Principles of using rectal suppositories in the treatment of constipation

Hemorrhoids cause inconvenience to large masses of the population. Previously, the disease mostly affected older people. The disease is now affecting younger generations. For treatment, you should resort to rectal suppositories for hemorrhoids with cracks. This effect of the active substance quickly reaches the target and produces a therapeutic effect faster than other means. To choose which suppositories are best to use, you need to know their types and when to use them.

The sequence of actions when lighting a candle for a child:

  • With one hand, grab the child by the two heels and lift him up a little. Having first removed the suppository from the suppository, take it in your other hand and insert it into the baby’s anus with a quick and precise movement. The candle must be inserted completely. The further you inject, the better the medicine is absorbed, and the candle will not come back out.
  • There is another option: you can put the child on his side, tuck his legs towards his tummy and, in the same way as described above, insert a candle into the child’s anus.
  • Make sure that the candle does not come out of the butt. To do this, you need to squeeze the child’s buttocks (connect them to each other, as if gently pinching the anus) and hold it for at least 5 minutes.
  • You can pre-lubricate the anus with Vaseline or cream, or baby oil to make the insertion of the candle into the child’s butt even more painless.

Principles of using rectal suppositories in the treatment of constipation

Constipation is an extremely common condition. According to statistics, in economically developed countries, constipation affects 5 to 10% of the population (1).

Constipation is a chronic delay in bowel movement for more than 48 hours, accompanied by difficulty in defecation, a feeling of incomplete evacuation with the passage of a small amount (less than 100 g) and increased hardness of stool. The main function of the colon is to convert the liquid contents of the ileum into solid stool before it reaches the rectum and is eliminated. Several processes contribute to normal colon function

: absorption of liquid and electrolytes, peristaltic contractions that provide mixing, “squeezing out” moisture, moving feces to the rectum - and ends with defecation (2).

A.V. Frolkis (1979) identifies the following etiological types of constipation:

1. Alimentary constipation

– develops with improper and irrational nutrition, mechanically and chemically gentle food with limited plant fiber.

2. Neurogenic constipation

– occurs most often and occurs in connection with disturbances in the mechanisms of regulation of intestinal motility at any level of the nervous system. Neurogenic constipation is divided into

a) dyskinetic;

b) reflex;

c) due to suppression of the urge to defecate (habitual constipation).

Dyskinetic constipation is caused by primary intestinal dyskinesia (hypokinetic or spastic); reflex constipation develops with various diseases of the digestive system, genitourinary system and other organs (secondary intestinal dyskinesia). A weakening of the urge to defecate can occur as a result of primary psychogenic influences (habitual constipation caused by suppression of the urge to defecate in the absence of the opportunity to recover, with a feeling of false shame, during a long trip, when changing the usual environment, changing the rhythm of life, fear of pain with hemorrhoids, fissures anus, etc., reluctance to go to the toilet with the habit of lying in bed for a long time in the morning, with passion for games, the need to empty the bowels in an unusual position, in the presence of strangers in patients on strict bed rest, etc.). Constant suppression of the urge to defecate leads to dyschezia, a condition in which the threshold of sensitivity to distension of the rectal ampulla increases.

3. Hypodynamic constipation

– caused by low physical activity of a person, physical inactivity, and weakness of somatic muscles. Hypodynamic constipation can occur in patients who have been on bed rest for a long time, in pregnant women, as well as in the elderly due to a sharp decrease in activity.

4. Constipation due to inflammatory bowel disease

(irritable bowel syndrome) - observed in patients with chronic colitis, less often - chronic enteritis.

5. Proctogenic constipation

– observed in patients with diseases of the anorectal area (hemorrhoids, anal fissures, proctalgia, etc.).

6. Mechanical constipation

– develops in patients with intestinal tumors, with cicatricial narrowing of the colon, mechanical compression of the rectum from the outside, etc.

7. Constipation due to an abnormal development of the colon

– observed in persons with congenital megacolon, idiopathic megacolon, with a mobile cecum and sigmoid colon, in persons with constitutional splanchoptosis.

8. Toxic constipation

– observed in chronic occupational poisoning (lead, mercury, thallium), and nicotine poisoning in smokers.

9. Constipation due to disturbances in water-electrolyte metabolism

– develops with heart failure, renal failure, dehydration of any origin.

10. Endocrine constipation

– observed primarily in hypothyroidism (hypotonic type of constipation), hypoparathyroidism (hypertensive, spastic type of constipation), pituitary insufficiency, less often in diabetes mellitus, adrenal insufficiency, fuochrocytoma, glucagonoma, menopause.

11. Medical constipation

– caused by taking certain medications (3).

Constipation can be accompanied by a number of general phenomena: weakness, malaise, headaches, irritability, insomnia, decreased appetite, palpitations, sweating, vague abdominal pain. Constipation accelerates the aging process of the body (1).

