increase. This symptom is characteristic of acute pancreatitis, accompanied by necrotic processes.
  • Weakness, pallor, drowsiness.
  • Aversion to fatty foods and alcohol. This phenomenon is a natural reaction of the body to the inflammation occurring in it.

The main symptom of pancreatic inflammation is girdling pain!

Symptoms and treatment of pancreas vary. And here it is very important to determine the development of the disease in a timely manner, since if you miss the moment, it will be impossible to cure it. You will have to constantly take medications and “sit” on a strict diet.

Oat infusion

This cereal is of particular importance in the case of pancreatic diseases. Ordinary oatmeal with water without salt and oil is included in the list of mandatory dietary dishes in case of dysfunction of this organ. Of course, constantly eating oatmeal gets boring pretty quickly, so for a change you can easily prepare a concentrated medicinal infusion from oats. You just need to pour 0.5 kilograms of oatmeal with a liter of boiling water and let it brew for one hour. Then the infusion is filtered and taken half a glass three times a day.


If we talk about what other herbs can treat the pancreas, then this is mint. The plant helps relieve inflammation, restore the organ, and eliminate pain. In addition, while taking mint, liver tissue is cleansed and bile flow improves. When an attack of pancreatitis develops, it is recommended to prepare mint tea.

Grind four fresh leaves of the plant, pour boiling water (250 ml). Wait a little and drain the water. Pour the mint again with the same volume of boiling water and let it brew for 3 minutes. The drink should be consumed warm. If desired, you can add a spoonful of honey if there are no contraindications, for example, diabetes.

To prepare a mint decoction, which is no less effective for pathologies of the pancreas, you need one tbsp. l. Brew dry mint with boiling water (500 ml). Bring it to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and leave for 15 minutes with the lid closed, filter. Drink 100 ml three times a day half an hour before meals.

To stabilize the condition, you can take a herbal mixture containing not only mint, but also other beneficial herbs. Mix equal parts of oregano, mint and lemon balm. Pour boiling water over it. Leave covered for 40 minutes. Filter. Take the product before meals (30 minutes). The drink helps restore pancreas functions and also triggers self-regeneration processes.

Read also: Destructive pancreatitis

Oat milk

A very effective therapeutic effect, especially for pancreatitis, can be achieved by regularly consuming a decoction called oat milk. To prepare it, it is best to use whole oats in the husk, if, of course, you are lucky enough to get it.

Half a glass of this cereal is thoroughly washed in a colander, poured with one and a half liters of hot water, brought to a boil, after which the heat is reduced. During cooking (after about 45 minutes), you need to grind the softened oatmeal directly in the pan using a wooden masher and leave it to cook for another half hour. Then the oats should be cooled and strained.

To do this, it is recommended to use old nylon stockings or tights rather than stretch gauze. The result should be a white liquid similar to a dairy product. Prepared oat milk is taken daily, half a glass before each meal. As a rule, with regular use of this decoction, it ends after 2 - 3 days, so to continue therapy at home, you need to prepare a new healing potion each time.

Lemon-garlic mixture with parsley + infusion of berry leaves

For long-term treatment of pancreatic diseases, traditional healers advise preparing a very effective combined home remedy that combines two recipes. The first of them involves preparing a mixture consisting of 300 grams of garlic, 300 grams of parsley and one kilogram of peeled but pitted lemons, minced and well mixed. The resulting mixture is placed in a glass container and stored in the refrigerator.

Then an infusion is prepared, for which it is necessary to mix equal parts of lingonberry, blueberry and strawberry leaves, as well as bean pods and corn silk, place 2 tablespoons of the mixture in a liter thermos, pour boiling water and leave for 5 - 6 hours to steam. The treatment regimen should be as follows: a sick person takes one teaspoon of lemon-garlic-parsley mixture three times a day for 3 months, washed down with a third glass of healing infusion.


An effective natural remedy for pancreatic diseases is chamomile. Among the main capabilities of the plant it is worth highlighting:

  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • analgesic, disinfecting effect;
  • protection of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract) from the aggressive influence of acid produced by stomach receptors.

Chamomile tea will help heal the pancreas. Two tbsp. l. Pour boiling water (200 ml) over the dried flowers of the plant. Infuse the drink for 15 minutes. Filter. Tea can be slightly sweetened with honey.

Important! In acute pancreatitis, tea intake is strictly limited. In case of a chronic course of the disease, the course duration is one to two months.

