Where to put leeches for hemorrhoids: proctology and hirudotherapy

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A disease that is characterized by thrombosis, pathological expansion and inflammatory processes of hemorrhoids of the rectum is called hemorrhoids. Its characteristic symptoms are heaviness, itching and pain in the anus, constipation. In advanced stages of the disease, bleeding appears and hemorrhoids fall out.

In total, about 75% of people around the world experience hemorrhoids sooner or later. Most often, pregnant women, as well as people leading an unhealthy lifestyle, encounter it. The age at which patients consult a doctor ranges on average from 45 to 65 years. Men get sick three times more often than women.

The hirudotherapy procedure can relieve symptoms and alleviate the patient’s condition. Almost everyone can use leeches against hemorrhoids. After the course of treatment, blood circulation improves, tumors disappear, and the inflammatory process goes away.

Today, the method of treating hemorrhoids with hirudotherapy has become popular thanks to the fashion for alternative medicine, which is still widely used in Eastern countries. Treatment with leeches is effective as a temporary solution to problems with hemorrhoids, does not require any special financial costs, and the result is felt after the first procedure.

What is hirudotherapy

The name of the method - hirudotherapy, treatment with leeches, comes from the Latin hirūdō. This is an annelid worm, numbering about 14 thousand species of different individuals. In medicine we are talking about jawed representatives of the hirudinid family, or medicinal leeches.

They have two suction cups. The first is located in the front part, called the head, and has 3 pairs of chitinous jaws in the oral cavity. The second is located at the back and represents the anus. Suckers are also a way of moving worms.

They live in fresh water bodies. There are 62 species living in Russia.

It sticks to the body, thanks to its powerful jaws, it bites through the skin quite deeply, 1.5-2 mm, and begins to suck blood. A young individual is saturated with 5-10 mg per feeding, and an adult, experienced, can suck 10 times more in 20-40 minutes. This time is enough for it to get enough and disappear on its own.

In the process, the worm injects its saliva, which contains a large amount of substances beneficial to human health. It is the combination of bloodletting and saturation of the body with medicinal components that is the basis for the successful treatment of numerous diseases.

Historical reference

The first mention of the procedure, which today is called hirudotherapy, dates back to 200 BC. Nikandra of Colophon was the name of one of the pioneers of the method. Among his followers are Hippocrates, Avicenna, Galen. For several thousand years, leeches have helped cure a variety of ailments. And there is a lot of historical evidence of this: cave paintings, archaeological finds, written sources of Ancient Egypt and Greece.

In the 21st century, hirudotherapy can be said to be experiencing its rebirth. And this happens for a number of reasons:

  • medical discoveries are becoming rarer;
  • chemicals cause many negative reactions in the body, and some are downright dangerous to health.

People began to understand and accept the philosophy of harmony with nature, which was started by the inhabitants of Japan and China.

Treatment and prevention

Up to the fourth stage, you can do without surgery if the inflamed nodes can be pulled back on your own. In case of exacerbation of combined hemorrhoids, symptoms can only be relieved with the use of medications. Ointments can be used for any type of pathology. In treatment, restoration of a normal lifestyle is of great importance, which includes the following rules:

  • daily consumption of foods high in fiber: whole grain cereals, fruits and vegetables;
  • as much physical activity as possible to keep blood vessels toned and prevent constipation;
  • minimum time sitting on the toilet;
  • drinking plenty of clean water to avoid constipation;
  • timely bowel movements to avoid hardening of stool;
  • push less and do not hold your breath when emptying your bowels to avoid pressure on the veins;
  • performing special exercises to strengthen muscles and maintain knots.

To alleviate the general condition in the event of the development of combined hemorrhoids, you can use systemic drugs (phlebotonics), which help increase vascular tone. There are also several home remedies to alleviate your general condition:

  • take a warm bath several times a day for 10 minutes;
  • apply cold compresses to relieve swelling and stop inflammation;
  • monitor the hygiene of the anal area (using washes instead of toilet paper).

Medical offers a thorough diagnosis of combined hemorrhoids with subsequent treatment. In advanced cases, experienced doctors perform surgery to remove modified hemorrhoids. The clinic uses only high-quality and modern equipment, with the help of which specialists select the most effective treatment regimen for each individual case.

