Mineral water Donat Mg: medicinal properties, method of application, reviews

Unique properties of Donat Mg

Mineral water Donat

Therapeutic water “Donat Mg” is a unique medicine of group “C”. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that, firstly, it has a high total mineralization - more than 13 g/l, which, however, does not negatively affect its excellent taste. Although many medicinal waters are characterized by a rather pronounced specific bitter taste.

Secondly, Donat Mg contains much more bicarbonates than any other water, and much more magnesium. The magnesium content in it is about 1000 mg/l, and this is ionized magnesium, which is easily absorbed into the blood, quickly reaching every cell. The absorption of magnesium is also promoted by carbon dioxide and bicarbonates. There is a high content of magnesium, but it is in a poorly absorbed form and its action occurs mainly in the digestive tract.

What are the benefits of magnesium? Many problems in the human body arise from a lack of magnesium or impaired absorption. Magnesium takes part in more than 300 processes important for normal human life and necessary for the functioning of the nervous and muscular systems. It is a universal regulator of biochemical and physiological processes, the main participant in energy, plastic, and electrolyte metabolism, which helps the correct and effective absorption of nutrients.

Magnesium stimulates the accumulation of energy in cells, is an anti-stress mineral, and a natural insulator along the path along which the nerve impulse travels.

Under its action, spasms of blood vessels, bronchi, intestines, and uterus are relieved, blood circulation and breathing improve. Modern people often face a lack of magnesium in the body, which is manifested by the development of chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia, irritability, cramps, and muscle pain.

You can solve this problem by taking vitamins or dietary supplements, but this does not always solve the problem of magnesium deficiency. Donat Mg water copes well with this problem, which is an excellent alternative to many medications, since it has virtually no contraindications, is not addictive and can be used to treat patients of any age.

Donat Mg water (Donat Magnesium) - reviews



The body works like clockwork


Effect only for the duration of treatment + price

After giving birth, I encountered such an unpleasant problem as constipation, no matter what I did - diet, suppositories, etc. Nothing helped. Before pregnancy there were no problems at all. Whoever said that after childbirth the body renews itself and becomes younger, I would have punched him in the eye))) Of course, I didn’t go to the doctor, since I am babysitting. After reading reviews about this water, I decided to try it and tried it - the result was not long in coming, on the first day everything was successful, as in the next 4 weeks. And then the course ended and the problems started again. The range of prices in pharmacies and magnets is from 106 to 189 rubles per liter, and it lasts for 2 days. Expensive, but the effect was good.

Maria Viktorovna



Very useful


The taste is disgusting

Donat Mg water is prescribed for the treatment of various diseases: diabetes, gout, constipation, gastritis, heartburn, stomach ulcers, hepatitis, obesity and many others. I got acquainted with water during pregnancy, it perfectly eliminates heartburn and saturates the body with magnesium. I would like to note that the taste of the water is a rare disgusting thing, sweetish, cloying, ugh. It was especially disgusting to swallow during pregnancy. Now it’s a little easier to drink. But that's not what we're talking about now. After pregnancy and breastfeeding, unnecessary pounds appeared. It was decided to optimize the number of calories and start losing weight. So, girls, I highly recommend to everyone that at least at the beginning of the diet, download the Donat MG app and drink water as they advise. In addition to the fact that water saturates the body with useful minerals and helps cleanse the intestines, it also miraculously reduces appetite. Very noticeable. The first 7 days of the diet (only a liter of kefir and steamed buckwheat) were very easy. Then I diversified the menu and stopped drinking water, I really don’t like the taste. So achieve a beautiful body and water will help you!




