Oatmeal cookies for pancreatic inflammation: benefits, harms and recipes

Before eating cookies for pancreatitis, you need to know which types of cookies are allowed for inflammation of the pancreas and which are prohibited. There are many varieties of this confectionery product on sale that can be used as dietary food. You can bake it yourself.

Before eating cookies for pancreatitis, you need to know which types of cookies are allowed for inflammation of the pancreas and which are prohibited.

Acute form or exacerbation of chronic inflammation

When a period of exacerbation of chronic inflammation of the pancreas occurs or an acute form of the disease manifests itself, cookies must be completely abandoned. At this time, the specialist prescribes a strict diet to quickly stabilize the patient’s condition. In addition, dietary restrictions are a necessary measure to maintain the normal condition of the diseased organ. Abuse of prohibited products contributes to the development of various complications.

It is permissible to expand the diet with biscuits no earlier than a month after the first exacerbation. Moreover, when choosing sweets, it is important to carefully study the ingredients from which they are prepared. The standard composition of biscuits should include flour, sugar, eggs and water, but modern recipes may vary and contain additives, flavorings and other prohibited fillers.

Why you shouldn't get carried away with baking

In case of acute pancreatitis and exacerbation of the chronic form, you should not get carried away with cookies. During this period, you should relieve the digestive system as much as possible. After the first days of refusing food, the most gentle foods are introduced. Usually these are light purees and soups. Food should contain a minimum of calories, sugar and fat.

Many sweets do not meet these requirements at all. Cookies for pancreatitis should be chosen carefully, carefully studying the composition. Or cook it yourself. Then you will know exactly what it consists of.

Period of remission of the chronic form

When the symptoms of chronic pancreatitis recede or are weakened to a significant extent, it is possible to diversify the daily diet. The list of permitted types of cookies is also increasing:

  • Biscuits.
  • Simple sugar cookies (“Jubilee”, “Sugar”, “For Coffee”).
  • Oatmeal cookies are most preferable because they contain healthy oat flakes.
  • Homemade cookies (not buttery) with low fat content in the dough.

If diabetes mellitus develops against the background of pancreatitis, you can only eat diabetic cookies, where sugar is replaced with fructose or is completely absent.

The best option would be to make your own cookies from natural ingredients, which will definitely not contain dangerous fillers and preservatives.

The effect of cookies on the pancreas

Oatmeal cookies can be called a healthy product. The composition of natural oatmeal cookies includes oat flakes filled with enzymatic substances that are similar in biochemical structure to natural pancreatic enzymes. With the help of enzymes, proteins and fats are better absorbed in the body. Oatmeal prevents the development of constipation.

If a person is healthy, eating a small amount of oatmeal cookies will produce a pronounced antitumor effect. Oatmeal contains antioxidants and essential amino acids.

If a person has a healthy pancreas, small amounts of oatmeal cookies will be beneficial. In cases of acute or chronic pancreatitis, the conditions for using the product change significantly.

The fats and carbohydrates contained in cookies have an irritating effect on pancreatic cells, worsening the condition when a person develops an inflammatory process in the digestive tract.

Cookie consumption rate: biscuits, sugar, homemade

Despite the fact that it is permissible to eat cookies during pancreatitis, there are strict limits on their quantity. After an exacerbation of the chronic form or manifestation of acute inflammation of the pancreas, after 3 - 4 weeks it is allowed to eat no more than 1 cookie per day. Naturally, it is important to take into account the size; they should not exceed average.

During the period of remission, when the patient’s diet is significantly expanded, experts recommend eating no more than 1 - 2 pieces per day. Strict restrictions will ensure safe consumption for the body, and will also allow you to eat cookies, albeit little by little, but regularly. Pancreatitis is a serious disease and patients must take the advice of doctors responsibly and adhere to the specified nutritional rules.

What diet should you follow?

Diet plays a vital role in the treatment of pancreatitis. Without it, it is impossible to achieve a positive result. Therefore, you will have to be patient.

In case of an acute attack, it is recommended to give the pancreas a rest. It is necessary to ensure that enzymes are not produced for some time. They are the ones that cause severe pain. The first 3-4 days of illness do not eat anything at all. You are allowed to drink warm still water. This is difficult, but there is unlikely to be any appetite at this time.

