Chocolate for pancreatitis of the pancreas: can you eat it and in what quantities? Benefits and harms of the product

An important component in the treatment of pancreatitis is adherence to a strict diet that spares the digestive tract. The patient's diet must exclude alcohol, fried foods, spices, and pickles. Cocoa, sausages, canned food and excess sugar are prohibited to avoid hypersecretion of the pancreas. Chocolate is also harmful.

Nutritionists argue about the usefulness of the product, but there is no consensus. In case of illness, the individual components that make up the sweet cause global damage to the body. Let's consider whether it is allowed to consume chocolate for pancreatitis, what are the negative effects of cocoa products.

What is pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is an acute or chronic inflammatory disease of the pancreas. This leads to the fact that the enzymes it produces do not enter the intestines, but remain in the gland itself. Because of which she begins to digest herself. In some cases, its contents enter the blood or abdominal cavity and lead to damage to other organs.

The main causes of the development of the disease are toxic poisoning, infectious diseases, injuries, parasites, various congenital and acquired pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and the gland itself. Very often alcohol abuse leads to destructive processes in the pancreas.

The disease is diagnosed based on tests and instrumental studies, as well as on the basis of a characteristic clinical picture. Among the main symptoms of this pathology:

  • severe pain in the epigastric region;
  • severe vomiting, after which the taste of bile remains;
  • obstructive jaundice, which occurs due to a violation of the outflow of bile;
  • increased gas formation and bloating;
  • bowel dysfunction (diarrhea or constipation).

Chocolate in the remission phase: is it possible or not?

You can try a piece of chocolate only after the inflammation has subsided. In this case, it is advisable to start with white chocolate, since of all cocoa components it contains only its deodorized butter without caffeine and theobromine, or with bitter varieties, which contain less fat. Of course, it should be chocolate without any additives (fillers, nuts, etc.). If patients have developed pancreatogenic diabetes, then special varieties with sweeteners have been created for them.

Chocolate is rightfully classified as a healthy sweet, because in addition to its excellent taste, it:

  • gently stimulates the heart (thanks to potassium and theobromine alkaloid);
  • activates brain activity (due to theobromine);
  • improves low mood (the antidepressant effect of the serotonin, tryptophan contained in it and the enkephalins and endorphins produced under its influence);
  • fights any inflammation, age-related changes, malignant cells (thanks to antioxidants);
  • smoothes out premenstrual syndrome (due to magnesium);
  • has a general tonic effect;
  • reduces cough and moisturizes the throat (theobromine effect);
  • prevents secretory diarrhea (due to flavonoids).

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of acute inflammation of the pancreas are more pronounced. In the chronic form, the signs are often erased, but longer lasting. To confirm the diagnosis, ultrasound, laparoscopy and FGDS are performed, as well as a blood test for amylase and a urine test for diastase.

Okunev Dmitry Yurievich

doctor – therapist • doctor – ultrasound diagnostics

Pancreatitis is often accompanied by type II diabetes, gastritis and gastroduodenitis. Our gastroenterologists will give nutritional recommendations over the phone, tell you what to look for and what pathologies to check for when diagnosing the underlying disease.

Online consultation

How to choose a quality product

To prevent eating chocolate for pancreatitis from worsening the disease, it is important to enjoy a high-quality product. When choosing sweets in a store, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. You should only purchase dark chocolate with a cocoa powder content of 55% to 99%.
  2. When buying a treat, you need to carefully read the label. The fewer ingredients in the composition, the higher the quality of the product. Good chocolate should not contain palm oil, raising agents, vegetable fat, artificial colors and flavors, or stabilizers.
  3. You should avoid buying a chocolate bar if the first ingredient list includes substances such as soy lecithin, milk fat, cocoa butter substitutes and milk powder. Such chocolate is considered fake, and it will not bring any benefit. The main components of this natural high-quality delicacy are cocoa beans, cocoa powder and cocoa liquor.
  4. You should not purchase a product that contains fillers: nuts, waffle crumbs, jam and other additives. They can create additional stress on the pancreas.
  5. It is imperative to pay attention to the expiration date. If you have pancreatitis, it is strictly forbidden to eat expired foods.

After opening the package, you need to inspect and smell the tiles. An unpleasant, musty smell indicates that the product is spoiled. Also, the delicacy may be affected by chocolate moths, which makes it unsuitable for consumption. It is easy to find small insects if you break the tile in half.

We recommend reading: Can you use olive oil for pancreatitis?

A whitish coating on the chocolate surface is not a sign of poor quality and only indicates that the product was improperly stored. In addition, the “greying” of the sweetness indicates high quality, since such changes can only occur with chocolate that contains natural cocoa powder.

What is the recommended diet for pancreatitis?

In the treatment of inflammation of the pancreas, antispasmodics and medications are used that normalize and restore the enzymatic function of the gland. The acute form of the disease is treated in a hospital, the chronic form - at home. Any treatment is accompanied by a special diet. For chronic inflammation of the pancreas, it is prescribed for life.

Diet for pancreatitis is table number 5, or rather one of its options. It involves a complete rejection of fried, smoked, spicy and fatty foods. Frequent and fractional meals are expected - in small portions up to 6 times a day. Cold and hot foods must be completely avoided.