I recommend it to all mothers


a bit expensive

Not long ago, mineral and medicinal water Donat, produced in Slovenia, appeared on our market. Although, thanks to the fact that I traveled around Europe for the purpose of recovery, I have known her for a long time. The production of this water is located in Slovenia, Rogaska. There is not only its source, factory and production, but also a world-famous health resort. People from all over the world come there to treat and prevent all kinds of diseases. It is difficult to even list all the diseases for which this medicinal water is used. Thanks to its unique elements, minerals and manga, water reduces the excitability of the nervous system, relieves spasms of blood vessels, bronchi, intestines, uterus, improves blood circulation and breathing. Mineral water is indispensable for stress and nervous excitement. Indicated during pregnancy as an additional source of minerals, in particular magnesium, and as a remedy for nervous excitement and anxiety. Magnesium contained in water maintains the elasticity of the membranes of red blood cells and platelets, improves microcirculation in tissues, thus preventing the formation of blood clots. Mineral water enhances metabolic processes, promotes weight loss and removal of toxins from the body, improves the functions of the respiratory, cardiovascular, neuromuscular and digestive systems. Water is also useful as a natural source of minerals and trace elements for children, athletes, the elderly and people who lead an active lifestyle. And its most important effect is that this water is very weakening. It is simply irreplaceable for those people who suffer from constipation. Apparently, thanks to all these minerals and elements, it has a gentle effect on the intestines and works as a mild laxative. Why swallow packs of chemical pills and tablets if there is such mineral water. The package includes precise recommendations for using mineral water. Do not forget that this is not just water, it is medicinal water, and its use requires a regimen and dosage. For each disease, the number of doses, how many milligrams and in what form should be consumed is indicated. Warm, cold or without gas. My review and my recommendations: the water is simply healing! A better medicine could not have been invented. Sometimes there will be sediment in the bottle, but that's normal. But it’s better to buy a bottle without this sediment. Then the taste of the water will be softer. I drank throughout my pregnancy, in small doses. As a result: no toxicosis, no tone, I had bowel movements every day, and I slept perfectly. I recommend it to all mothers.



Good water, but a little bitter, especially if it sits for a while. It helps well with intestinal problems (constipation, sorry), and it also contains a huge amount of magnesium - it calms the nerves. I began to sleep better, in general I look at life more positively, calmer. I drank for about a month.


A doctor recommended me to drink Donat Mg Donat Magnesium mineral water, it was in no way self-medication, I never do it myself and I don’t recommend it to you. Especially in the case of mineral waters, since despite the harmless word “water” in the phrase, these are very strong and effective medicines.

Donat water is medicinal water, not table water, not medicinal-table water, but medicinal and it must be taken as prescribed by a doctor, since it has a very strong effect. The taste is very specific and drinking it is not at all a pleasure.

I had problems with the liver, I won’t go deeper into the diagnosis, I’ll just note that this water was prescribed to me after the symptoms of the disease subsided. In the morning, take half a glass in a warm gulp. I only lasted a week, as the choleretic effect was simply crazy, my right side was just cramping tightly. And one of the side effects is stool upset, and, sorry, quite severe. They say that many people use this water for weight loss, but I don’t have this problem. Taking this water during exacerbations is very wrong and dangerous, since it is too active a remedy and is only suitable for periods of calm of symptoms.

Consult your doctor before treatment; it is quite possible that you should not take this water. My second doctor said that for me it was unnecessary and it was possible to do without this water......how many doctors, so many opinions :-)))



really heals!


A little expensive, but worth it. Buying tablets for treatment is 500 times more expensive


Despite the inflated price, Donat Magnesium has high-quality medicinal water. For gastritis and early gallstone disease, the doctor ordered me to drink Donat Magnesium three times a day before meals, half an hour, half a glass. The result was not long in coming. At first, my gallbladder tingled and pulled from time to time. I read about this in some article by a gastroenterologist that pebbles and sand come out with pain and that’s okay. After a week, everything stopped hurting and pulling. On top of everything else, my general health has improved, my hair has stopped falling out in clumps. I was treated throughout June. I plan to treat myself with this water again in the fall. A liter bottle may last for 3 days. But I advise you to talk to your doctor. On the Donat website there is a table of the consumption rates of this water for various diseases.





The taste is not for everyone, a heavy sediment falls out very quickly.


Since birth, my child and I have been wandering around to all sorts of doctors, and the gastroenterologist is no exception among them. We recently changed the clinic and gastroenterologist, respectively (and I am incredibly happy about the latter). When the new doctor prescribed us mineral water as a treatment, I was surprised, to put it mildly! But since the doctor seemed very competent in her field, I bought it at the pharmacy. Attention! For 200 rubles! One liter of water!!! 200 rubles!!! No, I don’t feel sorry for this money, but not for water!!!

The taste is very specific, but I liked it. Rich but not too salty. The child also drank this water with pleasure for the first time. And the next day we all felt the effect! For a child this is absolutely something. Gutalax helps her every now and then. I’ve never really had any problems with this, but I do get a heaviness in my stomach. And with this water I feel light, even with short use. Of course, I drank water once. Don't know what happened to her that time. And he no longer shows much interest in this water. In general, you can’t add much, unlike 5 drops of gutalax. But I like this water and I buy it for myself. And I advise everyone to try it, especially if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.



