Is it possible to eat dumplings if you have gastritis? Homemade dumplings for stomach problems

The causes of gastritis are different. First of all, disturbances in character and diet lead to the inflammatory process. Lack of first courses in the diet, regular dry snacks, consumption of phosphides, fatty and spicy foods negatively affects the condition of the mucous membrane. Irregular eating does not improve health - fasting during the day in combination with a heavy dinner leads to the development of gastritis and stomach ulcers.

No less common causes of development are bacterial and viral infections, acute and chronic stress, physical overload, and unfavorable environmental conditions.

There are forms of the inflammatory process. In individual cases, the treatment regimen differs; a prerequisite is adherence to a gentle diet.

A number of foods that have a negative effect on the gastric mucosa have to be excluded from the patient’s diet. A nutritionist or gastroenterologist will help you choose the right diet.

Is it possible to eat dumplings with gastritis?

With gastritis, the patient has to monitor his menu very carefully. The diet should not contain spicy, fried, fatty foods. Such food irritates the inflamed walls of the stomach and is difficult to digest.

But can people with gastritis eat dumplings or not? It is impossible to answer unequivocally, since the type of disease and its stage must be taken into account. So, if the disease is acute or an exacerbation of a chronic type of disease occurs, then the answer to the question of whether dumplings can be eaten is negative.

During this period, such food is strictly prohibited. Firstly, minced meat and boiled dough are difficult to digest. Secondly, when preparing the filling, products such as onions and garlic, as well as hot spices, are used.

In addition, many people prefer to eat dumplings with vinegar or spicy tomato sauce. Such food will have an irritating effect. It is especially dangerous to eat food that irritates the stomach if erosive gastritis is diagnosed.

With this type of disease, including hot and sour spices in the diet can lead to severe pain. Is it possible to eat dumplings with gastritis if the disease does not bother you? During this period, you can occasionally treat yourself to your favorite dish, but with certain reservations, namely:

  • Only homemade dumplings are allowed, since there is no way to find out what ingredients are used in the semi-finished products sold in the store. Most often, they contain additives that are unacceptable for patients;
  • Only lean types of meat are suitable for preparing minced meat; there is no need to add lard or fat.

If you cannot give up your favorite dish, there are several recommendations on how to cause minimal harm to the body: Be sure to cook the dumplings yourself. Store-bought products that are stuffed with chemicals and other additives are a taboo for people suffering from digestive system disorders. For the filling, use only lean chicken, beef, veal or rabbit. To make the dish tastier, make a mix of two or three types of minced meat.

When preparing the dough, do not use more than one egg. It is preferable to eat only boiled dumplings, forget about frying. Avoid mayonnaise and spicy seasonings. It is allowed to add a small amount of salt, but be careful. If you follow the above recommendations, you can treat yourself to dumplings once or twice a week.

With high acidity

For gastritis with high acidity, dumplings can sometimes be served to the patient. But, firstly, it must be a home-cooked dish, made taking into account the rules indicated above. Secondly, you can’t afford your favorite dish every day.

But the main rule is that you can indulge in small quantities of dumplings only during the period of remission. If the patient experiences pain, feels nauseous and often experiences heartburn, then eating the dish will only worsen the state of health.

Low acidity

Is it possible to eat dumplings with gastritis if the disease occurs with a low level of acidity? With this type of disease, it is better to completely exclude the dish. The combination of dough and minced meat is “heavy” and requires a lot of enzymes to digest.

And when the level of secretion decreases, it will be extremely difficult for the stomach to cope with digestion. As a result, the organ will literally work for wear and tear. This can lead to the development of another exacerbation.

Dumplings and acute gastritis

Acute gastritis appears when the gastric mucosa is damaged by a bacterial or viral infection or when poisoned by low-quality products or toxins. In an acute process, the mucous membrane needs complete rest at first, so the patient can expect a day of complete fasting. During these days, only water is allowed.