What is the healing effect of leeches?

The healing properties of medicinal leeches are due to their complex effects on the body. As a result of the bite:

  • the blood is thinned, it is renewed similar to the donation procedure, as its dosed extraction occurs;
  • biologically active substances contained in saliva trigger natural anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, analgesic processes, improve the properties, composition of blood and lymph.

The body begins to react to blood loss in the most positive way:

  • blood clotting decreases;
  • even old blood clots resolve;
  • improves, increases blood supply;
  • fat depots are broken down;
  • toxins and waste are removed from the body;
  • the condition of internal tissues improves;
  • any pain is relieved.

The most important thing is that the leech bites the skin exclusively at certain, biologically active points. They say she “feels.” Therefore, a hirudotherapy session can be considered an analogue of acupuncture therapy.

Due to its wide range of therapeutic actions, it is used in:

  • proctology;
  • endocrinology;
  • cardiology;
  • neurology;
  • gynecology and urology;
  • pulmonology;
  • gastroenterology;
  • ophthalmology
  • cosmetology and other areas of medicine.

What do leeches inject?

Piyaki saliva contains:

  • The enzyme hirudin is an anticoagulant, thrombolytic, increases coagulation, thins the blood. It has antiseptic effects, which reduces the risk of wound infection to zero.
  • Eglins are proteins with powerful anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Collagenase and hyaluronidase are immunostimulating enzymes that increase the body's defense response to any pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Orgelase - improves blood supply, accelerates blood flow, promotes the formation of new capillaries.
  • Destabilase - has a powerful bactericidal effect. Increases coagulability, dissolves existing blood clots.

For medicinal purposes, annelids are grown in special factories, where they then undergo a certification process. When sent to hospitals, biologists select adult individuals based on age, size, and health status.

When selecting, pay attention to the following factors:

  1. Activity. Once released, they move quickly using suction cups. They instantly stick to your hand if you put it in a container, and curl when touched.
  2. The ability to quickly and firmly suck. If there is not enough water in the jar, they climb up and remain on the inner surface.
  3. Healthy individuals never stretch to their full length.
  4. Appearance. There should be a shiny, damp surface.
  5. A pronounced reflex when touched. They instantly decrease in size, become elastic, thick, and short.

Interesting fact

All healthy individuals must fast for at least 3 months before use.

After a full session, they most often disappear on their own. Re-use is not provided, so they are simply destroyed.

Composition of leech saliva

Leeches owe their beneficial properties to saliva, the composition of which has now been almost completely studied. The secretion of the salivary glands contains components that, when interacting with blood, have a healing effect.

The secret of the leech is a unique medicine

The following affect hemorrhoids:

  • Hirudin – thins the blood and has an anti-clotting effect. Prevents the formation of blood clots and eliminates them;
  • Bdellins (high molecular weight proteins) inhibit the enzymes trypsin and plasmin, which play an important role in blood clotting;
  • Bradykinins are polypeptides with an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Destabilase is a group of enzymes that have antithrombotic (anti-clotting) and thrombolysis (dissolving blood clots) effects;
  • Hyaluronidase is an enzyme that promotes the breakdown of hyaluronic acid. This property of the component leads to an increase in the penetration of not only tissues, but also capillaries, which helps various substances, including medicinal ones, penetrate the body. Also eliminates scars and prevents them. In addition, hyaluronidase has a bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect, which leads to the death of numerous pathogenic microorganisms;
  • Orgelase is an enzyme involved in the formation of new capillaries, eliminates swelling. It also helps smooth the inner walls of blood vessels, which improves microcirculation in them;
  • Anglins are polypeptides that have strong anti-inflammatory activity;
  • Kininase – eliminates pain;
  • Histamine-like substances – have an antispasmodic effect.

The secretion of the salivary glands of the leech is essentially a complex medicine with a wide spectrum of action and is used not only for direct effects on the body, but also in the preparation of medications in the field of urology, gynecology, ophthalmology, neurology.

Is it possible to apply leeches for hemorrhoids?

