Enema for weight loss - homemade recipes. Cleansing enema - reviews of weight loss results

Having extra pounds in a person’s body negatively affects not only his well-being, but also his health. Fat deposits, especially in the abdominal area, affect the accelerated formation of blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels. The condition of the cardiovascular system worsens, cholesterol and blood sugar levels rise, and toxins accumulate in the intestines. Eliminating excess fat through diet and exercise can help save the situation. And toxins are effectively removed from the body using an enema.

Current trends lead to a decrease in physical activity, but to an increase in food consumption. Therefore, what is not used accumulates in the intestines, creating foci of inflammation. As a result, decomposition products enter the bloodstream and spread to the internal organs. The heart, kidneys, and liver are negatively affected.

An enema for weight loss is used as an aid to dietary nutrition. It is important to help the body independently establish the process of evacuation of fecal matter from the intestines. Enemas can remove years of accumulation and waste from the intestines.

Why is this necessary?

Even those whose knowledge of the anatomy of the human body is not very deep can roughly imagine how the intestines work. Its walls are covered with thin villi, through which nutrients are absorbed from food. The mass that gets from the stomach into the intestines gradually moves due to the contraction of smooth muscles through the small intestine into the large intestine. And the remains of undigested food are excreted through the rectum.

Now imagine what happens when the intestines are not regularly cleansed. For example, a person suffers from constipation. Feces accumulate and begin to harden, forming a thick coating on the walls of the large intestine. All this decomposes, rots and slowly poisons the body. Hence the acne on the face, sallow skin color and other signs of general intoxication.

With constant overeating, not all food is absorbed by the body - the intestines simply cannot cope with such a load. The consequence is increased gas formation, bloating, and inflammatory processes. A mucous plaque forms on the intestinal walls, which interferes with its normal functioning. Therefore, regular cleansing is, first of all, a guarantee of stable functioning of all digestive organs.

A cleansing enema also helps in the process of losing weight. If you have never done it, you will be pleasantly surprised that after the first procedure you will lose 1-2 (and sometimes more) kilograms.

It is clear that fat does not disappear this way. But removing a couple of kilograms of rotting waste from the body is already a great achievement, after which it will become much easier to fight excess weight.

Enema properties

In addition to the fact that an enema cleanses the intestines of rotting deposits, it also performs other useful functions:

  • prevents constipation;
  • relieves accumulated gases;
  • helps remove toxins;
  • creates unfavorable conditions for parasites.

If you practice this relatively simple method of cleansing regularly, then over time the condition of the skin will noticeably improve, more energy will appear, and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract will be normalized.

Doing it right

For a weight loss enema to really be beneficial, this procedure must be done correctly. The easiest way is to go to a cosmetology clinic and sign up for colon therapy. This is a professional intestinal lavage using a specially designed enema, which thoroughly flushes out everything unnecessary from the body. After this procedure, some lose up to 5-6 kilograms of weight.

Cleansing enemas for weight loss at home do not give such an effect. But, if they are performed correctly, positive results are still present.

Improper administration of an enema can create problems or, at best, be useless. Therefore, do not take the procedure lightly, but at least follow the basic rules for its implementation.

Benefits of cleansing

An enema for weight loss can be used not only for quick weight adjustment. When carried out correctly, it will have a beneficial, healing effect on the body. Benefits of the procedure:

  • Helps get rid of constipation that was caused by excess weight, poor nutrition, or a strict diet.
  • Helps cleanse the intestines before surgery or certain medical procedures (for example, ultrasound examination of internal organs).
  • Helps in getting rid of toxic substances that accumulate in the intestines during poisoning of the body.
  • An enema for weight loss promotes cleansing while following a strict diet or therapeutic fasting.

Preparation for the procedure

In order for a cleansing enema to bring maximum benefit, the body must be properly prepared:

  • It is better to fast on water or juices for the day before cleansing. In this case, all food debris will have time to move into the large intestine. If a day of fasting is too much for you, a buckwheat mono-diet will be a good alternative. Buckwheat husks will work instead of a brush, helping to better cleanse the intestinal villi.
  • It is advisable to exclude meat, alcohol, and carbonated drinks from the diet at least 2-3 days before the start of active cleansing. And the consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits along with their peels should be increased.
  • It is placed in the morning on an empty stomach. It is strictly not recommended to do the procedure on a full stomach. Water will put pressure on the stomach and can cause heartburn and even vomiting.

