Quail eggs for gastritis: beneficial properties, methods of use

A diagnosis of gastritis means that the patient’s stomach lining is inflamed. In some cases, it may become damaged and become covered with small erosions. Both bad habits and internal factors can provoke the disease. For example, severe stress, depression. It is quite possible to cure gastritis, but for this you need to follow a diet. It enhances the effect of drug therapy. The article gives a detailed explanation of whether quail eggs can be used for gastritis, and in what form they should be consumed. We will also tell you how to choose this product.

Composition of quail eggs

Whether you can eat eggs for gastritis depends on the composition of the dish and the patient’s condition. Quail eggs are different from chicken eggs. They contain a greater amount of useful substances. They are considered dietary, therefore they are used for various diseases. Includes:

  • vitamin complexes (D, A, B);
  • amino acids;
  • fats;
  • phosphorus, copper;
  • protein.

Not all patients know whether it is possible to eat eggs with gastritis. Nutritionists advise eating raw eggs for inflammatory diseases of the stomach. However, shells may contain bacteria that cause infectious diseases, so it is recommended to use them in cooked form.


Quail (genus Coturnix coturnix) is a motley, grayish-sand-colored bird, one of the smallest representatives of the gallinaceae order. Subspecies of the common quail live in Russia - European and silent (Japanese) quail, which were domesticated in Japan at the beginning of the twentieth century. Currently, Japanese quail are bred for the production of eggs and meat on a domestic and industrial scale. Broiler quails reach a weight of 200–250 g, egg-laying ones – 150–180 g. Japanese domestic quails begin to lay eggs at the age of 50–60 days (for comparison: chickens begin to lay eggs after 180–210 days). From one quail a year you get 300 or more tasty and healthy eggs weighing 10–12 g each.

In what form are they allowed for gastritis?

During a person's illness, the level of acidity in the stomach may change. Depending on these values, it is determined whether you can drink raw eggs for gastritis or eat them in another form:

  1. Increased acidity. Eat chicken and quail eggs raw. They have a calming, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect. This is achieved by enveloping the inflamed areas of the stomach. Steamed eggs may be used. You can add milk when preparing an omelet. Consumption of fried foods is prohibited.
  2. Low acidity. Eggs that have been steamed, baked or fried are acceptable. The ban is on hard-cooked ones.
  3. Transition from gastritis to ulcer. It is allowed to eat the product raw or cook it, but it is forbidden to fry it.

In order to prevent complications, you need to ask your gastroenterologist whether you can have eggs for gastritis. He will conduct diagnostic tests using laboratory and instrumental research methods. Only after this will he prescribe a diet. In this case, you should clarify whether boiled eggs are ok for gastritis. All recommendations must be strictly followed. This will quickly eliminate inflammation and prevent the formation of erosion or ulcers.

How to cook eggnog from quail eggs

You need to mix 4 eggs with honey (1 tsp) and cream (20 ml). The mixture is thoroughly beaten for several minutes, and then quickly drunk.

It is worth noting that such a cocktail can improve intestinal motility, stimulate regeneration and have a calming effect on the mucous membrane.

How to make the right choice

Not all quail eggs have beneficial properties. Some of them are unsuitable for consumption, so you need to know how to choose a product:

  • pay attention to the expiration date indicated on the packaging; the maximum is no more than 3 weeks if stored correctly;
  • the packaging must be tightly closed on all sides; the formation of holes through which pathogenic microorganisms can penetrate is not allowed;
  • in stores, the product can only be taken from the refrigerator; storage at room temperature is not allowed;
  • The shell must be intact on all sides, the formation of cracks and holes is not allowed.

If the packaging indicates that the product was delivered more than 1-2 weeks ago, it is better not to take it.

What to look for when choosing?

Everyone who consumes quail eggs should be able to choose a good product and distinguish high-quality protein from spoiled one. After all, if the manufacturer violates the conditions for keeping birds, the risk of contracting salmonellosis increases significantly.