The disease is associated with dilation of the veins of the rectum, formed as a result of venous stagnation in the pelvic area. Hemorrhoids, or blood clots, form around them.

Hirudotherapy for hemorrhoids, thanks to its anticoagulant and thinning properties, promotes:

  • outflow of blood from hemorrhoidal cones, their significant reduction;
  • improving blood circulation;
  • rapid reduction of pain, itching, swelling of the anus.

Hirudin, which is found in saliva:

  • relieves inflammation;
  • additionally relieves pain;
  • increases immunity;
  • stimulates intracellular metabolic processes;
  • slows down clotting;
  • accelerates blood flow in small capillaries.

A powerful bactericidal effect is associated with the enzyme destabilase. It prevents the development of infection in the nodes, especially with external formations, and disinfects the bite site.

Significant improvements occur after the first session due to the complex effects on the body:

  • eliminating venous stagnation;
  • restoration of blood circulation in the lower extremities;
  • resorption of blood clots;
  • suppression of pathogens;
  • restoration of stool, relief from constipation, improvement of intestinal function, its motility and beneficial microflora;
  • normalization of digestion;
  • prevention of relapses, complications of both internal and external hemorrhoids.

Therapy at an early, not yet advanced stage of hemorrhoids turns out to be very effective. And it often happens that the disease goes away forever.

Reviews from patients indicate that for many, hirudotherapy turned out to be a lifeline, after which the condition improved significantly, relapses became much less common, and therefore the quality of life was much higher.

How is hirudotherapy useful for hemorrhoids?

To summarize, we can say that the action of the bloodsucker is reminiscent of a live injection, which sends a large amount of medicinal substances into the body, thereby providing a powerful therapeutic effect. As a result, the blood stops clotting, blood clots dissolve, blood pressure stabilizes, and the body's defenses increase.

Leech treatment of complex diseases

Leech saliva contains enzymes and vitamins that can fight diseases. There is a substance that anesthetizes the bite and thins the blood - the procedure is not noticeable. The leech is used once, then must be disposed of. Repeated use of a leech provokes transmission of the disease.

The liquefaction effect helps to cope with stagnation of blood flow, prevents the formation of blood clots, reduces swelling and lymph nodes. The substance hirudin reduces the venous network in varicose veins and relieves discomfort. An analgesic with leech saliva is injected into the blood - it disinfects and improves the patient’s well-being.

Rules for the procedure

To make the right decision about the advisability of treatment, the future patient must know:

  1. The sessions should be entrusted to a specialist - a hirudotherapist. They must take place in a hospital, in a special sterile room. Self-medication at home is not recommended, as this is associated with various risks - from allergic reactions to the development of infectious processes and severe bleeding.
  2. Before the first session, a consultation with your doctor is required. The proctologist must tell the patient about the features of the method, its goals and consequences, and prepare him psychologically.
  3. The procedure is carried out no more than 1-2 times a week.
  4. 1 course consists of 10 sessions of 5 pieces at a time. It can be repeated by taking a break of at least 4 weeks.
  5. The effectiveness of hirudotherapy is directly related to regularity. Once you have started, you should not skip treatments.
  6. The break between sessions is usually 5 days.
  7. The procedure cannot be called painful, since saliva acts as an anesthetic.
  8. Duration – from 20 to 40 minutes. It depends on the behavior of the bloodsuckers. They will leave on their own only when they are completely satisfied.
  9. Hirudotherapy is used mainly for external hemorrhoids, and only in rare cases for internal hemorrhoids.
  10. Only hungry bloodsuckers should be used, otherwise they will not drink enough blood to recover.
  11. It is prohibited to remove hands from the body. They will fall off on their own. Otherwise, you just need to sprinkle the suction area with salt.
  12. A medicinal leech is used only once, as it will digest what it receives for 2 years. In addition, repeated manipulation is associated with the risk of infection at the site of the bite. After the session it is destroyed.

To avoid unpleasant consequences of the manipulation, you must ensure that the doctor also prepares for the procedure. In his office, on his table at hand should be:

  • sterile instruments: forceps, test tubes, in a special stand or tray;
  • sterile wipes, dressings, towel;
  • medical and ammonia alcohol;
  • 40% glucose solution;
  • container with boiling water;
  • medical gloves;
  • container for used tools.

