Spring and dog feces: what prevents pet owners from cleaning up after their pets

What kind of sexual perversions has humanity come up with! People are not satisfied with traditional sex, when a man and a woman touch their bodies; they are drawn to something more forbidden and unknown. Sexual relations with one’s own gender is the norm in the modern world, but this fact turned out to be not enough.

The sex industry never ceases to amaze with the sexual deviations of some individuals. One of the most striking examples of unusual sexual pleasure is coprophilia. This is the edge of human intimacy, acceptance of a partner and the highest degree of “trust”!

A glass of urine and a plate of “porridge”i

Many who do not know the identity shrug their shoulders in surprise: “What is coprophilia?” For lovers of traditional (some would say “boring”) sex, coprophilia is an unfamiliar and unknown term, but quite curious.

Oh, this is a very unusual “pleasure”, the adherents of which are quite rare among mere mortals.

Coprophilia refers to one of the varieties of “excrementophilia”. A sort of combination of fetishism and masochism. From the Greek translation, such a beautiful and unusual word means love, attraction to various human secretions.

This is the very case when a man or woman is attracted, beckoned by everything that comes out of a partner: fresh (and not only) saliva, salty sweat, sweet and sticky sperm (most ladies, reading these lines, lick their lips), caustic and bewitching urine, fragrant menstruation and human excrement, which is not clear with what virtues. Simply put, cal. Yes, some people find it disgusting, but they like it.

Such fetishists love to watch discharge, touch it, smell it, smear it over the body, and absorb it. The exchange of saliva, however, is not anything reprehensible. Well, who doesn’t like to savor the saliva of their beloved guy? Licking sweaty armpits, performing cunnilingus on a woman during her period or after ignoring the shower for a week - not only a small number of ordinary citizens, but also most famous people suffered from this sexual fetish. They say,

Napoleon was very fond of giving Josephine oral pleasure, and sent a messenger in advance with a warning: “Don’t step into the shower!” so that Madame would not spoil the corresponding “sweet” environment in her “pussy.” The rich have their own quirks, but supporters of excrementophilia can be found among neighbors, employees, and ordinary modest acquaintances. Hobbies of urine have long found their calling in such sexual games as “golden shower” and many find a special exciting pleasure in being humiliated and sucked by a partner.

Do it on me!2

Such things will not surprise anyone. But people who go crazy from bowel movements arouse intense curiosity - do they really like it?! Yes, I like it. And coprophilia is a term that means love of feces. This is a sexual behavior in which the partner experiences incredible arousal and pleasure by watching the partner defecate and other actions with the stool.

Moreover, coprophilia also speaks of a deeper manipulation with the excrement of the second person: they are not only watched, but they want to touch, smear, play, take into the mouth and even eat. Most often, such a deviation is observed in men and is a combustible mixture of sexual fetishism and masochism. A coprophile gets high, gets excited and experiences an orgasm when his partner relieves himself in great need.

This part of humiliation elevates him to great heights of pleasure. What can we say about eating feces? Such “pleasure” is not accessible and understandable to every person. A special thrill and brightness of sensations is added when uttering compulsive insults and profanity.

As much humiliation and humiliation as possible - that is the secret of coprophile infatuation.

Baby food

Koalas ( Phascolarctos cinereus

) are cute, rare, and feed almost exclusively on eucalyptus leaves. They could also bring a fresh twist to the baby food industry if manufacturers studied the life of these marsupials. When a kitten is six months old, its mother's body begins to produce a special treat - a fecal slurry made from semi-digested eucalyptus leaves and a variety of symbiotic bacteria. It does not look at all like ordinary koalia droppings and rather resembles the contents of the cecum.

We cannot say whether young koalas experience a gastronomic delight from eating their mother's feces. However, bacteria-enriched food serves as an additional source of protein, which accelerates the growth of the cubs and helps them switch from mother's milk to a eucalyptus diet. This transition period lasts about a month, after which the production of eucalyptus porridge comes to naught.

