Propolis for the stomach and intestines - effective methods for treating the gastrointestinal tract

Propolis has long been popular as a medicinal drug that helps get rid of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. An effective antibiotic, the beekeeping product has the ability to purposefully heal the intestinal and gastric microflora, eliminating the impact on neighboring organs.

The substance is rich in organic substances and microelements that are especially valuable for humans, which have a healing effect on the affected mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. For medicinal purposes, this product is used not only in its pure form - no less effective medicines are created on its basis, successfully used in gastroenterology.

Product benefits

Propolis (bee glue, uza) is rightfully considered a unique natural gift with a wide range of healing properties. It is used:

  • as an antibacterial drug that provides effective resistance to viruses;
  • as a pain reliever;
  • for accelerated wound healing;
  • for fungal diseases.

The adhesive composition is especially often used in the treatment of gastritis and peptic ulcers. When pathogens attack the gastrointestinal tract, the mucous membrane becomes inflamed and undergoes erosion. Bacteria that have entered the body and impaired acidity provoke the development of gastritis. If there is no proper treatment, pathology quickly opens the way to an ulcer, from which it is not far from oncology.

Gastroenterologists distinguish propolis for its strong anti-inflammatory properties.

Once in the gastrointestinal environment, the ouse is gently distributed along the walls of the intestines and stomach, protecting them from the harmful effects of bacteria. The uniqueness of the medicinal product lies in its incredible ability to destroy streptococci, staphylococci, as well as suppress other dangerous microorganisms. For comparison: in official medicine, diseases of this kind are cured with strong antibiotics, which have an extensive list of contraindications for use.

In most cases, a positive result occurs within a week after the start of treatment: there is a decrease in pain, the feeling of discomfort disappears, and attacks of flatulence cease.

Structure of propolis.

Using bee glue for treatment at home is very simple - the recipe is simple, the ingredients are inexpensive. However, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is always required so that inept actions do not aggravate the condition of the sick person.

The effectiveness of propolis lies in the following positive changes in condition:

  • normal activity of the gastrointestinal tract is restored;
  • painful sensations are blocked;
  • acidity is normalized;
  • intestinal motility is systematized;
  • appetite increases.

In addition to the listed positive manifestations, statistics also indicate the ability of propolis to prevent the recurrence of peptic ulcers.

Cooking recipes

Beeswax is used to prepare several types of preparations:

  • tinctures (water or alcohol);
  • oil composition;
  • infusions of medicinal herbs;
  • honey emulsions;
  • healing propolis milk.

Recommendations on how to drink propolis from the stomach in order to get effective results in the shortest possible time can only be given by a specialist in the field of gastroenterology. Below we only offer universal folk recipes, which, however, cannot replace a full consultation with a doctor.

Alcohol tincture

When starting treatment of the stomach with propolis in alcohol, you need to take into account the type of pathology and stage of development - not all diseases can be treated with alcohol infusion. For example, the drug is strictly prohibited for peptic ulcers during periods of exacerbation.

Cooking process step by step:

  1. Alcohol (70 degrees strength) in a fireproof container is placed in a water bath.
  2. Upon reaching 60Co, a certain amount of propolis is added to the hot liquid (most often it is 10 g per 100 ml to obtain a 10% tincture).
  3. Heating is continued for another 10 minutes until the mass is homogeneous.
  4. The medicinal composition is removed from the stove, cooled, and carefully filtered.

Attention! The extract must be stored in a dark, cool place.

Again, before taking propolis tincture for the stomach, a mandatory preliminary consultation with a doctor is required, followed by laboratory tests and accurate diagnosis. The recipe is described in more detail here.

Treatment with propolis

General characteristics . Propolis is a waste product of bees, a sticky resin that insects collect from buds, shoots, stems, bark of trees and shrubs, treat it with the secretion of the salivary and wax glands, thus obtaining a valuable substance necessary for creating a healthy environment in the hive for their own habitat and development. The color of the substance in its pure form is dark green, brown or gray with a greenish, yellow or brown tint, depending on the region of origin. It has a characteristic resinous odor, a bitter, slightly pungent taste, a dense heterogeneous structure, and a viscous consistency. Specific gravity – 1.13 – 1.27 (sinks in water), melting point – 80 degrees. WITH.