Treatment of constipation must begin with identifying the cause, after a complete examination of the patient

First of all, it is advisable to empty the intestines of stagnant feces. For this purpose, laxatives are used to enhance intestinal motility and facilitate the passage of feces. Bisacodyl rectal suppositories
fully possess these properties . This laxative belongs to a group of drugs that stimulate intestinal function and help soften stool.

Pharmacological action of Bisacodyl

The active ingredient of the drug is bisacodyl or bis-(4-acetoxyphenyl)-(pyridyl-2)-methane (4). By breaking down in the alkaline contents of the intestine, bisacodyl has a laxative effect due to:

• direct effect on the smooth muscles of the colon due to the chemical effect on the intramural nerve plexuses, stimulating increased and accelerated intestinal motility;

• irritation of the receptors of the mucous membrane, due to which the production of mucus in the large intestine increases, feces soften and improve their sliding, which promotes the act of defecation.

Local use of suppositories allows, with minimal absorption of the drug, to achieve a rapid and pronounced laxative effect: after 15 minutes - 1 hour.

The type of stool formed when using Bisacodyl-Nizhpharm suppositories is close to physiological - soft or formed (5).

An important fact is that bisacodyl does not penetrate into the milk of a nursing woman (4).

Indications for use

The drug is effective for constipation caused by hypotension of the colon (in elderly patients, after surgery, childbirth). "Bisacodyl-Nizhpharm" reduces the need for regular use of enemas in elderly and senile people. The use of the drug is indicated for regulating stool for hemorrhoids, proctitis, anal fissures, preparation for surgical operations, instrumental and x-ray examinations.

Directions for use and doses

Having freed the suppository from the contour packaging using scissors (cutting the packaging along the contour of the suppository), Bisacodyl is administered into the rectum in the following doses:

• adults 1–2 suppositories per day;

• at the age of 15–18 years, 1–2 suppositories per day;

• at the age of 8–14 years – 1 suppository per day;

• children aged 1–7 years, 1/2 suppository per day - as prescribed by a doctor.

If a drug is prescribed to cleanse the intestines in preparation for surgery or an x-ray examination of the abdominal organs, one suppository is administered in the morning (4).

Before insertion into the rectum, suppositories should be moistened with water, held under running water for 30 s or placed in a cup of water for at least 10 s (5).

Side effects and contraindications

Usually the drug is well tolerated.

Contraindications for use are intestinal obstruction of various etiologies, acute inflammatory diseases of the abdominal organs, undiagnosed rectal bleeding, acute hemorrhoids, acute proctitis, spastic constipation.
1. Brief medical encyclopedia: In 2 volumes, ed. acad. RAMS V.I. Pokrovsky, M. NPO “Medical Encyclopedia”, “Kron-press”, 1994; T. 1. Mechanotherapy, 371.

2. Grigoriev P.Ya., Yakovenko A.V. Clinical gastroenterology. textbook for medical students, M. M.: medical information agency. 1998; 464.

3. Mashkovsky M.D. Medicines. In 2 volumes, 13th ed. Kharkiv. Torsing, 1997; 2:339.

4. Information about medicines for healthcare professionals / Ed. acad. RAMS M.D. Mashkovsky:

Vol. 4. Medicines used in gastroenterology. M. RC “Pharmedinfo”, 1998; 122.

5. Okorokov A.N. Treatment of internal organs: Practical guide: In 3 volumes. Mn.: Higher. school, Belmedkniga, 1995.

vol. 1, p. 378.

Bisacodyl –

Bisacodyl (trade name)


Applications to the article
In economically developed countries, constipation affects
5 to 10% of the population.

Why are candles needed?

Of course, this procedure cannot be called a favorite of both the child and the parents. However, it should be noted that suppositories are a very effective medicine for reducing fever in infants and newborns or for treating constipation. Therefore, absolutely all parents who care about their children really need to master this procedure.

Naturally, it is necessary to take into account that suppositories are a certain form of MEDICINE. Therefore, before using suppositories, you should consult your pediatrician.

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Use of Viferon suppositories in gynecology (for what diseases)

In complex therapy in gynecology, the drug is used for the following infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract:

  • chlamydia,
  • cytomegalovirus infection,
  • ureaplasmosis,
  • trichomoniasis,
  • gardnerellosis,
  • papillomavirus infection,
  • bacterial vaginosis,
  • recurrent vaginal candidiasis,
  • mycoplasmosis,
  • as well as primary or recurrent herpetic infection.

The drug is indicated for use in pregnant women starting from the 14th week of gestation, as well as in newborns with intrauterine infection.

Antiviral vaginal suppositories

The modern pharmacological industry offers a varied number of drugs for the treatment of gynecological infections. Antiviral vaginal suppositories are divided depending on the active substance. The drug Viferon Suppositories acts systemically, that is, on the entire body, and not just on a specific organ. In addition, it is worth noting that in the complex treatment of gynecological infections, antibacterial and antiseptic drugs are used, which also take the form of suppositories. However, simultaneous vaginal administration of these and antiviral drugs is not always possible.

