Review of 5 popular ointments and suppositories for hemorrhoids with shark oil

Hemorrhoids are a vascular disease that causes great discomfort and interferes with leading a full life. The anal veins dilate, become inflamed, and as the process progresses, hemorrhoids appear, which make defecation difficult.

The disease can cause serious complications, including bleeding, colitis, and neoplasms. Do not delay treatment; when the first alarming symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor. You may be alerted by itching, burning and a feeling of fullness in the anorectal area, pain during bowel movements.

The selection of treatment is carried out by a proctologist. First of all, it is necessary to undergo examinations to make an accurate diagnosis. In order to finally get rid of hemorrhoids, you need to change your entire lifestyle. You should exclude foods that are bad for your intestines from your diet. Physical activity plays an important role; moderate physical training will only be beneficial. What can be said about drug treatment?

Today there are a huge variety of medications based on natural ingredients. Shark oil is a natural substance that helps relieve the condition of patients with hemorrhoids, relieve the inflammatory reaction and shrink hemorrhoids. Rectal suppositories and ointments based on this component have gained wide popularity due to their high efficiency and the absence of negative effects on internal organs. Such drugs heal wounds and eliminate microcracks, and also help strengthen the immune system.


Rectal suppositories1 sup.
active substance:
phenylephrine hydrochloride5 mg
excipients: shark liver oil - 60 mg; cocoa bean butter - 1710 mg; corn starch - 224.2 mg; methyl parahydroxybenzoate - 0.4 mg; propyl parahydroxybenzoate - 0.4 mg
Ointment for rectal and external use100 g
active substance:
phenylephrine hydrochloride0.25 g
excipients: shark liver oil - 3 g; mineral oil - 14 g; Vaseline - 71.9 g; methyl parahydroxybenzoate - 0.2 g; propyl parahydroxybenzoate - 0.1 g; anhydrous lanolin - 3 g; benzoic acid - 0.1 g; corn oil - 0.05 g; glycerol - 1 g; lanolin alcohol - 0.75 g; paraffin - 2 g; purified water - 1 g; thyme oil - 0.08 g; vitamin E (alpha tocopherol) - 0.05 g; white beeswax - 2.52 g

Beneficial features

Shark oil has long been used in the treatment of various diseases. The substance has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties, due to which inflammatory and infectious foci are quickly eliminated. In general, sharks amaze with their resilience. They have a strong immune system that effectively copes with viral and bacterial infections. Scientists were able to unravel the secret of such high resistance. The whole answer lies in shark liver oil, which is truly a storehouse of vitamins and microelements.

Shark liver oil is a powerful natural antibiotic. It contains organic and fatty acids, vitamins, amino acids

Fat has the following beneficial components:

  • antibacterial substance;
  • immunostimulating component;
  • vitamins;
  • fatty acid;
  • antioxidants.

Squalene is an antibiotic found in shark oil and has properties similar to ampicillin. In general, natural antibiotics, compared to synthetic ones, are well tolerated by the body and do not cause side effects.

Active substances neutralize cancer cells, normalize the functioning of the circulatory system, and also strengthen the walls of blood vessels. The vitamins contained in fat prevent blood clots, slow down the aging process and have a rejuvenating effect.

Let us highlight the main properties of shark oil:

  • antioxidant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • immunostimulating;
  • fungicidal;
  • antimicrobial;
  • normalization of the activity of the whole organism.

Shark oil strengthens the walls of blood vessels

The mechanism of action is that the substance quickly relieves the inflammatory reaction, heals cracks and wounds, strengthens blood vessels, and has a positive effect on the immune system. Suppositories and ointments for hemorrhoids are made from shark oil.

Directions for use and doses

Rectal suppositories

Rectally, after hygiene procedures. 1 sup. in the morning, at night and after each bowel movement, up to 4 times a day.

Ointment for rectal and external use

Externally, rectally, after hygiene procedures. Remove the protective cap from the applicator, attach the applicator to the tube and squeeze out a small amount of ointment to lubricate the applicator.

Adults and children over 12 years of age - up to 4 times a day in the morning, evening and after each bowel movement. Apply the ointment carefully through the applicator to the affected areas outside or inside the anus, as well as to the skin in the anus.

After each use, rinse the applicator thoroughly and place it in the protective cap.

Ointments and suppositories Relief from hemorrhoids with shark oil

Rectal suppositories and ointments are an essential element of the complex treatment of hemorrhoidal disease. They deliver medicinal substances directly to the mucous membrane of the rectum and the area around the anus and allow them to achieve a quick effect.