The consistency of propolis depends on the temperature: at temperatures below +15 degrees, it is hard, brittle, and crumbles easily, and at temperatures +30 degrees. C, it is already becoming plastic and soft. When heated, propolis softens, and at a temperature of +64 – 69 degrees. C goes into a fluid state. Boiling point - +80 degrees. WITH.

The natural product contains more than 50 substances and elements that closely interact with each other and complement each other, thereby ensuring a high effect of using propolis as a unique combined remedy for the prevention and treatment of diseases. The chemical composition of the product is dominated by: vegetable resins - 60%, balms -15% (including tannins -8, essential oils -8), wax -22%. Propolis contains vitamins and contains 14 essential elements for human life: potassium, calcium, iron, manganese, silicon, copper, phosphorus, vanadium, etc. It contains up to 30% of phenolic compounds with pronounced antioxidant properties.

Propolis is not just a plant resin (as is sometimes believed), but a unique and inimitable substance created by bees, the chemical composition of which has not yet been fully studied. Some propolis components do not dissolve either in water or in organic solvents.

Propolis has unsurpassed antibactericidal, antiparasitic and antiviral properties. It destroys and suppresses the activity of harmful microorganisms (germs, bacteria, fungi), leaving beneficial microflora intact. A powerful natural adsorbent that enhances the effect of antibiotics, protecting the body from dysbiosis, enhancing phagocytosis (removal of dead microbial cells from the body); has anti-inflammatory properties, strengthens the immune system, increases the level of gamma globulins, and is endowed with antitoxic and analgesic properties; enhances the effect of painkillers several times.

Indicated for the use of a wide range of diseases - from colds to tumors, including: acute respiratory diseases, colds and flu, diseases of the teeth, oral cavity and pharynx, respiratory organs (including tuberculosis), diseases of the ear and gastrointestinal tract (GIT) , diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, urological diseases, eye and skin diseases, many others. Propolis is recommended to be taken as a general tonic during increased mental, emotional and physical stress, including to increase the body's defenses and immunity during the peak period of colds . Correct use of propolis does not cause side effects .

However, the use of propolis is contraindicated for people with allergies to bee products - in case of individual intolerance to preparations with propolis.; pregnant and lactating women without consulting a doctor; use of the drug for more than 1 month (the course of treatment can be repeated after a certain break); non-compliance with the dosage of the substance.

Propolis is not often found on sale, mainly in the form of a primary product (uza), collected by beekeepers from the walls of the hive, frames, canvases and other devices specifically used for collecting this product. It is even less common to see native (pure) propolis on sale in powder form, packaged in waxed paper (or parchment) and plastic bags. Ready propolis should be stored in a dry, clean and dark room at a temperature not exceeding +25 degrees; at home - in a glass jar, in a cool room. When properly stored, it retains its biological properties for several years.

The forms of preparations containing propolis are varied: aqueous solutions, alcohol extracts, emulsions, balms, ointments, biological dressings, inhalation preparations, suppositories, lollipops, propolis honey, as well as composites (mixtures) of preparations made on the basis of propolis mixed with decoctions and infusions of medicinal products plants, animal and fish fats, increasing the effectiveness of their combined use for the treatment of diseases and their prevention. Some of them can be bought at a pharmacy, others can be purchased from a beekeeper you know, and others can be prepared independently, having carefully studied the recipes for use and the method of making the drug.