Papaverine: what is this medicine for?

According to its purpose, Papaverine is a widely used antispasmodic. Once in the body, the drug can not only relieve spasm of smooth muscles, but also relax the blood vessels, allowing them to expand, and also relieve spasm from the respiratory organs, for example, from the bronchi. As a result, blood circulation improves and tissues receive more oxygen. Special doses of the drug can reduce cardiac excitability and affect the central nervous system.

Indications for the use of Papaverine are:

  • Pain due to inflammation of the gallbladder associated with spasm of the ducts, which prevents the passage of bile, which becomes the root cause of the formation of stones.
  • Contraction of the gastric pylorus, which prevents food from entering the duodenum from the stomach.
  • Bronchospasm of various etiologies.
  • Spasms of blood vessels, including the brain.
  • Angina pectoris (as a complex therapy).

Papaverine may be prescribed before certain types of surgery to prevent abdominal cramping.

In what other cases can you hear this definition?

Quite often a rectal examination is prescribed. This is done by both surgeons and gynecologists. Knowing that such an examination is coming, it is worth checking in advance whether an enema is needed.

The temperature is measured periodically in this way. Sometimes performing such manipulation rectally is much more expedient than in the traditional way (axillary). This is especially often practiced in the treatment of children. True, you will need a special thermometer (it is highly recommended to abandon mercury models in favor of electronic ones or those that use tin).

The baby will need to be placed on his tummy and the clothes covering his buttocks should be removed. To make the procedure easier, you can place a pillow under the child's hips. The thermometer is inserted to a depth of about 2 cm. The measurement duration is no more than 5 minutes.

This is basic information about what and how you can do rectally! Indeed, there is nothing globally complicated about the processes!

How to prepare properly

RIPC requires preliminary preparation of the patient. It involves emptying the lower colon of feces. Ways to cleanse the intestines of feces:

  • An enema is the introduction of a large amount of water into the intestines.
  • Taking laxative pills the day before causes morning bowel movements.
  • Microclyster is the introduction of an irritating substance into the intestines. The irritant increases mucus secretion, peristalsis, and causes a strong desire to visit the toilet.
  • Use of laxative suppositories administered rectally. They act like microenemas.

Attention! To study PC by palpation, special preparation is not needed if the patient had stool several hours before the appointment.

Preparing a person before administering a suppository

In order for the medicine to give maximum results, you need to perform some preparatory measures before using it. The patient must have a bowel movement on his own or with an enema. Compliance with this condition is very important, since in many cases, rectal administration of suppositories provokes the desire to go to the toilet in a big way.

Before inserting the suppository, it is necessary to empty the intestines

The procedure should be performed after washing or bathing the patient. The procedure minimizes the risk of pathogenic microorganisms entering the damaged rectal mucosa during the administration of the suppository.

Suppositories with diclofenac: description

The drug is a rectal suppository that contains the substance of the same name - diclofenac sodium at a concentration of 50 or 100 mg per 1 suppository. The medicine belongs to the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs group. It also has analgesic and antipyretic effects.

Diclofenac sodium suppresses the synthesis of lipids, which provoke inflammation and pain. Absorbed quite quickly and completely absorbed. The product is also available in the form of tablets, gel, ointment, eye drops, and injections for intramuscular administration.

It is recommended to store rectal suppositories in the refrigerator or at room temperature no more than 25 degrees. The place should be protected from direct sunlight. Access for children is excluded. Candles can only be taken within the expiration date, which is 2 years from the date of production.

How to measure temperature rectally

It may be necessary to measure rectal temperature in case of thermoneurosis, illnesses in young children, hypothermia of the patient's body, or in an unconscious state of the patient.

You will need to use an electronic or mercury thermometer:

  1. Wash your hands.
  2. Lie on your side, pre-treat the thermometer with a disinfectant and rinse with running water.
  3. Lubricate the tip of the thermometer with Vaseline.
  4. Carefully insert the thermometer into the anus to a depth of 5 cm, tighten your buttocks.
  5. Wait 5 minutes. If you are using an electronic device, it will beep.

Attention! Human internal organs have a higher temperature, so the normal rectal temperature can be up to 37.7 degrees.


Antiviral suppositories Viferon are available only for rectal use. Vaginal use is not provided for in the instructions for the medicine. The use of the drug in complex therapy is aimed at increasing the level of immune defense of the body as a whole. Therefore, inserting suppositories directly into the site of infection is not required.

This drug is used in the complex treatment of many urogenital diseases. It provides an increase in the patient’s immunity, which enhances the effect of narrowly targeted drugs for each specific disease. In this case, the method of using the drug remains unchanged, as indicated in the instructions.

Author of the article

Belyaev Dmitry Alexandrovich

General doctor



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