Donat Mg: unique healing water, source of magnesium, prevention of constipation

Donat Mg is water with unique properties and composition. It is rich in magnesium and other beneficial components. Next we will talk about this natural panacea; find out why it is used and how.

The water that flows in underground pools located in the area of ​​rocks has miraculous powers. Such water tends to be enriched with minerals that have healing properties. The resort, located in the east of the country of Slovenia, Rogaska Slatina, is known almost throughout the world. It gained its popularity thanks to the Donat Mg mineral water source.

Therapeutic mineral water Donat Magnesium: composition, indications for use

Donat Mg differs in composition from other medicinal mineral waters. This water contains many useful components, it is uniquely balanced, and is suitable for the complex treatment of various ailments. It is recommended by doctors to improve the functioning of internal organs and strengthen muscle and bone tissue. It is effective in treating the following pathologies:

  • Diabetes, dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Gastritis, stomach and intestinal ulcers, heartburn
  • Pancreatitis and cholecystitis, hepatitis
  • Hypertension, relieves high blood cholesterol levels

In addition, mineral water relieves tension and relaxes muscles during spasmodic conditions. It increases potency, promotes weight loss, removes toxins and waste.

Mineral water - composition

IMPORTANT : Magnesium, which is part of mineral water, promotes the accumulation of energy in cell tissues, it strengthens the nervous system due to its anti-stress properties.

Therapeutic mineral water Donat Magnesium: instructions for use for adults

A natural panacea has truly unique properties. It enhances metabolic processes in various body systems, strengthens tooth enamel, supplies carbon dioxide, sodium ions, calcium sulfate, bromine, magnesium, lithium, fluorine, bromine, iodine and other substances to human vital systems. The only thing is that the medicinal water must be drunk according to a certain scheme and only the attending physician can select the correct dosage for the patient. Only then will you benefit from this mineral water. If we count approximately, then an adult needs to consume approximately three hundred to five hundred milliliters of Donat Mg per day .

Water Donat Mg

A low content of the mineral Mg in the human body system leads to heart disease, digestive tract disease, depression, and apathy.

To prevent this from happening, you need to take Donat Mg according to a certain method :

Experts recommend drinking it in courses, not just once. This will contribute to the accumulation of much-needed components in the body. It will be correct to drink the panacea for 5-6 weeks - three times a year .

Drink water three times a day - always after meals . The interval between meals and consumption of Donat Mg should be two and a half hours. One kilogram of a person’s weight should require 26-30 ml of water per day.

IMPORTANT : The active substances of Donat Mg quite quickly penetrate into blood vessels and human blood, thereby provoking biochemical processes. Thanks to this, the patient feels a surge of strength and a general improvement in health.

Types of constipation and treatment features

Depending on the reasons that influenced the occurrence of problems with defecation, they distinguish between spastic and atonic types. How different the reasons led to the appearance of one and another problem, so different the methods and rules of therapy are used to solve them.


Spastic constipation occurs when the functional motor activity of the colon is impaired. The motility function of a healthy intestine is aimed at moving the bolus of food along the canal to the exit, absorbing nutrients, forming feces and removing it through the rectum and anus to the outside. When spastic defecation occurs in adults, discomfort, negative consequences for the body, and pain symptoms appear.

Treatment of problems with bowel movements is carried out using a mineral drink with a low carbon dioxide content. Reduced amount of minerals contained. Natural composition and essential elements: sulfates, Mg, Ca, Cl, Na.

The mineral components found in the remedy have an anti-inflammatory effect and help remove feces and mucus from the intestines. You need to take water before you sit down to eat. 30 minutes will be enough to activate all internal organs for eating.

Not only the composition matters, but also the temperature of the liquid you drink. To obtain a therapeutic and preventive effect, it is necessary to take the product at a temperature no higher than 45C.

Constipation therapy is carried out gradually. At the initial stage, the volume of liquid is no more than 0.5 glasses daily 3 times. Next time increase the volume of water and so on gradually up to 1 glass.

Before use, all carbon dioxide is removed from the drink and heated.

It has been proven that hot non-carbonated mineral water has a beneficial effect on the intestines, relaxes the muscles of the tract, reduces the level of pain, and promotes the removal of fecal matter.


Atonic constipation is characterized by a decrease in the motor activity of the colon due to slowing and weakening of rectal motility. Fecal matter moves with great difficulty to exit the body. Gradually, the feces thicken and stagnate, which leads to constipation. Symptoms of dehydration appear.

