Ulcer and gastritis: 8 myths about ailments

How do you earn gastritis?

— Gastritis is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Most often, gastritis does not manifest itself in any way and is asymptomatic. But during gastroscopy, the doctor sees changes in the wall of the stomach, and a biopsy allows you to examine inflammatory cells under a microscope. The main cause of gastritis is the Helicobacter bacterium, which destroys the mucus on the surface of the stomach. Because of this, the acid begins to damage its wall. Helicobacter was discovered in 1982 by Australian scientists, for which they received the Nobel Prize.

The development of gastritis can be influenced by painkillers (almost everything except paracetamol) and smoking. Alcohol abuse can cause toxic gastritis. Much less common is autoimmune gastritis, when one’s own antibodies damage the cells of the stomach. If you are rarely bothered by stomach pain with gastritis, should you pay attention to the disease? Need to. Gastritis and related ulcers can be a source of bleeding and other complications.

Gastritis, especially caused by Helicobacter, is accompanied by mucosal atrophy and can lead to stomach cancer. Destroying Helicobacter significantly reduces this risk.

Alcohol abuse can cause toxic gastritis

How can you get gastritis?

The main sources of the disease, or factors that lead to gastritis, are:

  • life of a student;
  • spicy food;
  • bad habits;
  • psychological aspects;
  • medications;
  • personal hygiene.

All this can potentially be harmful if you do not follow the principles of proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. To help you better understand what we are talking about, we will consider each factor separately.

How to get gastritis quickly

On the one hand, these recommendations talk about harmful effects on the body. They usually give advice on how to live, eat and lead a healthy lifestyle. But it is also important for a person to know what risks follow him in everyday life, what is best avoided and what should be given up. Yes, one day you can treat yourself to something not so healthy. But you cannot turn this into a habit and a norm of life. This is how you can get gastritis quickly.

Life of a student

An interesting fact is that many people get gastritis while studying at an institute or university. This is due to the lifestyle that a person leads after leaving his home. Nobody argues that living independently teaches you a lot. But it should be done correctly. The following factors lead to gastritis in students and people living like this.

  1. Schedule and protracted couples. You have to get up early, so students are too lazy to have a full breakfast. Then classes last 6–8 hours. During breaks, they only have enough for coffee and some bread from the canteen. Many people don't eat at all. Dry food, fasting and overeating after couples lead to the development of gastritis. You won’t earn it in 1 day, but at this rate, expect stomach problems in the first semester.
  2. Dining room . If a student cannot cook for himself, he eats in the cafeteria. Moreover, high-quality canteens are a rare phenomenon. The food there is of dubious origin and far from ideally prepared. Such food disrupts the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Dormitory . There are no conditions here to devote even an hour to cooking. Need it quickly and nutritiously. That’s why all kinds of semi-finished products are used. You are well aware of the consequences of such a diet.
  4. Session . The most stressful period in a student’s life is when he doesn’t sleep, gets ready, eats whatever comes to hand and drinks a huge amount of coffee in order to stay awake. Plus, some people drink energy drinks. They are already harmful, and on an empty stomach they instantly destroy the mucous membrane.
  5. Hot food . Students, like many other people, do not have time to wait for food to reach the optimal temperature. They drink hot drinks, eat hot food, and often add spices to make it spicy. A great way to quickly earn yourself gastritis with all the ensuing consequences.

Everything is clear with students and others like them. Many of you have been through this, so you know that it is incredibly easy for them to get gastritis.

Spicy food

Spicy food is a way to get gastritis in 2 days.
In some countries, spicy food is part of the culture. But they don’t have gastritis. It’s just that their bodies are adapted to such food, so they react normally. But even a prepared body will have problems if you consume very spicy food every day and in large quantities.

What can we say about our compatriots, whose bodies are definitely not accustomed to chili pepper and similar additives. With their help, you can get gastritis in two days, if you try. To do this, it is enough to eat 2-3 hot peppers with each meal for several days. Bad advice. But you remember that you need to act from the opposite direction? Try to avoid any spices, seasonings or foods that are too spicy for you. Don't try to prove to anyone that you can eat it. The stomach does not forgive this.

Bad habits

Another easy way to get gastritis without problems and effort. Many people suffer from bad habits. But this method is considered the most pleasant. Some people enjoy them. And over time, they discover a whole host of diseases.

  1. Smoking . A global problem for humanity, for which there are no solutions yet. And no one is going to invent them, since the tobacco business is one of the most profitable in the world. Active and passive smoking are equally dangerous for people. When you inhale smoke, it stimulates saliva production. It mixes with nicotine and penetrates the stomach. The walls become irritated and collapse. First you get gastritis, and then ulcers and erosion.
  2. Alcohol . Another method used by a huge number of people to get gastritis. Moreover, the majority do this unconsciously. Drinks containing alcohol act similarly to tobacco. Complementing the negative impact is food called snack food. It is usually fatty, salty, smoked and spicy. A killer combination for the whole body.