Chamomile tea is one of the effective treatments for chronic pancreatitis
Read also: Restoration of the pancreas

The next form of remedy is chamomile decoction. In a saucepan you need to put 2 tbsp. l. dry product and pour boiling water (200 ml). Place the dishes in a water bath and simmer for 15 minutes. Pour the product into a thermos and leave to infuse for 60 minutes. Filter.

Add boiled water to bring the volume of the drink to 200 ml. Drink a third of a glass of the decoction strictly before meals. Duration of treatment is two to four weeks. Chamomile decoction can be used in the treatment of pancreatitis in childhood.

To prepare an infusion of chamomile, you need one tbsp. l. put flowers and herbs in a thermos and pour boiling water (200 ml), leave for two to three hours, filter. Take the product warm between meals up to four times a day. Dose – ½ cup.

Herbal collection

Village healers have long been relieving inflammation and stimulating the pancreas with the help of a special herbal mixture. They mix equal parts of crushed mint leaves, elecampane root, dill seeds, dried wort, St. John's wort and coriander. After this, prepare a remedy at the rate of 2 tablespoons of the mixture per two glasses of boiling water, which must be left to steep for an hour. The patient takes the prepared infusion four times a day, half a glass. It is recommended to prepare fresh homemade medicine every morning every day.

Infusion of aspen bark

To cleanse the pancreas and restore its functions, as well as to normalize the functioning of the liver and stomach, rural residents have long collected bark from young aspen trees in early spring. They placed it in a saucepan (about 300 grams), filled it with water so that the liquid covered the top layer of aspen bark, boiled it for half an hour, and then allowed the healing agent to brew for 12 hours. After the specified time, the bark was removed, the decoction was filtered and taken 50 milliliters twice a day, morning and evening.

What herbs treat

When treating pancreatitis, it must be remembered that the acute phase of inflammation requires maximum caution in the selection of herbs. On the first day of an exacerbation, the patient is prescribed complete rest, hunger and cold on the pancreas. During periods of hunger, only warm drinks are allowed:

  • water - up to 1.5 liters per day;
  • weak tea (black or green) – up to 400 ml per day;
  • unsaturated rosehip decoction without sugar - up to 400 ml per day.

When leaving the acute phase of the disease, the patient's diet is gradually enriched. The list of medicinal plants permitted for the preparation of teas and decoctions is also expanding.

Table 1. What herbs and medicinal plants treat the pancreas.

Plant namePharmacological properties
Rose hipHas bactericidal activity, improves carbohydrate metabolism, supports liver and gall bladder functions, and serves as a source of antioxidants
Sandy immortelleShows antispasmodic, analgesic and antiemetic effects, improves the tone of the gallbladder
knotweedThanks to its rich chemical composition, it exhibits wound-healing, regenerating, and antioxidant effects.
St. John's wortAnti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent
Calendula officinalisShows wound healing, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effect
PeppermintAntispasmodic, carminative, antiemetic, sedative effect
Blooming SallyMild hypnotic, wound healing, sedative effect
Centaury umbellataNormalizes appetite, stimulates digestion, has a mild laxative effect for constipation
Oregano (oregano)Used as a tonic, antiseptic and analgesic.
Salvia officinalisHas diuretic, emollient, hemostatic, astringent, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant properties
ChamomileIn medicine it is used as an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and astringent, helps with diarrhea, flatulence, and intestinal spasms.
Large plantainIt has a bactericidal, analgesic, mild hypnotic, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, and wound-healing effect.
YarrowGives an astringent effect for diarrhea, is used as a wound healing and hemostatic agent
Thyme (thyme)Used in pharmacology in many countries as an antiseptic, in folk medicine as a sedative.
Hawthorn fruitsCan be used as an astringent for diarrhea, as a blood purifier for pancreatic hypersecretion
Oak barkValuable for its astringent, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties
Birch budsUsed as a wound-healing, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, blood purifying, diaphoretic agent
Corn silkImproves liver function, acts as an anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, diuretic, choleretic agent
Fruits (seeds) of corianderExhibits antiseptic and analgesic effects

This is not a complete list of plants that can benefit the pancreas. Plant raw materials can be used either as one component or as a collection, combining herbs in accordance with their pharmacological properties.

Potato juice

City residents suffering from pancreatitis can relieve their condition with freshly prepared potato juice. To prepare one serving of the healing potion, you need to take two medium-sized potato tubers, rinse them thoroughly and grate them on a fine grater without removing the peel. From the resulting mass, squeeze out the juice through cheesecloth, which is taken twice a day, half a glass. Considering that potatoes contain a large amount of starch, this juice is consumed for 14 days, and then a week break is taken. After this, home therapy with potato juice can be repeated, but it is not recommended to carry out a similar treatment regimen more than 3 times.