If the dynamics are positive, on the second day the patient is offered a rosehip decoction or unsweetened tea. Another day later, porridge and mucous first courses with water are introduced into the patient’s diet. In the following days, the person eats pureed food without salt and spices. All products are either boiled or steamed. Eating dumplings with acute gastritis is unacceptable.

Dumplings for chronic gastritis

For any form of gastritis, eating dumplings, dumplings and cutlets is undesirable. Recent nutritionists recommend replacing it with steamed meatballs. As for dumplings, you should always remember: their use can lead to an exacerbation of a chronic process, so it is recommended to eat dumplings infrequently, adhering to certain rules:

  • Semi-finished products are unacceptable - they contain excess salt, spices and preservatives;
  • dietary meats are used to prepare homemade dumplings;
  • the filling for the dish is only lightly seasoned;
  • The dough is kneaded only with water.

Dumplings are served warm without spicy or fatty sauces. But even if all these rules are followed, they can be eaten only during the period of remission, when the patient has no complaints of flatulence, heartburn, constipation and abdominal pain.

Briefly about the disease

The presence of gastritis can be independently determined by a wide variety of symptoms; however, to confirm the suspected disease, you must consult a doctor.
The most common symptom of gastritis is pain in the solar plexus. As a rule, its intensity increases immediately after ingestion of food, medications or liquids. Sometimes pain can be observed between meals.

For gastritis, the consumption of alcoholic and carbonated drinks, spicy foods, as well as foods that can aggravate the course of the disease is contraindicated.

The following symptoms often appear along with painful sensations:

  • belching;
  • heartburn;
  • vomit;
  • bloating.

Despite the disease, many people want to lead a normal life, and most importantly, include nourishing, tasty and common dishes on the menu, for example, dumplings, dumplings and manti. In what cases can they be eaten, and when their use is strictly prohibited, this will be discussed further.

What type of disease can be added to the menu?

An acute form of stomach inflammation requires the most gentle, easily digestible nutrition. The product clearly does not belong to this category. You can try dumplings in small quantities only after the onset of stable remission, in the absence of symptoms of gastritis.

With hyper- or normoacid gastritis, eating dumplings is possible provided you feel well. Of course, you shouldn’t overuse them, but allowing yourself a small portion of dumplings a couple of times a week is quite acceptable.

The situation with dumplings is somewhat more complicated: here it all depends on the type of filling. You can try dumplings with cottage cheese and potatoes. It is better to abstain from mushrooms and berries with high acidity; they will only further reduce the pH of the gastric contents.

Eating dumplings with hypoacid gastritis is usually not recommended. They are poorly digested if the hydrochloric acid content is low and can cause heaviness in the stomach, nausea and belching. During the remission stage, it is possible to eat dumplings with dietary meat (rabbit, chicken, turkey) or fish in small portions.

Dumplings should also be limited, but not completely excluded. You can try products with curd and berry filling. The most preferred berry is cherry. Dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms are considered a difficult-to-digest product and should be set aside.

Atrophic gastritis “dislikes” dumplings more than others. In this case, not only the production of hydrochloric acid is reduced, but also various enzymes of gastric juice necessary for the processing of proteins and fats. So in this case, it is better to abstain from dumplings, and choose dumplings with cottage cheese and berries.

Composition and properties

Traditionally, homemade dumplings are made from unleavened dough, which requires flour, water, eggs, salt, and meat filling. Minced beef, pork, and lamb are usually used as filling. Less popular are dumplings made from minced poultry or game meat.

To improve the taste, onions, salt, pepper and other spices are added to the filling.

  • wheat flour is a source of B vitamins and niacin (vitamin PP), involved in many redox processes and the formation of enzymes;
  • eggs contain animal protein, vitamins A, D, E, B3, B12, as well as minerals: phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, zinc;
  • any meat filling is rich in easily digestible protein, B vitamins, macro- and microelements necessary for full life;
  • salt, a source of sodium, regulates the water-salt balance in the body, but its abuse is dangerous for the heart, liver and kidneys.

You need to be especially careful with store-bought semi-finished products. The composition of such a product may differ greatly from dumplings prepared at home.

