Phosphalugel: how to use the medicine correctly

Phosphalugel is a medication prescribed to combat dangerous stomach acidity, heartburn, and diarrhea. Diarrhea is the body's defense reaction to the toxic effects of toxins. An attempt to get rid of harmful substances leads to diarrhea and vomiting. As a result, the body rapidly loses moisture, nutrients, beneficial microflora, vitamins and microelements.

Phosphalugel for diarrhea, having an adsorbing property, gently relieves a person of toxins that poison the internal organs. The drug is prescribed to treat symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders in adults and young patients.


The medicine has an adsorbent, enveloping and antacid effect. After taking it, pepsin activity decreases. The active substance removes excess hydrochloric acid. At the same time, the physiological characteristics of digestion remain unchanged.

After administration, the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines is enveloped, resulting in a protective layer that prevents the negative effects of external factors and promotes its healing.

Also, the medication is able to suppress gases, eliminate toxic and harmful microorganisms in the stomach, stabilizing the passage of the gastrointestinal tract.

The medicine does not affect the electrolyte balance in any way. There is currently no verified information on pharmacokinetics.

Phosphalugel. Its therapeutic effect and its action

Colloidal aluminum phosphate (phosphalugel) has three simultaneous therapeutic effects. It envelops, absorbs, and also has an antacid effect. In addition, the gel is an excellent pain reliever.

Antacid effect of phosphalugel

This effect is achieved by combining hydrochloric acid in gastric juice along with its neutralization resulting from the formation of aluminum chloride (salt). Due to the neutralization effect (formed 10 minutes after ingestion of the gel), the acid in the gastric juice reaches the normal level - from 3.5 to 5.

After the acidity of the gastric juice returns to normal, the effect of the drug slows down, and the unspent part of the gel is used to maintain the normal acidity of the gastric juice.

The duration of action of the drug as a whole (after administration) is quite long. It should also be noted that due to the normalization of the pH of gastric juice, the resulting digestive enzyme pepsin becomes less active.

Enveloping effect of phosphalugel

Colloidal particles of aluminum phosphate are absorbed into the stomach, its mucous membrane, and also the intestines. Due to this, a special mucoid layer is formed on the walls, which protects the mucous membrane from the aggressive effects of pepsin, hydrochloric acid, and toxic substances that enter the body from outside or are produced from metabolism. The enveloping effect thus creates protection for the mucous membrane of the digestive organs, helping to normalize the movement of food through the intestinal tract.

Sorbing effect of phosphalugel

Due to its sorbing property, phosphalugel binds harmful substances and pathogenic microorganisms located in the intestinal lumen, and then removes them from the body. In other words, we can say that the gel works like a sponge that absorbs all harmful bacteria, cleaning them from the surface of the mucous membrane and removing them. As a result of this work, the intestines get rid of the processes of rotting, fermentation and gas formation. Phosphalugel does not produce much hydrochloric acid and does not cause much alkalization of digestive juice. Thanks to this, the drug is considered quite safe for long-term use. The exchange of phosphorus in the body is also not disturbed even if a person uses phosphalugel for quite a long time.

When to take Phosphalugel: before or after meals

If a person has a peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum, then the medicine is taken 2 hours after eating or during the manifestation of severe pain. Patients with diaphragmatic hernia take the medicine after meals or before bed. For colon disease, you need to drink the medicine in the morning on an empty stomach and before bed. For gastritis and dyspepsia, the drug is drunk before meals.

Children under six months are prescribed ¼ sachet or 1 tsp. Should be taken after feeding (no more than 6 times a day). A child from six months of age is prescribed ½ sachet 4 times a day after feeding.

If between doses the pain returns again, then you can take the remedy again.

As stated in the instructions, before opening the bag, its contents must be kneaded well so that the gel becomes homogeneous.

Indications for use

The drug is prescribed for identifying various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, characterized by an increased level of acidity of gastric juice. It can be used even for children starting from the first month of life. But the difference in indications for use should be taken into account! For children the indications are the same, but for adults they are different. For both adults and children, phosphalugel is prescribed for gastric ulcers and duodenal ulcers. Phosphalugel is prescribed to children for:

  • gastritis;
  • esophagitis;
  • gastroesophageal reflux.

For adults, phosphalugel is prescribed:

  • For gastritis with normal or increased secretory function;
  • With reflux esophagitis;
  • For diaphragmatic hernia;
  • With functional diarrhea;
  • For non-ulcer dyspepsia syndrome;
  • For gastric/intestinal disorders caused by intoxication with drugs that irritate the mucous membrane;
  • For stomach/intestinal disorders caused by alcohol intoxication.

Contraindications and negative effects

You should avoid taking the drug in case of increased susceptibility to the constituent components of the drug, as well as in persons who have kidney pathologies. The medicine has no other contraindications.

Negative manifestations after administration appear in rare cases. Elderly people and bedridden people may experience constipation.

