Mineral water Donat Mg: medicinal properties, method of application, reviews

Thanks to its unique composition, mineral water called Donat Magnesium has medicinal properties, and in order to use them for your benefit, you need to study the instructions for use. This water is recommended for children and adults, women during pregnancy, elderly people, and athletes. It is mined in Slovenia. Donat mg mineral water is produced in three variations: plastic containers (0.5 l and 1 l) and glass bottles (0.75 l).

On a note! The healing water Donat Magnesium has gained popularity a long time ago. And since its effectiveness has been proven by more than one generation, it has retained its relevance to this day. Healing water saturates the human body with valuable minerals, among which sodium and magnesium are the leaders. It can be used as an additional remedy for the treatment of many diseases, and can also be used for their prevention.

Composition of Donat Magnesium water: table

Donat Magnesium mineral water has a unique chemical composition. It is full of useful components, therefore it is used to treat various diseases.

Physico-chemical composition of medicinal min. Magnesium Donat water (mg) is presented in the table.

Cations mg/l Anions mg/l
Sodium 1565 Hydrocarbonates 7790
Magnesium 1060 Sulfates 2200
Calcium 375 Chlorides 66,6
Potassium 17,1 Bromides 0,42
Lithium 2,40 Fluorides 0,20
Ammonium 0,77 Iodides 0,12
Iron 0,30 Hydrophosphates 0,12
Aluminum 0,17 Nitrates <0,12
Manganese 0,11 Nitrites <0,02
Carbonic anhydride 3620 Silicic acid 145
General mineralization 13 250

The composition of water is dominated by magnesium and sodium. When interacting with other components, they provide a healing effect.

Indications for use and beneficial properties

The presence of medicinal properties allows the use of Donat Magnesium mineral water for the treatment of most diseases, and the indications for its use are as follows:

  • gastritis, constipation and other gastrointestinal problems: medicinal water has the ability to lower the stomach, increase blood flow, restore peristalsis and intestinal mucous membranes;
  • diabetes mellitus: after drinking Donat Magnesium mineral water, the functioning of the pancreas is restored, the level of glucose in the blood decreases, and the production of insulin increases;
  • pancreatitis, hepatitis: blood flow increases, bile composition improves;
  • hypertension: vascular spasms are reduced, their walls are strengthened, pressure is stabilized;
  • postoperative period: medicinal water gives additional strength to the body and helps it recover faster after surgery;
  • male infertility: sperm movement accelerates (water helps only in cases where the cause of their inhibition is a lack of magnesium in the body);
  • depression: appetite increases, mood improves, apathy goes away;
  • overweight: by improving the metabolic processes occurring in the body, fat deposits are broken down;
  • food poisoning: toxins, waste and other dangerous substances are removed from the body.

Thus, Donat MG water improves the health of the entire body. It cleanses it, strengthens the immune system, preventing many diseases, and helps organs work properly.

On a note! According to experts, Donat Magnesium water even takes an active part in the production of hormones.

Donat Mg - mineral “balm” for the body

The main ingredients of the natural solution have a variety of therapeutic effects on the body.


The Mg2+ cation reduces the permeability of cell membranes, thereby reducing the intensity of inflammation. The need for magnesium increases during a busy pace of life, in stressful situations, during pregnancy, and during periods of intensive growth. Deficiency of this component often occurs in old age.

The role of the mineral magnesium in the body:

  • maintains electrolyte balance;
  • together with phosphorus and calcium, it forms bone tissue;
  • participates in energy metabolism, the release of energy in metabolic reactions;
  • plays an important role in carbohydrate metabolism, protein synthesis and cell division;
  • promotes muscle contractions, including the heart muscle;
  • supports the functions of nervous tissue.

Magnesium deficiency is more severely felt by those who are on diets, whose small intestine and its parts are damaged, so absorption is impaired. If cells lack Mg2+, the body removes these cations from the bones and liver. However, losses cannot be compensated for indefinitely by reserves, and as a result, signs of malaise intensify.