In their production on an industrial scale, synthetic additives (flavors, emulsifiers, dyes, preservatives) are often used; minced meat for the filling is prepared from low-quality meat (second grade) or is replaced with soy.

Eating such a dish is not beneficial even for a healthy person. In case of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, exacerbation will be ensured.

Vareniki - a traditional dish of Russian cuisine

Dumplings came to us from Ukraine, where they were widespread, then smoothly passed into our national cuisine. The dish has a lot of advantages, for which it has become so loved by our people; dumplings are eaten with pleasure in every family. They are distinguished by:

  • Easy to prepare! Indeed, even a child can make dumplings on their own; this does not require first-class culinary skills or innate talent.
  • Fast production! Besides the fact that they are very easy to prepare, they require a minimum of time. Most people value home cooking, but lacking the proper amount of free time, they give preference to instant food products. With dumplings, things are different: on average, it takes about half an hour to make one serving of the delicacy - this is very helpful. A huge plus is that the finished product can be frozen and will last a long time!
  • Extraordinarily rich and unique taste! Juicy, tasty, nutritious - all these qualities characterize dumplings.
  • Recipe variations. You can present them for dessert, filling them with fruit or cottage cheese, or you can make a complete and nutritious meal by choosing mushrooms, potatoes or meat.
  • Simple ingredients. The composition includes products that almost everyone has in their household, this significantly simplifies the cooking process.

Thus, we can conclude that dumplings have become a decoration for any table, even a festive one, and there is practically no person who does not like them.

How to choose high-quality semi-finished products?

If you don’t have time to make dumplings yourself, but you really want to snack on them, occasionally consuming an industrially produced product is allowed.

But you should always carefully read the information on the label about the composition, category and manufacturer of the product! The name and price category do not always matter when choosing.

The packaging of quality dumplings always states:

  • category A or B (the content of minced meat is 80 and 70%, respectively);
  • In the list of ingredients, meat should come first, not flour;
  • good dumplings do not contain vegetable protein;
  • all spices included in the composition must be indicated; without decoding, the word “spices” refers to monosodium glutamate, flavorings and emulsifiers.

The dumplings in the package should not be stuck together or melted, otherwise such a product can be dangerous for poisoning.

Features of dumplings and dumplings of industrial production

It is not advisable for patients with gastritis to buy these products in the form of semi-finished products. Only homemade, personally prepared food is allowed.

Nevertheless, high-quality industrial products still exist, but they are very difficult to find. First, you need to make sure that the dumplings consist of meat.

To do this, read the letter marking. We need “A” or “B”, they contain the most meat - from 60% or more. But options “B” and “D” contain more extraneous additives.

Note! The percentage of meat refers to muscle fibers. Veins, skin, and fat do not belong here. However, for the same reason, category A products tend to be a bit dry: the accompanying components retain moisture better than meat.

It is very difficult to find dumplings with dietary fillings on sale. The only really affordable option is turkey meat. Choose products with minimal spice content. It is important that the composition lists specific additives, and not just vague “spices”. This term includes glutamate, dyes, and emulsifiers.

Dumplings and dumplings should be taken without sticking together - this is a sign that they have previously been thawed. It is also important to pay attention to the expiration date and storage features. For sale, they must be displayed in the freezer.

Advice from the manufacturer

If you do not have the opportunity to make homemade dumplings, then the following instructions are just for you.

In general, according to GOST (semi-finished meat and meat-containing products), semi-finished products are divided into categories depending on the percentage of muscle fibers in the filling.

  • Category A (more than 80%)
  • Category B (60-80%)
  • Category B (40-60%)
  • Category G (20-40%)

First nuance: Semi-finished products are divided into categories not depending on the meat content, but on the muscle fiber content.

That is, skin, fat, lard, sinews - all this does not belong to muscle fibers, and therefore does not count.

Second nuance: Category A is difficult to find because less than 20% is left for the rest of the filling. And this includes: salt, spices, onions.