The most effective alternative medicine for treating pancreas

If you have previously been treated with alternative medicine, and they helped you cope with the signs of the disease, then you can continue to treat the pancreas with folk remedies that have been tested on yourself. If this is your first time encountering a disease such as pancreatitis, then you should familiarize yourself with the most effective folk treatment methods that have helped people live with this disease for hundreds of years.

Important! Treatment with folk remedies is only an auxiliary therapy. Pancreatitis is a chronic disease that cannot be eliminated forever! Therefore, you should not expect instant and high results from alternative medicine. They will be effective only if they are used in compliance with the rules described above.


Traditional medicine for the treatment of the pancreas recommends the use of various vegetable juices, which relieve inflammation, improve digestion and reduce pain.

Potato juice is beneficial not only for the pancreas, but also for the entire body as a whole.

So, if your pancreas hurts, you can prepare the following juices at home:

  • Potato. They are prepared from raw potatoes, which do not need to be peeled. It should simply be washed thoroughly under running water and passed through a juicer. If you don’t have one, you can make potato juice like this: grate the potatoes, and then squeeze the juice out of the resulting mass with your hands. You need to take it 3 times a day 15-20 minutes before eating food in the amount of ½ cup.
  • Beetroot. These juices are also recommended to be taken if the pancreas hurts. However, if a person often experiences diarrhea due to pancreatitis, they cannot be taken, since beets have a laxative effect. Beetroot juices are prepared according to the same principle as potato juices. They should also be taken 15-20 minutes before meals, but only in the amount of ¼ cup.
  • Carrots. Effectively cope with pain in the pancreas and impaired digestion. They are taken ½ glass before each meal. The preparation method is identical to that described above.

Important! Treatment with pancreatic juices at home should be carried out for at least 2 weeks. In this case, juices should be consumed only fresh. There is no point in preparing them for future use, as their maximum shelf life is 30 minutes.


Alternative treatment for pancreas also involves eating oats. In a short time it can relieve the patient from acute pain and improve his general condition. The easiest way to use oats for medicinal purposes is to take it in the form of a decoction. It is prepared from simple oatmeal. They need to be filled with 1 liter of cold water in the amount of 1 glass, and then put on the stove and cook for 10-15 minutes.

Next, the finished broth should be poured into a thermos and put in a dark place for a couple of hours to infuse, and then strain. You need to take this remedy 2 times a day, half an hour before eating food in the amount of 1 glass. This therapy should be carried out for a month.

Unrefined oat grains contain much more nutrients than oat flakes

You can also treat the pancreas with the help of “oat milk”. You can also prepare it at home, the main thing is to find unrefined oat grains for its preparation. To prepare a daily portion of “milk”, you will need 2-3 tbsp. l. oat grains, which need to be filled with 0.5 liters of water. The resulting mixture should be placed on the stove. You need to cook it for an hour over low heat. As soon as the “milk” is ready (the liquid in the container should turn white), it should be strained. It is recommended to take this remedy 3-4 times a day 10-15 minutes before meals in the amount of ½ cup.


A recipe for using potatoes to treat pancreas has already been described above. But juice is not the only way to use potatoes for medicinal purposes. Alternative medicine also recommends the use of potato flowers, which have the same medicinal properties as the tubers. An infusion is prepared from them, which is then taken ¼ cup 3-4 times a day before meals. It is done like this: 3 tbsp. l. Potato flowers should be placed in a thermos and filled with 0.4 liters of boiling water. The product will be ready only after 3 hours. It should be strained well before use.

You can also prepare another medicine from potatoes that will quickly relieve pain. However, to make it, you will need not only potato tubers, but also carrots.

Potatoes (2-3 pcs.) and carrots (1 pc.) need to be washed thoroughly under running water and all unsuitable for food elements (eyes, darkened peel, etc.) should be removed from their surface, but do not peel them completely It’s worth it, because it contains most of the nutrients. Once the vegetables are prepared, juice should be squeezed out of them. This can be done either using a juicer or manually using a grater. Potato and carrot juices need to be mixed together to make about 200 ml of liquid. It must be drunk completely 30 minutes before meals. It is recommended to perform such procedures 2-3 times a day for 2 weeks.


If your stomach hurts as a result of inflammation of the pancreas, you can use buckwheat, which is probably available in every home, to relieve the pain. However, it does not need to be prepared in the usual way. In order for it to have the desired therapeutic effect, you will first need to boil the cereal until tender in water, without using salt or oil, and then pour it with low-fat kefir and leave overnight.