The overall ratio of BJU is shifted towards proteins. Carbohydrates and fats are present in the diet in smaller quantities. Sugar, refractory fats, fiber and purines are excluded. The amount of salt is reduced. Any spices and herbs are completely prohibited. It is recommended to add vitamin supplements and mineral complexes.

What should you not eat if you have inflammation of the pancreas and what foods can you eat if you have inflammation of the pancreas?

Can It is forbidden
  • lean types of meat and fish;
  • egg whites;
  • non-acidic vegetables and fruits, baked or pureed;
  • buckwheat, millet, oatmeal and rice porridge;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • butter;
  • tea and herbal teas according to indications;
  • some types of diluted juice.
  • any broths;
  • pork, duck, geese;
  • all offal;
  • any sausages;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • fresh bread and pastries;
  • fatty fish;
  • any canned food;
  • whole eggs;
  • any legumes;
  • crumbly porridge;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • sweets, including chocolate;
  • coffee and cocoa;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • alcohol.

The best meat choice is turkey. It is low-fat, has a normal amino acid composition and is easily absorbed by the body. Vegetables include cauliflower and broccoli, potatoes, carrots, zucchini, beets and green peas. It is permissible to cook porridge in water or milk.

Depending on whether a person likes sweets, the pancreas may begin to work incorrectly. Because of this, type II diabetes develops. In this case, the basic diet becomes stricter.


If inflammation of the pancreas is accompanied by other diseases (gastritis, diabetes, etc.), it is necessary to exclude from the diet foods and cooking methods that are contraindicated for these diseases.

Recommendations for use

To prevent the inclusion of the product in your diet from causing aggravation, remember the restrictions:

  • eat if you feel well, there is no pain or discomfort in the stomach;
  • eat no more than 40 g per day;
  • buy only proven products.

It is not recommended to buy cheap chocolate if you have pancreatitis. It contains lower quality components.


You can eat chocolate only after eating. It is forbidden to eat the treat on an empty stomach. Following these simple tips will help not provoke an exacerbation of pancreatitis.

How to eat when sick

Table 5 offers a limited selection of foods and culinary treatments. However, this is not a reason to deny yourself tasty and healthy food. It is quite possible to create a complete and varied menu from the permitted products.

Suitable recipes can be found on websites dedicated to healthy eating, as well as in communities suffering from pancreatic inflammation. In addition to smoothies and baked apples for pancreatitis, you can diversify the menu with the following dishes:

  • puree soups with vegetable broth with the addition of low-fat cream;
  • soufflés and casseroles from lean meat and fish;
  • baked or stewed vegetable stews;
  • cottage cheese casseroles with apples or other permitted fruits;
  • fruit jellies and mousses from permitted fruits;
  • homemade yoghurts with the addition of baked fruits;
  • marshmallows, marshmallows and homemade marmalade;
  • some candied fruits.

In preparation, use stewing, boiling, baking and steaming. Try preparing the same ingredients in different ways. This will provide you with minimal variety.

Okunev Dmitry Yurievich

doctor – therapist • doctor – ultrasound diagnostics

In case of inflammation of the pancreas, raw vegetables and fruits are completely prohibited, as they can provoke the development of inflammatory processes - it is important to understand what foods are allowed to be consumed. Our doctors will remotely create a nutrition plan and select the right diet.

Online consultation

Useful alternative

Many other products that have positive properties and unique taste can replace chocolate. For example, fruits for pancreatitis can include bananas, tangerines, ripe pears, oranges, and kiwi. Marshmallows, milk caramel, dryers and marshmallows are allowed. From sweet drinks - compote.

To prevent exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, it is important to regularly visit a doctor, undergo prescribed examinations and courses of treatment. Following a strict diet will help to reliably protect the body from complications of the disease and the formation of inflammatory processes. During the acute phase of pancreatitis, eating chocolate is strictly contraindicated; during periods of remission, if the recommendations are followed, a slice or two of chocolate will become a source of energy that improves mood and performance.

What else can be done for treatment

In the treatment of inflammation of the pancreas, supportive therapy is actively used. In addition to taking enzymes that reduce the load on the gland, the following are also prescribed:

  • medications that reduce the acidity of gastric juice and the production of hydrochloric acid;
  • means for restoring intestinal microflora;
  • antihistamines that block the functioning of H2 receptors;
  • medications that regulate the functioning of the proton pump;
  • choleretic agents;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • plasmapheresis to cleanse the blood of toxic substances;
  • antibiotics if the underlying disease is complicated by purulent processes.

Folk remedies are not used as the basis of drug therapy. However, their use helps to normalize the functions of the gland, relieve spasm and reduce inflammation. Commonly used are chamomile, mint, elecampane, calendula and yarrow.

Black varieties

Most useful. The classic composition contains at least 70% cocoa, no milk and little sugar. Thanks to this, it will not give you extra pounds, but it will get rid of inflammation and malignant cells, since it contains antioxidants. An excellent antidepressant because it stimulates the production of endorphins. Magnesium has a beneficial effect not only on the cardiovascular system, but also reduces the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. Theobromine activates the brain and relieves dry cough.

With such serious support for the body, dark chocolate moderately irritates the pancreas, and in the remission phase it is quite capable of withstanding such a load. So eating chocolate in moderation for pancreatitis is even beneficial. The main thing is to wait for the remission stage.

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