So, when we started making dumplings, I also wanted to make category A. But they turn out tasteless. But they were tasteless because there weren’t enough onions to make them juicy. And buyers asked to make it juicier. They started adding more onions - and everyone immediately liked everything. Although dumplings have formally become category B.

Therefore, in this case, category A, although it is an indicator of quality, is inferior in taste to category B. Such is the paradox.

Dumplings are not included in any medical diet, although the product itself is healthy: rich in nutrients, minerals, vitamins, satiates well and for a long time. The combination of meat and dough is difficult for the digestive system, but inflammation of the gastric mucosa is not a reason to give up your favorite dish if you know the secrets of its preparation and use it correctly.

In moderation, homemade dumplings will not harm the body, but during an exacerbation, strict adherence to the diet prescribed by the attending physician is recommended.

Negative and positive qualities

The beneficial characteristics of dumplings are very variable due to the variety of possible fillers

  • High nutritional value. It depends on the filling and the preparation of the dough.
  • A source of vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous and immune systems, the formation of bone tissue and red blood cells.
  • High content of animal proteins and essential amino acids.
  • Convenient preparation of semi-finished products for busy people. Even if we are talking about store-bought factory-made dumplings, they are still a healthier option compared to instant noodles and potatoes.

The main harm to the body comes from store-bought semi-finished products, but some negative features are also characteristic of homemade dumplings:

  • The content of synthetic additives (flavor enhancers, spices, stabilizers) and spices irritates the digestive system and can serve as a source of allergies.
  • Slow, often incomplete, digestion of the product is due to the combination of meat and dough. During normal functioning of the digestive system, meat dumplings are processed in the stomach for 3-4 hours, and the full digestion cycle for them can take up to a day.
  • The high calorie content of dumplings is a disadvantage for overweight people. Not all dumplings (and especially dumplings) are a high-calorie product. If desired, you can choose a leaner option.

Reference. Pork products are considered the most high-calorie - 310 kcal, the most dietary are dumplings containing rabbit, turkey, and chicken. Their energy value is on average 210 kcal. Fish and beef fillings are somewhere in the middle - 240 and 270 kcal, respectively.

When can you eat dumplings?

Dumplings are not included in the menu of people with gastrointestinal pathologies. Their use is permissible only in extreme cases. Occasionally, people with stable remission of hyperacid gastritis are allowed to eat the dish. It is important that the symptoms of gastritis with high acidity do not manifest themselves for a long time (more than 2 months). It is impossible to completely disrupt the nutritional system even in the remission stage: this can cause an exacerbation of the disease.

For gastritis with low acidity, dumplings are prohibited even during remission. In this case, the patient will not have enough enzymes to properly process this dish. Consumption of the product will cause abdominal pain, flatulence and other unpleasant symptoms. Patients with low acidity are recommended to eat dumplings for gastritis. Preference is given to potato filling. Dumplings with cabbage are also prohibited for inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach.

Manti or dumplings?

Manti, which are derived from the familiar dumplings, are popular among people. It cannot be said that they are very different from dumplings; in their properties and composition, these two products are almost identical.

Manty is distinguished by its large size and juicier filling. This dish is considered more fatty, so if you have gastritis, you should give preference to dumplings, which have become so dear to many people.

Interesting: at the end of cooking, sprinkle finely chopped dill on top, this will help prevent bloating, flatulence and abdominal pain.

To prevent your nutritional system from becoming the cause of exacerbations of the disease, do not forget to consult a gastroenterologist and correctly create a menu. Remember that each person has his own characteristics and only a doctor can determine this.

Benefits and harms

Only those dumplings that are prepared at home have benefits for the body. Healthy people can eat this product with sauces and seasonings. Homemade products are a source of protein and microelements necessary for the human body.

