Is it possible to eat bananas if you have a stomach ulcer: features of the disease, special diet, indications and contraindications and consequences

Banana is a tasty and healthy fruit. Banana fruits contain useful substances that satisfy hunger and provide energy. Thanks to the potassium contained in bananas, the fruit becomes a natural antibiotic. The chemical element potassium ensures normal heart function and works as a stimulator of brain activity. Banana is not an allergen; the fruit is recommended for young children.

If a stomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer is detected, it is necessary, in addition to drug treatment, to follow a special diet; unfortunately, not all berries and fruits are beneficial.

Relevance of the issue

Gastric ulcer is one of the most common gastrointestinal diseases nowadays. The percentage of patients is extremely high, which means that many people regularly face problems in choosing a nutrition program. I want to eat fully, but without denying myself anything, and not cause the condition to worsen. Some fruits are sour, others activate strong chemical reactions; a number of products irritate the gastrointestinal tract, others affect the volume of juice generated. At the same time, you cannot give up almost everything and switch to “water and porridge”: the lack of nutrients and vitamins also negatively affects the condition of patients.

For lovers of the sweet tropical fruit, fortunately, everything is simple: doctors, explaining whether it is possible to eat bananas if you have a stomach ulcer, give a categorical positive answer. This product is safe and healthy and is allowed in any reasonable quantities. In the acute phase of the pathology, it will not cause pain or other problems.

Bananas for gastritis - possible harm

Bananas can be harmful for gastrointestinal diseases if eaten in excess or unripe. The fruits contain a large amount of starch, which leads to stagnation in the intestines.

Bananas eaten after a heavy lunch can also negatively affect the digestive system. In this case, it will take a lot of time to assimilate them - up to 2-3 hours. The condition contributes to flatulence and exacerbation of epigastric pain.

Important! It is better to eat bananas 2-2.5 hours after the main meal. If bloating in the abdomen is observed even after this time interval, then the snack is transferred to the morning (on an empty stomach).

Is it that simple?

When figuring out whether it is possible to eat bananas if you have a stomach ulcer, you should pay attention to one subtle nuance: excessive consumption of the product in food can cause active gas formation, as a result - gastric bloating. This is due to the high starch content in food.

If bananas cause unwanted sensations, you should reconsider the amount of fruit consumed and reduce it. Some individuals are advised to abstain from eating bananas altogether due to individual intolerance. As a rule, they learn about such a reaction in childhood, and this restriction is adhered to throughout their lives. The presence of an ulcer does not change the situation.

However, the most pleasant thing of all the above: a banana for stomach pain will not cause a worsening of the condition. There are no contraindications to eating the fruit due to stomach diseases.

The benefits and harms of bananas

Beneficial properties include:

  • restoration of acid-base balance;
  • cleansing the body of toxins;
  • improves microflora in the intestines;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • helps relieve stress;

  • strengthening bones;
  • cancer prevention;
  • removal of toxins;
  • treatment of anemia;
  • help with diarrhea;
  • help with seizures;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • is a dietary fruit.

The fruit is perceived as almost a panacea for peptic ulcers: it has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves symptoms of dysentery and liver damage.

The disadvantages include the fact that when sedentary, obese people consume the fruit on an empty stomach, a banana causes stomach discomfort and bloating.

Fruits and berries

This category of products is an irreplaceable source of useful compounds and vitamin complexes. Therefore, one cannot but rejoice in the positive answer to the question of whether it is possible to eat bananas if you have a stomach ulcer. Compounds supplied with natural food stimulate the processes of scarring and epithelization of diseased areas of the mucosa. Consequently, the symptoms (with the right diet) are quickly alleviated. And yet you should be careful when choosing foods: there are fruits and berries, under the influence of which the generation of hydrochloric acid is activated. Some plant foods can cause an imbalance in microorganisms. Fortunately, this has nothing to do with bananas, but drawing up an optimal nutrition program should be entrusted to a doctor.

In addition to bananas, apples and pears, a variety of berries and ripe plums will benefit stomach ulcers. Doctors advise adding strawberries and wild strawberries to your diet. Don't forget about ripe raspberries. All these products are quickly absorbed when they enter the body, normalize metabolism, and stimulate regenerative processes.