It is often claimed that koala mothers feed their litter to their babies to pass on gut bacteria to them. However, this is unlikely to be the main purpose of this behavior: although the symbionts help koalas digest cellulose, they cover only about ten percent of the total energy needs of these marsupials.

Be patient, my friend, it's just another stage of growing up

Mathias Appel/Flickr


Scat pleasure3

Coprophilia most often progresses to feces eating, which has the scientific name “coprophagia.” Most often, the footsteps of coprophilia are followed by a person who has long been interested in urophilia: sexual arousal associated with urinary excrement.

No matter how wild and unusual the strange “pleasure” that coprophiles receive may seem, there are quite a few adherents of such sexual behavior. Many men and women hide demons that create erotic fantasies and lusts in their being, but when they find “allies”, they have a blast, bringing their dreams and desires into reality.

In many brothels, clients of the stronger sex pay “moths” to defecate on their well-groomed bodies. And for them this is an unearthly pleasure. Ordinary sex does not satisfy, does not excite, and does not bring the desired result. But erotic scenes in combination with “poop” still bring joy and quench the dormant desire. For ordinary people, such a process seems disgusting and obscene, but for a coprophile, defecation is a joy.

Bait for food

Give an owl a beetle and he will be fed all day. Give him a piece of manure and he will be fed for the rest of his life.

If motivational quotes were popular among owls, this would be one of them. And its authorship would be attributed to a wise representative of the rabbit owls ( Athene cunicularia

). This diurnal species of owl, common in North and South America, feeds on small vertebrates and large invertebrates such as insects. Rabbit owls are skilled hunters, but during the breeding season they have to owl in burrows for a long time, and the birds have not invented food delivery.

The owls have found another solution: they place pieces of cow pats and droppings of other herbivores at the doorstep. Previously, ornithologists believed that this was a kind of camouflage: it was unlikely that a predator would be able to smell the fat owlets dug in behind the great wall of dung. However, it turns out that owls use droppings as bait for dung beetles, their favorite food. Attracted by the appetizing smell, the insects fly straight into the owls' claws. But manure turned out to be ineffective as protection.

The rabbit owl has placed bait around the entrance to the hole and is waiting

R.G. Wolff


Famous “perverts”4

Many famous personalities, famous throughout the world, had a whole team of skeletons in their closet, or rather: the most perverted fantasies and desires.

The great and beautiful Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, who wrote his first work at the age of 5, is known as the most talented musician and composer. Not only did Mozart love to use scatology (the science of feces) at any opportunity, but in one of his sincere, moving letters to his cousin, he openly admitted that he dreamed of defecating on her pretty face.

The famous German political figure Adolf Hitler, famous for his terrible crimes against humanity, treated various unusual sophistications with particular trepidation. Adolf forced his mistresses to sit on his face, flash their genitals, and defecate directly on the forehead and nose of the founder of the Nazi party. Adik believed that only great torment and humiliation experienced in his own bedroom and bed would allow his personality to rise to great laurels of glory. And I received great pleasure from this procedure.

And, how many modern activists and youth love to eat spicy “chocolate”!

Spring and dog feces: what prevents pet owners from cleaning up after their pets

I had to move to a private house

Every owner must follow the rules of behavior in public places, including cleaning up after their dog, believes Irina Shkabareva, head of the animal lovers club.

“I have several dogs and I cleaned up after them, but the neighbors thought it was my animals’ feces. Such conflict situations arose more than once, so we moved to a private house. Yes, there are some owners who cannot be reached, but there are some who also clean up after others. “It all depends on upbringing,” the shuttlewoman shared. – In our club we pursue a policy of respect for others. For example, before, when we lived in the city, we held cleanup days in the spring, 5-6 people went out and cleaned the area where dog walkers usually walk their animals. By the way, good food produces very little excrement; it dissolves very quickly in the rain.”