In addition to individual intolerance to the components of dumplings, some other restrictions on consumption can be noted:

  1. It is recommended that people suffering from excess body weight completely exclude the product from their diet. This is due to the high calorie content of the product.
  2. Flour products in combination with meat are not recommended for patients suffering from diseases of the digestive system, including gastritis. The components of the dish are poorly absorbed when consumed together.
  3. Dumplings are not recommended for patients with pancreatitis. Taking dumplings for inflammation of the pancreas leads to intestinal upset, manifested by bloating, heartburn and intense abdominal pain.

Among the advantages of the dish is the ability to choose the appropriate filling. For example, patients with gastritis are recommended dietary meats in dumplings - chicken, turkey or beef.

Clinical signs

In the early stages, the patient and doctor may not notice visual signs. The more damage occurs, the more actively the inflammatory process develops. Therefore, over time, the following symptoms appear:

  • pain in the epigastric region, aggravated by stress, eating, hunger;
  • nausea, vomiting that occurs regardless of food intake;
  • constipation, diarrhea.

There are signs that can be used to determine whether a patient has gastroenterological pathology. If a person exhibits more than 4 symptoms, it is recommended to contact a gastroenterologist:

  • frequent occurrence of epigastric pain;
  • point pain in the middle of the abdomen;
  • heartburn;
  • frequent belching;
  • constipation, diarrhea;
  • occasional nausea;
  • vomiting for no reason;
  • the presence of any gastroenterological diseases in close relatives;
  • presence of bad habits (smoking, frequent drinking of alcohol, overeating);
  • periodic use of a strict diet.

It is impossible to independently determine the diagnosis, since symptoms may be present in temporary disorders or other acute, chronic diseases. It is important to undergo examination and diagnosis by a doctor who will prescribe conservative or radical treatment, depending on the developing lesion.

Features of use

For gastritis, preference is given to unleavened dough and lean meat. You can use the following recipe: for 1 kg of product take 750 g of wheat flour, 250 ml of water and a pinch of salt. All ingredients are mixed into a stiff dough. Before modeling, it is advisable for the dough to sit for 30-40 minutes to allow the gluten to swell. To prepare minced meat, use dietary meat: veal, rabbit, turkey, beef. The meat is minced without adding onions and black pepper. Seasonings and onions provoke increased production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, which is undesirable for gastritis with high acidity.

There are 2 ways to prepare dumplings for gastritis:

  1. Boiling: for 1 kg of products take 4 liters of water and 2 pinches of salt. The product is placed in boiling water and waited for it to float. A dish prepared at home does not require long cooking. Average cooking time is 5-7 minutes.
  2. Steam cooking. For these purposes, a multicooker, double boiler or mantoshka is used.

Instead of dumplings, you can make manti. It is also important to follow the cooking rules: make the dish from unleavened dough (without adding eggs) and dietary meats. The only difference is that manti is filled with chopped meat, not minced meat.

In order not to provoke an exacerbation of gastritis, important nuances should be taken into account:

  • eat dumplings when they have cooled down, since hot food provokes irritation of the walls of the digestive organ;
  • do not abuse the product: dumplings should not be included in the daily diet;
  • do not refuse to take medications when eating heavy meals;
  • eat heavy meals in small portions: no more than 10 medium-sized boiled dumplings are allowed at a time;
  • eat the dish together with a large amount of fresh vegetables, as fiber makes it easier to process the product;
  • After meals, preference is given to green tea.

People with low stomach acidity who decide to treat themselves to a meat dish should add tomato or apple juice to it. The products will stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid.

How can eating dumplings be harmful?

Can simple dumplings harm your body? Firstly, you should not put a home-cooked dish and store-bought products on the same scale. How is the second different from the first?

  • The dumplings that you buy ready-made in mass market stores contain harmful ingredients that are undesirable for people with a weak stomach.
  • Artificial additives, flavors, dyes and chemicals will all be contained in the product.
  • Remember, what you buy in the store is considered an instant product, and it is these products that are at the top of the list of prohibited foods for gastritis.

Dumplings from the store are strictly prohibited.

We've sorted out store-bought products; they are an absolute taboo for stomach diseases. But what about homemade dumplings? What should you be wary of?