Nuances of nutrition

Not only bananas are useful for stomach ulcers: doctors recommend including viburnum and sea buckthorn berries, blueberries, and rose hips in your diet in moderation. These products are perfect for making infusions and fresh juices. They can be baked or added as a filling to pies. True, this needs to be done carefully: the doctor will explain at the appointment how to choose the optimal number of berries, taking into account specific characteristics. In some cases, flour is contraindicated for patients - this will also have to be taken into account.

It has already been stated above that bananas are useful for stomach diseases. But with citrus fruits everything is not so obvious. Despite the fact that both of these types of products came to us from southern countries, the characteristics of their perception of the gastrointestinal tract are fundamentally different. Some doctors believe that lemons will be beneficial in limited quantities for stomach ulcers. Since they are very acidic, they can only be consumed in small doses. The main benefit they bring is stimulation of the immune system. The best way to include lemons in your diet is by adding them to tea or fruit-based jelly.

It is possible and it is not possible

Bananas for stomach ulcers and gastritis are allowed without restrictions. This is explained by several features of the fruit: it is sweet, soft, and has a moderate level of acidity. For stomach diseases, you can only eat such fruits, and only ripe ones. Any food should be peeled before eating: coarse particles are prohibited, as they irritate the gastric mucous membranes.

At the same time, there are soft fruits that are forbidden to eat, despite their seemingly harmless and safe nature. Unlike bananas, if you have a stomach or duodenal ulcer, you should not eat peaches, grapes, or melon pulp. Kiwi and citrus fruits are prohibited. An exception is the above-mentioned possibility of including lemon in the diet in small quantities. However, it is disputed by a number of experts.

Eating bananas for duodenal ulcers

If a duodenal ulcer is detected, a special diet is necessary. Allowed fruits and berries on the menu include:

  • banana: improves the digestive process, reduces acidity;
  • viburnum: has long been used as a folk remedy for ulcers in the form of juice or grated with sugar;
  • sea ​​buckthorn: restores damaged cells, strengthens the immune system, relieves the effects of stress, prevents cancer;
  • apples, pears without peel;
  • blueberries: reduces inflammation, cleanses the intestines;
  • rosehip: acts as an antiseptic;
  • plum: it is better to peel it, it is known for normalizing metabolism, facilitating digestion;
  • quince: allowed fresh, in the form of compote. Not everyone can consume it fresh due to its astringency. To remove the astringent properties, you need to add apples or pears during cooking.

Fruits prohibited from eating:

  • melons cause an increase in acidity;
  • citrus fruits cause fermentation;
  • grapes and cherries lead to inflammation and damage to the intestinal walls.

Duodenal ulcers are caused by aggressive stomach juices; to prevent this, it is permissible to eat bananas, which reduce acidity, which has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. It is allowed to use lemon only on the recommendation of a specialist. Black currant has a general strengthening effect on the body and strengthens the digestive system.

Berries and fruits can be consumed in moderation; fruits contain fiber, which takes a long time and is difficult to digest. The above-described advantages do not mean that for the stated diseases it is necessary to use only berries and fruits in the menu; the body requires proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and vitamins for recovery.

Yes: are there any restrictions?

It was explained above whether bananas are allowed for ulcers, and why such a fruit is allowed: it is soft, relatively neutral, and does not provoke changes in the level of acidity or increased generation of hydrochloric acid. Both bananas and other fruits from the list allowed for patients should be pre-processed and only then consumed. This minimizes the risk of an unwanted reaction. The easiest way is to cut into small pieces. You can puree the food or grind it in a blender.

In case of chronic form and acute, exacerbation of ulcers, bananas and other permitted fruits can be baked. Food processed at high temperatures has a positive effect on gastric function. True, at the time of eating the dish, its temperature should be average: you cannot eat too hot or very cold.


This healthy drink can only be consumed during remission, since it contains low-fat milk. To prepare the cocktail you will need the following ingredients:

  • a glass of low-fat milk;
  • a teaspoon of acacia honey;
  • one small and ripe banana.

The fruit is cut into small slices. Pour milk into a blender bowl, add honey and slices of pulp, beat everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The finished cocktail is heated slightly and consumed in two servings. It is prohibited to drink any drinks or eat food cold. This also applies to hot ones.