They are created to treat a person from various diseases. But they can also cause illness. This applies to cases where there is no professional control over medications. Don't forget, these are all chemicals. Exceeding the dosage leads to poisoning of the human body. There are a number of tablets and medications that act as stimulants for the release of hydrochloric acid, which is contained in the stomach. Its excess entails irritation and destruction of the mucous membrane. If you do not control what you are supposedly treating, then a few weeks will be enough for you to be diagnosed with gastritis.

Personal hygiene

Or rather, its non-compliance. This is one of the most ineffective techniques for those who want to get gastritis. To achieve the goal, you need to eat unwashed foods, bite your nails, stick dirty fingers into your mouth, etc. Simply don’t wash your hands before eating, and then problems in the form of gastritis will definitely appear. Every day the number of hygiene products on store shelves increases. But the number of clean people is not growing because of this. Strange, but a pattern.

student life

As they say in a popular joke, if you want to develop depression, impaired vision, cirrhosis of the liver, a curved spine and gastritis in the shortest possible time, feel free to enter universities. It is known that in every joke there is only a part of the joke, the rest is true. The rhythm of life of modern students is too stressful. It’s not surprising to earn a diploma over the years of study, while at the same time taking a large bouquet of all kinds of sores. And in 4-5 years.

We list effective ways to get gastritis as a student:

  1. Irregular schedule and class schedule. The university education system often provides for 4-5 years of study. Teachers and deans are trying to cram into the allotted hours a program that previously students had to master for a long time. Students have a lot of pairs a day. Classes start at 8, end at 1 pm, 3, even 6 pm. If students are not used to getting up early, they try to sleep longer before classes. They skip breakfast and have a snack at the university, usually dry food. They finish their studies late and upon returning home eat unhealthy food, instant packages, and fast food. It happens that they don’t eat at all, devoting the remaining time to preparing for the next classes. This way to earn gastritis is very convenient and does not require extra time or money.
  2. Student canteen. Delicious healthy food in student canteens is only found in fairy tales. Such cases come across extremely rarely. The lower the prestige of the establishment, the more often the food is cold, undercooked, undercooked, undersalted, etc. Future specialists have to chew a tasteless substance. There is no other choice, but an excellent way to quickly get gastritis has become known, especially considering that students often do not have time for normal nutrition.
  3. Dormitories. A sure-fire way to enjoy the eerie delights of digestive disease. Student dormitories are rarely conducive to eating pickles and proper food. If you eat processed foods every day, there is a high risk of damage to the gastric mucosa. The process is not fast, but it is correct.

  4. Session. During the session, the student is as focused and tense as possible. As you know, severe tension and stress provoke many different diseases. There will be practically no time left for normal nutrition. Endless cups of coffee will do their dirty work. True, to get gastritis, the drink will need to be consumed in liters. Caffeine is irritating to the gastric mucosa. The method is not entirely reliable, but you should not rule out the method ahead of time.
  5. Poor nutrition. The risk of gastritis is present at any age. For example, food at inappropriate temperatures becomes a factor that affects the gastrointestinal tract. Pour hot soup or borscht, and mechanical damage to the gastric mucosa is guaranteed. There will be pain. To enhance the effect, you should add spices, and sharper ones. Pepper, garlic and any hot spices will do. Fast food is also extremely harmful. To guarantee stomach inflammation, it is advisable to eat chips and burgers more often, pouring cold cola over everything. For a punch to your stomach, try ordering rolls. Usually hot wasabi or spicy sauce is added to the dish. Here is a great way to quickly get gastritis and indigestion.

How to earn gastritis in a day

The disease is so widespread precisely because it has a very extensive list of causes that contribute to the occurrence of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the gastric walls in the human body. We will list the most typical causes that most often cause the disease:

  • low quality food
  • eating spicy foods in excessive quantities
  • alcohol abuse and smoking, which can cause antrum gastritis
  • violation of diet (exclusion of breakfast, lunch or dinner)
  • eating shortly before bed
  • cold food in large quantities
  • spontaneous nature of meals
  • eating too much food

But before we move on to discussing folk methods of combating gastritis, let's learn as much as possible about the varieties of this disease.

Spicy dishes

Eating spicy foods is suitable for gourmets. If you like national cuisines, take note of this method!

Acute suicide wings

Spicy suicidal wings sound alarming. This thing was invented by a chef from Chicago. Not every daredevil dares to try the dish. If you want to get results, don't stop halfway. It is not known why the chef came up with this dish, but in the restaurants where it is served, there is an ambulance on duty. Burning wings are a direct path to gastritis!

Spicy lovers traditionally live in India. From there came a spicy dish: lamb in curry sauce, sprinkled with hot pepper. Not every restaurant serves food in every country. If a person dares to order the mentioned dish, the brave eater will be required to sign a signature stating that he takes responsibility for the consequences of such a dinner. A great way to get gastritis in a short time!