HOW TO PREPARATE A 10% WATER SOLUTION OF PROPOLIS. Option 1 . Pour 100 ml of water heated to 40-50 degrees into a vessel (thermos). C, add 10 g of crushed propolis to it and leave for 12-24 hours. You can leave the solution in a water bath at a temperature of 40-45 degrees. C, stirring occasionally, and then filter through 4 layers of gauze and pour into a glass container. Add another 10 pure propolis and 100 cold water to the contents and place in a water bath over low heat for 15 minutes. You will get 20 ml of transparent yellow-green liquid with a pleasant odor, with a ratio of 1:10. The undissolved propolis residue is used in option 2. Option 2 . Pour 100 ml of boiled or distilled water into the vessel, add 10 g of crushed propolis (including the remainder from option 1), close the lid and place in a water bath, boil for 40-60 minutes. until completely dissolved, stirring with a wooden stick, not allowing the mixture to boil. The shelf life of the solution with sediment in the refrigerator is up to one month, without sediment - up to 2 months. The undissolved propolis residue is used to prepare an alcohol solution. Option 3. Aqueous propolis extract with shungite water. Initial components: water (3 l), crushed shungite mineral (300 g), pure propolis (250 g). Infuse water on shungite. After three days, 2.5 liters of shungite water (“living water”) is poured into another jar so that all the shungite and 0.5 liters of liquid remain at the bottom of the first jar. Then a propolis extract is prepared: a crushed propolis mixture is added to 2.5 liters of water; Next, the solution is heated for 40-60 minutes in a water bath until the mixture is completely dissolved, without allowing it to boil (stirring). The finished extract is cooled, filtered and packaged in dark glass containers. The extract is ready for use; it can be stored in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator for 2 months.

HOW TO PREPARATE A 10% ALCOHOL SOLUTION OF PROPOLIS. Pour 1 liter of ethyl (96 or 70%) alcohol into a dark glass vessel, add 100 g of crushed propolis to it and close the lid. Infuse propolis at room temperature for 2-3 days, periodically stirring the solution with a wooden stick. Filter the finished brown product through a paper filter and package it in dark glass containers. Similarly, you can prepare a propolis solution of 15, 20, 30% concentration, respectively, by adding 15, 20 or 30 g of propolis to alcohol for infusion. This solution is stored in a dark place for a long time.

HOW TO PREPARATE 15% OIL PROPOLIS. Place 100 g of unsalted butter in a porcelain cup or glass jar, add 15 g of crushed propolis and 5 ml of boiled water, close the lid and place in a boiling water bath, leave for 15-20 minutes, stirring. Next, filter the hot solution through 1-2 layers of gauze, pour into a dark glass jar and cool until completely cool, close with a lid and place in the refrigerator for storage.

HOW TO PREPARATE PROPOLIS OINTMENT. To prepare the ointment, propolis without mechanical impurities is used. Take 50 g of this propolis and grind it piece by piece in a mortar, then mix it with 100 g of butter (or petroleum jelly, lanolin, lard, fat and other ointment bases). Next, the mixture can be melted in a water bath (5 minutes) until the propolis is completely dissolved. Transfer the prepared and cooled mixture of semi-liquid consistency into a dark glass jar and store under an airtight lid in a cool, dark place. Similarly, you can prepare an ointment of any concentration by adding the required amount of propolis to the base.

HOW TO PREPARATE PROPOLIS OIL. Take 100 g of butter and heat it over low heat to +80 degrees, add 15 g of purified propolis to it and stir the mixture for 15 minutes until completely dissolved, then strain through cheesecloth and cool.

HOW TO PREPARATE PROPOLIS CANDLES based on cocoa butter. To make 100 candles you need 200 g of cocoa butter and 10-15 g of propolis extract. First, cool the oil in the freezer, then grate it and mix it with propolis extract. To enhance the effect of propolis, black poplar or comfrey bud extract is added to the suppositories in a ratio of 2:7:2.

HOW TO PREPARATE PROPOLIS BALMS with plant extracts. Option 1 . Propolis-garlic balm is prepared as follows: take 200 g of chopped fresh garlic, place its mass in a dark bottle and pour 96% alcohol (200 ml), leave for 10-12 days, shaking the mixture periodically. At the end of the specified period, add 50 g of honey and 30 ml of 20% alcohol tincture of propolis to the mixture. Stir the mixture thoroughly and leave for another 2-3 days. The mixture is ready for use. Option 2 . Elecampane with propolis is prepared as follows: 20 g of dry elecampane root - crushed, placed in a dark bottle, poured with alcohol (100 ml) and left in the shade. After 20 days, the infusion must be filtered and mixed in a 1:1 ratio with 20% propolis tincture. After 1-2 days the balm will be ready for use. Option 3 . Hawthorn with propolis is prepared as follows: mix a pharmacy tincture of hawthorn fruits with a 20% alcohol tincture of propolis.

Treatment recipes.

