20. Divine healing – rejuvenation of the stomach and intestines for pathological disorders of the internal structure

How can you heal your intestines?

Based on statistics kindly provided by the most famous search engines, this question is asked every day by a huge number of people. And there is nothing surprising in this - after all, in fact, the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract today is quite widespread.

However, it should be understood that the above question is, one might say, rhetorical, since the intestines (all its parts) and the stomach are affected by various diseases that differ in origin and pathogenetic mechanisms. As a result, it is impossible to treat all diseases of the digestive system using the same scheme. But it is necessary to develop a general comprehensive scheme of patient management tactics, which can be applied subject to adaptation to each patient - this approach (if, of course, it is based on an understanding of the characteristics of the pathological process) will give a very good result.

Healing from duodenal bulb ulcers

The Lord God Almighty, dearly beloved, pours into the stomach, into the bulb of the duodenum, life-giving, newborn, newly born life, which has colossal Healing power. By the will of God, newborn life fills all the structures of the stomach, fills all living tissues at the exit of the stomach.

Newborn life fills all the structures of the duodenal bulb and revives, Divinely revives their newborn integrity. The bulb of the duodenum is now born as a divine newborn whole, untouched by life. All tissues of the duodenal bulb, all structures of the duodenal bulb are now Divinely reviving their newborn integrity, their young, God-created Divinely healthy structure.

All the structures of the stomach, the entire duodenal bulb are now Divinely born as a newborn whole, young, healthy, untouched by life. The entire area of ​​the stomach and duodenum was divinely filled with a very pleasant, healthy, lasting calm. All the nerves of the stomach and duodenum of the newborn are healthy, titanically resistant, steel. The area of ​​the stomach is light, light, absolutely weightless. The entire area of ​​the newborn stomach is firmly calm.

What diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are most common?

Taking into account the fact that today progress has left a very tangible imprint on the life of modern society, statistics on various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract have changed radically - there are much fewer diseases, the occurrence of which is associated with the entry of pathogenic bacteria or other microorganisms into the human body ( intestinal amebiasis, dysentery, salmonellosis, cholera), however, the number of functional disorders of different parts of the intestines and stomach, which do not have underlying disorders of an organic nature, has increased significantly, as well as diseases associated with a violation of the functional activity of the digestive glands. This is quite understandable - our contemporary level of sanitary and hygienic awareness has greatly increased, which allows us to avoid many infections of the digestive system that spread through the fecal-oral route due to non-compliance with banal hygiene rules. However, today people are exposed to a much greater amount of stress, which affects the functional activity of the intestines and stomach, and in addition, irregular nutrition disrupts the frequency of release of digestive enzymes. A large amount of fatty and fried foods, fast food and sweets - all this will definitely negatively affect the functioning of the large and small intestines (and all other organs associated with it anatomically or functionally).

Watch out for toxins

Each of us has our own threshold for toxic load. Imagine a glass of water. With every breath of phthalate-filled air or soaking up of paraben-filled lotion, the water level in the glass rises. One day it will overflow, reaching the edge, and the immune system, attacking synthetic enemies, will trigger inflammation.

It has been scientifically proven that synthetic chemicals (xenobiotics) play a leading role in the initiation or progression of autoimmune diseases. So I replaced all the synthetic products—cleansers, mascara, and tampons—with clean products, which are listed on the EWG website.

Improvement of the intestines from problems that do not have an organic pathology

As you may have guessed, in this case we are talking exclusively about those diseases of the gastrointestinal tract that are commonly called functional. First of all, it is irritable bowel syndrome, a violation of gastric secretion. In addition, manifestations of “lazy bowels” are very common. Both of these pathologies are associated with a violation of peristaltic movements, which ensure the advancement of pre-processed food masses - if this function is disrupted, chyme accumulates in the lumen, followed by its obstruction. This leads to all the ensuing consequences.

Functional diseases of the digestive system (just like other organs) are similar in one thing - they arise due to the failure of the human nervous system and disruption of the innervation of the intestine. The mechanism of occurrence of this process is approximately the following - taking into account the fact that the higher nervous activity carried out by the cerebral cortex is, in functional terms, very closely related to the peripheral ganglia innervating one or another part of the intestine, then any stress or psycho-emotional stress to which a person is exposed , in a certain way affects peristaltic movements (which, in fact, are carried out by contractions of the smooth muscles of the intestine, subject to the receipt of a nerve impulse).

It is logical to assume that the constant stress to which our contemporary is exposed does not have the best effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Violation of peristaltic movements underlies many pathological processes - from lazy bowel syndrome to obstruction of the lumen of the large or small intestine.

Disturbances in the contraction of smooth muscles can be caused by poor nutrition - eating food low in plant fiber in any case leads to disruption of the rhythm and strength of peristaltic movements. This is also facilitated by irregular intake of large portions of food, especially before bedtime (this is exactly the phenomenon we observe in people of working age).

In addition, functional disorders of many organs, the work of which is inextricably linked with the intestines, will cause serious digestive disorders. The same disorder of bile flow caused by dysfunction of the sphincter of Oddi is a typical functional disorder leading to impaired fat emulsification.