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency:

  • feeling of numbness or tingling in the limbs;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • mood swings;
  • muscle spasms;
  • irritability;
  • headache;
  • insomnia;
  • convulsions;
  • constipation.

Sodium and calcium

Sodium is important for maintaining electrolyte balance, glucose absorption, and intestinal enzyme production. Calcium reduces the permeability of cell membranes and has anti-inflammatory and desensitizing effects. It has a positive effect on the growth and strengthening of bone tissue and the condition of teeth. Reduces intestinal motility, reduces increased excitability of the nervous system.

How to take Donat Magnesium correctly?

To obtain a therapeutic effect, you need to know how to drink Donat Magnesium mineral water correctly. Depending on the indications for use, special treatment regimens have been developed:

  • Gastrointestinal diseases, dysfunctions of the nervous system: 150-200 ml on an empty stomach in the morning, as well as half a glass before lunch and dinner;
  • diabetes mellitus: 1 glass in the morning on an empty stomach, 150 ml at the rest of the day;
  • hypertension, infertility in men, cholelithiasis: half a glass before meals;
  • obesity, removal of toxic substances from the body: 300 ml in the morning on an empty stomach and 200 ml before lunch and dinner;
  • constipation: up to 350 ml in the morning before meals, 200 ml in the afternoon and evening;
  • hangover: 350 ml in the morning, half a glass every 2 hours throughout the day.

Regardless of the indications, Donat MG magnesium water should be drunk immediately before meals. Dosages in each individual case can be adjusted by the attending physician.

Can children drink Donut?

Before starting a course of therapy, the child needs to be shown to a doctor and find out if they need it. The incoming element is especially necessary for children during the period of active growth. The heaviest loads at school, clubs and sections lead to fatigue, apathy, and loss of appetite. All this is due to a lack of Mg.

If you notice that your child does not get enough sleep or sleeps poorly, is constantly lethargic and tired and begins to develop chronic fatigue syndrome. Or, on the contrary, he is hyperactive, does not sit in one place for a minute, is aggressive, he experiences unreasonable mood swings, contact a diagnostician for advice on the possibility of prescribing a course of therapeutic treatment.

In addition, Donat Mg is indicated for children suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, obesity, diabetes, etc.

The formula for calculating the amount of fluid for a child is: per 1 kg of weight - 5 mg of mineral water.

Instructions for use of Donat Magnesium water for children

The way to use mineral water for children depends on their age:

  • over 10 years: 120 ml before meals in the morning, the same amount before lunch and 50 ml before dinner;
  • 6−10 years: 100 ml in the morning before meals, the same amount before lunch and 40 ml before the evening meal;
  • 1−6 years: 80 ml before meals in the morning and afternoon, 40 ml before evening meals;
  • up to one year: 10 ml every 3-4 hours before meals.

Healing water is useful not only for adults; it is also recommended for children to drink. As a rule, it is used for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, which often happens in childhood due to an unstable digestive system. In case of poisoning, this water, along with medications, helps remove toxins from the body, as well as restore the functions of the stomach and intestines. For children under one year old, it will allow them to better accept complementary foods and adjust to a new diet.

How Donat Mg works

The action of Donat Mg in the body occurs as follows.
Once in the stomach, bicarbonate reacts with gastric juice, resulting in the release of carbon dioxide. Air bubbles actively move in the stomach, as if massaging the mucous membrane, as a result of which the blood supply to the mucous membrane increases and the secretory function of the glands of the stomach and intestines increases. Magnesium is absorbed by those cells that need it, while excess magnesium is easily excreted, without lingering anywhere and without causing harm to the body. This greatly distinguishes Donat Mg from other sources of magnesium, especially those produced in tablet form. Very often, magnesium contained in tablet preparations does not enter into biochemical reactions, but settles in the cells, thereby exerting a toxic effect.

Dosage regimen during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman’s body needs support more than ever. And Donat Magnesium mineral water can provide it.

