Is it possible to eat eggs with gastritis? – raw or cooked

According to nutritionists, chicken eggs are the most balanced product. Vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients are contained in them exactly in the quantities in which they are best absorbed by the human body.
Such a harmonious composition makes the product universal - they can be used even by seriously ill people. True, there is a nuance - Only soft-boiled eggs are perfectly digestible.

Fried eggs are by no means dietary food, hard-boiled eggs are difficult to digest, and raw eggs generally pass through the digestive tract in transit - that is, they are not absorbed in any way. It would seem that a solution has been found for patients with gastritis - boil yourself soft-boiled eggs and eat to your health! However, gastroenterologists do not recommend their patients to get carried away with such dishes and suggest preparing them in a special way. Let's find out why this happens.

High-quality and healthy eggs - what are they?

For gastritis, you can drink raw eggs, mix them with other ingredients, but only if you are confident in their quality. However, it is not always possible to say that a product is 100% free of salmonella and other bacteria. Therefore, it is important to take maximum preventive measures even at the time of purchasing raw eggs for the treatment of gastritis:

  • there should not be the slightest crack on the shell;
  • It is advisable to choose products that were on the store shelf a maximum of 5–7 days ago;
  • Before eating eggs, it is better to wash them thoroughly;
  • You can drink raw chicken eggs for gastritis if you got them from domestic chickens.

It is advisable to check products for freshness before use. Eating stale eggs is prohibited for any form of gastritis.

Advice! Place the egg in water. If it pops up, it means the product is more than 25 days old and should not be eaten.

If you are not sure about the freshness of the product, check it in an additional way: shake it next to your ear or check the labeling. A fresh egg will not make any extraneous sounds, but a stale egg will shake well. Products labeled “D” should be eaten within a week, and those labeled “C” should be eaten within a month.

Rules for selection and storage

When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the expiration date. If the product was lying on the shelf in the store, you can purchase it if no more than 25 days have passed since pre-sale preparation and stamp installation. When stored in the refrigerator, it is allowed to be used within 90 days.

The weight of 1 quail egg should be 10-12 g. If it is too light, it means it has had time to sit and has partially dried out inside. This product does not have a therapeutic effect. Shelf life: no more than 60 days in the refrigerator.

To check the quality of eggs at home, they are immersed in lightly salted water. Fresh ones sink to the bottom, stale ones rise slightly. Those that have been lying there for a long time float up.

It is necessary to purchase eggs without cracks or chips.

The healing properties of eggs

Raw quail and chicken eggs are very useful for gastritis. But boiled foods are no less important for health. They contain highly digestible protein and many useful substances. At the same time, they help treat pancreatitis and other gastrointestinal diseases, and are included in the mandatory diet for stomach ulcers.

The optimal form of preparation for the treatment of gastritis is soft-boiled eggs, steam omelettes, baked whites. It is better to limit yolks, but they cannot be completely excluded from the diet. Eggs for gastritis with high or low acidity have the following healing properties:

  • envelop the gastric mucosa, protecting it from the excessive action of hydrochloric acid;
  • normalize local immunity and promote membrane regeneration;
  • contain lysicine, which prevents the proliferation of certain bacteria;
  • form good protection against pathogenic microflora;
  • relieve stress and help strengthen the nervous system;
  • start the process of regeneration of the stomach lining;
  • help reduce the severity of inflammatory processes.

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The properties of raw and boiled eggs for gastritis are somewhat different.

What benefits do they bring?

Eggs are a fairly high-calorie product that contains a large amount of cholesterol. That is why many patients do not strive to include it in their daily diet.

When planning to start eating raw eggs, patients with any form of gastritis should consider the following points::

  • The product contains, in addition to protein, a mineral complex and calcium;
  • the yolk contains biotin (water-soluble protein), which takes an active part in alkaline processes and helps eliminate inflammatory processes;
  • It is necessary to consume only fresh product (the white and yolk envelop the mucous membrane and protect it from the harmful effects of irritants);
  • In addition to gastric diseases, pathologies such as boils, bronchitis, and burns can be treated.