Helps relieve constipation, eases the general condition of the gastrointestinal tract




I don’t know what is in the water from the source that is so particularly useful and effective, but when two gastroenterologists contact them with different problems, my child and I are constantly prescribed this water.

I have problems with the gallbladder, it is bent, and because of this, stagnation of bile in the gallbladder forms, poor outflow. My daughter periodically has problems with the pancreas, it is enlarged and has difficulty returning to normal; when this does not happen, the situation is the opposite, constipation, goat stool.

This water is bottled in Slovenia, so it will take a while for it to be delivered to Russia, and taking into account the current exchange rate of the ruble to the euro, it is not cheap. On the recommendation of a pediatric gastroenterologist (she considers this important), we buy Donat only “in glass”:

I am prescribed a course of alternating two weeks of taking Hofitol with the next two weeks of taking this Donat and so on at the beginning of each season, that is, at the beginning of autumn, all of September, then in December and so on. That is, it turns out that in four months of the year I drink this water for 2 weeks.

My daughter is prescribed a course of Creon 10,000 and Phosphalugel at night, on average twice a year.

At one time, Donat “in glass” was not on sale; pharmacies offered it only in plastic bottles. Now the water “in the glass” has appeared again.

According to the result, the water is really pleasant, during the course of taking it, it becomes easier in the stomach, but... actually, Essentuki No. 4 and Essentuki No. 17 also affect me, I don’t see much of a difference, although I probably should? After all, the compositions of the waters are still different.

Although now I only drink Donat, because there are recommendations for it, not a single gastroenterologist, neither for children nor for adults, has approved the treatment regimen with Essentuki water.

I understand that gastroenterologists are obliged to prescribe what they have in the recommendations approved by the Ministry of Health, and on the basis of what these recommendations are formed, who determines which medications and mineral waters are suitable and which are not... a lot of questions and doubts arise about this.

As for my daughter’s treatment, I can say that Donat helps normalize stools - especially during constipation, everything returns to normal quite quickly.

My experience of treatment in the KMS region: Sanatorium “Valley of Narzanov” (Russia, Kislovodsk);

Kislovodsk resort park (Russia, Kislovodsk).




Delicious, moderately carbonated


the price, with regular consumption, is affordable(

Our daughter was diagnosed with Giardia cysts, and we naturally began treatment on the doctor’s recommendation. She looked through her reference books and prescribed medications. and to restore the body, and at the same time wash out those same cysts from the body, I prescribed this particular water, DONATE MAGNESIUM. My daughter drank about half a bottle a day, and pregnant me finished the rest))) Very tasty, moderately carbonated water. Overall, I really liked it. And we got rid of Giardia and didn’t destroy the body! I recommend not only sick people, but also healthy people to drink more healthy water!




Feels light, truly healing water


price, taste not everyone will like

The doctor prescribed this water to improve digestion. I wouldn’t say that it helped me very much, but immediately after drinking it I feel very light and my body seems to say “thank you.” At first it tasted disgusting, but now I'm used to it.




Really helps


Causes increased gas formation

I was looking on the Internet for a remedy for constipation. I didn't suffer from this before pregnancy. As soon as I increased my water intake and added more vegetables or fruits to my diet, everything immediately returned to normal. Starting from the second semester, all this stopped working. I accidentally came across a review about this mineral water and decided to try it. I bought a liter at the pharmacy for 160 rubles and drank 0.5 liters in the morning. Increased gas formation was ensured for the whole day (for everyone who drank).)) So, if you are at work, this is not the best option. But the next morning everything worked out, for the first time in a month, on its own. For me, this water is good because it contains magnesium. Because the doctor prescribed magnesium anyway.

How Donat Mg works

The action of Donat Mg in the body occurs as follows.
Once in the stomach, bicarbonate reacts with gastric juice, resulting in the release of carbon dioxide. Air bubbles actively move in the stomach, as if massaging the mucous membrane, as a result of which the blood supply to the mucous membrane increases and the secretory function of the glands of the stomach and intestines increases. Magnesium is absorbed by those cells that need it, while excess magnesium is easily excreted, without lingering anywhere and without causing harm to the body. This greatly distinguishes Donat Mg from other sources of magnesium, especially those produced in tablet form. Very often, magnesium contained in tablet preparations does not enter into biochemical reactions, but settles in the cells, thereby exerting a toxic effect.

mineral water donat during pregnancy

Cramps have started)) and for some reason my calves cramp at night)) fucked up! This is what I read on the Internet...

