How is mineral water useful for heartburn and how to use it?

  • Heartburn symptoms
  • Is mineral water beneficial for heartburn?
  • How to use mineral water correctly?
  • Which water is better to choose?
  • Contraindications
  • Does mineral water help get rid of heartburn during pregnancy?

People suffering from heartburn often cope with discomfort with the help of pills and various folk remedies. However, there is a simpler but effective solution - mineral water. Drinking a drink with a suitable level of mineralization will quickly eliminate the burning sensation in the esophagus without any side effects. What kind of mineral water should you drink if you have heartburn and why does it help with discomfort?

How does heartburn manifest?

Heartburn occurs when a muscle in the esophagus called the sphincter stops functioning normally. In a physiological state, it should close tightly immediately after eating. If there are interruptions in the functioning of the sphincter, due to which it does not close completely, part of the food is returned back with hydrochloric acid.

Such return of food irritates the esophageal mucosa and stimulates heartburn. Mineral water, in turn, helps relieve the burning sensation during exacerbations. The benefits of the drink have long been discovered, so many doctors began to recommend this simple and widely available remedy to their patients suffering from heartburn.

Atrophic and erosive

Zero acidity of juice in the stomach is characteristic of atrophic gastritis, which cannot be cured with mineral water. Drinks will help alleviate the condition, but doctors additionally prescribe medications to replenish the secretion deficiency.

With atrophic gastritis, stagnation in the stomach is dangerous, so you need to eat little by little. Mineral water for the atrophic form is the same as for gastritis with low acidity.

In the case of erosive gastritis, there is a risk of the disease developing into an ulcer. Drinks and all food should be gentle, so mineral water should be exclusively without gases and at room temperature. Use no more than 50 ml at a time. If erosive gastritis is accompanied by colitis, pancreatitis or hepatitis, the doctor may give separate recommendations to the patient.

How does mineral water help?

So, if you have heartburn, you can drink mineral waters, but not all of them. We will still find out which ones are recommended, but now we will determine how they generally work:

  • Neutralizes the effect of hydrochloric acid. The reaction includes metals from mineral water, so water is especially effective when discomfort is felt in the chest area.
  • Drinking mineral water will reduce the likelihood of heartburn after eating. You need to drink a glass a couple of hours before meals, which will reduce the level of hydrochloric acid. If heartburn does appear, it will go away very quickly.
  • Mineral water is useful for heartburn that occurs on an empty stomach.

Heartburn provocateurs and diet

Heartburn can be provoked by fatty foods and chocolate.

Even a healthy person sometimes experiences heartburn. This is caused by certain factors that trigger the release of acid into the esophagus. Such provocateurs include fatty foods, especially when washed down with alcohol, chocolate and other sweets, smoking on an empty stomach, and sleeping after eating.

Many people like to lie down after a hearty lunch, but doing this right away is not recommended. When a person lies down, the flow of acid into the esophagus becomes even easier, which is why heartburn occurs. After eating you need to wait half an hour or an hour.

Soda, strong coffee and tea, and some medications can cause heartburn. If you notice that heartburn occurs after a certain food or drink, you should avoid it.

If heartburn has become constant, occurs after every meal, and is accompanied by abdominal pain, this is a sign of a disease, you should consult a doctor. People who are overweight or who gain weight quickly also often suffer from heartburn. The stomach stretches and more hydrochloric acid is released. The habit of wearing tight belts can also cause heartburn.

Rules of use

To benefit from mineral water for heartburn, you need to follow a few tips from experts:

  • Cold drink is not suitable. You need to heat it up to 40 degrees. Moreover, mineral water from the refrigerator aggravates the situation.
  • Before drinking the drink, release your gases (if the mineral water is carbonated). The gas will relax the sphincter muscles, causing heartburn to worsen.
  • You need to drink water in small portions of about 50 ml up to four times a day.
  • Therapeutic mineral water is recommended half an hour after eating.

The main thing is to choose mineral water that you can drink for heartburn, taking into account other disorders and diseases.

How much to drink per day?