What does the law say about this?

By law, pet owners are required to clean up pet feces in elevators, hallways, yards, and outdoors. In Tatarstan, as lawyer Lyudmila Golovina clarifies, there is a law dated 2014 No. 16-ZRT “On certain issues of keeping pets in the Republic of Tatarstan,” according to which “local government bodies, within their competence, determine and arrange places for walking dogs.” And pet owners are required to “prevent contamination of premises and common areas by pets; remove waste products from domestic animals while they are walking.” It is also prohibited to walk dogs without a leash and muzzle (with the exception of puppies and small breeds) on playgrounds and sports grounds, beaches, on the territories of educational and medical organizations, and to leave them unattended.

There is also liability for violating legislation in the area of ​​keeping pets. The fine ranges from 1 to 5 thousand rubles, but the mechanism itself does not work.

“Firstly, only a police officer has the right to draw up a report, and only if there is a photo or video of a dog defecating and the owner not cleaning up,” explains the lawyer. – Next, the material of the administrative offense – about imposing a fine – goes to the magistrate’s court, where the judge establishes the fact of ownership of the dog. That is, the dog must be registered, have a passport, a chip in which the owner is indicated, if this is not the case, then legally the dog does not have an owner, and accordingly, there is no one to fine.”

Many of the Chelny residents interviewed on this topic believe that the law needs to be strengthened and the fines increased. This is an effective measure that can somehow change the mentality of irresponsible citizens. But….

“They tried to introduce fines back in Soviet times. It didn’t pass,” confirms Irina Shkabareva, a dog owner with many years of experience. – About 15 years ago we talked with representatives of the mayor’s office on this topic and raised the issue. It all comes down to the fact that there are no containers for waste, so you can’t put it in your pocket. We need at least simple containers with a lid, like in all of Europe, and dog walkers could collect waste in a bag and then throw the excrement into the container. The mayor’s office didn’t understand us,” Irina Shkabareva regrets and adds: “People’s consciousness needs to be changed.”

And this problem concerns not only Chelny; in most Russian cities, the requirements of the law do not work for the banal reason of the lack of dog parks and trash bins.

Ideally, it should work like this: city authorities organize special areas for walking dogs, install special bins there where animal waste products are disposed of, and assign a police officer to the dog walking area.

“In other countries, even in Georgia, this is exactly the order - the streets, in particular the city center, parks, are supervised by police officers, there are many of them and they really look after public order, including cleaning up after dogs. Violators face heavy fines,” the shuttleman gives an example.

What remains? You can complain about the mess to the management company, after all, it is the management company that is obliged to monitor the cleanliness of the yard, or express public reproach to your dog-loving neighbor.

From children's lips5

Almost all young children are coprophiles. They love to play with their own feces, get their hands dirty, and put their dirty fingers in their mouths. They are having fun, pleasantly, and judging by the satisfied expression on their faces, quite tasty. Over time, and with the help of parental cuffs, the attitude towards “pucks” changes, disappears, disgust and disgust appear. But not for everyone. Some part of humanity is returning to its roots and its all-consuming love for “shit.”

Well, they like excrement! I like to eat other people’s food and I like to feed my partner my own goodness. One well-known scat goddess, Svetlana Redich, very categorically expressed herself to men that an object worthy of her should be happy to absorb female excrement. For some, the road to the heart is through the stomach, for others - from the other side. To each his own.

“Poopy” joy6

Sigmund Freud expressed his assumptions about the formation and existence in a person of such a strange fetish as coprophilia. In his understanding, a child’s first love for feces manifests itself at the moment when he proudly and joyfully dumped a large snake not in his pants, but in a pink pot.

The baby sits contentedly, a large family has gathered around to rejoice at this event: from his grandmother to his older brother. Everyone applauds, smiles, shakes hands. He made them happy with a little piece of shit. And in the child’s subconscious the thought matures: shit is good, it brings joy and euphoria of happiness.

