Magnesia for colon cleansing – 4 reasons to use it

Magnesia powder, or Magnesium sulfate, is a drug for cleansing the intestines. Used for chronic constipation, intoxication of the body, before certain diagnostic procedures, for diseases of the liver and gall bladder.

The suspension is taken orally or as an enema. The procedures can be carried out at home. There are contraindications. The use of magnesia powder and dosage should be discussed with your doctor.

  • Indications
  • Contraindications
  • Application
      Oral administration
  • Using enemas
  • Accelerated one-day technique
  • Mineral water method
  • Tubazh
  • About the drug

    Magnesia is a drug of natural origin, produced from dolomite.

    Magnesia is a naturally occurring drug produced from dolomite mined from a deposit in the Tyrolean Alps. It has been used in medicine for more than a hundred years and has a wide range of applications:

    • treatment of epilepsy and mental disorders,
    • prevention of premature birth;
    • magnesium deficiency in the body;
    • increased blood pressure;
    • to relieve toxic poisoning with heavy metal salts;
    • as a diuretic;
    • as a laxative.

    The drug in optimal doses is absolutely safe even for pregnant and lactating women. Magnesia is available in two dosage forms:

    • ampoules for intramuscular injections and intravenous infusion;
    • sachets for preparing the suspension.

    As a cleaning agent, it is preferable to use sachets containing 25 g of magnesium sulfate. This amount corresponds to a single dose acceptable for an adult.

    Use during pregnancy

    The drug is used during pregnancy when there is a threat of premature birth. As an anticonvulsant with a hypotensive effect, it is the drug of choice for the treatment and prevention of seizures in eclampsia . Therapy is started if diastolic blood pressure is > 130 mm Hg. Art. Magnesium therapy is carried out for another 24–48 hours after birth. The criteria for stopping therapy are the disappearance of seizures, the absence of hyperreflexia and convulsive readiness, a persistent decrease in blood pressure, and normalization of diuresis. The use of this drug during labor is contraindicated because it reduces the contractile activity of the myometrium.

    Reason for colon cleansing

    Uncleansed intestines in a timely manner will lead to frequent abdominal pain.

    In case of disturbances in the smooth functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, irregular bowel movements, constant constipation, as well as frequent allergic manifestations, the probable cause may be the intestines being clogged with fecal stones and accumulated toxins.

    Consequences of not carrying out timely cleansing:

    1. Frequent abdominal pain, flatulence due to chronic constipation;
    2. Anal fissures, hemorrhoids due to straining during bowel movements;
    3. A clogged intestine is not able to fully absorb vitamins and other beneficial components of food;
    4. Toxins, adsorbed through the intestinal walls into the circulatory system, cause diseases of the nervous system, allergic problems, and somatic diseases.

    Magnesium Sulfate for weight loss

    Before any diet, it is advisable to cleanse the intestines and this remedy is used once. Why can’t you often resort to this method of cleansing the intestines? Magnesium sulfate irritates the gastrointestinal mucosa, disrupts the water-salt balance and, with frequent use, leads to dysbacteriosis . It was said above how to take the powder to cleanse the intestines.

    To lose weight, you can take baths by adding a glass of powder or more to the bath. Bath time is 15-20 minutes. You need to take a bath before going to bed, for a course of 15 procedures, carried out 2 times a week. After the procedure, you need to cover yourself with a warm blanket to achieve profuse sweating. The effect is that excess fluid is removed, swelling is eliminated and metabolic processes are accelerated. The weight loss effect occurs due to fluid loss, but after a while everything comes back. Many consider this method as an emergency means for losing weight - reviews confirm this.

    Mechanism of action of the drug

    Magnesia acts on the receptors of the gastric mucosa.

    Once in the intestines, magnesium has a stimulating effect on the receptors of its mucosa. The intestines begin to actively contract, and its contents rapidly move toward the rectum. Magnesium sulfate is not absorbed into the intestinal walls, due to which fluid is retained.

    The osmotic pressure resulting from fluid retention promotes the evacuation of intestinal contents. In addition to this effect, magnesium also produces a choleretic effect.

    Magnesium Sulfate price, where to buy

    You can buy Magnesium Sulfate in all pharmacies in Moscow and other cities of Russia. Magnesium Sulfate powder, the price of which depends on the number of grams, costs between 38-58 rubles.

    • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
    • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
    • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


    Pharmacy Dialogue

    • Magnesium sulfate (amp. 25% 5ml No. 10) BZMP

      48 RUR order

    • Magnesium sulfate (pack 20g) Tula FF

      23 RUR order

    • Magnesium sulfate 25% ampoules 10ml No. 10Slavyanskaya Pharmacy LLC

      50 rub. order

    • Magnesium sulfate (pack 25g) Tula FF

      36 RUR order

    • Magnesium sulfate (amp. 25% 10ml No. 10)Grotex LLC

      44 RUR order

    show more


    • Magnesium sulfate-Darnitsa 25% 5 ml No. 10 solution
      19 UAH. order
    • Magnesium sulfate-Darnitsa 25% 10 ml No. 10 solution

      23 UAH order

    • Magnesium sulfate 25 g powder PrAT FF "Viola", Ukraine

      9 UAH order

    • Magnesium sulfate 25% 10 ml N10 solution for injection

      18 UAH order

    • Magnesium sulfate 25g powder TOV Istok-Plus, Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine

      11 UAH order


    show more

    Cleaning instructions

    Cleansing with the drug is designed for 3-5 days.