Such simple preliminary preparation will allow you to minimize discomfort during the procedure and thoroughly clean the intestines.

Carrying out the procedure

Before starting the process, you should make preparations so as not to be distracted while cleaning. This means that you need to follow a strict diet for a week and give the intestines the opportunity to cleanse themselves as much as possible. You should also prepare a solution, Vaseline, and toilet paper. Think in advance about the position in which the process will be performed. The pose on all fours with your head down is considered effective.

Professionals recommend that the first cleaning be carried out with a saline solution. This liquid is not absorbed into the walls and does not violate the integrity of the organ mucosa.

After the enema, nutrition should be restored gradually, starting with light foods. Losing weight is only possible if all conditions are met: diet, exercise, getting rid of toxins.

How does cleansing with an enema work?

  1. Esmarch's mug is used. First pour the solution into it, you need to bleed the air from the rubber tube and install the clamp.
  2. For the first dose, it is enough to take up to one and a half liters of liquid. Before the procedure, you need to drink 2 liters to make the cleansing faster.
  3. Boiled water is used, heated to 37 degrees.
  4. Having taken a position, you need to insert the tip, pre-lubricated with Vaseline, into the anus in two stages. At the first stage, the movement occurs towards the navel, and the depth of penetration is 4 centimeters, then it stops. If there is no discomfort, continue insertion to the remaining depth towards the spine.

  1. Open the clamp and allow the liquid to gradually penetrate inside.
  2. If at any moment unpleasant and painful sensations appear, you should stop the flow of water and rest a little. When the discomfort goes away, continue the procedure. Unpleasant sensations occur when the solution meets stagnant feces.
  3. You need to leave a little water in the container so that air does not enter the intestines. After pouring the required volume inside, you should lie down for ten minutes. It is recommended to lightly massage the abdomen so that the solution is evenly distributed throughout the channels.
  4. After the time has passed, you can have a bowel movement.

They begin to eat 2 hours after the enema procedures. To ensure the effectiveness of cleansing the body of toxins, fried, fatty, and salty foods are excluded from the diet. Also remove flour and confectionery products from the menu.

Folk recipes

Doing an enema yourself to cleanse the intestines is not difficult; you do not need to buy expensive medications. Use only boiled water, as tap liquid contains unnecessary impurities. To obtain better results, decoctions of medicinal herbs are added to the water.

  • Coffee cleansing enema. Helps eliminate symptoms of body poisoning, eliminates fecal stagnation, and helps remove extra pounds. The liver responds positively to enemas using coffee: more bile secretion is produced, toxins are eliminated faster. The solution contains: ground coffee without additives and water. The mixture sits on the fire for ¼ hour and boils. Then it is filtered and cooled to a temperature of 37 degrees. The volume of injected liquid is 500 milliliters.

  • Saline solution is a great home remedy. Creates a natural balance of acid and alkali in the intestines, the functioning of the organ becomes better. The results will be obtained with the use of dietary nutrition and sufficient physical activity. If you prepare a strong saline solution, cleaning will go quickly and the maximum amount of debris will be removed. If a person is on therapeutic fasting, the liquid is lightly salted, honey and potassium permanganate are added. It is carried out in the morning after waking up.
  • Herbal medicinal. Useful plants have a beneficial effect on the local microflora, eliminate the manifestation of flatulence, and normalize the functioning of the organ. Cleansing procedures take place in several stages. First, a simple water enema is given to remove the main contamination. Then a medicinal solution consisting of plant decoctions is introduced: chamomile, sage, yarrow, etc. The volume of liquid is no more than 0.5 liters. Lie down for 10 minutes and go to the toilet.
  • Using lemon juice in an enema helps to cleanse the intestines as much as possible, restores tone to the walls of the organ, and promotes weight loss. The internal balance of beneficial and pathogenic bacteria is normalized. A liter of water should contain no more than 50 milliliters of lemon juice. The cleaning process is done in the morning before breakfast.