The patient should lie on his side or stomach. The hirudotherapist determines the placement points individually. This depends on the stage of the disease, the severity of its course, the number and type of hemorrhoids.

The selected area is thoroughly washed with water and then treated with alcohol.

After all the bloodsuckers have fallen off, a sterile napkin is applied to the bite sites. On top - a fixing gauze bandage and a bandage for at least a day.

It should be borne in mind that bleeding at the site of the bite continues from 6 to 48 hours due to decreased clotting. There is no need to be afraid of this: the blood released from hemorrhoidal cones does not participate in the general mole flow and does not in any way affect the general well-being.

How to place leeches correctly

The location of the leeches is selected individually in each specific case. This may be the anal area, the tailbone, or the hemorrhoid itself. There are several rules that must be followed during hirudotherapy.

  • Before the procedure, it is necessary to clean the perineal and anal area and treat it with alcohol. Avoid using scented soaps or deodorants as the smell may repel living creatures.
  • The leeches must be hungry, which will allow them to attach to the node and inject active disaggregant substances into the blood.
  • No more than 4 pieces are placed in the anus area, and their number must be selected depending on the stage and severity of the disease and the presence of concomitant diseases.
  • After placing the leeches, they attach themselves to the body and actively work - sucking out blood. At the same time, they cannot be torn off from the body or tried to be removed in any other way; they fall off on their own when they drink blood. In one procedure, one leech can suck out up to 5 ml of blood. At the same time, it can increase in size by 5-7 times. If for some reason you need to remove it earlier, then you cannot use salt or sprinkle with other types of chemicals, as is recommended in many folk recipes. It is enough to take a cotton swab moistened with alcohol and carefully move the head of the leech away from the patient’s body.
  • On average, the procedure time is from 20 to 40 minutes. It is painless, since the saliva of leeches contains an anesthetic that allows the procedure to be carried out painlessly.
  • After the leech falls off, the site of its attachment may bleed. This goes away within a few minutes or hours. Blood, lymph or intercellular fluid may be released from the wound. This effect is also associated with the thinning effect of hirudin. The suction site (wound, hole) does not need to be treated with alcohol or brilliant green, otherwise it can cause a burn. It is better to apply an aseptic bandage or plaster to this place.

Read also: Modern method of treating hemorrhoids, features and stages of disarterization

After the procedure there are no restrictions on daily routine, nutrition or activity. But you should continue to adhere to the recommendations given by your doctor for hemorrhoids.

Rules for placing leeches for hemorrhoids should be selected individually

Where and how to place leeches for hemorrhoids, photo

In the hirudotherapist's office there should be special diagrams with indicated biologically active points on which leeches are placed. For hemorrhoids, they are placed on the anus, tailbone, lower back, and liver projection area.

Scheme: Points for placing leeches in the treatment of hemorrhoids

If a blood clot has already formed or a strong inflammatory process has begun, it is placed on the perineum, around the anus. In this case, their direct contact with the thinned vein is not allowed, only around it. As a result of the bite, severe bleeding may occur that will be difficult to stop.

Only in rare cases, with extensive experience and high professionalism, can a hirudotherapist decide to place the hemorrhoid directly on the hemorrhoid.

The procedure is considered complete when the bloodsucker disappears on its own. There may be cases of its independent penetration into the anus. There is no need to be afraid. After the leech has sucked out the excess and is satisfied, it will leave the area on its own. But this means that the patient, in addition to external ones, also has internal nodes.


The duration of the manipulation depends on the time the leech is saturated with blood and is approximately 30–60 minutes. The number of leeches depends on the stage of the pathology and ranges from 5 to 10 pieces.

Each leech is intended for one-time individual use to avoid the risk of transferring infections from one patient to another (staphylococcus, tuberculosis, HIV, etc.)

The procedure takes place in the following order.