To solve problems with atonic stool disorders, mineral water should have an increased salt content - 8-12 g/l. There are two types of element sets:

  • Sodium chloride-hydrocarbonate.
  • Sulfate-magnesium.

They have a beneficial effect on the peristalsis of the digestive tract. After consumption, water remains in the intestinal tract for a long time, helps soften fecal matter and facilitates its easy exit.

To obtain a therapeutic effect, the drink must be heated to 20-24 degrees. Drink before meals. Provide 3-4 doses per day. Mineral water should be drunk quickly, in large sips, to improve the motor activity of the tract. Doctors recommend: Donat Magnesium, Borjomi, Essentuki, Mirgorodskaya, Narzan.

Therapeutic mineral water Donat Magnesium: instructions for use for children

Young children, especially before a certain period, grow actively. They are undergoing changes; more precisely, all organs of different systems are being formed. That is why children simply need natural minerals, which are abundant in Donat Mg water. You need to drink water in certain dosages. Below is a table of data on how to use the panacea.

children under 3 years of age120-145 ml
children - from 4 to 6 years old155 - 225 ml,
children - from 7 to 10 years old225-275 ml,
teenagers - from 11 to 17 years old255 - 325 ml
4-5 ml per kg of child’s weight per day

Donat Mg - how to drink for children?


Reviews of Donat magnesium water for constipation are in most cases positive.

Elena, 45 years old:

A couple of months ago I began to suffer from constipation and had to see a doctor. The gastroenterologist carried out the necessary examinations and said that I was healthy and that I should change my diet, drink more fluids, and exercise. The doctor recommended this mineral water.

I have a question: how to drink Donat Magnesium water correctly for constipation? The doctor explained the regimen that I followed for a month. I can say that in my case Donat turned out to be effective, constipation no longer bothers me.

Therapeutic mineral water Donat Magnesium: instructions for use for pregnant women

The benefits of Donat Mg mineral water are obvious. Naturally, if you do not abuse it, but drink it according to the schemes provided above. Despite this, pregnant women may have doubts about whether the source of unique components will harm the unborn child.

Donat Mg is useful for expectant mothers at any stage, the main thing is that the woman has no contraindications to its composition and does not get carried away with its excessive use.

In small quantities, water will relieve the expectant mother from toxicosis, anemia, constipation, causeless worries, depression, miscarriage, problems with internal organs, all sorts of fears, and nervous overstimulation.

Donat Mg will also be useful for little babies; it can saturate the body with useful substances and normalize the functionality of all vital systems of the body.

Donat Mg - for pregnant women

IMPORTANT : Pregnant women should use Donat Mg in the same way as adults.

Magnesium is the main anti-stress macronutrient!

Murzaeva Irina Yurievna

Endocrinologist, Preventive Medicine Doctor

March 13, 2018

Not so long ago, I began to get involved in the problems of violations of the most important micro (macro) elements in the human body , and it all started with a search for the causes of autoimmune thyroiditis and the reasons for its prevalence, with a textbook on micro element violations in AIT, then the topic began to expand in search of the causes of “massive hair loss ", including in children, searching for the causes of frequent acute respiratory viral infections in children... more to come. It turned out that the violation of the microelement composition of the human body is a huge science and more than one Russian scientist is engaged in this, but this topic is poorly covered and there is little literature where you can familiarize yourself with it:!: But whoever searches will always find.

Today we start talking about the most important microelements and macroelements for humans.

Magnesium is a mineral that is now actively discussed and advertised ... “magnesium for stress”, “magnesium for irritability”, “magnesium for arimagnesium for seizures” “magnesium for uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy”, etc. MagneB6 and Magnelis are perhaps the most famous magnesium preparations. But this is just the tip of the iceberg, magnesium is not so simple...)

Magnesium is involved in more than 300 enzymatic processes in the body; magnesium, along with sodium and potassium, is a vital macroelement (not even a microelement ).

There is only 24 grams of magnesium in the body (this is not much), but without it, it is not possible to conduct a nerve impulse along nerve fibers, or contract the heart, or contract muscles, or regulate blood pressure; without it, blood coagulation is disrupted, appetite is disrupted, there can be nausea and vomiting and other disorders. A separate book has been written about magnesium; it is a serious scientific work, 800 pages long, entitled “Magnesium and the Diseases of Civilization.” In this article I will not cover all the most important “points of application” of magnesium in the body, sometime later, I’d rather talk about its practical application...