Buckwheat with kefir is a healthy dish that is recommended to be consumed not only for problems with the pancreas, but also for completely healthy people

The resulting porridge should be divided into 2 equal parts. The first should be eaten instead of breakfast, and the second - instead of dinner. It is recommended to carry out such meals for 10 days. Then you can take a short break, during which you need to eat peeled apricot kernels every day, and then include this porridge in your daily diet. You should eat it every morning.

Lemon, parsley and garlic

Restoring the pancreas with folk remedies is a long process, during which you can use an effective medicinal mixture of lemon, parsley and garlic. To prepare it you will need:

  • 1 kg lemons,
  • 300 g parsley,
  • 300 g garlic.

These ingredients must be passed through a meat grinder (the seeds must first be removed from the lemon; the peel should not be removed) and transferred to a glass container for storage. It is recommended to use this product 1 tsp. 10-15 minutes before each meal.

Lemons contain a lot of vitamin C, which not only relieves inflammation, but also helps strengthen vascular walls.

You need to drink this mixture with a special infusion, which is prepared from the following components:

  • bean pods;
  • blueberry leaves;
  • strawberry leaves;
  • lingonberry leaves;
  • corn silks.

These components must be mixed in equal quantities, after which you will need to take 1 tbsp. l. collection and pour a glass of boiling water. You need to infuse the product for 10-12 hours in a thermos. You should drink this drink in the amount of 1/3 glass immediately after drinking the lemon mixture.

Infusion of chamomile and immortelle

This remedy also quickly relieves pain and helps relieve inflammation. To prepare it you will need to take 1 tbsp. l. chamomile and immortelle, pour a glass of boiling water over them and let it brew for about half an hour, then strain. You need to take this medicine ½ glass 20 minutes before meals 3 times a day.

Parsley medicine with milk

A very good folk remedy that helps cope with the symptoms of an inflamed pancreas. To prepare it you will need 800 g of parsley, which must be thoroughly rinsed under running water and chopped. Then it must be poured with boiling milk so that it completely covers the parsley.

Next, the prepared mixture must be put on low heat and cooked until the liquid has completely evaporated. However, the milk should not boil during cooking. The resulting product must be eaten throughout the day, consuming 1-2 tbsp. l.

Parsley in milk can quickly eliminate pain in the pancreas

Hemp seed with milk

Another equally effective remedy. To prepare it, you will need hemp seed, which must be ground in a coffee grinder to a powdery state. Next you need to take only 1 hour. l. the resulting powder and pour it with 2 glasses of milk. The mixture must be simmered over low heat until the amount of liquid is reduced by 3 times.

The prepared product should be strained well. It should be drunk completely on an empty stomach, and 2 hours after that, take 2 No-shpa tablets. After such manipulations, eating is allowed only after 2.5 hours. The course of treatment is 5 days.

Alternative medicine offers many more recipes for preparing home remedies that help fight the manifestations of pancreatic diseases and help restore its functions. But remember that you can only use them with the permission of your doctor. At the same time, do not forget about the need to follow a diet and take medications. Only an integrated approach to the treatment of the pancreas will prevent the progression of the disease and avoid the occurrence of other health problems against its background.

Curdled milk

Surprisingly, fermented milk products are suitable for the treatment of pancreatic diseases not only for their internal use. Many people are helped by applying a linen cloth soaked in ordinary yogurt to the left hypochondrium in the stomach area before going to bed. Such a compress must be covered with cellophane and secured by wrapping the body with a woolen scarf. Perhaps there is a placebo effect here, but this recipe, nevertheless, is included in the numerous list of folk methods that alleviate the symptoms of pancreatitis.

Cautions and contraindications

It should be remembered that folk treatment of such a vital organ as the pancreas seems to be a harmless activity only at first glance. The body's reaction may be unpredictable. For example, aspen bark can only be collected in ecologically clean areas, potato fields are often treated with pesticides, and fermented milk products are often sold past their expiration dates.

We also must not forget about increased sensitivity or complete incompatibility of the body with one or another component. This is especially true for herbal medicine, because many medicinal plants cause allergies, and some herbs have direct contraindications for use.

In particular, mint should not be used for low blood pressure, corn silk - for increased blood clotting, and St. John's wort - for febrile conditions accompanied by high temperature. Finally, in particularly sensitive people, garlic can irritate the stomach lining.

