Seeds for stomach ulcers: can you eat them and in what form?

For gastrointestinal pathologies, especially stomach ulcers, doctors prescribe a strict diet and draw up a list of prohibited foods, where sunflower seeds are no exception. It is not recommended to consume seeds in their original form for stomach ulcers, since they contain complex, difficult-to-digest fats, which is unacceptable for a diseased organ. For gastric pathology, food should be light and not irritate the mucous membrane.
It is permissible to add pumpkin seeds and flaxseeds to the patient’s diet, in moderate quantities and in prepared form. If you know the exact diagnosis, after consultation with your doctor and the correct presentation of the product, they can serve not only as a treat, but also as a cure for the disease.

The benefits and harms of seeds

Sunflower seeds have a beneficial effect on the body if consumed in small quantities and with a healthy stomach. They contain a lot of substances and microelements beneficial to the body:

  • vitamins D, A, E;
  • amino acids involved in the digestion process;
  • linoleic and oleic acids;
  • carbohydrates;
  • tannins;
  • magnesium, potassium, phosphorus;
  • iodine, iron, sodium, chromium, copper, silicon.

But, despite all the richness of their composition, they cause great harm to a person with stomach and duodenal ulcers, especially in their raw form. Eating them helps:

  • strengthening the secretory function of gastric juice;
  • the appearance of acute pain outbreaks;
  • the occurrence of heartburn, belching;
  • bloating;
  • progression of the disease into an acute form;
  • severe inflammatory process on the gastrointestinal mucosa.

So is it possible to eat sunflower seeds if you have a stomach ulcer? The answer is clear - no! The exception is pumpkin and flaxseeds, but only in cooked form and after consultation with a doctor.

Can the seeds be consumed if you have a stomach ulcer?

Despite the great value of the seeds, doctors do not recommend including them in the diet for stomach ulcers. However, not all seeds are contraindicated; some of them are even used as medicine. We are talking about flax seeds and pumpkin seeds, from which decoctions are made. Flax has the ability to relieve inflammation and coat the gastric mucosa. Due to the plant fiber and mucus in flax, decoctions are prepared from it, which become indispensable in the treatment of gastric ulcers.

In addition to flax seeds, doctors recommend consuming pumpkin seeds when treating ulcers. They have a lot of useful properties. These include:

  • ash;
  • proteins;
  • water;
  • carbohydrates;
  • cellulose.

In addition to the above components, pumpkin seeds have the ability to relieve inflammation, reduce pain and other unpleasant symptoms. But when consuming this product, it is important to know that the benefits will only come from it after heat treatment; in its raw form, the seeds can only cause harm. Therefore, tea is prepared from unpeeled pumpkin seeds and used for stomach ulcers.

Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seed is an aggressive food for a weak stomach affected by ulcers. Eating sunflower causes:

  • relapse of the disease;
  • increased secretion of hydrochloric acid;
  • sharp pain in the abdominal area;
  • flatulence.

The diet of people with pathology caused by the Helicobacter pylori bacterium should include easily digestible food, steamed, boiled or stewed. It is necessary to help the stomach cope with food. Sunflower contains complex compounds and hard proteins that a sick stomach cannot digest without consequences.

Only after the disease has been completely cured can you eat sunflower, but not more than 30-50 grams. per day.

Is it possible to eat seeds if you have a stomach ulcer?

Has a protective effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
Any type of seeds should not be used for food in unprocessed form, as this can lead to an exacerbation of the disease. You should also not eat sunflower seeds, as the functioning of the gallbladder may be disrupted and the course of the disease will worsen. But it is possible to consume pumpkin and flax seeds after heat treatment. You should consult your doctor about the possibility of using seeds in this way.

Traditional medicine advises making healthy decoctions from flaxseeds. Flax has an enveloping effect and relieves inflammation. It helps suppress ulcers because it contains fiber and mucus. As a result, a decoction of flaxseeds is an effective remedy in the treatment of peptic ulcers. Pumpkin seeds also have beneficial properties as they include fiber, carbohydrates, protein, water and ash. The product has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, reduces pain and discomfort symptoms. However, pumpkin seeds should not be used raw, but in the form of tea. There is no need to remove the skin from them.

Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds should not be consumed if you have a stomach ulcer. When the diet is disrupted, the ulcer may worsen. This will negatively affect the function of the gallbladder, and can lead to the following symptoms:

  • sharp pain in the stomach;
  • heartburn and belching;
  • bloating;
  • flatulence.

The product is harmful due to the content of heavy metal salts.
The seeds contain a high concentration of oils and carbohydrates. The number of calories in one glass of seeds can be equal to 2 servings of pork kebab. Roasted seeds have almost no beneficial components. In addition, they produce carcinogens that can cause cancer. When sunflower melts in a contaminated place, an element harmful to the human body—cadmium—accumulates. There is another negative point for the digestive system - when cleaning poorly washed seeds, harmful substances with dust and dirt settle on the walls of the mouth, which can cause infectious diseases or poisoning.

Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin is a very healthy product. Its seeds contain the following substances:

  • fiber;
  • oils;
  • carbohydrates;
  • proteins;
  • ash.

Pumpkin seeds have a beneficial effect on digestion because they contain:

  • Zinc in high concentration. With its help, the functioning of the pancreas is normalized, cell regeneration is accelerated and digestion processes are improved.
  • Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids that prevent the development of inflammation.
  • Pectin, which removes toxins from the body.
  • Vitamins B1 and B3, C, provitamin A, which help strengthen the gastric mucosa and improve intestinal functions.