You can eat bananas raw if you have a stomach ulcer, but you shouldn’t: it’s better to pre-process them. The only fruit that is guaranteed not to provoke any negative sensations when eaten fresh is avocado. This is explained by its unique characteristics: with moderate sweetness, the product has a fairly high level of fat content.

The benefits of bananas for gastritis

You can and should eat bananas if you have gastritis. But this is allowed only in the stage of remission of the disease.

Several valuable properties of bananas for the gastrointestinal tract should be noted:

  1. Dietary fiber from fruits activates the mucous membranes. The secretion protects the membranes of the digestive organ from bacteria and the negative effects of hydrochloric acid.
  2. The pulp of the fruit has antibacterial properties, including against the causative agent of ulcers and gastritis, Helicobacter pylori. But you shouldn’t think that pathogenic flora can be dealt with only through proper nutrition.
  3. Banana has an antiseptic effect, which promotes rapid regeneration of damage on the surface of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.

Bananas, like other foods, are useful for gastritis if eaten in moderation. It is not recommended to eat more than three fruits per day for adults and two for children.

The benefit of the product for gastrointestinal pathologies also lies in the fact that they replace sugar due to their sweetness. For erosive gastritis, bananas are the only fruit that can be consumed due to their low acid content. In addition, it has a good effect on the intestinal microflora and accelerates the regeneration of affected mucous membranes. The benefit of the product for the erosive form of gastritis is that it prevents heavy bleeding by improving the coagulability of biological fluid.

Drink and eat: subtleties of reception

Sometimes people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases are interested: is it possible to eat bananas in the form of a semi-liquid puree if you have a stomach ulcer? Doctors assure that this is completely justified and useful. A variety of freshly prepared berry and fruit juices have similar benefits. It should be borne in mind that natural food often leads to an increase in acidity levels, which is useful in certain cases, but can also be a source of harm. To minimize the dangers, it is better not to take risks and dilute fruit juices with vegetable juices. Drink them before meals. Improper use, regardless of the meal, is highly likely to cause fermentation.

When choosing the best juices for yourself, you need to not only consider whether bananas, raspberries, oranges and other foods can be eaten with a stomach ulcer, but also assess the tendency to have an allergic reaction. In addition, some types of plant foods are rich in sugars, which are contraindicated for diabetics and other groups of people. Do not forget about the negative effect on gastric peristalsis - such reactions can be strictly individual.

Apples and more: what juices to drink?

So, it is already clear that banana can be eaten in different forms for stomach ulcers. But what about apples? Doctors recommend mixing apples and bananas and making purees and juices with these fruits. True, you should choose your foods carefully: you should not eat sour apples. But sweets are indicated for ulcer sufferers. Like bananas, they rarely cause an allergic reaction, are rich in minerals, vitamins, and are healthy for a wide range of diagnoses. Apples are only allowed if they have been previously peeled, otherwise the product will irritate the mucous membranes and become a source of discomfort. The patient's stomach will best tolerate heat-treated apples, but in addition to baking, you can prepare them in the form of salads, mixing them with the already mentioned bananas and other fruits. Apples are also allowed as a side dish for various dishes.

Apples are good in combination with bananas, which are rich in substances that are effective against Helicobacter pylori colonies. Eating the product is accompanied by the generation of mucous secretions that envelop diseased areas of the gastrointestinal tract. Bananas are recommended in the form of mousses and jellies. They are great for making salads. These fruits will not bring discomfort during an exacerbation. Moreover, one of the medicines for the acute phase is a mixture of banana puree with olive oil. Use the product a couple of large spoons every two hours during the day.

When is the best time to eat bananas?

It is better to eat the fruit in the morning on an empty stomach; the pulp envelops the stomach from the inside, preventing the effects of aggressive gastric juices, preventing the development of ulcers. If bloating and discomfort occur when consumed on an empty stomach, it is recommended to eat a banana after eating a few hours later and not drink liquid for an hour.

For heartburn, take medications prescribed by your doctor:

  • gastal;
  • almagel.

It is permissible to make a banana smoothie that will soothe the stomach lining and relieve a person from heartburn thanks to its natural properties. If the cocktail is made with milk and banana, the antacid properties in combination with milk will appear more clearly.

Pears and persimmons: how to diversify your diet?