Recipe 1 . “Youth with propolis.” Drink propolis water (10% water) 30-50 drops 3-5 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Provides a therapeutic and preventive effect for the whole body.

Recipe 2 . “No toothache.” Method 1. Heat a pea-sized piece of native (natural) propolis a little (60-70 degrees) and place it in the hollow of the diseased tooth. The pain will subside within 15 minutes. Method 2. Take a 30% alcohol tincture of propolis, soak cotton wool in it and apply it to the sore tooth. Soon the pain will subside.

Recipe 3 . “For oral diseases.” Method 1. Take a piece of native propolis into your mouth and chew 1-2 times a day (you can also leave it overnight, behind your cheek). The drug causes a slight burning sensation in the mouth and numbness of the tongue. Reception is stopped as you recover. Method 2. Rinsing the mouth with St. John's wort-propolis tincture: 20 - 30 drops per 100 ml of water - 4-5 times a day. Method 3. Lubricating the tonsils (for sore throat) and the oral mucosa with alcoholic propolis extract with peach oil (mix 1 tablespoon of 10% alcohol extract with 2 tablespoons of peach, olive or other vegetable oil).

Recipe 4. “No colds.” Method 1. Hold a piece of propolis (the size of a pea) in your mouth, rolling it from one side to the other (you can put it behind your cheek at night) for 24 hours - for sore throat and flu. It is also interesting as a method of prevention. Method 2. When treating rhinitis, mix 1 part of propolis alcohol tincture with 0.5 parts of horseradish juice and 3 parts of olive oil. Place 3-5 drops in each nostril into the nose. Method 3. For a runny nose, mix 2 parts of fresh beet and carrot juice with 1 part of 10% alcoholic propolis extract; instill 3-5 drops into the nose. Method 4. For sore throat, gargle with a pleasant warm mixture of St. John's wort infusion and propolis extract. The mixture is prepared as follows: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of St. John's wort herb is poured into 1 glass of boiling water, kept for 15 minutes in a boiling water bath, slowly cooled and filtered; then add 10% alcohol extract of propolis to the infusion (20-30 drops per half glass of infusion).

Recipe 5. “ Anti-sclerotic”. Method 1. Take a mixture of hawthorn tincture and propolis extract, 20-30 drops 2-3 times a day, 20-30 minutes before meals. Pharmacy tincture of hawthorn fruits is mixed in half with a 20% alcohol extract of propolis. Method 2. Prepare an alcohol tincture of elecampane roots (place 20 g of roots in a bottle, pour 100 ml of alcohol and leave for 20 days; strain) and mix in half with a 20% alcohol tincture of propolis. Take 20-30 drops 2-3 times a day. The drug is also effective for pulmonary and gastrointestinal diseases. Method 3. Effective treatment with propolis-garlic balm: take the prepared mixture drops with 50 ml of milk 3 times a day (20-30 minutes before meals); the first 10 days according to the scheme: 1st day - breakfast - 1 drop, lunch - 2, dinner - 3; 2nd, respectively, 4, 5, 6; 3rd – 7, 8, 9; 4th – 10, 11, 12; 5th – 13, 14, 15; 6th – 15, 14, 13; 7th – 12, 11, 10; 8th – 9, 8, 7; 9th – 6, 5, 4; Day 10 – 3, 2, 1. From the 11th day, the drug should be taken 25 drops 3 times a day (20 days). Then a break is taken for 5 months, and the course is repeated again. According to prof. Sinyakova A.F. this drug has a multifaceted effect and provides excellent therapeutic and preventive results.

Recipe 6. “ Healthy Breathing”. Method 1. Take 20% propolis tincture in alcohol, 20-30 drops (depending on body weight) 3 times a day an hour before meals (treatment: tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis, etc.). The course of treatment is up to 6 weeks, depending on the disease. Method 2. Take a mixture of 30% propolis tincture and honey syrup of spruce buds: 1 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day before meals (for cough, flu, bronchitis, pharyngitis, etc.). Honey syrup is prepared from young buds at the end of May, when they have grown 3-5 cm; Next, the kidneys are washed, finely chopped and poured with boiled water (3-4 liters per 1 kg of kidneys), then boiled in an enamel pan over low heat for 10 - 15 minutes. Then cool the broth, strain without residue through cheesecloth and add honey, 30% propolis tincture at the rate of 1 kg of honey and 10 ml of propolis tincture per 1 liter of kidney broth. The mixture is ready for use. Method 3. For colds and pulmonary diseases, drink half a glass of hot milk at night, adding 20 drops of 10% propolis tincture.