  1. The patient takes a position lying on his side or stomach.
  2. The area of ​​skin that will be exposed to leeches is washed with baby soap. To stimulate the appetite of leeches, the epidermis is rubbed with a dry cloth until it acquires a reddish tint. The use of cosmetics with a strong odor is prohibited.
  3. Using tweezers, take a leech (the worms must be hungry and active) and place it with the front sucker on the affected area containing biologically active points. For hemorrhoids, these are the areas of the sacrum (there are 8 active points on it), the coccyx (contains two active points), and also the anus. It is possible to place a leech directly on the hemorrhoidal node, but this leads to severe pain.

As a rule, leeches are easily fixed in the required place. If problems arise, the leech is replaced with another one or the skin is lubricated with sweet water or a puncture is made in the required place until blood appears (the needle must be sterile).

  1. When a leech bites into the epidermis, the patient experiences a tingling sensation that goes away within half a minute under the influence of analgesics contained in the saliva.
  2. Having had enough, the worms fall off without anyone else. Otherwise, to remove the leech, you need to bring a swab treated with any liquid that has a strong odor (alcohol, vinegar, ammonia) to the front suction cup. It is forbidden to tear off the bloodsucker.
  3. After manipulation, blood will flow from the bite site for 24 hours. This is normal. There is no need to treat bleeding, disinfect or lubricate the area. The remaining small scars disappear on their own after a few weeks.

Hirudotherapy should be carried out under complete sterility

It is not advisable to take a bath for several days after the procedure. As a last resort, the bite site is washed with warm water without using a washcloth, followed by treatment with alcohol and application of a sterile bandage. Visiting the sauna, bathhouse, or swimming pool is permitted 5 days after the procedure.

There is no need to worry if a leech penetrates the anus. After a while she will come out on her own.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with leeches is an effective method of getting rid of the disease. However, complete recovery is possible only with a combination of therapeutic measures with an appropriate diet, giving up bad habits and an active lifestyle.

Recommendations for the patient before and after the procedure

Leech treatment involves blood. Therefore, special care, caution, attention and sterility are required. You can find a lot of information on the Internet on how to do this yourself, at home. However, if you care about your health, then this method is not for you. If the decision is made, then treatment is carried out only with the participation of a qualified specialist, in his presence, in a specially equipped room.

Only he can answer the question of how appropriate it is to use the method, provide for all contraindications, side effects, and weigh the risks of complications.

The number of sessions, their frequency, and other aspects are determined taking into account the severity of the disease, the stage of hemorrhoids, the presence of complications or other chronic diseases.

Preparation for the procedure

It should be noted that leeches are living creatures. Therefore, their behavior will depend on how you prepare. To help them quickly attach to the body, try:

  • do not drink alcohol for 24 hours;
  • do not smoke at least 6 hours before the planned session;
  • before visiting a doctor, take a shower or bath without detergents - soap, gel, especially with a strong aroma;
  • do not use eau de toilette or perfume.

Also, keep in mind:

  • It is better to take a small amount of food a few hours before the session, and it is even better to come on an empty stomach;
  • when placing hirudin in the perineal area, the doctor may decide to administer an enema to cleanse the intestines;
  • Before starting, be sure to go to the toilet;
  • There should be no drafts or open windows in the room, especially in winter. A normal temperature is important so you don't catch a cold. After all, you will have to lie naked or semi-naked for about an hour;
  • if there is hair, it must be removed;
  • Body temperature is also very important: cold, damp, it will cause rejection of the bloodsucker. In this case, it is advisable to apply a warm compress, after which wipe the skin dry;
  • the latter must be clean, without traces of adhesive tape, inflammation or ulcers. The smell of medicines coming from them is also not allowed. The skin is usually treated with burdock oil and washed with water without soap.

If you have hemorrhoids, it is important to lie down during the session to avoid fainting.

What to do after the procedure

After a course of hirudotherapy, you can and should lead your usual lifestyle. After 24 hours, remove the bandage. If it has dried, pre-treat it with hydrogen peroxide so as not to damage the healing hemorrhoids or provoke bleeding.

If it is still strong, use a new sterile bandage and secure it. If necessary, if it quickly becomes saturated with blood, put several more layers of bandage or gauze on top.