Cramps in pregnant women Why do cramps occur during pregnancy?

Quite often, the occurrence of seizures in pregnant women is associated with a violation of the content of any microelements. In the first trimester of pregnancy , this can occur as a result of toxicosis, accompanied by vomiting and loss of appetite, and in the second and third trimesters it is more often associated with the increased needs of the fetus for various nutrients and microelements due to its active growth and the formation of various structures - bones, tooth buds etc.

If seizures , it is necessary to examine the levels of calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium and phosphate in the blood. Cramps during pregnancy usually develop when blood levels of calcium, potassium, magnesium and sodium are low and when sodium and phosphate levels are high. A lack of vitamin B in food can also provoke convulsive contractions.

Most often in practice we have to deal with a lack of calcium, potassium and magnesium. cramps most severe in mid- pregnancy . This is explained by the maximum surge in fetal growth occurring in the middle of pregnancy and the associated consumption of large amounts of microelements.

Often, cramps are associated with a decrease in glucose (sugar) levels in the blood. This is especially true during pregnancy Glucose is the main energy source and is actively spent not only on the needs of the pregnant woman’s body, but also on the vital activity of the fetus. With an incorrect diet, when food is taken rarely, but in large quantities, with a late, heavy dinner, a decrease in blood sugar levels at night and in the morning is possible, which can cause convulsive contractions.

Varicose veins also contribute to the occurrence of cramps in the leg muscles. The growing uterus can compress the veins in the pelvis and prevent the flow of blood from the lower extremities. And increased blood flow in the pelvis during pregnancy increases the load on the veins. While healthy veins can still cope with the increased load, with varicose veins the blood begins to stagnate in the veins of the lower extremities and swelling appears.

Due to deterioration of blood circulation, the nutrition of the muscle, the delivery of nutrients to it and the removal of metabolic products are disrupted. All this serves as a favorable background for the development of seizures . Smoking and drinking large amounts of drinks containing caffeine, including strong tea, contribute to the development of seizures

When smoking, chronic oxygen deficiency develops, which also affects the condition of the muscles, causing spasms. And caffeine can cause muscle tension and dehydration, which is a favorable condition for the development of cramps .

First aid for seizures

If you experience calf muscle cramps, it is recommended to try to stretch the muscle in which the spasm has developed. Try to relax and breathe deeply. For the most common cramp in the calf muscle, you need to pull your toes towards you, then release the tension and pull again with a little more force. Repeat this movement until the muscle relaxes, but do not force the muscle to stretch.

After this, carefully, so as not to provoke a new cramp , massage the muscles from the periphery to the center, warming them up. You can walk to activate blood circulation. After this, it is recommended to lie down with your legs elevated to ensure blood flow and avoid repeated cramps . There is another way to relieve a cramp - a pin prick into the muscle cramped .

Treatment of seizures in pregnant women

The first thing a pregnant cramps occur is to inform the obstetrician-gynecologist monitoring the pregnancy . If necessary, the doctor will prescribe additional laboratory tests and recommend consultation with specialists (therapist, neurologist, endocrinologist).

If serious illnesses are excluded as the cause of seizures, the doctor will recommend measures aimed at reducing unpleasant symptoms. Here are the most general recommendations:

Pregnant women are recommended to: wear comfortable shoes

with a stable heel no more than 4-5 cm high. When forced to stand for a long time, you should periodically perform simple exercises to normalize blood circulation in the calf muscles, for example, alternately rolling the foot from heel to toe and back. You can simply rise on your toes several times and lower your foot back to the floor.

It is very useful to use special rubber massage mats and balls for foot massage, which activate reflexogenic points and improve blood circulation. It is recommended to roll a ball with your feet or step from foot to foot on a massage mat 2-3 times a day for 5-10 minutes.

In case of varicose veins, it is recommended to wear special anti-varicose tights and stockings.

In this case, it is very important to choose the right size and degree of compression (pressure) of tights, depending on the condition of the venous system. It is better if a doctor helps you with this.

If possible, rest with your legs elevated

so that blood can circulate freely from the feet to the upper torso. In this case, you can do a light massage of the legs, stroking them from the feet to the thigh (in the direction of movement of venous blood through the vessels of the lower extremities) with moderate compression of the soft tissues to improve the outflow of venous blood.