Recipe 7. “ Healthy skin . Method 1. When treating boils and carbuncles, use 20% propolis ointment on a petroleum jelly base mixed with lanolin. Method 2. You can remove the callus by applying a heated propolis cake to the affected area and a bandage with polyethylene at the bottom; This bandage is worn for 3-4 days, and the procedure is repeated 2-3 times, after which the callus is easily removed. Method 3. For nipple disease in nursing mothers, use 10% propolis ointment based on butter. Method 4. To treat eczema, use a decoction of oak bark (1 tbsp. pour 1 liter of boiling water, then boil and leave for 15 minutes) with propolis, at the rate of 2 tbsp. spoons of 10% alcohol extract for the finished decoction. Method 5. A decoction of oak bark with propolis of a lower concentration than in the previous method will help to avoid sweating of the feet. Method 6. If the skin of the buttocks in infants is red, it is good to lubricate the affected areas with 30% propolis ointment (2 times a day) until complete recovery. Method 7. To heal burns and wounds, lubricate damaged areas with a mixture of 10% propolis and castor oil in a 1:1 ratio (without applying a bandage).

Recipe 8. “ Healthy stomach and intestines.” Method 1. For stomach ulcers, drink an alcohol tincture of propolis with novocaine: mix 40 drops of 10-20% tincture with 50 ml of a 0.25% warm solution of novocaine and drink 1.5 hours before meals 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 4-8 weeks on the background of a gentle diet. Method 2. For a similar disease (method 1.), take 50-60 drops of 30% alcohol tincture of propolis with 50 ml of 1-2% novocaine solution 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals for 21 days . After 4-5 months, repeat the course. Method 3. Take high-quality native propolis orally in its natural form, 0.5 g (pea-sized) 3-4 times a day. Taking into account the patient's condition, the daily dose of propolis can be increased to 5 g. Method 4. If you have an upset stomach, drink a mixture of bird cherry decoction and 20% alcohol tincture of propolis at a rate of 1/3-1/2 cup 2-3 times a day for 20-30 minutes before meals. Bird cherry decoction is prepared at the rate of 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dried bird cherry fruits per glass of boiling water; boil over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Cool the broth a little, strain and add 30 drops of alcohol tincture. Method 5. Take potato juice with honey, first 1/2 and then 2/3 cup with 1 tbsp. spoon of honey.

Recipe 9. “ Men’s health.” For prostate adenoma; Method 1. Take 5% propolis honey (keep in mouth until completely dissolved): 1 teaspoon, 2-3 times a day, 20-30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month, then a break for 2 weeks and repeating the course. Method 2. Drink 0.5 cups of herbal infusion 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals and at the same time take 10% propolis honey (as in the first method). Collection of herbs: St. John's wort - 35%, motherwort five-lobed -35, bearberry - 30%; 2 tbsp. Pour spoons of dry crushed collection into a thermos, leave for 30 minutes and strain. Method 3. Drink 1/3 cup of burdock decoction 3-4 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals. At night, insert one propolis suppository into the rectum. A decoction is prepared from burdock roots: 2 tbsp. spoons of crushed roots pour 0.5 liters of boiled water and cook for 10 minutes over low heat, leave for 3-4 hours and strain. Method 4. For chronic prostatitis, insert propolis suppositories deeply into the rectum 2-3 times a day (use suppositories containing 0.1 g of propolis and 2 g of cocoa butter). The course should be repeated after 2-3 weeks. Method 5. Take 20% propolis tincture 30-40 drops in 30-50 ml of water 3 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals and insert propolis suppositories into the rectum daily (at night). Method 6. Take 30-40 drops of alcoholic extract (10%) of propolis (or 20-30% propolis tincture in 96% alcohol) in 40 ml of water 3 times a day before meals.