During the period of bearing a child, the following dosage regimen is recommended:

  • keep the water at room temperature for at least 2 hours;
  • drink 200 ml before meals in the morning, you can have breakfast 20 minutes later;
  • drink 150 ml before daytime and evening meals.

Since many women suffer from constipation during pregnancy, healing mineral water will help avoid such problems. It will make the intestines work correctly.

On a note! It is not recommended to exceed the prescribed dose of Donat Magnesium water, as this can lead to flatulence, diarrhea and, as a result, dehydration.

Types of mineral water

Mineral water is water that contains dissolved salts, trace elements, and a small percentage of biologically active components. Mineral waters have a similar chemical composition. The difference lies only in the quantitative presence of one or another component: • acid salts of carbonic acid (hydrocarbonates); • mineral salts of sulfuric acid (sulfates); • salts of hydrochloric acid (chlorides); • magnesium. Mixed mineral water contains several active components. Mineralization of natural liquid occurs deep underground, as well as when flowing through rocks. The composition of simulators made in accordance with GOST does not differ, but the taste may be different. It all depends on the water taken as a basis. According to its purpose, mineral water can be: • Table water - with minimal mineralization. This is ordinary water that you can drink every day and cook food with it. • Medicinal dining room - with medium mineralization. Without consulting a doctor, it is allowed for people who do not have chronic diseases of the digestive tract. The famous Borjomi belongs to this category. • Medicinal – with maximum mineralization. Not recommended unless medically indicated. Carbonated mineral water is natural or simulated water saturated with carbon dioxide. Gas is added to increase the shelf life of the product.

Instructions for use for athletes

For people who play sports or simply lead an active lifestyle, Donat Magnesium water will help restore strength and replenish lack of energy. As you know, a lot of them are lost during classes. In addition, there is a significant load on the muscles and internal organs. With the help of mineral magnesium water, you will be able to recover in the shortest possible time, feeling a charge of energy and a surge of strength.

Magnesium takes an active part in the breakdown and absorption of carbohydrates, proteins and fats in the human body. If this element is insufficient, dysfunction of internal organs occurs. Magnesium water will compensate for its deficiency.

The beneficial properties of Donat Magnesium medicinal water for athletes are as follows:

  • getting rid of fatigue;
  • strengthening the heart muscle;
  • strengthening physical endurance;
  • muscle mass growth;
  • relief from muscle pain and spasms.

On a note! Since magnesium is ionized in mineral water, the body is more quickly saturated with it. If you take it in tablet form, the body will have to expend additional energy to absorb this element.

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Discussion: 3 comments

  1. Notice: Cucumber juice: benefits and harms, recipes for the winter
  2. Notice: All about the benefits of green tea and its harm for women, the best recipes, effective use
  3. Inna:

    July 5, 2022 at 02:55 pm

    and I buy magnesium concentrate and prepare my own magnesium water. Same benefits, but much cheaper


It is not advisable to drink Donat Magnesium water if you have kidney failure, severe gastrointestinal illnesses, internal bleeding, kidney stones, or cancer. Contraindication is the presence of problems with kidney function.

Side effects after taking Donat Magnesium mineral water are diarrhea, constipation, and flatulence. As a rule, undesirable effects occur only if the treatment regimen is not followed. The dosages recommended in the instructions for use should not be exceeded.

On a note! Before using Donat Magnesium mineral water, you should consult your doctor. This will help avoid unwanted effects.

The role of magnesium-containing mineral waters in the treatment of chronic functional disorders of gastrointestinal motility

Currently, the problem of functional intestinal diseases and chronic constipation in the adult population is becoming increasingly relevant. Chronic constipation is associated with decreased HR-QOL [1] and is thought to result in 13.7 million workdays lost annually in the United States alone [2].