Since the composition contains many aluminum ions, intestinal motility may deteriorate. In case of overdose, you need to take a laxative.

Dosage and rules of use

In what doses and how to take the medicine, the instructions for use describe in detail. The doctor can also adjust the dosage and change the course and timing of treatment with Phosphalugel. There are peculiarities in the use of the medicine by children and adult patients.

For adults

The drug is taken not only in the form of a gel, directly from the sachet, but also diluted with water. If you have diarrhea, you should not drink mineral carbonated water, this increases irritation of the intestinal walls, and diarrhea continues with a vengeance.

Before taking, knead the sachet with the drug with your hands to mix the contents. There is a dotted line on it indicating the location of the incision. A corner is carefully cut off and the contents are squeezed into a spoon or container for further addition of water.

The active substances contained in the medicine, thanks to their tubular form, remove toxins naturally.

Dosage for adults: 1 sachet per day. Take on an empty stomach or before bedtime, after kneading the contents in the package to obtain a homogeneous mixture.

If the cause of diarrhea is gastritis, then the dose of the drug is 3 sachets per day. The course lasts 2 weeks.

For children

A child, unlike an adult, tolerates diarrhea more difficult. If diarrhea has a negative impact on the child’s body, doctors recommend giving Phosphalugel according to the instructions. The dosage depends on the age of the young patient. Children up to six months are given 4 grams of medicine 6 times a day.

An increase in the amount of the drug is possible in case of severe poisoning. The stomach is first washed and only then is the medicine given.

Children under 5-6 years old receive half a packet of Phosphalugel.

Up to 12 years, the dose increases to 1 sachet. To effectively get rid of diarrhea, doctors recommend that schoolchildren take 2 sachets at a time.

In infants, severe gas formation and heartburn occur if the artificial formula is chosen incorrectly. The expiration date of porridge also causes discomfort in the tummy. Toxins and poisonous substances enter the baby's body through breast milk, causing illness.

When purchasing food products in a store, you need to pay attention to the production date and expiration date. Nursing mothers should follow a diet and exclude foods that can cause intestinal upset during lactation.

The use of Phosphalugel in infants helps eliminate regurgitation and stops vomiting. Increasing the dose of the drug leads to constipation in the child.

The dose approved for use in breastfed babies is 4 grams, 6 times a day. The course of treatment is 10 days.

The gel is prescribed for increased bloating. The medicine helps normalize the functioning of the child’s digestive system. The gel can be given without first diluting with water.

special instructions

The medication should be taken with extreme caution in case of such problems and pathologies: cirrhosis of the liver, diseases of the cardiovascular system and kidneys.

Elderly patients and people with kidney disease may experience an increase in the amount of aluminum in plasma.

If constipation occurs after taking the medicine, you need to drink as much fluid as possible.

Since there is no sugar in the composition, the drug can be taken by people with diabetes.

The use of the medicine does not in any way affect the results of X-ray examinations.

The use of Phosphalugel cannot in any way affect the ability to drive a vehicle or operate other dangerous machinery.

Composition of the drug, release form

Pharmacological form of the drug: gel. Individual packages contain 16-20 g of the substance, each scoop contains 20% aluminum phosphate. White gel of uniform consistency, with a citrus scent. Before use, lightly crush the bag to mix the contents.

Active and excipients contained in each sachet:

  • The active ingredient is aluminum phosphate. An element used in all antacid medications.
  • Pectin. Helps the gel maintain its thick shape.
  • Sorbitol. Sweetens the medicine.
  • Potassium sorbate. A substance that has the ability to suppress the vital processes of pathogenic microorganisms.

Aluminum phosphate, as an active ingredient, is present in all antacid preparations. Analogue: Maalox, Almagel, Enterosgel. The difference between the product lies in the content of the medicinal composition in the form of a gel. This contributes to greater effective use of the drug and an increase in medicinal properties.


Phosphalugel should not be taken by persons suffering from the following diseases:

  • Kidney failure.
  • For hypophosphatemia. The blood contains low levels of phosphates.
  • Alzheimer's disease.
  • Allergy or sensitivity to substances contained in the drug.

Side effects

While using Phosphalugel, patients complain of vomiting and constipation. If the patient suffers from excess calcium, then taking the gel can lead to intensive removal of the microelement from the body.


Exceeding the permissible dose of medication provokes constipation. Aluminum ions affect intestinal motility and slow it down. To eliminate the long-term absence of bowel movements, you can take a laxative.

Use for pregnant and breastfeeding women

During pregnancy, hormonal changes occur in the body of the expectant mother. A pregnant woman complains of vomiting, belching and diarrhea.

The pregnant woman has no appetite and becomes irritable. In order to get rid of unpleasant sensations, Phosphalugel is taken. You can drink no more than 40 grams of the drug at one time. The daily dose should not exceed 100 grams.

You should not take large amounts of medication at the same time. The drug is used gradually, carefully observing the body's reaction. In the absence of negative effects, the dose may be increased.

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