Before reapplying the bandage, be sure to clean the wounds with alcohol.


  1. Scratch bite sites. For hyperemia or itching, you can take any antihistamine such as Suprastin.
  2. Take a bath for 5 days, only shower, without soap or gel.

Try not to do work that involves heavy physical exertion during this period.

Preparing for hirudotherapy

The hirudotherapy procedure is carried out no more than once every 7 days; it does not cause pain, but can be unpleasant. After completing the full course of therapy, which includes from 10 to 12 manipulations, its repetition is possible no earlier than after 2 months.

Preparation for hirudotherapy includes:

  • a few days after the procedure, stop taking medications that thin the blood (Aspirin, etc.);
  • resort to a special exercise: tensing and relaxing the anus 300–400 times daily;
  • give up bad habits: coffee, smoking;
  • The procedures include washing the anus with warm water without the use of hygiene products. Toilet paper is not recommended;
  • Do not use perfumed or other aromatic products immediately before the session.

The specialist needs to stock up on:

  • manipulation table;
  • tray;
  • tampons and sterile wipes;
  • dressing material;
  • alcohol (70%);
  • glucose solution (40%);
  • medical test tube;
  • a container of hot water;
  • ammonia;
  • towel, rubber gloves;
  • vessels with disinfectant solution.


The following method is not allowed:

  1. If you suffer from blood diseases associated with clotting problems. Hemophilia, for example, causes low platelet levels. After a bite, the wound may bleed for too long, which is associated with a risk to life. And a decrease in the ability to clot will also cause an increase in the symptoms of the disease.
  2. For anemia, when hemoglobin is already too low. After sessions, platelets and red blood cells may drop to critical levels.
  3. For hypotension, or with caution if blood pressure drops too often.
  4. For oncology, the presence of tumors.
  5. Hirudotherapy is not performed during pregnancy, especially in the last trimester, breastfeeding and lactation. This can cause miscarriage, so it's best not to risk it.
  6. Period of menstruation. There will be more blood loss, which will worsen the condition.
  7. Allergic reactions to substances in saliva, which can result in anaphylactic shock. At the slightest suspicion, the gyrantologist first conducts compatibility tests.
  8. Placing leeches is prohibited in case of cancer.
  9. Not recommended for children under 5 years of age.

Ideally, you need to see a doctor who will foresee all the negative consequences, having previously diagnosed the patient.

Hemorrhoids and hirudotherapy

Hemorrhoids are a disease that affects the blood vessels in the rectum and anus. Pain occurs, lumps appear, and hemorrhoids become inflamed. The nodes fall out and bleed.

The disease is common and occurs in men and women. The disease becomes chronic if left untreated. Hemorrhoids develop with an inactive lifestyle, poor diet, abuse of bad habits, excessive physical activity, and in women - after childbirth.

In the female half, hemorrhoids appear during pregnancy and are aggravated by childbirth. First, itching appears in the anus, gradually turning into pain. If you do not consult a proctologist, the hemorrhoids will become larger and more difficult to treat. The disease occurs in chronic or acute form. They confuse it with an intestinal disorder and put off going to the doctor.

Signs of hemorrhoids:

  • Unpleasant sensations during bowel movements, feeling of fullness in the intestines.
  • Discharge of mucus from the colon.
  • Blood after going to the toilet.
  • Constant aching, sharp pain.

Advanced disease is treated surgically. If you do not delay treatment, your health will improve and you will be cured. In the early stages, conservative treatment is used in the form of a special diet and therapeutic exercises.

Phlebotropic drugs are used and act on the vascular system. Recovery comes from the use of traditional medicine. Potato suppositories, herbal ointments, baths in a sitting position, enemas with herbal decoctions are used.

Hirudotherapy is considered a proven treatment method for advanced hemorrhoids. From the first session, inflamed nodes are reduced, pain is relieved, and the patient’s general condition improves.

Consequences and possible side effects

Adverse reactions of the body occur quite often. But they are not dangerous, so there is no need to be afraid of them.

Symptoms are usually associated with:

  • with redness of the skin at the site of the bite;
  • increased local body temperature;
  • itching and swelling;
  • some enlargement of lymph nodes;
  • deterioration of general health;
  • muscle pain.