Baths are useful to activate blood circulation and improve muscle nutrition

room temperature with sea salt – 2-3 tbsp. salt per 4-5 liters of water. They are recommended to be done in the evening before bed. This procedure relieves fatigue and tension in the leg muscles.

To prevent cramps in the calf muscles, the following exercise is recommended:

lie on the floor, raise your legs, bending them at the knees, and press your toes firmly against the wall. Keeping your legs in this position, count to 10. Repeat 6-8 times. You can do this exercise several times a day and before bed.

To maintain normal blood sugar levels, a pregnant woman is recommended to eat frequent meals,

because Long breaks in food intake can also lead to a decrease in blood glucose levels and, accordingly, to seizures.

The basis of the diet should be complex carbohydrates (buckwheat and oatmeal, bread and wholemeal pasta, vegetables and fruits). The carbohydrates in these products are broken down slowly, ensuring a constant supply of moderate amounts of glucose into the blood. As a result, the body receives a sufficient amount of energy, and the level of the hormone insulin, necessary to maintain a normal amount of sugar in the blood, does not increase significantly.

When consuming simple carbohydrates (sugar, sweets, cakes), a large amount of glucose enters the blood at the same time. In response, a lot of insulin is released, which subsequently causes blood sugar levels to drop sharply, causing muscle spasms.

In order to prevent mineral deficiency, all pregnant women are recommended to take special multivitamin preparations,

containing all vitamins and microelements in doses that satisfy the needs of both mother and baby. In addition, it is necessary to include in your diet foods rich in these microelements. Cottage cheese, other dairy products, cheese, and broccoli are rich in calcium. Potassium can be obtained from dried apricots, raisins, beets, baked or boiled potatoes. Nuts in small quantities, buckwheat porridge and legumes are a source of magnesium.

If necessary, medications containing calcium (Calcium-Sandoz), calcium and vitamin D (calcium D3), potassium (Asparkam, Panangin) and magnesium (Magne B6, Donat Magnesium mineral water), etc. may be additionally prescribed. Following these recommendations, you must cope with cramps , and they will not overshadow such a wonderful period of your life - the time of waiting to meet your baby.

General indications for use

Due to the high content of minerals, Donat Mg is used in complex therapy of the following diseases:

  • Diabetes. Helps reduce blood sugar levels, promotes the synthesis of insulin by the pancreas and its normal interaction with tissue cell receptors, and prevents damage to the cardiovascular system in diabetes mellitus.
  • Gout. "Donat Mg" helps to normalize the metabolism of nucleic acids and reduce the production of uric acid.
  • Constipation. Promotes increased secretion of bile, increased peristalsis of the colon, thereby providing a laxative effect. It is a powerful preventative against fecal stagnation, since it is the lack of water in the body that leads to constipation.
  • Gastritis, heartburn. Medicinal water has an effect that neutralizes increased acidity in the stomach, activates the regeneration processes of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, normalizes blood circulation, and has an antispasmodic effect.
  • Peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.
  • Chronic hepatitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis. Promotes effective outflow of bile, accelerates the regeneration of liver cells and improves blood circulation in this organ, as well as in the pancreas.
  • Oxaluria, phosphaturia. Donat Mg is a natural medicine that slows down or prevents the formation of oxalate stones.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux. Under the influence, hyperemia and swelling of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract decreases, increased acidity in the stomach is neutralized, motility of the esophagus and stomach is increased, due to which the main cause of reflux is eliminated, accordingly, heartburn, belching, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach are reduced, and constipation disappears.
  • Hypertension, high blood cholesterol. Due to its high magnesium content, it relieves tension in the central nervous system, relaxes vascular muscle spasm, and increases the resistance of the heart muscle to oxygen starvation and stress.
  • Male infertility. A lack of magnesium in the blood or disturbances in its metabolism leads to a decrease in sperm motility. Donat Mg helps restore sperm activity.
  • Magnesium deficiency. 500 ml of medicinal water contains the daily norm of magnesium ions. For hypomagnesemia (low concentration of magnesium in the blood serum), water is the optimal drug for successful therapy.
  • Prevention of cholelithiasis. Under the influence of magnesium, an active contraction of the walls of the gallbladder occurs with simultaneous relaxation of the sphincter, resulting in the release of bile into the intestine.
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome. Magnesium helps relieve symptoms of depression, apathy, reduce irritability, excitability, accumulate energy in cells, increase attention, memory, increase strength and muscle tone.
  • Obesity. Magnesium normalizes metabolic processes in the body, promotes the effective breakdown and removal of fats, accelerates the removal of harmful substances and excess fluid from the body, and weight loss without loss of nutrients.
  • Cleansing the body. The following main properties of Donat Mg contribute to cleansing the body: improving intestinal motility, improving the motor-evacuation function of the stomach, stimulating metabolism, blood circulation, providing a choleretic effect, removing toxins and waste.