Diet is necessary not only for the treatment of acute pancreatitis, but also for the onset of chronic relapse. After a period of therapeutic fasting, foods are gradually introduced. It is necessary to completely eliminate all foods that promote acid formation in the stomach and stimulate pancreatic secretion.

  • alcohol, fatty fish, meat, lard,
  • rich broths, sausages, smoked meats,
  • pickles, spicy, semi-finished products,
  • sour fruits and vegetables.

You will also have to forget about yoghurt, cakes, sweets, chocolate, soda, sweet tea and coffee.

The following foods should predominate:

  • vegetable stew
  • porridge with water or milk (excluding millet)
  • white bread (not freshly baked)
  • omelettes, casseroles, noodles
  • lean poultry, fish, meat
  • vegetable or milk soups, possibly with light broth
  • cheese without spices, dairy products without acid
  • weak tea, sour compote, jelly

In small quantities you can afford jam, some types of cookies, biscuits, marshmallows and marmalade. Failure to follow the rules can lead to a relapse and severe pain.

Products must be processed correctly. Forget about fried, salted, smoked. Steam, boil, simmer. At first, soft, grated food will do.

You need to eat little and often. It is better to have 5 or 6 meals. The diet should become a way of life for the next 8-10 months. And in the future you will have to pay closer attention to your diet.

Homemade Cookie Recipes

Taking care of the health of the body and the pancreas in particular will be complete if the dishes are prepared independently. Homemade cookies will be fresh, contain the optimal combination of ingredients and will bring pleasure and sometimes benefit.

Below are several recipes for homemade sweets that are allowed for this disease after an acute form or during a period of chronic remission.

Simple cookies

The composition of these cookies includes 300 grams of flour, one chicken egg, one tablespoon each of sugar and vegetable oil, one pinch of soda.

  • First, beat eggs and sugar, then pour in milk and sunflower oil.
  • When the mass acquires a uniform consistency, add flour, previously mixed with soda, and mix everything thoroughly again.
  • The dough will be ready when it stops sticking to your hands.
  • Afterwards, it needs to be rolled out to a thickness of 2 mm and squeezed out using any molds. Bake cookies at 210° for 5 minutes.

If your diet allows, you can add natural flavors, berries, and chopped nuts to the cookies, since the recipe is basic. The sweet can be consumed several hours after preparation. It is not recommended to eat it hot, immediately after removing it from the oven, so as not to cause unnecessary stress on the pancreas.

Galette cookies

The composition includes: premium flour – 4 cups; baking soda – 1 pinch; filtered water at room temperature – 400 ml; salt – 1 tablespoon.

  • The usual dough is kneaded, rolled out and cut into molds.
  • Bake in the oven for 20 minutes.

These biscuits are very tasty to eat with cheese. If permissible, you can add a little filling to the dough, sprinkle the finished cookies with a small amount of sugar (a few minutes before they are ready or hot). To add sweetness, you can spread it with homemade jam, but not store-bought jam.

Which cookies should you avoid?

For most diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is strictly not recommended to eat various types of baked goods. Be careful with factory-made products. The composition often contains a large number of dyes and food additives that are harmful even to a healthy body. It is better to refuse butter cookies and gingerbreads.

If the baked goods are covered with icing, it is strictly not recommended to eat them if you have pancreatitis.

If you have an unbearable craving for something sweet, eat some biscuits topped with a little homemade jam or marmalade.

A diet for pancreatitis does not include a large amount of carbohydrates and fats. The increased calorie content of foods will provoke an increase in the production of enzymes and an intensification of the pathological process. Before purchasing your favorite cookies or preparing a homemade recipe, consult your doctor. An experienced nutritionist or gastroenterologist will help you choose the most suitable diet. For those with a sweet tooth, we recommend preparing delicious pastries at home. This way the patient will remain calm about the biochemical composition of the prepared dish.

Acute phase of the disease

In case of acute symptoms, patients are prescribed a strict diet, which includes only water for the first 2-3 days. As the inflammation subsides, liquid oatmeal is allowed. It contains many fibrous components and fats. Digesting dry, fried cookies will require a lot of effort on the part of the gland. Oatmeal has an irritating, stimulating effect, which is complicated by another relapse. Therefore, during the acute period, you should give up oatmeal confectionery and give preference to biscuits like “Maria” - the recipe contains flour and water.