Constipation is usually called a chronic (lasting more than 48 hours) delay in bowel movements or bowel movements. Functional constipation is called functional constipation if no connection has been identified with known genetic or structural pathologies of the intestine [3]. According to the Rome IV Revision Criteria, to diagnose functional constipation, at least two of the following criteria must be met [4]:

  • less than 3 bowel movements per week;
  • separation of feces of high density;
  • lack of feeling of complete bowel movement after bowel movement;
  • the presence of a feeling of “blocking” of contents in the rectum during pushing;
  • the need for strong pushing;
  • the need for digital removal of contents from the rectum, support of the pelvic floor with fingers, etc.

According to a meta-analysis published in 2011, the worldwide incidence of chronic idiopathic constipation is 14% [5]. At the same time, the data obtained by the authors of the analysis indicate a trend toward an increase in the incidence of constipation over time. It is worth noting that in some publications on the incidence of chronic constipation, higher rates are given: for example, in residents of developed countries it can reach or even exceed 25%, regardless of the diagnostic criteria used [6-8].

The etiology of functional constipation is complex and is influenced by many risk factors, including dietary habits, sedentary lifestyle, bad habits and concomitant diseases [9]. Considering the multifactorial nature of the disease, its growing prevalence is not surprising. Since simultaneous elimination of all risk factors is impossible, it is necessary to provide a complex effect, eliminating symptoms and, at the same time, laying the foundations for long-term effects at the organismal level.

Magnesium preparations have been successfully used as laxatives for a long time. Magnesium ions create a hyperosmolar environment in the intestinal lumen, which promotes fluid retention and softening of stool. Thus, magnesium and its derivatives can be classified as classic saline osmotic laxatives [10, 11]. In addition, magnesium is involved in many enzymatic reactions, promoting the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates, and also stimulates contractions of the smooth muscles of internal organs, which facilitates peristalsis [12].

To provide a long-lasting therapeutic effect, the dosage form prescribed to patients with chronic constipation should promote maximum compliance. In this case, it seems most convenient to use mineral waters with a high content of magnesium ions. Compared to existing internal magnesium sulfate powders, they require no additional preparation before use and deliver a more consistent dose of magnesium on an ongoing basis, resulting in a gentler, more predictable effect.

The use of magnesium mineral waters of high mineralization (using the example of Donat Mg water) is proposed for the treatment of chronic constipation at the level of clinical recommendations [12]. For the greatest therapeutic effect, it is recommended to take water on an empty stomach, having previously cooled it to 15-20 degrees Celsius, which contributes to a reflex increase in intestinal motility. In addition, regular intake of such mineral water helps restore intestinal microflora, normalize the functioning of the body's immune systems, and repair the intestinal epithelium. A more detailed algorithm was proposed by M.A. Kruchinina et al. [13] and involves taking mineral water twice a day 15-20 minutes before meals, in a dose of 200-300 ml before breakfast and 100-200 ml before lunch.

Note that the use of water at a higher temperature is also possible, but leads to a slightly different effect and, as a result, has a different set of indications. Warm mineral water has an analgesic and antispasmodic effect and increases the flow of bile. The use of heated mineral water is indicated for diseases of the biliary tract and postcholecystectomy syndrome. Warm calcium-magnesium-sodium waters can also be prescribed for chronic pancreatitis during remission [12].

“Donat Mg” is a highly mineralized carbonic siliceous sulfate-hydrocarbonate sodium-magnesium medicinal mineral water obtained from a source on the territory of the balneological resort of Rogaska Slatina in Slovenia. A large amount of bicarbonate increases the biological availability of water and its components. Due to this, magnesium ions in water can have not only a local, but also a systemic effect, promoting long-term treatment [14].

As practice shows, mineral waters with a predominance of Mg2+ ions can be successfully used to treat chronic constipation in the long term. So, L.Kh. Indeikina et al. demonstrated that regular use of Donat Mg mineral water by patients with chronic constipation leads to a significant increase in the rate of carbolene transit, normalization of the Bristol scale score and improvement in the subjective quality of life [15]. A similar result was obtained in the study by M.A. Kruchinina [13], where the authors achieved normalization of intestinal transit time and normalization of stool when prescribing Donat Mg mineral water.