Donat Mg

«Donat Mg

Donat Mg
") - therapeutic magnesium-sodium bicarbonate-sulfate mineral water of high mineralization (13.0–13.3 g/l). It is extracted from a well more than 600 m deep in the balneological resort town of Rogaska Slatina, Slovenia.

"Donat Mg" - healing mineral water with a large amount of magnesium

0.5 liters of Donat Mg mineral water contains the daily requirement of magnesium ions Mg2+.
Magnesium from Donat Mg mineral water is well absorbed by the human body. For hypomagnesemia (magnesium deficiency), Donat Mg is an effective remedy. One of the features of the action of magnesium is to increase intestinal motility, which can lead to a weakening of bowel movements in patients with a normal rhythm. On the other hand, normalization of stool in patients with constipation can be considered as a positive therapeutic effect of magnesium ions on intestinal motility. It must be remembered that an overdose of magnesium-containing drugs leads to hypermagnesemia, causing bradycardia and decreased renal function (Kolganova K.A.). Magnesium salts are osmotic laxatives. For more information about the effects of magnesium on the human body, see the article “Magnesium as a medicine.”

Composition of Donat Mg mineral water

Mineral water "Donat Mg" contains (mg/l):

  • anions:
  • hydrocarbonate HCO3– — 7790
  • sulfate SO42− — 2200
  • chloride Cl− - 66.7
  • bromide Br− — 0.42
  • iodide I− — 0.12
  • fluoride F− — 0.2
  • nitrate NO3– — 0.1
  • nitrite NO2– — 0.02
  • hydrogen phosphate HPO42– — 0.12
  • cations:
    • calcium Ca2+ – 375
    • magnesium Mg2+ – 1060
    • sodium Na+ - 1565
    • potassium K+ - 17.1
    • lithium Li+ - 2.4
    • ammonium NH4+ - 0.7
    • strontium Sr2+ - 2.6
    • iron Fe2+ - 0.3
    • manganese Mn2+ - 0.11
    • aluminum Al3+ - 0.17
  • metaboric acid HBO3 - 18.1
  • silicic acid H2SiO2 – 145
  • carbon dioxide dissolved in produced water - 3620.
  • Indications and procedure for using medicinal water “Donat Mg”

    Gastroesophageal reflux disease
    . Mineral water "Donat Mg" reduces hyperemia and swelling of the mucous membrane of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum, reduces the acidity of gastric juice, reduces the number of gastroesophageal and duodenogastric refluxes. Donat Mg water is drunk 15-20 minutes before meals: in the morning, on an empty stomach - 150-200 ml, before other meals - 150 ml.

    Stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer, chronic gastritis, heartburn

    . Mineral water “Donat Mg” neutralizes acidity, relieves spasms, stimulates peristalsis, improves blood circulation, regenerates the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. Donat Mg water is drunk 15-20 minutes before meals: in the morning, on an empty stomach - 100-200 ml, before other meals - 150 ml.


    . “Donat Mg” stimulates the secretion of bile and also enhances intestinal motility, thereby having a laxative effect. Donat Mg water is taken warm (20-25°C), strictly 15-20 minutes before meals: in the morning, on an empty stomach 300-350 ml, before lunch 100-200 ml.

    Often, to restore the rhythm of bowel movements in children suffering from constipation, it is enough to drink from a quarter to one and a half glasses of Donat Mg mineral water in the morning with a small amount of gas (Privorotsky V.F., Luppova N.E, 2009).

    Chronic hepatitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis

    . Drinking Donat Mg water improves the emptying of the gallbladder, relaxes the sphincter at the exit of the bile canal, improves the composition of bile, regenerates liver cells, improves blood circulation in the liver and pancreas. Donat Mg is drunk 15-20 minutes before meals: in the morning, on an empty stomach - 100-200 ml, before other meals - 150 ml.

    Prevention of gallstone formation

    . The magnesium contained in Donat Mg water improves the emptying of the gallbladder and, at the same time, relaxes the sphincter at the outlet of the bile duct. Donat Mg mineral water is drunk in the morning, 100–200 ml on an empty stomach, and 100–200 ml before meals.