If the acute stage has passed, perhaps eat a few homemade oatmeal gingerbread cookies. Containing a minimum of fat, sugar, additives. Low-fat cottage cheese is usually added. Then the confectionery products turn out soft and airy.

It is important to know! If pancreatitis worsens, baking should be completely avoided.

Oatmeal cookies for chronic pancreatitis

The assessment of compliance with the recommended diet for chronic pancreatic inflammation is five. But an important condition for enjoying cookies with oats during pancreatitis is stable remission.

However, this rule does not apply to those patients who have a complication of the disease such as pancreatogenic diabetes. Such people are sometimes allowed to eat desserts that contain added sugar substitutes, such as fructose.

Oatmeal cookies for pancreatitis, as well as for cholecystitis, will be useful in that they stimulate the immune system, normalize stools and eliminate constipation. Sweetness also improves the functioning of the digestive system, saturates the body with valuable substances and removes harmful cholesterol.

Allowed and prohibited types of cookies

In the first 3-5 days of the acute course of the disease, the patient is advised to refuse food. Fasting for pancreatitis should be observed for several days. At this time, it is important to ensure absolute rest for the pancreas so as not to irritate the organ and not increase the secretion of enzymes. Butter products are introduced into the diet a month after the exacerbation phase.

What kind of cookies can you have for pancreatitis, except oatmeal? At the beginning of diet therapy, it is recommended to include biscuits in the diet for pancreatitis.

The traditional sweet recipe includes flour, water, eggs and sugar. However, modern manufacturers add flavorings, margarine, flavor enhancers, oils, milk powder and other harmful elements to the lean product.

Therefore, when buying biscuits for pancreatitis, it is important to study its composition indicated on the package. Names of products corresponding to the traditional recipe:

The permissible amount of consumption of an inedible product for inflammation and swelling of the pancreas is one piece per day. It is advisable to eat biscuits for 1 or 2 breakfasts, washed down with green tea or low-fat kefir.

What types of cookies are prohibited for glandular diseases? Dry crackers, shortbread cookies and gingerbread cookies should not be eaten if you have pancreatitis. It is also undesirable to consume any other baked goods prepared in production, because they contain a lot of sugar, fat and harmful additives.

Remission phase

Remission is characterized by subsidence of acute symptoms. You need to carefully monitor your diet, since the absence of symptoms does not mean that the gland is completely healthy. Usually there is a chronic type of disease with a sluggish inflammatory process. Against the background of general well-being, inflammation persists in the parenchyma of the organ, and a minimal violation of the diet makes itself felt.

During the calm period, patients are allowed to eat 2-3 cookies per day. Preference is given to homemade baked goods. It is allowed to patients who are not burdened with diabetes, without prerequisites for development. Otherwise, oat dessert should be abandoned and replaced with biscuits with added sweeteners.

Note! Oatmeal baking improves the digestion process, prevents constipation, and increases overall immunity. The flakes contain a vitamin and mineral complex, antioxidants - they speed up metabolic processes and remove toxins from tissues.

Composition and benefits of oatmeal sweets

Oatmeal is considered a valuable product due to its rich composition. The cereal contains a lot of microelements (sodium, silicon, zinc, potassium, selenium, manganese, calcium, copper, iron, manium, phosphorus) and vitamins (B, PP, A, beta-carotene, E).

The nutritional value of oatmeal cookies is quite high - 390 kcal per 100 g of product. The same amount of dessert contains 50 g of carbohydrates, 20 g of fat, and 6 g of protein.

The benefit of cookies with oats for pancreatitis lies in the main ingredient of the product. Scientists have found that the cereal contains enzymes similar to substances found in the pancreas. These elements break down fats and promote the absorption of carbohydrates.

Oatmeal normalizes stool and eliminates constipation, which is a frequent companion to inflammation of the digestive organs. The cereal contains antioxidants and amino acids that protect the gland from cancer.

In general, dishes with oatmeal are well absorbed by the body. Therefore, oats are actively used in folk medicine to treat chronic diseases of the digestive system.

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