Recipe 10. “ Women’s health.” Method 1. For inflammation of the vagina and erosions of the cervix, alternately take 3 and 15% alcoholic extracts of propolis; a tampon moistened with extracts is inserted into the vagina (once a day), and after 8-10 hours it is removed. The course of treatment is 7-10 days. Method 2. Use propolis ointment prepared on the basis of 20% propolis tincture (15 ml), 60 g of lanolin and 15 ml of calendula tincture. Method 3. Use propolis ointment, consisting of 20 g of high-quality propolis and 2 tablespoons of petroleum jelly. Before preparing the ointment, propolis is frozen in the freezer for 3 hours, then crushed, Vaseline is added and mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed. A tampon with ointment is inserted into a clean vagina for 10-12 hours. The course of treatment is 10-12 procedures. Method 4. For uterine fibroids, potato juice (prepared with the peel, thoroughly peeled) with propolis, which is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, 1/4 cup with 1-2 tbsp, will help. spoons of aqueous propolis extract. The course of treatment can last six months.

Recipe 11. “Healthy Heart.” Method 1. For angina pectoris and ischemic heart disease, take a 10% alcohol extract of propolis and a decoction of hawthorn flowers and motherwort herb (in equal parts); take 30 drops of extract with 50 ml of decoction, 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 month, which can be repeated after 2 weeks. Method 2. Take a mixture of pharmaceutical hawthorn tincture with 10% alcoholic propolis extract (mix in equal parts); 20-30 drops 2-3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals. Method 3. For atherosclerosis, it is good to take elecampane tincture with propolis; 20-30 drops 2-3 times a day, or propolis-garlic balm (the preparation method is described above).

Recipe 12. “Sight amulet.” For various eye diseases, a 1% aqueous solution of propolis and 3-5% propolis ointment on a petroleum jelly base are recommended. The solution can be instilled 1-2 times (morning and evening) into both eyes (the burning sensation is not dangerous, it goes away quickly).

Recipe 13. “Acute Hearing.” Method 1. Inflammation of the middle ear is treated by inserting a gauze swab soaked in a 30% alcoholic extract of propolis into the clean ear canal (daily). The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks. Method 2. Treatment of hearing loss is carried out with a 30-40% tincture of propolis in alcohol mixed with olive or corn oil in a ratio of 1:4. For children, a tampon soaked in the mixture is inserted into the ear at night, and for adults, every other day, for 36-40 hours. Treatment is carried out for 1-2 weeks. Method 3. For ear inflammation and meningitis, it is good to chew propolis for 4-8 days, the size of the substance is about the size of a pea. To avoid irritation of the oral mucosa, you should take breaks for 1-2 hours every 10-15 minutes of chewing.

Recipe 14. “Anti-cancer barrier.” Method 1. For cancer of different localizations, tincture of celandine with propolis helps. Dry and crushed celandine herb is poured with vodka (0.5 l) and left in a dark place for 5 days, after which the infusion is filtered. Take 1 tbsp at a time. spoon of infusion of celandine and aqueous extract of propolis 3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals. Method 2. Take 3 times a day (30 minutes before meals) fresh celandine juice (1-2 ml), diluted in 50 ml of boiled water together with 1 tbsp. spoon of aqueous propolis extract. Method 3. For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, taking a tincture of the roots of large burdock (from plants of the first year of life) with an aqueous extract of propolis is effective. 10 g of dry crushed roots are placed in a dark bottle, filled with vodka (100 ml) and left for 10 days, shaking occasionally. Take the tincture simultaneously with the aqueous extract of propolis, 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Method 4. For gastrointestinal and lung cancer, tincture of snakeweed with chaga, plus aqueous extract of propolis, helps; crushed roots of snakeweed and chaga (50 g in equal parts) are poured into 500 ml of alcohol and left for 10 days in a dark place. The filtered tincture is taken 30-40 drops from 1 tbsp. spoon of propolis extract. The course of treatment ranges from 3-4 weeks to 3 months or more. A good result is also obtained by tincture of Chernobyl wormwood root mixed with an aqueous extract of propolis: take 1 tbsp. spoon 20-30 minutes before meals - 1 time per day.