Air conditioner

South African scarab Scarabaeus lamarcki

They devote most of their lives to rolling balls of dung, which will become a cradle and first food for their offspring. However, dung Sisyphus runs the risk of burning out at work - literally: the ground temperature in the African savannah sometimes reaches sixty degrees.

The beetle doesn't have a scoop of ice cream on hand to cool itself off, but it does have a ball of dung. Feeling that the front legs and head are overheated, the insect climbs to the very top of its eternal burden, where, due to the evaporation of moisture, the temperature is much lower. A ten-second smoke break on a portable air conditioner is enough to cool down and return to hard work. However, a dung ball makes the beetle’s life better, even when it simply rolls it, because it removes heat and cools the soil under the insect’s paws by one and a half degrees Celsius.

Everything is according to science, as we like. Also pay attention to the beetle's boots.

Jochen Smolka et al. / Current Biology, 2012


"Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"7

How can you recognize a coprophile among ordinary people who exist nearby? In appearance, both scat men and women are no different from “ordinary individuals.” They don’t have funny “poops” on their T-shirts, loud inscriptions on their clothes or slogans calling for moral freedom. Scat girls look different, and among them there are a huge number of beautiful and sophisticated ladies. Some factors will help you recognize a coprophile or a copro-young lady among your friends:

  • a person looks at pictures demonstrating coprophilia with pleasure and lust;
  • experiences great curiosity and interest when watching the defecation of a foreign or familiar object;
  • excite with the image of feces.

Why do men like it8

One of the reasons why men are aroused by a scene where a woman relieves herself is the association of a “long, dense sausage” coming out of Madame’s ass, which is so reminiscent of a man’s strong rod. Such an unusual combination of a “member” emerging from a woman, and not vice versa, has the most exciting effect on coprophiles.

The second reason for such zealous interest in such strange sexual behavior is humiliation. Modern sexual partners are so fed up with lovemaking that they crave not just vicious sex, but an erotic process with all kinds of humiliation and insults.

Fecal matter laid out on a person’s body and face is the highest level that can “destroy” a person’s personality, lowering him to the very bottom of humiliation and masochism.

Love of excrement10

According to scientific experts, there really are a lot of fans of coprophilia. A person who has discovered a love for eating and manipulating shit is embarrassed to admit to others his strange addiction. He continues to eke out his existence, copulating with his partner in an ordinary, uninteresting sexual act, deep in his soul cherishing the dream that someday, a beautiful lady, instead of hugs and tender kisses, will sit down in a characteristic pose over his face and fill her mouth full " fragrant chocolate."

When a person discovers his addiction to feces, he immediately begins to look for like-minded people, partners, for such an unusual, piquant pleasure.

Most often, there are a large number of scat fans on the Internet: in certain groups and forums. On special platforms, people find those who share their tastes (in the literal sense of the word) and passions.

They can communicate, support each other, share experiences, and arrange a meeting. Coprophiles are not alone. Among the huge crowd of people, there are quite a large number of those who indulge in “excrement”.

Wealthy individuals organize “Chocolate Parties” where they have the opportunity to indulge their needs and desires to the fullest.

Convenient container

It also happens the other way around, when children help adults with their feces.

City dwellers sometimes associate birds with danger from the air: if you find yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time, you can become the accidental target of a fecal projectile. But why then is it so difficult to find many bird nests, why are they not given away by the abundance of droppings?

It turns out that in the first days of life, chicks defecate differently than adults - not in a nasty puddle, but in a neat bag. The parents collect these bags, take them somewhere away from the nest and throw them away there. Firstly, it is hygienic, and secondly, it allows you to hide the nest from predators. It is logical that parent birds not only constantly feed their children, but also clean their virtual potties. But admit it, have you ever thought about this before? Most likely no.