Relief suppositories with shark oil for hemorrhoids are perhaps the most popular name of drugs on the domestic market of antihemorrhoidal drugs. Let's consider the features of each drug and the nuances of its use.

For more detailed information about Relief suppositories for hemorrhoids, features of their use and contraindications, read the article by our specialist.

We also recommend reading our author’s material about Relief hemorrhoid ointment and the rules for using this product.


Types of drugsSuppositories, ointment.
Essential elementsPhenylephrine, shark liver oil.
BenefitWe mentioned above how effective shark oil is for hemorrhoids.
As part of this drug, the oil is designed to relieve the patient from inflammation, bleeding, increase tissue resistance to pathogens, and accelerate the restoration of the epithelium. The second ingredient, phenylephrine, belongs to the category of vasoconstrictor medications. Due to the narrowing of the lumen of the capillary and venous channels, there is a decrease in swelling, itching, burning sensations, and a decrease in the volume of inflammatory secretions.
  • Externally and internally localized hemorrhoids;
  • tears in the anal mucosa;
  • irritability of tissues in the perianal area.
  • A negative response of the human body’s defense system to the penetration of a certain ingredient of a pharmaceutical drug, manifested by an allergic reaction;
  • deficiency of granulocytes in the blood;
  • thromboembolic disease.
Potential negative reactionsSome patients may experience allergic reactions due to hypersensitivity to one or another component of the pharmacological agent.
TreatmentIt is usually recommended to use the medication 4 times a day. At the same time, ointment for hemorrhoids with shark oil is also used for rectal administration using a special nozzle.
Important instructionsWhen used in parallel with antidepressants and anti-high blood pressure medications, various negative reactions may occur.
When carrying a child and breastfeedingUse is not excluded only for serious indications and after approval from a qualified specialist observing a pregnant or nursing mother.
PriceFrom 350 rubles.

Relief Advance

Types of drugsSuppositories, ointment.
Essential elementsBenzocaine, shark liver oil.
BenefitShark oil in the composition of this pharmacological agent is responsible for accelerating regeneration processes, epithelization of wound surfaces, stopping bleeding and strengthening local immunity.
The second ingredient in this type of Relief drug is the anesthetic benzocaine. By blocking the generation and passage of nerve signals, pain in the rectal canal and nearby tissues is reduced.
  • Hemorrhoidal disease of various localizations;
  • tears of rectal tissue;
  • itching in the anus;
  • preparation for examination of the rectal cavity;
  • anesthesia after surgery.
  • A negative response of the human body’s defense system to the penetration of a certain ingredient of a pharmaceutical drug, manifested by an allergic reaction;
  • thromboembolic disease;
  • granulocytopenia.
Potential negative reactionsRed spots and itching sensations may occur locally. It is also impossible to exclude the manifestation of various allergic conditions.
TreatmentThe standard recommendation is to use the pharmacological agent 4 times a day during the day. The cream can also be used for rectal administration using a special applicator.
Important instructionsIf massive bleeding is observed or pain persists for more than 7 days, you should consult a doctor about discontinuing this pharmacological drug.
When carrying a child and breastfeedingUse is possible only for serious indications and after approval from a qualified physician observing a pregnant or nursing mother.
PriceFrom 400 rubles.

Relief Ultra

Types of drugsSuppositories.
Essential elementsHydrocortisone acetate, zinc sulfate monohydrate, shark liver oil.
BenefitIn this version of the popular anti-hemorrhoidal drug, shark oil is responsible for regenerative, hemostatic, immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory effects.
The locally working steroid hydrocortisone is primarily “engaged” in the fight against inflammation and allergic conditions. The drug also has the ability to constrict blood vessels and relieve tissue irritation.

Zinc salts dry out weeping tissues and participate in the disinfection of wound surfaces. An additional function is the formation of a special cover on the upper layer of the dermis, which prevents infection of hemorrhoidal structures.