The allowed amount depends on the degree of mineralization. Healing highly mineralized water will do more harm than good if you drink it without a doctor’s prescription. The sodium concentration in this drink reaches 4-6 g per 1 liter, which is equivalent to 10-15 g of salt. If you have hypertension or kidney problems, drinking mineral water with such indicators is contraindicated. For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, you need to drink as much as prescribed by your doctor. Usually this is 500-600 ml per day. Frequent indications for drinking treatment: • gastroesophageal reflux disease; • esophagitis; • gastritis; • chronic pancreatitis; • stomach and duodenal ulcers. The mineralization of medicinal table drinks ranges from 1 to 10 g per 1 liter. This water contains iron, silicon, iodine. Before bottling, carbon dioxide is added to it. For medicinal purposes it is prescribed for colitis, constipation, pancreatitis, diabetes, chronic gastritis with high and low acidity. The dosage is determined by the doctor. People who do not suffer from gastrointestinal diseases will benefit from medicinal table water with regular, moderate consumption. Table mineral water can be carbonated or non-carbonated. It is not recommended to abuse water with gas. If consumed excessively, carbon dioxide, which is present in drinks, can cause increased acidity of the gastrointestinal tract, flatulence, bloating, and deterioration of the skin. The non-carbonated drink is absolutely safe, so you can drink it as much as you want. For children they produce special non-carbonated mineral water in small bottles. For example, “Baby”, “Firefly”, “Kalinov fontanel”. This mineral water is enriched with calcium and magnesium. Small children should not drink regular mineral water. If a child has problems with the digestive tract, from the age of 6-7 years, a gastroenterologist can prescribe a medical table or treatment room. Schoolchildren are allowed such drinks 2-3 times a week in small quantities.

What kind of water is suitable?

There are many types of mineral water on store shelves, but not all of them are useful for heartburn. We recommend purchasing one of the following:

  • Borjomi. You can drink up to 2 glasses a day, but every 2-4 weeks you need a break for the same period.
  • Essentuki. Regulates gastric motility. Eliminates heartburn, but may create a slight laxative effect.
  • Smirnovskaya. Medicinal table water, which can be drunk for up to a month.
  • Krainka and Ivanovskaya. They are similar in composition and activate the bile ducts.

Never buy Talitskaya or Minsk mineral water, which only worsen heartburn by increasing the production of hydrochloric acid.

To normalize the functioning of the stomach with chronic gastritis, doctors recommend sticking to a balanced diet, giving up fast food, too spicy, sour and fatty foods, as well as alcohol and cigarettes. Drinking mineral water also has a good restorative effect - for example, the legendary “Essentuki” from, which has been used for more than 200 years and is one of the most famous and well-studied mineral waters. "Essentuki" increases the effectiveness of all therapy in the treatment of gastritis.

Stomach pain, nausea, heaviness and loss of appetite are not a complete list of symptoms of exacerbation of chronic gastritis. They arise due to an inflammatory process in the gastric mucosa, which can develop over years. In the early stages, gastritis can occur with increased acidity, which contributes to the further progression of inflammation, but later mucosal atrophy may occur with a decrease in the production of hydrochloric acid and disruption of the entire digestive process.

Thanks to its unique composition, Essentuki mineral water has a positive effect on the digestive system. Bicarbonate ions have an alkalizing effect and normalize secretion, chloride ion stimulates the formation of digestive enzymes, boron promotes regeneration and healing of the mucous membrane.

When taken orally, Essentuki mineral water irritates the receptors of the oral mucosa, which leads to an increase in the amount of saliva and a reflex change in the function of the gastrointestinal tract. The longer water acts on the mucous membrane of the anterior oral cavity, the stronger its effect on the stomach. That is why, to enhance secretion and gastric motility, mineral water should be drunk slowly in small sips, and to suppress it - quickly and in large sips. The effect also depends on the water temperature.

“Essentuki mineral water is especially useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT): esophagitis, gastritis, peptic ulcers, diseases of the intestines, liver and pancreas. In addition to its effect on the gastrointestinal tract, water promotes the normal functioning of nerves and muscles, and for pregnant women it is a real salvation from heartburn and nausea due to toxicosis,” says M.R. Zinnatullin, gastroenterologist, Ph.D.