Without a doubt, in recent times, functional disorders have significantly outnumbered diseases caused by a violation of the anatomical integrity of organs, but it is the latter nosologies that are the most dangerous in prognostic terms.

The most common organic pathologies

Again, even those diseases that are caused by a violation of the anatomical structure and physiological functions of the intestine, in our modern times are caused by errors in nutrition and poor lifestyle. As a rule, you have to deal with cholecystitis and pancreatitis caused by consuming large amounts of fatty and fried foods, as well as alcohol. The recovery of these patients, of course, is not complete without special replacement therapy with enzyme preparations (Pancreatin or Mezim-Forte), special physiotherapeutic procedures and medications to protect the stomach and other organs of the digestive system from the effects of unfavorable factors.

So, how can you heal from all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract?

Having reviewed all the information above, we can conclude that the basis of all gastroenterological pathology is a violation of the interaction of the human nervous system with internal organs - to explain the situation in other words, the vast majority of pathological processes affecting the stomach and intestines are psychosomatic diseases. Naturally, such dangerous pathologies as oncological tumors, obstruction of the intestinal lumen, and various inflammatory processes are not a direct consequence of impaired innervation, but dysfunction of higher nervous activity in any case underlies these diseases.

No one, of course, denies the need for medical or surgical treatment of diseases of the stomach and intestines, especially in urgent situations when it is necessary to save a person’s life, but we should not forget about the normalization of the processes of higher nervous activity, which, as stated above, are of enormous importance in the development of various types of gastroenterological pathologies.

It was for this purpose that a technique called Sytin’s mood was developed. Its essence lies in the fact that a person develops a positive attitude toward healing. In fact, this technique is based on neuro-linguistic programming - that is, the creation of some psychological attitude, strictly following which a person subconsciously sets himself up for healing. The effectiveness of all neuro-linguistic programming techniques is based on the fact that in the process of communicating with a person, he uses several perception systems - in this case, visual and auditory. That is, a person listens to what is said to him (the speeches used in Sytin’s mood are pronounced with a certain intonation and are characterized by a religious connotation in their content), and in addition, he looks at specially selected pictures. Sytin's mood technique is developed in such a way that the effectiveness of its use can be assessed in both children and adults. Sytin’s attitude is of particular value for chronically ill people. It is impossible to cure chronic diseases with medication, but with the help of Sytin’s attitude it is quite possible.

In addition, it is very good to use the method under consideration during the rehabilitation period for more effective recovery of patients. It is very important to remember that Sytin’s technique will only be effective if it is used systematically over a certain period of time (at least a month). Which, unfortunately, many people don’t have the patience for.


The most significant results in the treatment of diseases of the intestines and stomach can be achieved if you combine drug treatment (surgical if there are certain indications) and modern psychological techniques, such as Sytin’s attitude. The recovery of patients should also be carried out not only with the help of physiotherapeutic procedures, but also with the use of special psychological techniques that make it possible to normalize the functioning of higher nervous activity - which is extremely necessary for the correction of physiological processes occurring in the digestive system.

Healthy stomach

Experience working with moods shows that the most successful option is to listen to Sytin’s moods in a good audio performance. Now there are many options in different versions, but it is most effective to write down the mood yourself, so the body will better perceive information and give signals for improvement.

In my kind, angelic, Divine soul, my whole body is dearly loved, my stomach is dearly loved. I love my body with great Divine love. In the rays of my great Divine love, my whole body comes to life, blossoms, lives an energetic, young, cheerful, happy, joyful life.

In the rays of my great Divine love, the stomach comes to life, blossoms, becomes healthier and stronger. In the rays of my great Divine love, the stomach is reborn young, 18 years old, newborn whole, untouched by life. Holy Divine steel pours into the nerves of the stomach.

The stomach becomes healthier and stronger. In the rays of my great Divine love, the stomach is reborn young, 18 years old, newborn whole, newborn healthy, untouched by life. My stomach is now, now, pristinely, staunchly healthy. My stomach is now titanically healthy. My stomach is now an energetic, strong, energetic, strong, strong stomach. The entire vast area of ​​the stomach is now newborn-firmly calm. The entire vast area of ​​the stomach is now light, light, absolutely weightless. The neuro-cerebral apparatus of the stomach is now young, 18 years old, physiologically gigantically strong, strong, steely, titanically resistant. The nerves of the stomach are now gigantically strong, strong, steel, titanically resistant. The stomach is now pristinely, staunchly healthy. The stomach is now young, 18 years old, energetic, strong, strong, untouched by life. In the rays of my great Divine love, my stomach comes to life, blossoms, becomes healthy and stronger, lives a young, energetic, cheerful, happy, joyful life. God placed in my heredity the constant strengthening of stomach health - for many centuries. God finally, totally included young, joyful life in my stomach - for many centuries. With the titanic power of my imagination, with the brightness of lightning, I see my stomach in future centuries as young, cheerful, young, cheerful, indestructibly healthy, energetic, strong, untouched by life. And this fills me with a victorious, triumphant joy of life.

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