How to use correctly

When treating the gastrointestinal tract with propolis, you should adhere to certain rules of administration, without linking them to a specific type of disease and the prescribed regimen of use:

  • Healing compounds should be taken strictly 1 hour before meals and only on an empty stomach;
  • unauthorized regulation of the composition of the drug, its dosage and frequency of administration is strictly prohibited;
  • You can take medications with milk or water at room temperature;
  • if discomfort or other unpleasant sensations occur, stop taking the drug immediately.

Positive results from the use of medicinal compounds are achieved by consuming them in strict accordance with the developed dosage and timing of administration.

How to act for gastritis

The course is carried out under mandatory medical supervision and involves the use of several treatment regimens.

Treatment of gastritis with propolis and honey.

Many are familiar with gastrointestinal diseases, let's find out their causes and try to eliminate already progressing diseases. The main diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, and colitis.

Gastritis affects half of the world's population. Statistics, as we know, know everything, and so, according to it, every 10th resident in Russia suffers from some kind of disease of the digestive system.

There are several reasons for these diseases:

1. unhealthy diet (dry eating, foods containing toxins, harmful substances, poor diet.)

2. stress and neuroses, which lead to decreased immunity

3. bad habits smoking alcoholism

4. infection with the bacterium Hilicobacter pylori

5. Taking certain medications

Gastritis is an inflammation of the internal mucous membrane of the stomach. We can say that this is a harbinger of a stomach ulcer. It can turn into cancer.

Main symptoms: acute burning pain in the upper abdomen, belching, nausea, vomiting.

Gastric and duodenal ulcers are a chronic disease that worsens in spring and autumn, and defects, so-called ulcers, form on the walls of the stomach. The disease causes very severe pain that, as they say, “I can even climb the wall.” In addition to pain, a person experiences heartburn, belching, nausea and sometimes vomiting. This knocks a person out of the usual rhythm of life. It becomes difficult to work, and sometimes just to live. An ulcer is dangerous due to complications (perforation), then surgical intervention can help.

Colitis is an inflammation of the colon mucosa. Ulcers may appear at the site of inflammation. All this can develop into colon cancer. But we treat him, so to speak, with lukewarmness. Well, I had a stomach ache, so I took a painkiller and felt better. Colitis is not visible, but dangerous. With colitis, the intestines swell, the stomach growls, the stool becomes unstable, then constipation or diarrhea occurs. Mixed with blood and mucus. Pain can be in different places in the abdomen.

Treatment of all diseases comes down to the following.

1. normalization of nutrition. (gentle fractional diet, meals 4-5 times a day, exclude spicy salty fried foods)

2. quitting smoking and alcoholic beverages

3. reduction of mental and physical stress.

Beekeeping products can help you treat these diseases: honey, beebread pollen, propolis.

For gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice, take 1 tablespoon of honey 1.5-2 hours before meals 3 times a day, after dissolving it in 0.5 glass of warm water.

In case of low acidity, take honey in the same dose as right before meals, dissolving it in cold water. The course of treatment is 1.5-2 months.

For chronic gastritis and colitis, take 30% propolis tincture 20 drops, dilute in 0.5 glass of warm water or milk. Drink 3 times a day an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 3 weeks, then a break of 1-2 weeks and the course is repeated.

To reduce the acidity of gastric juice, take 0.5 cups of potato juice and add 1 tbsp. Drink a spoonful of honey 2 times a day on an empty stomach, morning and evening. Within 18 days.

For gastric ulcers.

Mix royal jelly with alcohol or vodka

In a ratio of 1:2, that is, one part of royal jelly and 2 parts of vodka. Take the mixture 5-10 drops 4 times a day, 1.5 hours before meals. Within 21 days.

For colitis. Take 150 gr. honey, 30 gr. pollen, and 1 liter of water. Boil water and cool. Dissolve honey in it, add pollen and leave for several days at room temperature until gas bubbles form. Take 0.5 cups of the mixture 3 times a day, before meals. The course is 1-1.5 months.

For the prevention of gastrointestinal tract

can be used: dilute 1 teaspoon of bee bread in half a glass of water (50 ml) and leave for 2 hours. Drink 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 1-1.5 months. Repeat every 3 months, that is, 4 times a year and you will not have it.

Popular wisdom says: “Honey is the stomach’s best friend”

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