The most harmful thing about dumplings is the dough

First of all, you should not allow yourself this delicacy more than twice a week. The most harmful thing about dumplings is the dough; it is a heavy food, especially for gastritis with high acidity. You should not abuse this product so as not to harm your stomach; it may not be able to withstand constant loads of this kind.

To ease the load on your stomach, add whey to the dough instead of water - it is much healthier and easier to tolerate.

In addition, the serum has a lot of useful properties:

  • Accelerates metabolism.
  • Eliminates bad cholesterol.
  • Establishes regular bowel movements.

It is important to note that obese people should limit their consumption of dumplings

Recipes for homemade dumplings

Dumplings are a simple dish that can be easily prepared at home, so patients with a chronic form of the disease in stable remission can treat themselves to this delicacy from time to time. But when starting to prepare, it is important not to forget that the dough for dumplings is made fresh and light, and only dietary meat is used for the filling.

Recipe 1

To make about 1 kg of dumplings, you will need 700 g of flour, 1 chicken egg, a pinch of salt and 250 ml of water. Knead these ingredients into a stiff dough and leave it to “rest” for 30 minutes. During this time, the flour gluten will swell and the dough will become more elastic and pliable.

At the same time, minced meat is prepared from dietary meats. To do this, the meat is passed through a meat grinder and added a little salt. The minced meat is used to fill the dough circles or the cells of the dumpling maker.

Formed dumplings can be prepared in two ways. In the first case, pour 4 liters of water into the pan and add a little salt. Place dumplings into boiling water and wait until they float to the surface. Then they are boiled for another 2-3 minutes and removed from the water. In the second case, the dish is prepared by steaming or in a pressure cooker.

Recipe 2

To prepare dumplings according to this recipe, pour 500 g of flour onto a table or board, add a little salt and gradually pour 250 ml of water into the crater formed from it. To ensure the elasticity of the dough, you can pour 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil into it.

The kneaded dough is allowed to stand for about half an hour, after which it is rolled out, circles are cut out with a glass and dumplings begin to be made. Minced meat is made in the same way as in the recipe described above. Finished products are boiled in water or steamed.

If you want dumplings

If the patient feels well and the tests show good results, the doctor may allow dumplings. Only the patient must follow a few simple but important rules:

  1. Do not buy store-bought convenience foods. Most likely, they contain preservatives, and soy was used instead of meat. Such dumplings will have a bad effect on the patient’s well-being.
  2. You can eat homemade dumplings.
  3. You can use chicken, beef, or turkey mince.
  4. It is forbidden to add any seasonings to the minced meat, except for a small amount of salt.
  5. Knead the dough in salted water, one chicken egg is allowed.
  6. Eat the dish only warm, without spicy or fatty sauces.
  7. Dumplings can be included in the diet only if gastritis has gone into remission and the patient is not bothered by bloating, heartburn, upset bowel movements and abdominal pain.

There are different situations. For example, a person suffers from a chronic form of gastritis, but has been feeling great for six months. His stomach does not bother him, there is no nausea or intestinal upset either. If you feel well, you can afford a dish of minced meat and dough. However, it should be prepared and eaten in compliance with certain rules:

  • Avoid processed foods sold in stores. Even an expensive product contains a lot of salt and preservatives, and sometimes there are soy substitutes. They will only make the condition worse.
  • The next question is quite logical: if semi-finished products from the store are not allowed, is it possible to make homemade dumplings for gastritis? The answer is yes - yes, you can really eat them.
  • Use dietary meat to prepare minced meat. For example, chicken, turkey or rabbit.
  • The amount of salt in the minced meat should be minimal. If possible, avoid spices.
  • When kneading the dough, only 1 chicken egg is added to it. You can also make it with water and salt.
  • Both too hot and cold dumplings are excluded. The dish is served warm, without adding sauces. Because they are all either too fatty or incredibly spicy.
  • And one last thing. Eat dumplings only during stable remission. If you experience discomfort or even stomach pain, bloating or heartburn, you should immediately abandon the dish and return to your usual diet.

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