    . Taking Donat Mg reduces blood sugar, improves its absorption by tissues, promotes the production of insulin by the pancreas, and prevents the development of vascular complications of diabetes. Donat Mg mineral water is drunk three times a day, 150-200 ml, strictly 15-20 minutes before meals - in the morning, on an empty stomach, before lunch and dinner. If you have concomitant diseases, it is advisable to discuss the procedure for taking Donat Mg with your doctor.


    . Mineral water “Donat Mg” stimulates metabolism, increases the breakdown and elimination of fats, accelerates the removal of toxins and fluids from the body, reduces weight without loss of macro- and microelements. Donat Mg is drunk 15-20 minutes before meals. In the morning, on an empty stomach - 200-300 ml, before lunch and dinner - 150-200 ml.

    "Donat Mg" is also used to treat gout, oxaluria, phosphaturia, stress, chronic fatigue syndrome, hypertension, to reduce blood cholesterol, treat male infertility and more. The procedure for taking Donat Mg is similar to that described above.

    Donat-Mg water has a pronounced effect on the motor-evacuation ability of the gallbladder. When used, the rate of emptying increases, which can be used in the complex treatment of patients with hypomotor dysfunction of the biliary system. Donat-Mg mineral water has the most pronounced effect on the sphincter apparatus, reducing hypertensive disorders of the sphincters of the biliary system (V.T. Ivashkin and others).

    Contraindications to taking Donat Mg mineral water

    Drinking Donat Mg is not recommended for:

    • exacerbations and immediately after exacerbations of gastric and duodenal ulcers
    • bleeding from stomach and duodenal ulcers
    • cholelithiasis requiring surgery
    • acute and chronic renal failure
    • conditions requiring hospitalization and hospital stay
    • oncological diseases
    • hypermaginemia
    Professional medical publications covering the use of Donat Mg mineral water
    • Efendieva M.T., Ruzova T.K. The effectiveness of using "DONAT Mg" in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

    On the website GastroScan.ru in the “Literature” section there is a subsection “Mineral waters (articles)”, containing publications for healthcare professionals on this topic.

    Popular articles about mineral waters for patients
    • Vasilenko V.V. Healing waters for home / www.gastroscan.ru. 2018
    • Sargsyan D. Should I drink Borjomi? Is mineral water generally beneficial or harmful? / meduza.io, 12.7.2019

    Mineral water "Donat Mg" is a medicinal mineral water and, like other mineral waters of this class, is not recommended for drinking without consulting a doctor.

    Bottled mineral water "Donat Mg"

    The bottling of Donat Mg water for supplies to Russia is carried out by the Slovenian company.
    to Russia - STELMAS-D LLC. Like most medicinal waters, Donat Mg bottled mineral water is sold carbonated. When used for medicinal purposes, it is advisable to release the gas (partially) from such water. It is recommended to store bottles of Donat Mg at home in a dark, cool place, in a supine position. For most medicinal waters, precipitation of a small amount of mineral salts is allowed.

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    Directions for use and dosage

    Mineral water Donat - a natural healer

    Donat Mg is not suitable for daily use; treatment with it should be carried out in therapeutic courses lasting 4-6 weeks. Unless otherwise prescribed by a doctor, courses are recommended 2-3 times a year. For the treatment of a specific disease, a specific water intake regimen is indicated.

    In order to cleanse the body, if you are obese, it is recommended to drink 200-300 ml daily 15-20 minutes before meals in the morning and 150-200 ml at lunch and in the evening. You should drink water strictly on an empty stomach.

    For diabetes mellitus, gout, gastric and duodenal ulcers, chronic hepatitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, oxaluria, phosphaturia, reflux, chronic fatigue syndrome: 150-200 ml in the morning and 100-150 ml in the afternoon and evening. Should be taken strictly on an empty stomach 15-20 minutes before meals.

    To treat constipation, it is recommended to use warm water 300-350 ml in the morning on an empty stomach and 100-200 ml at lunch. Eating should begin no earlier than 15-20 minutes after drinking water. When using water to treat hypertension and to reduce blood cholesterol levels, as well as to prevent cholelithiasis, you should take 100-200 ml of water 3 times a day. Drink water strictly on an empty stomach 15-20 minutes before meals. The same regimen is suitable for the treatment of male infertility and magnesium deficiency.

    magnesium donation during pregnancy


    I am sharing the contents of my first aid kit.