Which Essentuki to choose and how to take them correctly for chronic gastritis?

“Essentuki No. 4” is a medicinal table water of medium mineralization with a wide range of uses for both treatment and prevention, and can be used in everyday life. “Essentuki No. 17” is medicinal water of high mineralization with a pronounced healing effect.

“Essentuki No. 4” is recommended to be taken according to the following regimen:

  • for gastritis with high acidity: 150–200 ml of warm water (38–40 ℃) 1 hour before meals, drink quickly in large sips;
  • for gastritis with normal acidity: 150–200 ml of slightly warmed water (28–35 ℃) 40 minutes before meals, drink slowly in small sips;
  • for gastritis with low acidity: 100–200 ml of water at room temperature (18–25 ℃) 20 minutes before meals, drink slowly in small sips.

“Essentuki No. 17” is taken according to a similar scheme for gastritis with normal and low acidity.

It is important to remember that you can drink medicinal and medicinal table mineral water only outside the phase of exacerbation of the disease. For medicinal purposes, it is recommended to consult a specialist before use. In cases of exacerbation, consultation with a doctor is required.

About mineral water "Essentuki"

The traditional quality and taste of real, those same “Essentuki” are unchanged and are familiar to us since childhood. This water is rightfully considered the pearl of Caucasian mineral waters and is famous for its healing and general health properties, which have been proven for centuries. The unique composition of the water was formed over 800 years and contains more than 30 minerals. Essentuki water has a beneficial effect on human well-being, helps maintain health and protect the body from the negative effects of the environment, and is effective as part of the complex therapy of respiratory diseases, in the treatment of gastrointestinal tract and metabolic disorders.

“Essentuki No. 4” is a medicinal table water with a soft, salty taste of medium mineralization. Water "Essentuki No. 17" has a rich salty taste and a high degree of mineralization, it has a powerful preventive and therapeutic effect.

The appearance of "Essentuki" is recognizable and familiar. The new modern packaging format has retained recognizable features: the traditional combination of green, white and bronze colors, as well as its unique symbol - mountains with a soaring eagle. The real “Essentuki No. 4” and “Essentuki No. 17” can be easily recognized by their unique logo symbol depicting mountains and a soaring eagle, the name “Essentuki” in conjunction with numbers and the inscription: “Essentuki Field”.

Real mineral water “Essentuki No. 4” and “Essentuki No. 17” are bottled only in groups and are extracted only at the Essentuki deposit from wells specified in GOST and in the certificates of the Name of Place of Origin of the goods (NOPO). This deposit is located near the city of the same name in the ecological resort region of Caucasian Mineral Waters at an altitude of 640 m above sea level.

In 2022, the brand celebrates its anniversary - 150 years since the start of bottling the legendary Essentuki water.

About the enterprise "Holding Aqua"

"Holding Aqua" is a leading full-cycle enterprise for the extraction, bottling and distribution of mineral water in the Caucasian Mineral Waters and the only one of "Essentuki No. 17", which is a national treasure and historical heritage of Russia.

The holding's package also includes mineral waters of the Slavyanovskaya and Rodnye Ozera brands.

The mission of the Aqua Holding enterprise is to popularize the legendary mineral water from the depths of the ecological resort region of the Caucasian Mineral Waters in Russia and abroad. The company has three modern production sites equipped with the latest equipment, which ensures safe production and high quality products. “Holding Aqua” strives to preserve and protect healing springs for future generations, therefore the main principles of the company’s work are responsible subsoil use and support of environmental initiatives and projects in the North Caucasus. In addition, the company plays an important role in increasing the investment attractiveness of the region and is interested in implementing new investment projects.

How to get rid of heartburn during pregnancy?

Mineral water during pregnancy also helps cope with heartburn, but not every drink is allowed. Expectant mothers and women during breastfeeding are allowed to drink Essentuki 4, Borjomi and Slavyanovskaya. In addition to suppressing heartburn, they alleviate toxicosis. It is important to drink non-carbonated mineral water.