Quail protein

Quail product has a powerful antioxidant effect and copes well with radionuclides. This type of protein was used to treat the Japanese after the attacks of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The increased resistance of quails to infections and salmonellosis encourages the consumption of raw eggs for gastritis.

Quail protein has a good effect on performance and mental activity. It is often recommended for children of all ages, and is also indispensable when feeding infants. Some doctors come to the conclusion that quail eggs can be eaten with gastritis with the least fear, and they will bring more benefits. But no reliable facts have been made public to prove this claim.

It is useful to take the raw product for gastritis on an empty stomach, but if this process causes discomfort, make do with a steamed omelette. Can be replaced with soft-boiled.

Chicken eggs for gastritis

The therapeutic effect of chicken protein is needlessly belittled by some patients. The properties of these products are also unique and beneficial for a person suffering from gastritis. Chicken protein contains more antibacterial substances; it also restores damaged mucous membranes well and has a positive effect on the nervous system.

Important! The microelement composition of the protein includes substances that destroy Helicobacter. This bacterium leads to the development of ulcers.

The only thing in which chicken protein is inferior to quail protein is protection against salmonella. For subatrophic gastritis and other forms of pathology, you need to be 100% sure of the “purity” of the product.

Healthy cooking methods

Protein should be easily absorbed by the body. By going through heat treatment, it becomes optimal to meet this requirement. But some of the nutrients are lost. For gastritis, eggs can be eaten in any form, except fried and hard-boiled. Such heat treatment leads to irritation of the mucous membrane. There are several rules for successfully preparing healthy foods:

  • Before cooking, you need to rinse the shells well;
  • you need to cook the eggs after boiling for 3 minutes, while the product should lie in such an amount of water that only slightly covers it;
  • Steamed omelette is prepared in a slow cooker or double boiler. To do this, you can also use a colander placed over a pan of boiling water;
  • The ideal steamed omelette will be obtained if you add 2 tsp to 2 chicken eggs. sour cream and the same amount of water. Beat them well with a mixer first.

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The temperature of the food should be warm. Boiled or steamed eggs for gastritis should not be eaten too cold or hot.

Diet recipes

If you have gastritis, be sure to purchase a steamer. You can cook any food in it, including omelettes.

Steam omelette

  1. Wash 5 raw eggs thoroughly.
  2. Add a pinch of salt and 5 tablespoons of milk.
  3. Mix the mixture well, being careful not to beat it too much.
  4. Pour into a container and place in a double boiler for 25 minutes.

Turn the finished omelette onto a plate and help yourself.

Protein omelet

Prepare in the same way, only reduce the amount of milk by half and add 2 tablespoons of water.
If you cook in a double boiler, carefully stir the mixture first without beating. If you don’t have a double boiler at home, cook the omelette in a water bath. True, it will take more time and the result will not be as airy as after a double boiler.

Omelette in the oven

Omelette is also considered a dietary food.
True, before preparing it, the mold is lubricated with oil, which is not very desirable for gastritis. There is a solution - prepare an oven omelet in a silicone mold; you don’t have to grease it. Cooking an omelet in the oven has nuances:

  1. The whites are separated from the yolks.
  2. Salt, milk and other ingredients are added to the yolks and mixed well.
  3. The whites are whipped into a strong foam and carefully introduced into the ready-made yolk-milk mass.
  4. Bake the dish for 20 – 25 minutes.


Do you like French breakfast? Prepare a poached egg. But in order not to add vinegar to the cooking water for the recipe, use our trick. Take cling film, drop some olive oil on it, and grease it a little. Break an egg onto the film, tie a bag and place it in boiling water. In 3 minutes you will receive a wonderful dietary dish for breakfast.

Fried egg

If you have gastritis, fried eggs are prohibited. But we offer you a way out where frying is excluded. Beat the eggs into a flat silicone mold and place in the oven. You will get an alternative fried egg.

Diet after an attack of gastritis

For several days during and after an attack of gastritis, food intake should be limited, and egg whites should not be included in it. On day 3, you can add egg white mixed with milk to your diet. Quail is better suited to avoid the aggressive effects of bacteria.