Doctors call them the body’s prefixed reaction to leeches, its immune response on the way to restoring metabolic processes.

The intensity of such symptoms depends on the initial condition of the patient and the degree of a particular disease.

It appears 8-12 hours after the end of the 3rd or 4th session.

Such manifestations are in no way related to allergic reactions, so treatment is continued, and the side effects stop on their own. Lymph nodes return to normal after 1-2 weeks, when intracellular immunity is almost restored.

To help, your doctor may prescribe antihistamines:

  • Suprastin;
  • Claretyl;
  • Diazolin;
  • Tavelin.

For local relief of symptoms use:

  • Fenistil-gel;
  • cool lotions of soda solution at the rate of 1 tsp. per glass of water;
  • solution of potassium permanganate 5%.

As well as procedures that cleanse the body - enemas, herbal remedies and water procedures based on them.

The human defense system is activated. This is where similar reactions arise, about which the patient should be warned in advance by a specialist.

Complications during hirudotherapy

They occur rarely and manifest themselves as:

  1. Hematomas that appear when the skin is loose. In especially difficult cases it is opened. But more often, cheap heparin ointment is sufficient.
  2. The appearance of inflammatory processes when a wound becomes infected: lack of hygiene procedures, insufficient care, scratching the bite site. Sometimes the doctor himself violates sterility. The infection is treated like any purulent infection, under the supervision of a specialist. Treatment is continued at the same time.
  3. Allergic reactions, including angioedema and anaphylactic shock. This is the most dangerous type of complication that can lead to death. It is very important to carry out all the necessary tests for hypoallergenicity. Otherwise, the sessions are stopped and antihistamines are prescribed. Particularly severe allergies are treated with hormonal drugs.

Another problem is continuous bleeding. If blood continues to be released intensively within 2 days, you need to apply a tight fixing bandage with a gauze swab. In severe cases, it is stitched up.

Stages of development

The general symptoms of combined hemorrhoids are very similar to the usual manifestations of the disease. The presence of inflamed plexuses can only be determined by a doctor through palpation. Therefore, at the first suspicion, you should contact a proctologist as soon as possible. If combined hemorrhoids are left untreated, they will develop into a chronic stage, and regular bleeding will lead to anemia.

The initial stage is often practically asymptomatic. The patient may notice the problem only when the nodes increase in size and when they begin to fall out of the anus. This can happen when straining, coughing, sneezing or other body tension. There are four stages of disease development.

  • The first is characterized by dilation of the veins in the anus, which may not be visually noticeable. But very often, unpleasant sensations after bowel movements are disturbing - itching, burning, a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, tingling.
  • The second stage is manifested by the prolapse of hemorrhoids during any body tension (coughing, sneezing, while laughing, when lifting heavy objects). At this stage, the patient experiences severe pain; in most cases, bleeding occurs after bowel movement.
  • The third stage of the development of the disease is accompanied by prolapse of the nodes, which cannot always be set back over time. In this case, the help of specialists is required; they return them to their place manually or using tools. Almost every act of defecation involves bleeding.
  • The fourth stage is characterized by prolapsed hemorrhoids, which only a doctor can set. Very often there is pain in the tailbone and during bowel movements. With each act of defecation, bleeding is observed. It happens that feces pass on their own due to sphincter dysfunction.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

For hemorrhoids, according to numerous patient reviews, a decrease in unpleasant symptoms occurs after 1-3 sessions. Hirudotherapy gives the fastest and most effective results at the early stage of the disease, when the nodes are not yet so large, the bleeding is not so strong, and the sphincter is not spasmodic. But positive cases have been repeatedly recorded at stages 3 and even 4 of the disease.

The main advantages of treating hemorrhoids with leeches include:

  • the ability of bloodsuckers to independently find the most problematic areas and influence them;
  • improvement of general condition, increased immunity of the whole body under the influence of the enzyme hirudin;
  • other saliva substances have a positive effect on all organs and tissues of the pelvis, and not just on the rectum;
  • restoration and stabilization of normal pressure in the veins.