Magnesium is a mineral that is difficult to “accumulate” in the body, it is consumed extremely quickly, and the more stress, the more pronounced the magnesium deficiency... But not all magnesium preparations can successfully replenish its deficiency.... For its absorption and for the best effect in a given situation, it is important to understand what magnesium is “connected” with. I’ll explain in more detail... In order to enter the body, magnesium must be “in the composition” of salt or some organic compound, and the effect of magnesium and digestibility will depend on the nature of “this conductor - salt or organic matter”.

Now about magnesium absorption: Magnesium can exist in the following 15 forms −

magnesium citrate, magnesium malate, magnesium glycinate and bisglycinate, magnesium threonate, magnesium carbonate, magnesium lactate, magnesium taurate, magnesium chloride, magnesium orotate. magnesium sulfate, magnesium chelate, magnesium oxide, glutamate and magnesium aspartate.

And now I’ll decipher:

Magnesium citrate is a magnesium salt of citric acid, the most digestible form of magnesium, used in most well-known drugs - MagneB6 and Magnelis, magnesium citrate solgar, etc., is used more often as an antispasmodic, relieves spasms of the gastrointestinal tract, that is, relieves constipation and impaired bile secretion, good in gastroenterology.

Magnesium malate is a magnesium salt of malic acid that relieves hypomagnesium muscle cramps, relieves fatigue and aluminum intoxication in the body.

Magnesium threonate - in combination with threonic acid, in studies improves long-term and short-term memory, better than magnesium citrate

Magnesium taurate is a non-toxic form of magnesium, very bioavailable, good to use for insulin and leptin resistance, that is, it reduces cravings for overeating sweets and “night gluttons.”

Magnesium oxide - can only be used in cases of reducing high stomach acidity; in other cases it causes severe osmotic diarrhea. Therefore, it is good for constipation.

Magnesium chloride - used primarily as bath salts with a calming effect on the nervous system, but more on that later.

Magnesium orotate is a compound of magnesium with orotic acid, has a predominant effect on the heart muscle, is used for rhythm disturbances and congenital heart disease such as mitral valve prolapse.

Magnesium sulfate - combined with sulfuric acid, used in bath salts (in this form it is practically irreplaceable), in “famous” intravenous injections, mainly to relieve hypertensive crises.

Magnesium aspartate and glutamate - it is better not to use, they belong to the class of endotoxins.

Magnesium glycinate and bisglycinate are a good form of magnesium, mixed with glycine, good for chronic fatigue syndrome and pelvic pain, good because it does not cause a laxative effect.

Magnesium lactate is an artificially synthesized, inexpensive form of magnesium, has a general strengthening effect, as an excipient it is used in most magnesium preparations as an integral part.

Magnesium carbonate - also used for increased stomach acidity, neutralizes the effect of NSAIDs, good for GERD, not for phenylketonuria.

Magnesium chelate is a form of magnesium immersed in an amino acid, facilitating bioavailability. The absorption of the chelate and, accordingly, magnesium from it is 90% , it does not change the acidity of the stomach, unlike forms combined with acids - therefore it is suitable for everyone, but accordingly it is less effective for constipation and other gastrointestinal dyskinesias, but is rarely found in retail sales and is expensive form of magnesium.

Magnesium is in close relationship with calcium, vitamins K2 and D3. The balance of these four elements will help maintain health without complications.

Only for thyroid function, magnesium has a less significant effect than selenium, iodine and iron, for example.

Now about my favorite form of magnesium...... If you don’t want to swallow pills, you don’t need a laxative effect, and your nerves are “on edge and you can’t sleep,” it wouldn’t be a bad idea to carry out an Anti-Stress or Detoxification program—your ideal option—English baths salt, or, simply put, baths with magnesium sulfate 0.5-1 kg of salt per 1 bath and within the first 15 minutes “you will start to fall asleep in the bath.”

Below are questionnaires by which you can determine magnesium deficiency in an adult and a child.

How to drink Donat Magnesium water for constipation

Constipation causes discomfort in people; because of this disease, patients feel a constant feeling of fatigue, an unpleasant taste in the mouth, bloating, and nausea. Donat Mg water can save a person from such a problem. It enhances the production of bile secretion and increases the peristalsis of the large intestine. It saturates the body with fluid, thereby preventing stool stagnation.

To get rid of these symptoms, use water according to the usual regimen - three times a day, three hundred to four hundred milliliters per day .

Donat Mg for constipation

Briefly about constipation

The disease is a slow, insufficient or difficult evacuation of feces during defecation . Many doctors consider constipation not an independent pathology, but a manifestation of other diseases.