    You should not undertake colon cleansing without prior preparation. Preparing for this process is not at all difficult, you just need to review your diet 2 weeks before the start of the cleansing procedure:

    • exclude fried and smoked foods, canned food and pickles, meat and alcohol;
    • limit protein foods;
    • It is recommended to eat whole grain porridges, baked and raw vegetables and fruits;
    • drink juices, herbal tea, clean water.

    The cleansing process lasts 3-5 days. It consists of taking 20-25 g of magnesium daily instead of a morning meal, optimally at 7.00 am. A bag of magnesium sulfate is dissolved in 100 ml of water until completely dissolved, drunk with a slice of lemon. After 2-4-6 hours the urge to defecate will begin to be felt. You may have to visit the toilet more than once, so it is better to schedule such cleansing on vacation or weekends.

    After 2-3 hours, the first meal is allowed, it is better if it is a light vegetable salad. If you feel worse, the cleansing session should be stopped. According to various sources, it is not recommended to carry out such cleansing for more than 2-3 days. There is a one-day intensive cleansing technique. It goes in the following sequence:

    • The solution is prepared the night before the day of the cleansing procedure (25 g per 100 ml of water).
    • In the morning, drink the solution with water acidified with lemon juice (1 tablespoon of juice per 200 ml of water).
    • Repeat the intake of water with lemon juice every 20 minutes; this is done until the first urge to defecate.
    • After the first bowel movement, drink water with lemon again, this is done after each bowel movement, limiting it to 4 times.

    After finishing a series of trips to the toilet, it is recommended to eat a light vegetable salad or steamed vegetables.

    You should start the transition to regular food with whole grain cereals, baked or boiled vegetables and fruits.


    When cleansing the intestines, magnesium powder is not recommended for use in the following cases:

    • intestinal obstruction;
    • dehydration;
    • rectal bleeding;
    • appendicitis;
    • severe chronic renal failure.

    You should refrain from using the product if you are intolerant to magnesium sulfate.

    Use with caution:

    • pregnant women;
    • nursing mothers.

    It is not recommended to take Magnesia systematically. Occasional use is indicated.

    Effects of use

    A product for comprehensive cleansing of the liver and intestines, first of all, allows you to get rid of waste, toxins and poisonous substances. All compounds that could depress the human body will be excreted along with the feces.

    After use, the following positive effects may be observed:

    1. disappearance of heartburn;
    2. weight loss;
    3. improvement of metabolism;
    4. eliminating constipation;
    5. cleansing the liver of toxins;
    6. cleansing internal organs, stomach;
    7. improvement of skin tone, disappearance of unevenness and acne;
    8. reducing the intensity of dermatological disorders;
    9. partial removal of helminths.

    Magnesium salt is mainly used for dietary purposes, as it effectively reduces weight up to 3 kg in one use. The powder is popular with girls who want to improve the condition of their skin and lose extra pounds.

    Occasionally, the substance is used by patients who have experienced alcohol poisoning. They strive to cleanse the liver of waste and toxins. Such a procedure should only be carried out with the permission of a doctor.

    An organism that has suffered from alcohol intoxication for a long time may respond negatively to the use of the medication. If patients drink regularly, it is recommended to learn how to cleanse the body of ethanol before taking magnesium.

    Magnesia and intestinal cleansing

    Pharmacological form of release: powder and ampoules with solution for the preparation of injection formulations.

    Magnesium sulfate is a product with a wide spectrum of effects. Official medicine actively uses this drug. Its actions have been carefully studied and used to solve many problems. In powder form, the medicine is used against constipation and is taken orally. Magnesia in ampoules is administered intravenously. The finished injection is used to provide the following actions:

    • Restores pulse.
    • Reduces the occurrence of seizures.
    • It has a vasodilating effect and lowers blood pressure.
    • Calms.
    • Relieves spasmodic phenomena.
    • Has a laxative effect.
    • Improves bile flow.

    Magnesium Sulfate, or magnesium, is used when there is a threat of miscarriage, helps to relax the uterus and stops contractions.

    But magnesium sulfate is most often used to cleanse the intestines. The medicine has a bitter taste. The drug is safe for the body, but you should not refuse to consult a doctor. He will tell you how to take it correctly and prescribe the dose. Doctors' recommendations should be followed. When ingested into the intestinal tract, magnesium has an irritating effect on the walls of the organ.

    Human intestines and digestive organs

    At the same time, the drug does not adsorb toxic substances, but simply helps get rid of accumulations inside. Before carrying out the manipulation, the body should be prepared. Preparation procedure:

    1. Nutrition is reduced. Canned foods and dishes containing a lot of salt, fat, acid, and prepared by frying are removed from the diet.
    2. Reduce the amount of salt, sugar, remove flour.
    3. Physical activity should increase. Add exercises and exercise regularly.
    4. Due to the fact that the drug has an unpleasant smell and taste, you need to be prepared for the fact that a gag reflex or disgust may occur. To reduce discomfort after drinking liquid, it is permissible to eat a piece of orange.
    5. Be sure to write down your condition, sensations and what was eaten daily. Also record the results achieved.

    Despite the wide range of therapeutic effects, it is not recommended to use magnesium sulfate unless necessary. It is better to use alternative means as preventive measures.

    The instructions for use state that the use of the powder is justified for the following indications:

    • In case of acute poisoning with low-quality products and chemicals.
    • The development of inflammatory processes in the ducts that remove bile.
    • Absence of bowel movements for a long time.
    • For cleaning the intestinal canals before examination or surgery.
    • Pathology of the gallbladder, cholecystitis.
    • Preparation before duodenal intubation. An examination of the gallbladder and liver is performed to obtain a sample of the contents of the gland mixed with bile secretions.
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