A full course or several sessions in many cases can cure hemorrhoids forever.

What are the disadvantages of the method?

If the disease is advanced, relief can only be temporary.

Many people are concerned about the pain of the procedure and discomfort. But after 2 times they disappear, and the benefits remain for a long time.

Especially if the patient follows all the rules prescribed by the doctor before and after the procedure, combines leeches with general therapy, physiotherapy, acupuncture or massage.

In this way, you can completely do without surgical intervention, which has a long rehabilitation period, the risk of relapses and unpleasant consequences.


Denis, 48 ​​years old:

I underwent a course of treatment for hemorrhoids with leeches at the Yuzhny clinic. I would like to thank the entire team that was involved in my treatment, as well as all the clinic specialists for their individual approach to each patient, attentiveness, politeness and responsibility. Treatment with leeches turned out to be safe and effective, after the first time I felt that I felt much better. Additional treatment with ointments was prescribed. If problems arise again, I am ready to seek medical help from this clinic again.

Maria, 29 years old:
Until recently, I was constantly suffering from hemorrhoids, I could not empty my bowels normally - over time, constipation began to appear almost constantly. When problems began to greatly interfere with normal life and work, I decided to go to the Yuzhny clinic, where the doctor advised me to use leeches to quickly relieve symptoms, relieve pain and get rid of constipation. Several months have passed since the course of therapy, and I have forgotten what hemorrhoids are. The procedure is not pleasant, but, apparently, it is very effective, and it is worth it. I thank my attending physician for his attentive treatment, individual approach and help, which brought real results.

Where can it be done, cost of the procedure

Such a universal method as hirudotherapy has caused a new surge in popularity in the last few decades. Therefore, there are specialized clinics in almost every city.

Give preference to the center that has an excellent reputation, to the specialist whose professionalism and experience have already been tested by time.

The cost of a session also depends on the reputation of the treatment center and the qualifications of the doctor, as well as on the region of your residence. On average it is about 3 thousand rubles.

Answers to frequently asked questions

What happens if a leech stops producing hirudin?

She will die, since this enzyme is involved in the processes of her digestion and nutrition: it does not allow blood to clot, it improves the absorption of protein.

How long does a course of hirudotherapy last for the treatment of hemorrhoids?

The usual scheme is 10 sessions of 5 pieces simultaneously with breaks of at least 5 days. The doctor may suggest a different method, which depends on his skill, experience and intuition, as well as on the stage of hemorrhoids.

Is it painful to place leeches?

The leech sticks to the skin and bites it to a depth of 2 mm. Rather, the sensation can be compared to a mosquito bite. Take into account the fact that her saliva contains painkillers. Although everyone's pain threshold is different, you won't feel too much pain.

Reviews about treatment with leeches

Igor: Leeches for hemorrhoids are a proven remedy! I lead a sedentary lifestyle - the sore has become attached to me. At first I didn’t pay attention, the pain intensified. I went to the doctor, they treated me for a long time. They advised me to undergo hirudotherapy at the clinic. There were no contraindications. They diagnosed hemorrhoids (sorry for the details). It helped after the first session. Relief came immediately. I completed the full course and am satisfied. I recommend!

Anna: The trouble happened after giving birth. Leeches for hemorrhoids - what a disgusting thing! Attempts to cure with folk remedies were unsuccessful. I had to turn to proctologists. There were no sensations during the procedure, relief came. It’s a shame I didn’t go earlier; I wouldn’t have had to waste energy on amateur activities. Cured for the full course.

Nikolay: Hirudotherapy has long been known. I didn’t think about other methods - I immediately went to the doctor. There was an initial stage, it passed after 2 visits. I decided to complete the course.

Arina: I read that hirudotherapy for hemorrhoids is not indicated for everyone, and is sometimes contraindicated. Before the procedure, tests are taken, examinations are done - anything can happen. Allergies will cause harm. No one knows about leech allergies...

Anton: The problem has been around for a long time. Leeches helped with hemorrhoids. If you put it on the inflamed nodes, you will feel at most a slight tingling sensation. The 40-minute procedure goes smoothly. It's OK. I regret that I put off going to the proctologist earlier.

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