Caught this bluebird disposing of one completely by accident last week. pic.twitter.com/vyvYp69tT6

— Michael McNulty (@McNultyNet) June 30, 2020

Pleasure for the few 11

A coprophilia lover does not experience much pleasure from traditional sex. He will gladly exchange any caresses and gentle touches for an evening of bowel movements and “unusual discoveries.”

How do coprophiles spend their time? The process of enjoying feces has several stages and developments:

  • Copro feels aroused by the smell of fresh feces;
  • a strong wave of lust overcomes a person at the sight of excrement that is not far from the partner’s face;
  • a couple of copros (sometimes more people) smear themselves in each other’s excrement, voluntarily, or with playful humiliating scenes;
  • partners lick each other's fingers, dirty anus, proceed to eating excrement;
  • Obscene shouts and insults that force a person to carry out or take certain actions are of great importance.

Coprophilia is an unusual sexual behavior that is classified as a sexual perversion. But many people live with this, enjoy it and do not want to change anything in their world.

Feces (feces)


, or
, or
) - the contents of the lower parts of the large intestine, removed from the body during defecation. Feces are the final product of digestion, formed as a result of complex biochemical processes in the gastrointestinal tract. It is believed that feces are formed from chyme in the large intestine. The daily amount of feces in healthy people can vary markedly. Plant foods increase the amount of feces, animal foods reduce them. With a mixed diet, the daily amount of feces usually does not exceed 190-200 g.

The original stool of newborn babies is called meconium. Black, tarry stool with a foul odor is called melena.

The medical scale of human stool shapes, which includes 7 gradations of the type of feces, from hardened dark lumps to watery slurry, is called the “Bristol stool shape scale”.

Characteristics of healthy human stool

Normal stool has a dense consistency and a cylindrical shape.
A large amount of plant foods in the diet makes the stool thick and mushy. Stool may have a thin, mushy or watery consistency if you drink a lot of water. The color of stool with a normal mixed diet is dark brown, with a meat diet - black-brown, with a vegetarian diet - light brown, with a dairy diet - light brown or light yellow. Taking bismuth and bismuth-containing medications (De-Nol, Ventrisol, Novobismol, Pilocid, Vicanol Life, Bismuth tripotassium dicitrate, Vitridinol, Ulcavis, Escape, Tribimol, Gastro-norm, Pepto-Bismol) makes stool black. Iron gives stool a black color with a greenish tint. Sorrel and spinach give the stool a greenish tint, while pork gives it a reddish tint. Blueberries and black currants color stool black or black-brown.

Feces usually have a mild, unpleasant odor, which is due to the presence of indole, skatole, phenol, creasols and other substances formed as a result of the bacterial breakdown of proteins.

Feces should normally not contain mucus, blood, pus, or food debris.

Microorganisms in the feces of a healthy person

Qualitative and quantitative composition of the main microflora of the colon in a healthy person in colony-forming units (CFU) in terms of 1 g of feces (according to OST 91500.11.0004-2003 “Protocol for the management of patients. Intestinal dysbiosis”):

Types of microorganisms Age, years
less than 11–60more than 60
Bifidobacterium ( Bifidobacterium
Lactobacilli ( Lactobacillus
Bacteroides _
Enterococci ( Enterococcus
105–107105–108106– 107
Fusobacterium ( Fusobacterium
Eubacterium ( Eubacterium
Peptostreptococcus ( Peptostreptococcus
Clostridia ( Clostridium
E. coli ( Escherichia coli
) typical
Lactose-negative E. coli<105<105<105
Hemolytic Escherichia coli000
Other opportunistic bacteria: Klebsiella

Enterobacter ,

, Morganella
, Citrobacter
Staphylococcus aureus ( Staphylococcus aureus
Staphylococcus saprophyticus ( Staphylococcus saprophyticus
) and epidermal (
Staphylococcus epidermidis
Fungi of the genus Candida⩽103⩽104⩽104
Non-fermenting bacteria: pseudomonas ( Pseudomonas
), acinetobacter (
) and others

Candida albican
fungi are found in the stool of approximately 65-70% of healthy people (Burova S.A.)