Application of traditional methods

It is believed that it is impossible to get rid of pancreatitis forever. This is a chronic disease that is accompanied by periodic exacerbations. This form of pathology develops mainly in adults who drink alcohol, eat poorly, or have pathologies of the digestive system. Diet and traditional recipes will help reduce the frequency and severity of exacerbations. After all, medications cannot be taken constantly, so for chronic pancreatitis, herbal decoctions and other herbal remedies become the main methods of treatment.

Traditional treatment of pancreatitis is possible if certain rules are followed. First of all, it should only complement traditional therapy prescribed by a doctor. It is advisable to consult whether these funds can be used. In addition, it is very important to follow a diet. No treatment will help if the patient is not eating properly. After all, exacerbations are mainly provoked by the consumption of fatty, spicy foods, fried foods, and alcohol.

Read also: Mineral water for pancreatitis

A proper diet and herbal decoctions will help prolong remission in chronic pancreatitis.

Treatment of pancreatitis with folk remedies is possible only in its chronic form outside the period of exacerbations. If the pain intensifies, vomiting, loose stools appear, or the temperature rises, you must stop eating all food and folk remedies and consult a doctor. And treatment of acute pancreatitis is possible only in a hospital setting. Moreover, everything that enters the digestive tract causes an exacerbation of the inflammatory process, and many herbal remedies also stimulate the production of pancreatic juice. This can lead to destruction of pancreatic tissue, peritonitis and sepsis.

A positive result in the treatment of pancreatitis with folk remedies is possible only if the recipe and dosage are strictly followed. Typically, such methods are used for a long time, but it is advisable to change herbal mixtures every 2 months. Traditional medicine uses herbal remedies that have anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antimicrobial or analgesic effects. In addition, they must protect the pancreas from destruction, relieve the load from it, and restore its functions. The best remedies for treating pancreatitis are milk thistle, dandelion, chicory, oats, potatoes, propolis and some others.

A prerequisite is diet.

Any home therapy for pancreatic diseases will be completely useless if you do not follow a special therapeutic diet. Dietary nutrition implies the complete exclusion from the menu of fatty, spicy, fried foods, canned food, smoked meats, mushrooms, sweets, chocolate, cakes and, of course, alcohol. Treatment of the pancreas with folk remedies should be agreed upon with the attending physician and carried out in conjunction with basic therapeutic measures. published

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Several effective recipes

In addition to following the traditional diet for inflammation of the pancreas, you can use the following recipes for treating pancreas:

  • Using a meat grinder, grind 300 g of garlic, parsley and lemons along with the zest. Keep the mixture in the cold for two weeks. Eat one small spoon of the mixture before meals.
  • Infusion of iris with wormwood. Combine crushed plants in equal parts. Brew 1 spoon of the mix with boiling water (200 ml). Drink the filtered infusion 20 minutes before meals. Single dose – 60 ml.
  • In the morning, it is advisable to drink a mixture of buckwheat flour and kefir. In the evening, pour a large spoonful of flour with kefir (200 ml).
  • Collect a mixture of dried cucumber, flaxseeds, calamus roots and celandine grass (ratio 4:4:2:1). Brew a spoonful of the mix with a glass of boiling water, leave for two hours and drink 100 ml.
  • To relieve inflammation, a collection is prepared from a string (2 parts), walnut leaves (1 part), plantain (2 parts) and lingonberry leaves (1 part). Pour a spoonful of the mixture into a glass of boiling water, leave for two hours and take 100 ml.
  • Finely chop parsley leaves (800 grams). Pour in milk until it covers the grass. Place the container in the oven and evaporate the liquid. Rub the resulting mixture through a sieve. Eat two large spoons every hour. Relief comes quickly.
  • Infusion of immortelle inflorescences. In the evening you need to pour 10 grams of the product with cooled boiled water (750 ml). Leave overnight and filter. Drink 1 glass per day. Course duration – 3 weeks.
  • Potato juice. The drink helps relieve pain. Freshly squeezed juice should be taken two hours before meals. Next, after 5 minutes you need to drink low-fat kefir.
  • Place potato flowers (3 tbsp) in a thermos. Add 300 ml of boiling water and leave for 2-3 hours. Drink 100 ml 25–30 minutes before meals. The admission period is a calendar month.
  • To relieve inflammation, a golden mustache is used. To prepare the decoction, take 4 internodes. After grinding, the plant is poured with boiling water (500 ml). The product must be boiled at a minimum boil for 20 minutes. Leave for 6 hours. Drink 50 ml half an hour before meals.

Folk remedies for the treatment of pancreas give good results. But before you start taking it, you need to consult with your doctor in order to exclude contraindications and not provoke a deterioration in your health.

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