  1. Quail eggs should be stored at a temperature of 0-8 degrees. Shelf life – 25 days.
  2. When buying a product in a supermarket or store, inspect the shell of each egg. It should not have chips, dents or cracks.
  3. Checking an egg for freshness is easy. If, when broken, the protein begins to spread, this indicates that you have come across a product that is not of the first freshness. No, that doesn't mean it's damaged. But for gastritis, it is advisable to buy the freshest possible eggs.
  4. A high-quality product always has a yolk without streaks and a uniform structure. It is also easy to recognize by its rich color.
  5. Another important point. The yolk should be in the center of the white, without any displacement to the side. If you break an egg and see that this is not the case, you should immediately stop eating the product.
  6. The clearer the “camouflage” on the egg shell, the fresher it is. Over time, the shell begins to lighten. This indicates that the eggs have been in the store for 1-2 weeks or more.

What is the benefit

If you follow a diet that includes quail eggs, they have a positive effect on the body due to properties such as:

  • anti-inflammatory effect, reducing pain;
  • reducing the risk of ulcer formation;
  • rapid processing and absorption of the product without increased stress on the digestive tract;
  • relieving nervous tension, improving the conduction of nerve impulses;
  • strengthening tooth enamel due to the presence of phosphorus in the composition;
  • increased energy processing, due to which a large amount of adipose tissue is eliminated;
  • detoxification function, which is necessary for the liver when overloaded with medications for the treatment of gastritis;
  • the effect of multivitamins on vision;
  • participation in the production of hemoglobin, which is necessary for the delivery of oxygen to organs and tissues together with red blood cells;
  • a calming effect during a sharp spasm in the abdomen caused by an exacerbation, which is achieved due to the enveloping effect of protein (when consumed raw);
  • saturation with a multivitamin composition, this accelerates metabolism and regeneration of damaged mucous membranes;
  • supply of a large amount of protein necessary to enhance the growth of the body.

The benefits only appear if the product is used in doses. Quail eggs can be consumed in larger quantities compared to chicken eggs. In this case, there will be no harm to the digestive tract.

Treatment of gastritis with quail eggs

Intolerance to quail eggs is rare compared to chicken eggs. Therefore, if a person suffering from gastritis has never consumed them, he should definitely introduce quail eggs into his diet. Treatment of gastritis with quail eggs (especially raw) serves as an addition to the main method of treatment. However, it has been proven that this product perfectly helps the body cope with the disease and promotes:

  • restoration of the gastric mucosa in a short time;
  • increased appetite;
  • reducing the inflammatory process in the stomach;
  • reducing the concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach;
  • stimulation of digestion;
  • relief from nausea.

Quail eggs do not cause allergic reactions, so they are not contraindicated for children. The product, approved for children, is recommended for use by those who have problems with development, weight and the musculoskeletal system. Unfortunately, gastritis affects not only adults, but also children. Therefore, it is advisable to give them quail eggs in order to reduce the risk of continuing the disease:

  • It is better to give a child 1-3 years old 1-2 eggs before breakfast;
  • from 3 to 10 years, the number of eggs consumed increases to three;
  • Teenagers can safely eat 4 eggs a day.

Raw eggs are very nutritious, so during exacerbation of gastritis, they not only reduce pain, but give a feeling of satiety to the highest degree. This allows the patient (even with a peptic ulcer) to feel normal when he wants to eat, but cannot because of severe pain.

Why can they be harmful for gastritis?

Despite many beneficial properties, the product can cause negative effects:

  • a large amount of cholesterol, which is contraindicated; if the patient has atherosclerosis, there is a risk of the formation of cholesterol plaques that clog large and small vessels, causing tissue necrosis;
  • high risk of allergic reaction, especially in young children;
  • if consumed in large quantities, there will be an increased protein load, which the digestive tract, especially an inflamed one, cannot cope with;
  • infection with salmonellosis, caused by salmonella, which is found in some eggs (therefore, you should buy eggs only from a trusted manufacturer or heat-treat them);
  • load on the gallbladder, which is in a state of spasm under the action of substances contained in the yolk.

Despite some negative qualities, the benefits of the product significantly outweigh the harm. To protect yourself from risks, you should know how many pieces to eat per day, how to process them, and whether they can be eaten raw.

Eating boiled eggs for gastritis is contraindicated for people with allergic manifestations, individual intolerance to one of the components (white or yolk), therefore gastritis as a disease is not a contraindication to consumption. It is not recommended for children under 1 year of age or breastfeeding women to consume raw eggs on an empty stomach.

How to choose the right eggs?