There can be many reasons for the appearance of constipation: physical inactivity, dietary habits, insufficient consumption of clean water, taking certain medications, change of place of residence, pregnancy in women, prolonged stressful situations, hormonal imbalances in the body, diseases of the colon and rectum.

How to drink Donut Magnesium water while losing weight?

If you decide to lose weight with the help of this natural drink, then you do not have to go on a strict diet and constantly exhaust yourself with workouts in the gym. You can do this without it, by taking only Donat Mg water before eating. Many people who are losing weight have already tested this quality of water on themselves. In one calendar month you can lose from two to six kilograms of body weight. To achieve maximum results, drink a course of water 25 minutes before meals. The scheme for using Donat Mg is presented in the table below.

How to use?Volume of water consumedTemperatureHow to use?How much should I take?
25 minutes before your morning meal225-325 mlTemperature - 55°CQuick sips From 5 to 6 weeks
25 minutes before lunch175-225 mlTemperature - 25°CSlow sips
25 minutes before evening meals175-225 mlTemperature - 25°CSlow sips

Is it possible and how to take Donat Magnesium mineral water if you have diabetes?

If a person regularly does not eat properly and overeats, then his metabolism may be disrupted and, as a result, metabolic syndrome may occur. It lies in the fact that the patient’s organs are disrupted. This causes improper insulin production. It is present in the body, but does not work as it should - it turns into a hormone, which subsequently leads to excessive obesity.

And Donat Mg helps to cope with the situation in such cases. The main substance, which is abundant in the liquid, is magnesium, which penetrates into the cells, where, due to the expulsion of calcium and sodium, there are more receptors on the cell membrane itself. And bicarbonate promotes the production of good hormones, which improve insulin production.

Water lowers blood sugar, normalizes the functionality of the pancreas, and helps slow down the aging process of cellular components. They use it in the same way as for weight loss before meals, twenty-five minutes for a month in the amount of 225-500 milliliters per day.

Donat Mg water for diabetes

Home Recipes

In addition to purchased mineral water, you can prepare the drink at home yourself.


Relieves spasmodic phenomena in the colon, promoting rapid cleansing. To prepare, you will need dry dill seeds and water. Steam for half an hour and take in the morning before breakfast. There is no need to keep the prepared infusion for a long time, as it loses its healing effect. Therefore, you need to prepare one serving of the drink: 1 tbsp. seeds and a glass of boiling water.

Cinnamon and ginger

The mixture of products helps the intestines to improve their functioning, cope with pathogenic microorganisms and relieve constipation. Add ginger and cinnamon a little and in equal proportions to a container with warm water. To improve the taste, add additional honey. Take in the morning or evening before meals.


Lemon drink is used for constipation, invigorates and increases the protective function of the immune system.

Dissolve the juice from a quarter of a lemon in a glass of heated water. Drink on an empty stomach immediately after sleep. To slightly remove the acid, add honey.

Therapeutic mineral water Donat Magnesium: contraindications, side effects

Even such a natural panacea as mineral water has a number of contraindications. You can't drink it:

  • patients with kidney diseases
  • with pathologies of cholelithiasis that require surgery
  • cancer patients, during exacerbation of pathology
  • people with stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers with internal bleeding
  • patients with low acidity

To avoid any complications, take Donat Mg in gentle dosages. Moreover, do not start drinking water immediately with the recommended doses. You should start drinking it with a small amount (preferably half the dose), and then, after making sure that it suits you, take 325-500 ml of water per day.

Contraindications. Who should not drink Donat Mg?

IMPORTANT : To prevent mineral water from losing all its beneficial properties, do not leave it in the refrigerator under any circumstances. It should also not be frozen. Drink water only for prevention. Donat Mg should not replace your daily fluid intake.

Therapeutic mineral water Donat Magnesium: analogues

It is difficult to find Donat Mg mineral water in regular sales. A cheaper analogue could be Stelmas MgSO4. It contains similar components, but they are still somewhat different. This mineral water also has a choleretic and laxative effect. It is necessary to drink the analogue only as prescribed by a medical specialist in the recommended dosages.

Water Stelmas Magnesium - analogue of Donat Mg

This mineral water has been popular for a long time, and now its properties have not been lost. Therefore, it has not lost its popularity to this day. It is not used to treat various diseases. It is recommended for maintaining health and for preventive purposes. If you do not take into account the contraindications of Donat Mg, complications and health problems for the patient are possible. Before using it, consult a medical specialist.

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