And remember that mineral water against heartburn only fights symptoms, but is not a cure. To cure the disease, contact a gastroenterologist and undergo an examination.

Benefits for the body

The main medical branch where mineral water is used is gastroenterology. For diseases of the stomach, liver, pancreas, and intestines, Essentuki-4, Essentuki-17, Donat Magnesium, etc. are prescribed as part of complex therapy. Mineral water allows you to: • normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland; • strengthen the musculoskeletal system; • improve the condition of hair, nails, skin; • adjust water-electrolyte and acid-base balance; • increase immunity; • support the functioning of the heart and nervous system; • cope with intoxication; • stabilize insulin synthesis; • reduce swelling; • clean the vessels; • recover from illness, heavy loads; • increase the outflow of bile. The drink regulates the acidity of gastric juice well. Moreover, the effect of the same water can be different. If you drink 1-1.5 hours before meals, the amount and acidity of gastric juice are reduced. Water drunk 15-20 minutes before meals, on the contrary, increases acidity. And if you drink it half an hour after eating, you can get rid of heartburn. According to its chemical characteristics, water can be: • hydrocarbonate - recommended for athletes and active people, as it accelerates the removal of lactic acid that accumulates in the muscles; • calcified - useful for problems with teeth and the musculoskeletal system; • magnesium – effective against stress; • sulfate - well suited for the treatment of liver and gall bladder diseases; • calcium chloride - beneficial for diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Soft table water enriched with calcium and magnesium, for example, “Royal”, is recommended for women during the perinatal period. Mineral water is often used as a cosmetic product to moisturize and tone the skin, tighten pores, and heal small wounds. The liquid can be: • used for washing; • freeze in the form of ice cubes for wiping the face; • include in homemade masks. Non-carbonated table mineral water is allowed for children from 1 year of age. It saturates the body with microelements, strengthens growing teeth, improves intestinal function, and reduces susceptibility to diseases.

Indications for use

Essentuki 17 mineral water should be drunk correctly

Since this brand of water belongs to the category of medicinal mineral waters, it should be treated according to indications. List of diseases in the treatment of which Essentuki 17 is used:

  • Gastritis with low acidity;
  • Acute and chronic colitis, enterocolitis;
  • Pancreatitis;
  • Diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract;
  • Diabetes;
  • Metabolic disorders, salt and fat metabolism, obesity;
  • Alcohol intoxication;
  • Diathesis.

Depending on the diagnosis, the amount of water taken at one time, the method of use, and the temperature of the liquid change.

Rules for taking mineral water

To get the effect and adhering to the law “do no harm”, you need to follow the rules for drinking mineral water:

  1. Cold water is not consumed. Room temperature is the most optimal mode for taking the drink. Also, some types should be heated to a temperature of 40. Store warm water in a thermos. Cold mineral water is contraindicated in case of exacerbation of pathologies in the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Before drinking from the container, carbon dioxide must be released. Consumption of a carbonated drink is strictly prohibited, as there is a risk of increased heartburn and pain. Carbonation accumulates in the intestines, which creates the effect of bloating, the motor function of the organ decreases, feces do not move towards the exit, causing other disorders in the organs.
  3. You need to drink water in small sips, then the process of removing heartburn will be more effective.
  1. To prevent a burning sensation in the chest, drink mineral water after meals. If there is high acidity, drink after 60 minutes.
  2. Taking mineral water should not cause discomfort.

Who is contraindicated for treatment with Essentuki 17 mineral water?

Like every medicine, this mineral water has side effects. Essentuki 17 has an irritating effect on the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, the gallbladder, and pancreas, and can cause diarrhea if taken uncontrolled.

With prolonged use, there is a risk of hypermineralization of the body, changing the composition of the blood towards alkalization. The appearance of edema is one of the signs of this condition. This water is contraindicated for persons with increased secretion of gastric juice, renal colic, complicated by infections, and those who are planning or have recently undergone surgery.

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