Ulcer sufferers are allowed to eat pears, but strictly baked ones. The fruit itself is considered universal and goes well with various foods, including meat dishes. During periods of exacerbation, you can only eat baked pears. This fruit allows you to saturate the body with iron and phosphorus, copper and sulfur, a wide variety of vitamins and zinc. Another tangible advantage is low calorie content. Eating a pure pear requires refraining from drinking in the next 30 minutes after the meal, otherwise there is a risk of exacerbation of the ulcerative process.

Another useful product for ulcers is persimmon. It does not provoke an increase in the concentration of hydrochloric acid, since it is poor in acids, but it provides the body with carotene and iodine. Persimmon is a supplier of potassium, iron, magnesium and manganese. The compounds present in this fruit influence the balance of microflora, stabilizing the content of various life forms in the gastrointestinal tract. The most useful is considered to be unpollinated persimmon with a light-colored skin, without seeds. But unripe persimmon is the richest in useful compounds, but it is strictly prohibited for people with ulcers. Eating such fruit will cause pain and may cause complications of the disease.

Banana composition


  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin B6;
  • potassium;
  • sugar;
  • sodium;

  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • cellulose;
  • as well as many microelements.

The composition contains a substance that is destructive to the bacteria that causes ulcers and promotes the healing of existing ulcers.

Dry fruits

Dried fruits are a source of essential compounds that stimulate and normalize the activity of the stomach and intestines. Dried fruits are most useful at the stage of activation of regenerative processes. But during the acute phase, such products should be avoided. Remission can be maintained by providing the diet with dried apricots, dates and dried plums. However, if, when preparing a diet, the doctor did not indicate dried fruits as a mandatory nutritional element, you should consult with your doctor about the possibility of consuming them. There is a possibility that some individual characteristics of the case impose restrictions on the inclusion of dried fruits in the diet.

In what form is it better to eat bananas for gastrointestinal pathologies?

Thanks to a number of studies, it was possible to find out that a ripe banana eaten in the morning on an empty stomach is most beneficial. As mentioned above, the pulp envelops the mucous membrane, protecting it from the negative effects of gastric secretions and enzymes. In addition, useful substances promote the healing of erosive wounds.

However, not only fresh fruits are useful. You can prepare dishes from ripe bananas and thereby diversify the relatively meager diet of the ulcer.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the best recipes for banana dishes that are good for the intestines.

Peptic ulcer: why limit yourself in nutrition?

Among other elements of the digestive system, the stomach is considered the most vulnerable. It is regularly affected by irritating factors - stress, food, medications. The most unpleasant reaction worries a person at the stage of exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease. To minimize unwanted sensations, you should avoid any worries and adhere to a light nutrition program. Just make one mistake, and the symptoms will worsen with renewed vigor, and the patient will be bothered by severe pain, while the treatment already undergone will lose its effectiveness.

To avoid such a turn of events, it is necessary to ensure complete rest for the gastrointestinal tract during the therapeutic course. The diet should consist of safe foods that do not irritate the mucous membranes. Hot and cold foods are prohibited; only warm foods that are easily tolerated by the body can be consumed. They eat in small portions, strictly according to the clock, quite often. If one meal is not enough to fill you up, you should not eat additional food - you should wait until the next period. Excessive load is much more harmful to the stomach than temporary inconvenience from weak hunger.

Diet rules

If you have a peptic ulcer, you will have to adhere to strict dietary restrictions. The ban is imposed on salted and smoked foods, alcoholic and spicy foods, fatty and spicy foods. Fruits and berries of sour varieties are excluded from the diet, as are sausage and any products close to it. The ban is imposed on fatty meat, fish, baked goods and rich foods. Fresh onions, pickled, confectionery, rich broths on fish and meat are contraindicated for patients. Cookies are prohibited. Responsible exclusion of these products from the daily diet is the key to the effectiveness of the therapeutic program.

The relevance of excluding the listed elements is associated with their destructive effect on the mucous membrane. Perhaps the most dangerous of the entire list is alcohol. In addition, doctors have found that nicotine also negatively affects the functioning of the stomach, so the best results of therapy can be achieved if you completely eliminate any bad habits from your life.

It is worth remembering that an ulcer from a period of remission can easily go into the acute phase if the conditions are suitable for this. This forces you to control your eating habits throughout your life, regardless of the stage of the disease. If such a pathology is diagnosed, you should mentally prepare yourself for a healthy lifestyle for the rest of your days.

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