Therapeutic diet (table) number 5: what is possible, what is not, menu for the week

What to eat for acute gastritis

The diet for gastritis in the acute stage should be the most gentle. Warm drinks in small portions, oatmeal soup, meat broth, weak tea with honey, and chamomile infusion are allowed.

As the patient recovers, they are given thicker soups, milk cereal porridges, fruit jellies, soft-boiled eggs and bread crumbs. Drinks include jelly and compotes.

When the acute stage of the disease passes, boiled meat and steamed omelettes are added to the diet. After complete relief of symptoms, you can return to a standard diet.

Popular food

1. How to quickly relieve gastritis?
Acute gastritis is often associated with increased acidity of shlank juice. Medicines that reduce the acidity of the stomach can help relieve gastritis. Medicines for the treatment of abdominal pain are prescribed by the doctor after observing the results of the pain.

2. Why should I be afraid that my shank will hurt?

To relieve pain in the stomach, it is necessary to go to the doctor, undergo unfastening, in order to identify the causes of abdominal pain and damage during the etching process. Based on the results of the fasting, the doctor can make a diagnosis and determine proper treatment.

3. How do you treat gastritis?

The methods and severity of treatment for gastritis depend on the severity and cause of illness. For acute gastritis of an infectious nature (grub sickness), washing the gut and renewing the waste will help. Treatment of chronic gastritis is more problematic due to the use of antibacterial drugs and liquids that reduce the acidity of the squash juice.




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Author: Frolova Elina Yuriivna

Doctor-gastroenterologist. Vishcha category. Work experience 22 years. Candidate of Medical Sciences.

Nutrition for different forms of gastritis

Gastritis can be of different types of acidity - low and high. Accordingly, products are selected for the purpose of increasing or decreasing secretory functions.

The diet for gastritis with high acidity is as gentle as possible. At the acute stage, it is allowed to eat only liquid food - milk soups with pureed rice or semolina. When the exacerbation is over, boiled fish and meat without salt and spices are allowed.

With reduced secretion, you need to cook chicken and meat broths to stimulate the secretion of gastric juice. Vegetable salads, jelly and berry mousses are also allowed. However, smoked, fatty and fried foods, carbonated drinks that have an excessive effect on increasing secretion remain prohibited.

General information about cottage cheese

The fermented milk product contains a large amount of useful substances that are quickly absorbed. Cottage cheese is the basis of any table diet for gastrointestinal diseases.

When consumed in a processed form, the release of hydrochloric acid is greatly reduced, so in the treatment of gastritis it is used more often than milk, sour cream and even bio-yogurt.


The product is made from fermented milk, which is separated from the whey.
In accordance with quality standards, cottage cheese may contain different amounts of fat (1-25%), so the nutritional value of the compositions will differ depending on the manufacturer. The amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU) per 100 g of a classic product is expressed in the proportion 16:5:3 g (121 kcal). The remaining mass is water, food acids and fiber, cholesterol. The composition is rich in vitamins A, D, E, H, PP, group B.

The largest specific gravity among minerals are such elements as selenium, phosphorus, sulfur, calcium, chlorine, magnesium, potassium, iron, copper, zinc.

Cottage cheese consists of a large number of useful components.

Cottage cheese is a source of 22 amino acids, 14 of which are considered essential (arginine, leucine, tryptophan, cysteine, histidine, etc.).

The product is also rich in fatty acids, including polyunsaturated omega-3 and omega-6.

Beneficial features

Cottage cheese is a unique product that can fight many systemic disorders of the body and strengthen the immune system.
Beneficial features:

  1. Improves metabolism.
  2. Prevents fermentation processes in the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Strengthens tooth enamel, bones, hair, nails.
  4. Stabilizes the state of the nervous system.
  5. Normalizes hormonal levels.
  6. Promotes weight loss.
  7. Strengthens the heart muscle and blood vessel walls.

Following the rules for taking cottage cheese for gastrointestinal diseases helps get rid of symptoms such as heartburn, belching, flatulence, and diarrhea.

Useful properties of fermented milk product.

Nutrition rules for gastritis

With gastritis, you need to eat in small portions, but this should be done 5-6 times a day. This will prevent you from overloading your stomach. You cannot eat cold or hot; food and drink must be warm.

Foods for gastritis are selected from those that are most quickly digested. In addition to this, it is advisable to grind it, make porridge or puree.

In the Medicenter clinic network, you can get a consultation with a gastroenterologist, during which a specialist will select individual therapy and diet to cure gastritis as effectively and quickly as possible.

Gastritis, ulcers, gastric dysfunction: what you need to know after the holidays

Winter holidays are traditionally accompanied by abundant feasts, and the digestive organs are the first to take the hit. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov Alexander Trukhmanov

explains what digestive disorders, gastritis and ulcers are, and also debunks some myths.

Gastritis and its complication - peptic ulcer disease - are not without reason called a disease of civilization. An unhealthy lifestyle, eating on the run and constant stress - all this, of course, gradually destroys our digestive organs. And an analysis of queries in search engines shows that 80% of people associate pain in the stomach with gastritis.