Stool acidity

The acidity of the feces of a healthy person eating a mixed diet is determined by the vital activity of the colon microflora and is equal to 6.8–7.6 pH. Stool acidity is considered normal in the range from 6.0 to 8.0 pH. The acidity of meconium is about 6 pH. Deviations from the norm for stool acidity:

  • sharply acidic (pH less than 5.5) occurs with fermentative dyspepsia
  • acidic (pH from 5.5 to 6.7) may be due to impaired absorption of fatty acids in the small intestine
  • alkaline (pH from 8.0 to 8.5) may be due to the rotting of food proteins not digested in the stomach and small intestine and inflammatory exudate as a result of activation of putrefactive microflora and the formation of ammonia and other alkaline components in the large intestine
  • sharply alkaline (pH more than 8.5) occurs with putrefactive dyspepsia (colitis)
Patient Materials

more about constipation
: Recommendations of the American Gastroenterological Association “Constipation. The crux of the problem." Part I and Part II, “Constipation. A Practical Guide from the World Organization of Gastroenterology,” “Diet for Constipation in Children,” “Non-Drug Measures for Constipation,” “10 Tips from the American College of Gastroenterology for Constipation and Fecal Incontinence,” and the article “Constipation.”

About diarrhea

: “Diarrhea (diarrhea)” and “WHO recommendations. A guide to safe food for tourists. What to do if you have diarrhea?

About fecal incontinence

: US Department of Health and Human Services material “Fecal Incontinence.”

The GastroScan.ru website also contains materials for patients on
various aspects of gastroenterology

  • “Advice from doctors” in the “Patients” section of the site
  • “Popular gastroenterology” in the “Literature” section
  • “Popular gastroenterology” in the “Video” section
Feces in children with various diseases

In the first day or two of life, healthy newborns secrete meconium - feces, which is a thick, viscous mass of dark olive color, odorless, accumulated in the intestines before the birth of the child, before the first application to the breast. The absence of epithelial cells in meconium may be a sign of intestinal obstruction in a newborn. The admixture of meconium in the amniotic fluid at the beginning of labor indicates intrauterine asphyxia. Feces in breast-fed children of the first year of life are mushy, golden-yellow in color with a slightly acidic odor. The number of bowel movements is up to 7 times a day in the first half of the year, and 2–3 times a day in the second. With artificial feeding, the stool is thicker, putty-like consistency, light yellow in color, with an unpleasant odor, the number of bowel movements is 3-4 times a day for up to six months and 1-2 times a day for up to a year. In older children, feces are shaped (sausage-type), dark brown in color, and do not contain pathological impurities (mucus, blood). Bowel movements occur 1–2 times a day. With various diseases, the nature of the stool changes, they are distinguished:

  • dyspeptic stool, liquid with an admixture of mucus, greens, white lumps, foamy, sourish odor, occurs with simple dyspepsia - “fermentative dyspepsia”
  • “hungry” stool, scanty, reminiscent of dyspeptic stool, but thicker, darker, occurs with malnutrition
  • stool with toxic dyspepsia is watery, light yellow in color with an admixture of mucus
  • with colienteritis, the stool is liquid, ocher-yellow, less often greenish, mixed with mucus and white lumps
  • with salmonellosis, the stool is liquid, swamp green in color, there is a small amount of mucus, there is no blood
  • with dysentery, stools are frequent (up to 15 times), contain a large amount of mucus, pus and streaks of blood, there is almost no feces, defecation is accompanied by tenesmus
  • with typhoid fever, the stool is frequent (up to 10 times), liquid, fetid, in the form of pea puree, occasionally containing an admixture of bile
  • with cholera, stool is almost continuous (up to 100 times a day), copious, in the form of rice water, never contains blood
  • in case of food poisoning, the stool is liquid, frequent, profuse, greenish-yellow in color with an admixture of mucus, rarely streaked with blood
  • with amoebiasis, stools are frequent, raspberry jelly-colored
  • with giardiasis, stool 3-4 times a day, yellow-green in color, soft consistency
  • with viral hepatitis, the stool is acholic, gray-clay colored, without pathological impurities
  • Malabsorption syndromes are characterized by polyfecalia, when the amount of feces exceeds 2% of the food eaten and liquid drunk. This syndrome is observed with disaccharide deficiency (lactose and sucrose), celiac disease (gluten intolerance, gliadin), cow's milk protein intolerance, and chronic pancreatitis
  • melena (black homogeneous stool), occurs when bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract
  • scarlet blood in the stool appears during bleeding in the terminal sections of the ileum and colon (with intestinal polyposis, intussusception, Crohn's disease, in the 2-3rd week of typhoid fever, with anal fissures (where the blood is separate from the feces)
  • constipation (retention of stool for more than two to three days) can be of organic or functional origin. If a newborn baby does not have stool for 1–3 days from birth, one should think about congenital anomalies of intestinal development (megacolon, Hirschsprung's disease, megasigma, anal atresia, etc.). At older ages, constipation is observed with colitis, hypothyroidism and other conditions (Bokonbaeva S.D. et al.).
Short-chain fatty acids in feces

Short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) are one of the most significant metabolites of intestinal microflora. SCFAs were first discovered in human feces in 1878. The content of various SCFAs in the patient’s stool reflects the state of the microflora and, in some situations, the quantitative values ​​of some of them can serve as a marker of certain diseases and conditions. The ratio of concentrations of acetic, propionic and butyric acids in the human colon is approximately 57:21:22%. The remaining SCFAs are present in small quantities. Normal levels of short-chain fatty acids in adults (Ardatskaya M.D., Loginov V.A.) and children (Akopyan A.N., Narinskaya N.M.):

  • acetic acid - 63.4 ± 0.4% in the total volume of SCFA or 6.67 ± 1.47 mg/g
  • butyric acid - 18.9 ± 0.5% or 1.99 ± 0.46 mg/g
  • propionic acid - 17.6 ± 0.4% or 1.86 ± 0.44 mg/g
  • isovaleric - 0.4 ± 0.1% or 0.04 ± 0.02 mg/g

Calculated indicators of short-chain fatty acids in children are normal (Akobyan A.N. et al.):

  • isoacid index - 0.05 ± 0.015
  • anaerobic index - -0.57 ± 0.10
Some terms for different types of feces (stool)
  • azoorrhea - increased content of nitrogen-containing substances in feces or urine
  • amilorrhea - increased content of starch in stool
  • creativeorrhea - high content of undigested muscle fibers in the stool
  • Lientorrhea - the presence of undigested food debris in the stool
  • meconium - original stool
  • melena - black, tarry stool with a foul odor
  • polyfecal - abnormally large excretion of feces
  • steatorrhea - fatty stool

See also: “General clinical analysis of stool”, “Scatological studies of stool in children”, “Biochemical studies of stool”.
Rice. 1 taken from the article Gasilina T.V., Belmer S.V. Functional constipation in children: problems of definition, diagnosis and treatment // Doctor. – 2009. – No. 8. – pp. 10–14.

Sheep feces for spasms of the sigmoid colon. Still from the film: Tsodikov G.V. and others. Instrumental and laboratory methods for studying the gastrointestinal tract. Medfilm. 1985

Video for medical students

Still from a lecture by Dr. med. A.V. Bursikov “Clinical and additional methods of research of the gastrointestinal tract” for 2nd year students of the Ivanovo State Medical Academy (IvSMA)

On the website in the “Video” section there is a subsection for patients “Popular Gastroenterology” and a subsection “For Doctors”, containing video recordings of reports, lectures, webinars in various areas of gastroenterology for healthcare professionals.

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