To get rid of stomach ulcers, it is recommended to make tea from pumpkin seeds. He drinks it on an empty stomach. Drinking pumpkin tea helps relieve inflammation, reduce pain and eliminate other discomfort. To prepare the drink, you need to pour boiling water over a third of a glass of unpeeled seeds and leave for half an hour. It is preferable to use porcelain dishes for brewing.

Flax seeds

With a stomach ulcer, the organ is severely inflamed and has damage to the mucous membrane. Therefore, treatment of pathology is aimed at relieving inflammation, healing wounds and eradicating bacteria that contribute to the appearance of new lesions.

Is it possible to eat flax seeds if you have a stomach ulcer? Of course, yes, but only if the dish is served correctly. Flax seeds cope well with many problems associated with the gastrointestinal tract:

  • reduce inflammatory processes;
  • regenerate damaged areas of the gastric mucosa;
  • prevent the growth and reproduction of Helicobacter pylori;
  • eliminate pain;
  • normalize the work of the National Assembly;
  • help improve blood circulation.

Flax seed contains a valuable astringent component that envelops the inner walls of the stomach, creating a protective barrier against the aggressive action of hydrochloric acid. The mucous surface of the seeds acts like a sorbent, absorbing all harmful substances that enter the patient’s stomach.

Flaxseed will be beneficial for stomach ulcers if consumed correctly. Before use, it must be crushed into powder. Then it can be added to approved foods, or simply mixed with water and drunk. Systematic use of flax in food will help bring the gastrointestinal tract back to normal.

Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are a common treat for many people, but you shouldn't overindulge in them. This applies primarily to those. Who has been diagnosed with a stomach ulcer? Pumpkin seeds for ulcers should be excluded from the diet, since they, like sunflower seeds, are heavy food for the diseased organ.

The use of pumpkin seeds as food for patients with a high acidic environment is strictly prohibited, as they further increase the pH level in the stomach.

But there are some positive effects from pumpkin seeds:

  • cleansing the body of waste and toxins;
  • laxative effect;
  • presence of valuable vitamin K;
  • a large amount of fiber helps to improve the process of food digestion.

If pumpkin seeds are your favorite delicacy, then during periods of remission you can consume a small amount of crushed seeds. You can add crushed delicacies to an approved dish, but under no circumstances fry them. Any fried seeds will do more harm to the body than good.

Negative effects after use

Due to fats that are difficult to digest, seeds are not recommended to be included in the menu for stomach ulcers. The course of the disease becomes more complicated, the secretion of gastric juice and bile increases, and the mucous membrane of the gastric walls is irritated. Thus, doctors do not recommend including seeds, in particular sunflowers, in the diet of an ulcer, as they can provoke the following negative consequences:

  • complications in the form of gallbladder disease;
  • sharp pain 25 minutes after eating a portion of seeds;
  • exacerbation of ulcers during remission;
  • belching and feeling of discomfort in the abdomen;
  • bloating and increased gas formation;
  • Acidity levels increase, which leads to heartburn.

Women diagnosed with a stomach ulcer need to be most careful. Expectant mothers should flawlessly follow the recommendations of their doctor and not violate the diet prescribed to them.

Advice from a gastroenterologist

Experts do not recommend eating sunflower and pumpkin seeds during an exacerbation of the pathology. If the disease is in the sleep stage, then you can eat them, but follow special recommendations:

  1. The seeds should not be consumed on an empty stomach.
  2. 10 minutes before taking the seeds, you should eat oatmeal porridge, or drink its decoction, to protect the inflamed stomach from the aggressive effects of incoming food.
  3. The seeds should be used in food in crushed form, adding them to your favorite allowed treat (ryazhenka, cottage cheese, porridge).

One can add to the positive effects of seeds that they are good at eliminating stress, helping to elevate your mood and help you calm down. The main thing is to know when to stop and eat no more than 50 - 60 grams. per day, even for people with a healthy stomach.

Flax seed, when properly prepared, unlike others, promotes a speedy recovery and return to a full life.

Remember that each case of gastrointestinal tract disease is individual, and only a doctor can decide whether it is worth consuming seeds, or whether they are absolutely contraindicated for you. Particular attention should be paid to the selection of plant seeds for consumption in case of stomach ulcers.

Treatment with seeds

For gastric ulcers, it is not only not contraindicated, but it is also recommended to use the seeds as a healing agent. This applies only to flax and pumpkin seeds, but in no case to sunflowers. An effective healing decoction can be prepared from flax. To do this, pour one and a half tablespoons of seeds into a glass of boiling water, close the lid tightly and leave to steep for half an hour. After time, the finished liquid is filtered and consumed after sleep in the morning on an empty stomach.

If the pain intensifies, the decoction can be taken in the morning, at lunch and in the evening 60 minutes before meals. Flax can also be included in the treatment menu of a patient with a stomach ulcer as a prophylactic agent that will help avoid relapse of the disease. In this case, flax is drunk for 30-60 days.

Treatment for ulcers may include pumpkin seed tea. To prepare, you need to take three tablespoons of seeds and pour a glass of boiling water. Ready-made tea is consumed throughout the day, but at least five times, regardless of food.

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