Meanwhile, most often such pain is caused by a violation of the contractile function of the stomach and, as a consequence, cramps. Impaired motility does not lead to gastritis. If you suffer from heartburn and heaviness in the stomach, if you have a “sick feeling in the pit of your stomach,” then most likely you DO NOT have gastritis. In most cases, these symptoms indicate impaired motility of the digestive tract. But when they are accompanied by pain, fever, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, you should consult a doctor.


Our body needs a routine: it benefits when we eat regularly and at the right time, exercise, relax, and sleep. The movement of food through the digestive tract is regulated by a complex chain of signals that “run” between the sections of the digestive tract and the brain.

The reason for impaired motility of the digestive tract is “failures” in its regulation. A heavy dinner has a particularly negative effect on the motility of the digestive tract. Food is retained in the stomach for more thorough digestion, and the enzyme systems, which have been idle all day, are severely overloaded. The result of such overload is spasms. Gastric motility is based on a conditioned reflex.

Everyone probably remembers “Pavlov’s dog” from school. So this theory is not at all outdated. Another reason for disruption of the digestive tract is chronic stress. In addition, stress reduces local intestinal immunity. Impaired motility of the digestive tract very often causes heartburn, as well as diseases such as functional dyspepsia and irritable bowel syndrome.

That heartburn again...

Did you know that the cause of heartburn is not the increased acidity of gastric juice, but a violation of the regulation of motility of the stomach, esophagus and sphincter, which separates these two organs? Heartburn occurs when part of the stomach contents reflux into the esophagus. And the acidity of gastric juice does not matter: it is always much more acidic than the contents of the esophagus. Normally, the sphincter between the esophagus and stomach, which prevents backflow, opens during a swallow.

Heartburn occurs when the valve does not close tightly or opens under pressure from the stomach. Thus, “fat heartburn” is known. Its reason is that an obese person, wanting to hide his physical imperfection, tightens his belt tightly or pulls in his stomach too much. A large amount of food, especially fatty food, also causes heartburn due to increased pressure on the valve, since food lingers longer in the stomach so that it is better digested.

Gastritis doesn't always hurt

For a long time, the main causes of chronic gastritis were considered to be poor diet, abuse of spicy and fatty foods and strong alcoholic drinks, and stress. But the discovery of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori radically changed the understanding of the causes of gastritis. It is this microorganism that in 85% of cases is the cause of chronic gastritis and duodenal ulcers.

Doctors agree that if a person is infected with Helicobacter pylori, then he probably has gastritis. But for most, it occurs in a mild form, affecting only the upper layer of the gastric mucosa. There are no pain receptors in the mucous membrane, so gastritis does not make itself felt.

Experts estimate that 90% of infected Helicobacter pylori carriers do not have any symptoms. About one person in ten develops “real” gastritis with erosive changes or peptic ulcer disease. In this case, pain occurs because the ulcer affects the muscle tissue of the stomach, which has pain receptors.

In acute form

The most common cause of acute inflammation of the digestive tract - gastritis or enteritis - is a bacterial or viral infection. The source of bacterial infection can be spoiled food, dirty or stale water, and poorly washed fruits and vegetables. The main symptoms of infectious acute gastritis and acute enteritis are severe pain, nausea and vomiting, and diarrhea. If diarrhea is severe, accompanied by signs of intoxication and fever, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Another fairly common cause of acute gastritis is eating overly spicy or simply unusual food. Acute gastritis can also develop after taking large doses of strong alcoholic drinks. Some medications can also cause acute gastritis: the instructions must notify you of an aggressive effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.

Ubiquitous Enzymes

Advertising of drugs that improve digestion creates the impression that they are absolutely “harmless” and, moreover, neutralize all the consequences of culinary excesses. Enzyme preparations are used in complex course treatment of a number of diseases. But doctors are categorically against the constant use of such drugs without medical indications.

Firstly, they act differently, have their own characteristics and must be selected individually, taking into account the digestive disorders of a particular person.

Secondly, regular use of enzyme preparations provokes poor nutrition: it turns out that they allow you to eat a lot and everything without consequences. But occasionally, when celebrating the New Year, for example, a one-time dose of enzyme preparations can be useful, taking into account a hearty feast. The medicine should be taken with food.

Treatment takes time

If acute gastritis or enteritis is not treated (and the clinically proven course of treatment is 21 days), it will most likely turn into a chronic form and will remind itself for the rest of life with periodic exacerbations. Living on a schedule, following a strict diet, and taking medications regularly will ensure your full recovery.

Source: Home

Prohibited Products

Drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited if you have gastritis.

Gastritis is a disorder of the functional digestive system.

If you have a weakened stomach, you should follow all the necessary recommendations to avoid even bigger problems.

First of all, you need to monitor what is taken orally. In addition to following a therapeutic diet, it is recommended to pay attention to the medications you take. There are prohibited foods for gastritis. They are:

What are the symptoms of gastritis?

Gastritis manifests itself: • Severe pain or burning in the stomach;
• Nausea and vomiting (sometimes with blood); • A feeling of “fullness” immediately after eating or a feeling of early satiety; • Lack of appetite; • Frequent hiccups; • Indigestion; • Black stool.


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