Is it possible to eat cabbage with gastritis and in what form is it acceptable?

For gastritis, mandatory treatment is required in compliance with doctor's instructions and drug therapy. At the same time, they follow a therapeutic diet, without which the drugs will not have the expected effect on gastritis.

A special diet for patients with gastritis involves excluding from the diet a list of foods that irritate the damaged digestive organ.

Among the excluded raw foods is white cabbage. The raw vegetable contains coarse fiber, which irritates the inner walls of the stomach. In a stewed state, cabbage is recommended for consumption by gastritis by gastroenterologists.

Can I eat cabbage for gastritis?

Gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach lining. There are two types of disease:

  • hypoacid - with low acidity;
  • hyperacid - with high acidity.

In the case of hypoacid gastritis, the stomach does not secrete the normal amount of gastric juice. The patient’s task is to stimulate its secretion. With hyperacid inflammation of the gastric juice, on the contrary, there is too much. To alleviate the patient’s condition, it is necessary to moderate its production. In both cases, nutrition plays a major role - foods directly affect the amount of secretions and the functioning of the stomach. Particular attention should be paid to nutrition during exacerbation of chronic gastritis, when the gastrointestinal tract is too vulnerable to external influences.

For gastritis with high acidity, treatment table No. 1 has been developed. According to medical recommendations, patients should not eat fresh cabbage leaves of any kind. Fermented foods are also contraindicated. If you have low acidity in your diet, you should follow table No. 2. The menu indicates a ban on raw, pickled and salted dishes.

Did you know? Gastritis was defined as a separate disease by ancient physicians. Thus, references to inflammation of the stomach are found in Abu Ali Ibn Sina, Hippocrates and Paracelsus.

However, there is no need to categorically refuse the product if you have any type of stomach inflammation. It is allowed only in boiled, stewed form and after steam treatment. The use of raw vegetables is unacceptable. This rule applies to all types of vegetables - cabbage, Chinese cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli.

Consequences of use in various forms of the disease


Let's take a closer look at what happens when you eat raw white cabbage:

  1. Release of large amounts of gastric juice.
  2. Connection of more and more new areas of the epithelium to the inflammatory process.
  3. Enhanced fermentation.

  4. Slow and poor digestion. And, as a result: nausea, heartburn, belching, discomfort, malaise.

But what awaits the patient when eating the following types of cabbage:

  • Marine. It will cause a jump in the acid level, and it will also swell in the stomach, ultimately causing only painful irritation and inflamed mucous membranes.
  • Brussels. It will also provoke the release of gastric juice, and this will inevitably lead to inflammation.
  • Beijing. It will have an irritating effect on the mucous membranes of internal organs.


It is also undesirable to take white cabbage for this disease. Otherwise, problems cannot be avoided. The patient may experience symptoms of exacerbation: vomiting, stool disturbances, acute attacks, even hemorrhage.

Varieties of cabbage and the body's reaction to them:

  • Colored. Thanks to the substance methylmethionine, which is contained in it, it heals wounds on the epithelium well, normalizes microflora, and regenerates damage.
  • Marine. Increases acidity, which is beneficial for anacid gastritis.
  • Beijing. Improves and restores the general condition of the body. Clears toxins, relieves constipation, and ultimately cures gastritis.

Important! Despite all the proven benefits of white cabbage juice, it should not be taken by people suffering from constipation. Since it increases the release of gases, and as a result - bloating.

Healthful composition of cabbage

Cabbage of any kind is a healthy product containing many vitamins, macro- and microelements. Among the most valuable components of the vegetable:

  • vitamin A;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin K;
  • S-methylmethionine;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • potassium;
  • zinc;
  • sulfur;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • iodine;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • calcium;
  • cellulose.

100 g of vegetable contains no more than 25 kcal, which makes it not only healthy, but also dietary.

Recipe for a banquet

A festive table is always a test for a patient with gastritis. I especially want salted or smoked fish, which, unfortunately, is strictly prohibited. We offer you an alternative - prepare mincemeat from cabbage , which tastes no different from salted herring. You can not only pamper yourself if you have gastritis, but also offer it to your guests. Believe me, they will be seriously surprised. So:

  1. Boil cabbage leaves in salted water.
  2. Soak 2 - 3 slices of white bread in milk.
  3. Pass the squeezed bread, boiled cooled leaves and 2 hard-boiled eggs through a meat grinder.
  4. Mix the mass well.
  5. Add a spoonful of vegetable oil, a spoonful of lemon juice and salt to taste.
  6. Place the mincemeat in the herring bowl.
  7. Grind the boiled yolk with vegetable oil and a drop of lemon juice. Pour the resulting sauce over the mincemeat.

Try, experiment, surprise and enjoy.

What in cabbage can negatively affect stomach health?

With gastritis, regardless of the type, the walls of the stomach are inflamed. Products should have minimal impact on the stomach. Fresh cabbage leaves contain a lot of coarse fibers that irritate the mucous membranes. Thus, 100 g of the white variety of vegetable contains 2 g of dietary fiber, which is a very large indicator.

Did you know? Cooks use red cabbage juice as a natural food coloring.

The acids in the vegetable cause the production of gastric juice, which can harm a patient with hyperacid inflammation of the stomach. Particularly dangerous is the fermented product, which contains more acid and stimulates secretion even more.

Sauerkraut – everyone can do it!

Sauerkraut is our Slavic, traditional dish.
It greatly diversifies the winter menu and is a useful vitamin supplement. It is interesting that French men love pickled salad, considering it a natural aphrodisiac that helps maintain virility until old age. We think this opinion is based on the ability of pickled vegetables to retain useful vitamin C until spring. Among other vegetables, it disappears during long-term storage. And in sauerkraut it is preserved in considerable quantities - 200 grams of the product contains 40 mg of ascorbic acid! This is a kind of record.