If the conditions in which quails are kept are incorrect, viruses and bacteria can penetrate into the eggs. Therefore, it is important to learn how to choose the right eggs:

  • From the date of collection, the storage period of eggs should not exceed 25 days. They are stored in closed packaging at a temperature not exceeding 8 degrees;
  • when you buy eggs, inspect them and make sure there are no cracks through which harmful substances get inside;
  • the weight of a fresh egg is 10-12g, but if the shelf life is violated, it becomes light (dries out);
  • The spots on the shell of the egg itself should be dark, clear and of different shapes. Light spots occur when the product has expired;
  • The main sign of a stale egg is the white, cloudy color, spreading like water;
  • In fresh and healthy eggs, the yolk is located in the middle of the white, rich in color without white impurities.

To improve the functioning of the stomach and help it cope with the disease, it is necessary to observe the time for taking quail eggs and consume the required amount. Thanks to this, you will get the desired and effective result in a short period of time.

Doctors' advice

To eat eggs for gastritis, you should adhere to the following medical recommendations:

  • eat the white and yolk together, since both parts contain all the useful substances;
  • if the patient is allergic to protein, you should not eat the yolk, since it contains antigen components that cause a negative reaction;
  • the patient should diversify his diet, eggs should not be the only way to eliminate the inflammatory reaction, this will avoid hypovitaminosis, which will aggravate the condition;
  • the dishes consumed should take into account increased or decreased acidity in the stomach;
  • if a person has a stomach ulcer, it is allowed to eat quail eggs, but not fried;
  • It is only forbidden to go on a diet or use traditional medicine; it is imperative to use medications prescribed by a doctor;
  • consume quail eggs only in moderation, avoiding increased stress on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • eat in small portions 5-6 times a day to reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Diet products must be different and contain essential microelements.

Before using the product, you should thoroughly wash the shell to reduce the risk of salmonella infection.

Application in medicine and cosmetology

Quail eggs normalize cardiac activity and gastrointestinal tract activity, strengthen the immune system, their consumption has a positive effect on anemia, diabetes, hypertension, bronchial asthma, nervous system disorders, and headaches. Quail shells are also valuable, which consist of 90% calcium carbonate and contain all the microelements necessary for the body.

Quail eggs contain tyrosine, which helps maintain a healthy complexion, so this product is included in skin masks. Many brands of expensive creams and shampoos also contain quail egg components.

Precautionary measures

You need to eat only high-quality quail eggs. To do this they must be:

  1. Fresh.
  2. With thick, slightly sticky protein.
  3. No cracks on the shell.
  4. With a bright yolk of a pleasant color.
  5. Without unpleasant smell and taste.

The product must be stored in the refrigerator, in which case the shelf life is up to 25 days. It is unacceptable to keep eggs in direct sunlight - they quickly deteriorate. Damaged specimens are also not suitable for use.

If you have gastritis, eating eggshells is prohibited. Despite the fact that this remedy is often described as one of the best medicines and an excellent source of calcium, it should never be given orally for diseases of the stomach and intestines.

Solid fragments can damage the sensitive mucous membrane, and there is nothing to say about combined recipes with alcohol - this is poison not only for the gastrointestinal tract, but for the entire body as a whole.


The main contraindication to the prescription of quail eggs is their individual intolerance in some patients. It is manifested by the appearance of a red rash on the skin with severe itching, a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, and diarrhea.

Other contraindications include:

  • excessive body weight caused by obesity (due to high calorie content);
  • frequent biliary colic;
  • specific inflammatory processes of the digestive tract (ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease);
  • severe malabsorption syndrome.

Shell powder against ulcers

The shell is in no way inferior to the protein and yolk in terms of the content of useful substances, so they have also learned to use it for gastroenterological pathologies.

How to properly prepare shell powder:

  1. The eggs must be washed thoroughly in warm water and soap and rinsed several times.
  2. The contents are poured through a small hole into a separate container.
  3. Then you need to rinse the inner surface to remove any remaining protein.
  4. The shells are placed in a wooden mortar and ground until the consistency begins to resemble flour. You can also use a coffee grinder for this.
  5. Detailed shells can be added to a glass of table water, ready-made meals or porridge.

It promotes the regeneration of the gastric mucosa and reduces the severity of clinical symptoms.

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