It should be noted, however, that only water with a certain ratio of components and a sufficient level of magnesium can achieve a pronounced therapeutic effect. A randomized, double-blind study in Berlin demonstrated the superiority of Donat Mg mineral water over lower mineralization mineral water obtained from another source in Rogaška Slatina [14]. After six weeks of observation, in the group of patients taking Donat Mg water, the frequency of complete spontaneous bowel movements without taking any laxative increased significantly, while in the control group a similar effect was not pronounced.

Thus, Donat Mg mineral water represents a convenient tool for long-term treatment of functional constipation in patients of the adult age group, which does not require significant changes in the patient’s lifestyle. The optimal ratio of ions in its composition makes it possible to achieve beneficial effects at the local and systemic level and contributes to a more pronounced elimination of the symptoms of pathology compared to other waters containing magnesium.


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  13. Kruchinina M.A., Purveeva K.V., Minushkin O.N., Lvova N.V. Experience in using Donat Mg mineral water in gastroenterological practice. Medical Council, 2022. No. 15.
  14. Trukhan D.I. Functional gastrointestinal disorders: prospects for the use of medicinal mineral water. Medical Council, 2022. No. 5.
  15. Indeikina L.Kh., Sokolova E.S., Samsonova N.G., Parfenov A.I. Evaluation of the effect of medicinal mineral water “Donat Mg” on the motor-evacuation function of the colon in patients with functional constipation. Evidence-based gastroenterology, 2022. No. 1. pp. 59–60.


Donat Magnesium mineral water has no analogues. However, other agents with similar effects can be noted. Magnesium also predominates in their composition.

Analogue Total information
Zajecicka Horka, Czech Republic Non-carbonated drink with a bitter taste
Stelmas Mg, Russia Sparkling water
Narzan, Russia Mineral water with medium gas content
Truskavetskaya, Ukraine Lightly carbonated mineral water
Uleimskaya Magnesiya, Russia Highly carbonated mineral water

How to drink mineral water correctly?

There are no restrictions or rules for a regular non-carbonated drink. If a drinking treatment is prescribed, the doctor will explain how often and in what quantity the natural medicine should be taken. Usually start with half a glass 3 times a day before meals, gradually increasing the volume of liquid to 1.5 glasses. In this case, the temperature should be 37-38°C. Separate rules exist for drinking underground water from sources (at balneological resorts). To improve the health of the body, it is recommended: • 100-200 ml 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals; • always warm – from 36 to 39°C; • in small sips - without haste; • recovery course - 1-1.5 months. Adherents of balneological treatment advise drinking underground liquid from a mug with a spout to protect tooth enamel from mineral impurities.

Expert advice

Since Donat Magnesium mineral water contains a large number of useful minerals, its benefits are obvious. It activates all important biochemical processes occurring in the human body. Literally a few minutes after consumption, magnesium water reaches all cells and organs, providing a healing effect.

On a note! Experts say that if you follow the established standards when drinking Donat Mg water, you can only use it to replenish the daily dose of magnesium in the body.

Since magnesium water has a beneficial effect on all organs and systems, it should be drunk in therapeutic courses. According to experts, the greatest positive effect is observed in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, arrhythmia and diabetes. To avoid harm, you should take this water as a medicine, and not as a regular drink to quench your thirst. It is important to follow the recommended doses and not exceed them.

It is advisable to drink water at room temperature, since in this form it is absorbed best by the body.

Contraindications for use

Treatment is contraindicated in case of severe disturbances in the motor activity of the stomach, in cases of disturbances in the motor and evacuation functions of the stomach, bleeding ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, in diseases of the stomach, duodenum, intestines, liver and biliary tract in the acute phase. It is also prohibited to take Donat Mg if you have cancer. It is important to remember that any intake of water for therapeutic purposes must be as prescribed by a doctor. This is especially important in relation to children.

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