  • Hemorrhoidal disease of external or intraintestinal location;
  • tears in the mucous membrane of the rectal canal;
  • inflammation of the lower intestine;
  • rectal itching;
  • eczema of the anal area.
  • A negative response of the human body’s defense system to the penetration of a certain ingredient of a pharmaceutical drug, manifested by an allergic reaction;
  • infection of the perianal area with bacteria, viruses and fungal particles;
  • rectum tumors;
  • tuberculosis;
  • Itsenko-Cushing syndrome;
  • severe degrees of diabetic disease;
  • hypernatremia;
  • gestation;
  • lactation.
Potential negative reactionsThe abstract warns of the possible development of allergic conditions of a predominantly local nature in susceptible patients.
TreatmentIt is recommended to use anal inserts 4 times during a daily time interval. The duration of therapeutic measures is determined individually.
Important instructionsIn the presence of severe chronic diseases (heart, endocrine, etc.), it is necessary to weigh the risks and benefits in order to avoid deterioration of well-being and health.
When carrying a child and breastfeedingIt is especially noted that the periods of bearing and feeding a child are considered strict contraindications. This means that you should refrain from using suppositories.
PriceFrom 490 rubles.


Rectal suppositories

Instituto De Angeli S.r.L. 50066 Regello (Florence), Loc. Prulli, 103/C, Italy.

Owner of the registration certificate: JSC Bayer. Russia.

Ointment for rectal and external use

Sagmel, Inc., Chicago, USA.

1580 South Milwaukee Ave., 415 Libertyville, IL 60048.

Additional information can be obtained at: 107113, Moscow, 3rd Rybinskaya st., 18, building 2.

Tel.; Fax.


There are many positive reviews from doctors and clients about the use of drugs based on shark oil, which indicates effectiveness. Medicines are used for treatment and preventive measures only in the first stages of the disease.

Natalya, 31 years old: When hemorrhoids came after childbirth, I was advised to take Relief suppositories with shark oil. The child ate formulas, and I used them with a calm soul. This therapy helped quickly heal the sore spot. Already on the fifth day of use, the nodes disappeared, pain and burning sensations disappeared. This remedy gently affects the tissue structures and mucous membrane of the anus, and has a healing effect, affecting cracks.

Daniil, 59 years old: The other day I got hemorrhoids. Inflammation of hemorrhoidal cones began, which began to bleed, and pain appeared. To treat the disease, an ointment containing shark oil was prescribed. The drug proved to be a good remedy, instantly eliminating inflammation. On the second day of use, relief of symptoms began.

Popular "Relief"

Thanks to television advertising, most people are familiar with the name of the drug "Relief". Thanks to this, the medicine is quite popular, but also has positive reviews. In addition to the main substance - shark oil - the suppositories are supplemented with analgesic components. Patients note a beneficial effect and elimination of burning immediately after the start of therapy.

In pharmacies you can find several versions of the drug. Basic antihemorrhoidal suppositories contain phenylephrine in addition to shark oil. The component promotes vasoconstriction, which leads to the outflow of excess blood from inflamed nodes and bumps.

The Advance option may also be assigned. These suppositories for hemorrhoids with shark oil have received only positive reviews, because they help stop the formation of hemorrhoids. This feature is possible due to the presence of benzocaine in the composition.

Natural "Katranol"

The drug contains, in addition to shark liver oil, also calendula flower extract. Thanks to this composition, candles have the following effect:

  • deodorant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • enhances reparative processes.

In addition to solving proctological problems, suppositories will help solve the following problems:

  • cystitis;
  • colpitis;
  • adnexitis;
  • prostatitis.

Patients leave quite positive reviews about the candles. The drug quickly relieves itching, removes swelling and effectively relieves pain. Doctors often prescribe suppositories together with capsules of the same name, thereby complementing and enhancing the effect.

Indications for use

Suppositories for hemorrhoids with shark oil help eliminate cracks, soften and moisturize mucous membranes. They also have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect. But experts value such suppositories for their antithrombotic effect, which prevents the development of plaques inside the vessels that pass through the intestinal walls. The use of suppositories helps to avoid narrowing of blood vessels and a critical reduction in their lumen. As a result, tissue necrosis is rarely diagnosed in patients. Due to their properties, suppositories based on shark fat are prescribed in the following cases:

  • haemorrhoids;
  • anal fissures;
  • proctitis;
  • rectal eczema;
  • the appearance of hemorrhoids or their enlargement.

Final points

Suppositories for hemorrhoids with shark oil (photos presented in the article) are a drug that has earned the trust of proctologists and has good reviews from patients. The medicine quickly relieves attacks of pain and helps initiate self-healing processes. Using such suppositories at the initial stage of the disease, you can completely defeat the disease. But even in advanced cases, the remedy significantly alleviates the patient’s condition and is used in complex treatment. There are quite a few advantages of candles with shark oil, and ease of use and safety bring them to the forefront.

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