Sauerkraut is allowed for patients with gastritis. Even with hyperacid and erosive gastritis, you can eat one or two tablespoons of the product at lunchtime. Preferably in combination with other vegetables, for example, mashed potatoes.

For gastritis with low and zero acidity, sauerkraut is consumed 15-30 minutes before eating the main lunch dishes. Salad “works” like a medicine – it stimulates a sore stomach and helps produce digestive enzymes.

Which cabbage is suitable for gastritis with high acidity?

With increased acidity, the patient should reduce the production of gastric juice. Cabbage of any kind should be treated with caution for gastritis, since the product can cause significant harm. However, when properly prepared, the vegetables in question can be beneficial.


Cauliflower has a positive effect on the stomach during hyperacid inflammation. The vegetable is usually not eaten raw; the same rule applies during illness. It is better to boil or steam the product. If the dish can be easily mashed with a fork, it will definitely not harm the gastrointestinal tract.

White cabbage

The product should not be consumed in its raw shredded form. Even when stewed and in soups, the vegetable can cause cramping pain if the disease is in an acute stage. Nutritionists recommend drinking cabbage juice - unlike the whole vegetable, the substance helps cure gastritis.


Like cabbage, the Beijing variety irritates the walls of the stomach and leads to painful sensations. It can be used only during the period of remission for chronic gastritis.


Broccoli, steamed or boiled in water, is an indispensable product for high acidity. The vegetable saturates the body with essential vitamins, without irritating the inflamed gastric walls and without provoking the production of secretions.

Recipes for different acidity levels

Cabbage juice is safe for all types of gastritis.

  • White cabbage juice: Squeeze the crushed leaves by hand or using a squeezer. Drink 100-125 ml, three times a day, half an hour before meals. Use for one and a half months. The squeezed juice can be stored in the cold for no more than two days.
  • Cauliflower juice: Divide the head into inflorescences and squeeze the juice in any way convenient for you. We drink 125 ml half an hour before meals for a month.

With increased

Boiled cauliflower:

  1. Divide the head into small inflorescences.
  2. Boil in boiling water for no more than five minutes.
  3. Strain using a colander.
  4. Add salt.

For reduced

Braised Chinese cabbage: simmer the leaves for no more than 8 minutes, the stems for at least half an hour. For treatment, you can consume 150 g per day, but not more than three times a week.

We advise you to read our other materials about whether cabbage can be eaten and how to prepare it for people suffering from pancreatitis, cholecystitis and diabetes.

Features of use

You need to be careful with this vegetable, so study the specifics of its use. Different ways of preparing the same food can lead to different results.

Important! If after eating you feel cramps in the stomach area and girdling pain, immediately consult a doctor for advice.

gastritis can develop into an ulcer.

Cabbage juice

Traditional medicine specialists call cabbage juice a panacea for gastrointestinal diseases. Norman Walker's book "Fresh Vegetable Juices" states that cabbage juice has a positive effect on the mucous membrane of the gastric walls. It is important to consume the juice of a raw vegetable, not boiled. It is allowed to use white and colored varieties.


The fermented product is allowed to be consumed in cases of hypoacid inflammation of the stomach during remission. You should not use the product during an exacerbation of any type of disease.

Stewed cabbage

In the acute stage of the disease, it is better not to eat stewed cabbage dishes. Contrary to popular belief, this method of preparation does not reduce the harmful effects of the product on the body. However, when the patient enters a state of remission, eating such a dish is completely acceptable.

Fresh cabbage

Patients with hypo- and hyperacid gastritis should avoid fresh product of any kind.

Important! When preparing any dish, do not use hot spices and do not overuse salt - they are also harmful for stomach inflammation.

Basic cooking rules

So, if you bought cauliflower, you can boil it, stew it, or even fry it with an egg in a small amount of vegetable oil. Fried, raw white cabbage is strictly prohibited - even if the disease has entered the stage of deep remission and has not reminded of itself for a long time.

Cabbage dishes go well with stewed meat. The combination will be especially useful for gastritis, accompanied by severe inflammation.

Sea kale can be taken in powder form if prescribed by a doctor. But this option is not the most delicious. In pickled form, seaweed is quite acceptable. Vegetables with gastrointestinal diseases need to be cooked longer. And before serving, citric acid, hot spices and seasonings are never added to it. The same can be said about sauerkraut. During cooking, do not add much salt and pepper to it.

In what cases is cabbage contraindicated?

The vegetable is strictly contraindicated in the following conditions:

  • acute form of gastritis of any type;
  • pancreatitis;
  • colitis;
  • enteritis;
  • ulcer;
  • diarrhea;
  • internal bleeding.

If you have inflammation of the stomach mucosa, do not neglect your doctor’s recommendations: you should not even eat raw cabbage occasionally. A proper diet is the basis for treating gastritis, which will help heal a diseased gastrointestinal tract.

Cabbage juice

How to use the beneficial properties of vegetables without loading your stomach? Very simple. Traditional doctors advise using cabbage juice and drinking it to treat gastritis.


  • Take a fresh head of cabbage, remove the top leaves and stalk.
  • Cut the head of cabbage into segments and pass through a juicer as much vegetable as needed to prepare 100 ml of juice.
  • Strain the juice.
  • Drink it in small sips 20 - 30 minutes before lunch or dinner.

Continue the course of juice treatment for up to a month. Remember that you should not consume more than 200 ml of the drink per day, and you should not drink it before breakfast. The juice retains its properties for a very short time, so it should always be freshly prepared.

Attention! Juice treatment is used for all forms of gastritis. For hyperacid gastritis, prior consultation with a doctor is required.

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