    Maybe it will be useful to someone :)

    Currently, my baby is 18 weeks old, so I excluded Folic acid from the first aid kit.

    First aid kit contents:

    Drugs prescribed by a gynecologist to maintain pregnancy:

    1. Hormonal tablets “Prajisan” (vaginal administration);

    I have been taking 600 mg per day (200 mg tablets) from about 8-10 weeks of pregnancy (before that I took the drug Duphaston, which is prescribed for short periods and which did not help me stop the “daub”). 600 mg is a lot, but for now the gynecologist does not risk reducing it, since the hypertonicity of the uterus persists, and with it and bleeding, I have been in conservancy for 18 weeks already 6 times).

    I take hormonal medications strictly at the same time every day. Once I delayed taking the pill for several hours, which caused bleeding. It's dangerous to joke with hormones.

    2. Magnelis B tablets.

    I take 4 tablets a day, strictly at the same time, at regular intervals.

    Hemostatic drugs:

    1. Tranexam tablets.

    Unfortunately, I had to stay in the hospital with bleeding. In the hospital they gave him hemostatic injections and also gave him Cyclogemal tablets. Cyclohemal had a bad effect on me and did not help stop the bleeding, so the gynecologist advised me to buy the Tranexam tablets themselves, they acted quickly.

    When the discharge began, the gynecologist advised (while waiting for an ambulance) to take 3 tranexam tablets at a time

    and introduce 2 tablets of hormones. Perhaps then this helped me save the baby, since I ended up in the hospital room only after 3.5 hours. (The gynecologist checked to see if there were any clots, since in this case it is not recommended to take medications on your own; you first need to undergo an ultrasound).

    Medicines for mild anemia:

    1. Ferrum Lek iron tablets.

    They were discharged to hospital. When I was discharged, others were recommended, but after studying the instructions for both drugs, I left these. Their possible side effects are quite simple, but the other side effects prescribed to me have a lot of “scary” ones.

    All iron supplements have an effect on stool. But for this reason you should not refuse them, since anemia itself can be a threat to the baby and mother. In addition, it must be said that a complex leads to difficulties with bowel movements - there are also hormonal pills, your own hormones, a growing uterus, in some women a “gentle” sedentary lifestyle, etc.

    Medicines for treating colds, agreed upon with a gynecologist:

    For the nose:

    1. Spray “Aqua Maris plus”.

    I use it according to the instructions. A safe product that does not contain any chemicals.

    2. “Dolphin” for rinsing the nose.

    I use it according to the instructions 2 times a day (morning/before bed). Cleans very well and also does not contain chemicals.

    3. Phototherapy apparatus “Dyuna-M”.

    I learned that if you have a cold or during pregnancy, you can warm up the wings of your nose with it when your sniffles are running. Stops quickly, within a couple of warm-ups (4-5 minutes on each side).

    I make sure that the rays don’t hit anywhere else (I turn it on and off while holding the device to my nose).

    For the throat:

    1. Spray “Aqua Maris Strong” for the throat.

    Also, sea water with salt is completely safe. I use it according to the instructions.

    2. Furacilin tablets.

    Preparation of solutions for gargling.

    3. Medicinal herb “Chamomile”.

    Preparation of solutions for gargling.

    4. Rotokan tincture for gargling

    (will help with inflammation, sore throat, and also if dental treatment is required, which is being postponed for now).

    Rotokan is a herbal tincture, but it also contains alcohol. Rotokan, a drug that is taken both topically and orally. Therefore, due to the alcohol and the content of certain substances, it is prohibited to use it during pregnancy. Rinsing is acceptable. The dentist prescribed me 1 teaspoon per 1 glass of Water (rinse for 14 days, 2 times morning/evening). For pain/sore throat, gargle 3 times a day.

    5. “Mukoltin” tablets (for wet coughs) and “Althea” syrup are practically the same thing. The most harmless drug for sputum discharge.

    Contraindications for use

    Treatment is contraindicated in case of severe disturbances in the motor activity of the stomach, in cases of disturbances in the motor and evacuation functions of the stomach, bleeding ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, in diseases of the stomach, duodenum, intestines, liver and biliary tract in the acute phase. It is also prohibited to take Donat Mg if you have cancer. It is important to remember that any intake of water for therapeutic purposes must be as prescribed by a doctor. This is especially important in relation to children.

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