On days 5–6, you can add soft-boiled foods to a gentle diet for gastritis. It is advisable to combine them with porridge and crackers made from wheat flour. After the exacerbation stage has been mitigated, you can diversify your diet and add steamed omelettes and scrambled eggs.

Nutrition rules for gastritis

Protein will not be a panacea, because therapy should be carried out not only with medications, but also with a strict diet. And eggs must fit into her rules:

  • You can’t eat in large portions, it’s better to divide your food into 6-7 meals;
  • overeating should not be allowed;
  • You can have a snack only in a calm environment, rush is excluded;
  • To increase the effectiveness of therapy, a complete review of the diet is carried out, marinades, salty foods, smoked foods, semi-finished products and an abundance of sweets are removed.

A proper diet and timely therapy using complex remedies contribute, if not to complete recovery, then to stopping the development of the disease.

How should children use it?

If egg therapy is carried out on young children and schoolchildren, then first of all you should make sure that they do not have individual intolerance.

It can be of great benefit to children who have the following pathologies:

  • dental diseases;
  • problems with the musculoskeletal system;
  • low weight;
  • developmental delay.

Children should follow the following dosage of testicles - up to 2 pieces per day. The product should only be used at home; the shell should be free of any kind of damage, since salmonella can penetrate even through a microcrack. When treating young patients, standard regimens are used.

How to drink raw eggs?

Eating raw protein is a specific process. Boiled eggs are easier to eat for gastritis, but some people want to get the maximum benefit. Ideally, it is recommended to consume a raw product that has just come out of a chicken or quail. Enzymes, vitamins and minerals will be in maximum concentration.

Important! Proteins are taken as a therapeutic agent at elevated concentrations of hydrochloric acid without any restrictions. However, if the production of gastric juice is reduced, raw foods can be eaten only once a week.

During an exacerbation and for several days after it, it is not recommended to consume raw protein.

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Recipes for treating the disease

It is recommended to use eggs as a medicine in their raw form. To do this, use 2 recipes:

  1. Flaxseed or olive oil. No more than 1 tbsp. l. unrefined fat is mixed with protein and put in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes. Drink the mixture 1.5 hours before meals. The course of treatment lasts at least 4 weeks.
  2. Pure treatment. You can drink a raw egg along with the yolk on an empty stomach, and start eating an hour later. We recommend 1-2 procedures every day for 2 months after consultation with the doctor.

During treatment, the diet must fully comply with medical indications. Eating rough food, fats, and sweets will lead to ineffective therapy.

Chicken and quail proteins are not a reason to refuse drug therapy, if prescribed by a doctor.

Treatment of gastritis in children

The trend of increasing incidence of gastritis in children does not please parents and doctors. Therapy using eggs in small patients is acceptable, but the dosage should be different:

  • from 1 year to 3 years, children can eat 2 eggs per day with gastritis with high acidity, with a reduced dosage the doctor selects;
  • from 3 to 10 years you can eat up to 3 eggs per day;
  • after 10 years, the portion increases to 4 pieces per day.

Pregnant women should eat chicken and quail proteins like small children. But you should remember that no one should eat fresh and raw eggs every day.

You can eat quail and chicken eggs if you have gastritis, but they must be fresh and uncontaminated. Minimum methods of protection against danger will help you choose a quality product. Raw and cooked proteins have a healing effect, but only if you follow a balanced diet.

How to carry out treatment?

Before starting raw product therapy, patients with gastritis should contact gastroenterologists and get advice. Experts will tell you how to eat eggs and warn about contraindications and possible consequences.

Patients should consider the following recommendations:

  1. You need to eat only the freshest eggs, which are best purchased in villages or from farmers.
  2. Before starting a meal, the patient should very carefully wash the shell, on which, in addition to fragments of bird droppings, pathogenic bacteria, such as salmonella, may be present.
  3. If therapy is carried out by an adult patient, he is allowed to consume up to 5 testicles per day. The course of treatment will be 90 days, after which he will notice a positive result.
  4. You can repeat courses after a break, which must be at least 3 months.
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