The Chinese came up with an effective way to quickly acquire gastritis. “Shameful hot pot” – the literal name sounds incomprehensible, but the dish is popular. As a rule, after tasting such a dish, restaurant visitors grab their throats and ask for a glass of water as soon as possible. Gastritis obtained in this way is not easy to cure.

Australian chilli

Ladies and gentlemen, we forgot about Mexico. This is where true extreme sports fans live. Go to Mexico - and gastritis is 100% guaranteed. Speaking of spicy dishes, let's mention Australia. It turns out that extreme people live on a continent where an amazing sauce was invented, considered the hottest on the planet. It is not eaten in its pure form. Australian chili is added in extremely small proportions to dishes. For immediate development of gastritis, take more seasoning.

How to get gastritis in the army quickly

If a person’s nervous system is constantly under tension, then he will most likely develop ulcerative pathology. A person who categorically does not want to serve in the army must:

  • to be nervous about anything;
  • perceive even simple remarks from others very keenly;
  • constantly think in a negative way about the upcoming service.

When planning to develop ulcerative pathology in this way, a person must understand that stress and nervous tension can cause the development of other diseases, for example, oncology.

Gastritis - a disease of the 21st century


The stomach is one of the key organs. It is thanks to the digestive system that a person receives the substances he needs: glucose, proteins and amino acids. Therefore, gastrointestinal diseases affect the entire body as a whole.

Most often, the stomach suffers due to gastritis . But what are its reasons? How to recognize gastritis in the initial stages? And can it be avoided?


The main cause of gastritis is the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. However, there are other important factors:

  • smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction;
  • disrupted diet, including fasting and improperly selected diet ;
  • overdose of drugs, especially antibiotics;
  • stress;
  • decreased immunity .

Symptoms of gastritis

Gastritis has no specific symptoms . The same manifestations may indicate both gastritis and gastric ulcers intestinal dysfunction , which complicates the diagnosis of this disease.

Most often, patients with gastritis complain of:

  • nausea or heaviness in the stomach ;
  • pain in the abdominal ;
  • loss of appetite;
  • belching , heartburn , vomiting;
  • flatulence;
  • severe fatigue;
  • odor in the mouth ;
  • intestinal disorder ;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • tachycardia , high blood pressure;

If several of the listed symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a specialist.

Diagnosis of gastritis

A wide range of tools are used to diagnose this disease. to establish the presence of gastritis or refute it without fibrogastroduodenoscopy (FGDS). The doctor also prescribe an MRI, ultrasound , x-ray of the stomach using a contrast agent, stool analysis , and manometry.

To determine the presence of Helicobacter pylori in the body, you should take a breath test and a blood .

Diagnostics will show not only the presence of gastritis , but also its type. This will affect the treatment plan and the effectiveness of the procedures.

Types of gastritis

According to the degree of manifestation, gastritis is divided into chronic and acute.

The acute form is divided into:

  • phlegmonous gastritis resulting from stomach ;
  • fibrinous gastritis , which is a complication after an infectious disease;
  • catarrhal gastritis , in which small areas of the gastric ;
  • corrosive gastritis , which occurs after poisoning with concentrated acids.

After some time, the acute form of gastritis can become chronic, which in turn is divided into:

  • bacterial, caused by Helicobacter pylori (occurs in 80-90% of all patients);
  • autoimmune, causing the effects of immune system on the stomach’s (7-15%);
  • chemical, associated with a reaction to bile, alcohol, medications, toxins (3-5%).

Thus, gastritis can become a serious obstacle to a healthy and happy life. But if you know in advance about the possible consequences, you can prevent them. Or at the first symptoms, go to the nearest clinic .

Published in Gastroentorology Premium Clinic

How to get gastritis of the stomach: what to do

When you start to think that it would be good to get sick, you should consult a psychotherapist or psychologist.
When you start to think that it would be good to get sick, you should consult a psychotherapist or psychologist. An emotionally healthy person does not have such reasoning. I would like to believe that you will not abuse your body and that all the advice that was presented above was not taken seriously. After all, joking with health is, at the very least, stupid.

If you are tired of school, university, college, office work, if you no longer have the energy to do household chores, talk openly with your parents, boss, spouse about the fact that you need a rest.

Adequate people understand perfectly well that an exhausted person will sooner or later get sick himself, without additional stimulation. And then you will be upset that all your plans have been disrupted.

Asking for time off is smart and safe.

It is important to realize that those who rest well work well. There is absolutely no need to expose your body to stress. Your stupid actions can lead to irreparable consequences.

In addition, a lot of effort and money will be required to restore health after an illness. If you are ready to spend money, if you do not mind your health, take risks. But it's better to just take care of yourself! Appreciate life.

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