When using an enema, you should constantly replenish your body's water reserves, drinking at least 2 liters per day, so as not to provoke the appearance of symptoms of dehydration. The course cannot exceed 2 weeks.

Execution Process

To easily insert an enema into the rectum, the tip and anus must first be lubricated with Vaseline or a very greasy cream. Then you need to lie down comfortably on your left side. In this case, the left leg remains straight, and the right leg is bent at the knee. With your left hand you need to squeeze the anus, and with your right hand, carefully insert the enema tip into the rectum. The insertion depth is no more than 3-4 cm.

Now you need to relax and allow the water to flow calmly into the intestines. Try to breathe evenly and calmly. Listen to your feelings. At first they will be unusual and unpleasant. But the main thing is to make sure that there is no severe pain or spasms - in this case, the enema must be removed urgently.

When all the liquid from the enema flows into the intestines, remove the tip. But don’t rush to get rid of the contents quickly. If you manage to hold it in for a few more minutes, the feces will have time to dissolve better and more waste will come out. When the urge becomes very strong, go to the toilet.

Important! The water temperature should be close to body temperature. The cold causes painful cramps. And too hot easily injures delicate mucous membranes.


An enema when losing weight at home should be carried out only using boiled and filtered water. Under no circumstances should you pour it from the tap. Such water contains large amounts of chlorine, heavy metals and other impurities. Colon cleansing can be carried out with various solutions. To prepare them, use coffee, soda, salt, lemon juice, and infusions of medicinal herbs. The main condition is that the temperature of the liquid should be 37-38 degrees. Too hot water injures the mucous membranes, cold water causes pain.

With salt

Home salt rinses are an inexpensive and easy alternative to brand-name medications. It is effective for constipation and weight loss. The main advantage of saline solution is that it is absorbed more slowly by the intestinal walls. Due to this, the feces soften longer, so their subsequent removal occurs without much discomfort. In addition to regular table salt, you can use Morshyn laxative, English or Karlovy Vary laxative.

To enhance the effect of the solution, it is allowed to add sunflower oil or vinegar to it. Ingredients for the classic recipe:

  • salt – 2 tsp;
  • water – 1 l.

These proportions are suitable for those who suffer from chronic constipation. If the process of defecation does not cause difficulties, then take 1 dessert spoon of salt per 1.5 liters of clean liquid. Method for preparing the solution, regardless of the proportions:

  1. Pour 100 ml of liquid from the entire portion of water and heat it in a saucepan on the stove.
  2. After boiling, remove from heat, add salt and stir until it is completely dissolved.
  3. Pour in the remaining liquid, making sure that the solution is warm - at room temperature.

On herbs

The basis of such solutions are medicinal herbs. Decoctions of them not only cleanse the intestines, but also have therapeutic and healing effects. Herbal solutions have a milder effect. Some exhibit bactericidal properties. To cleanse the digestive tract at home, the following are recommended:

  • mint;
  • lemon balm;
  • motherwort;
  • dandelion;
  • elder;
  • rhubarb;
  • senna;
  • sage;
  • celandine;
  • St. John's wort;
  • calendula;
  • chamomile.

You can use either one of the herbs or a mixture of several at once. The combination of sage and chamomile in equal quantities is considered universal. Plantain, dill seeds, birch leaves, and oregano are also suitable for intestinal lavage. The proportions do not depend on the type of raw material chosen. Required ingredients:

  • crushed dry plants - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • water – 0.5 l.

For better absorption after administering the herbal infusion, it is recommended to lie down for as long as possible. You can go to the toilet only if you have a very strong urge to defecate. Due to such a long exposure, the healing substances of the plants will have time to be absorbed in the intestines. Method for preparing the decoction:

  1. Place dry raw materials in a glass container.
  2. Brew 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave to steep for half an hour.
  3. Next, strain and use boiled water to bring the volume of the solution to 1.5-2 liters, depending on the volume of the selected Esmarch mug.

With glycerin

This substance is an organic compound that belongs to the class of polyhydric alcohols. Glycerin is used as a laxative for topical use. Its effect is due to its irritating effect on the rectal mucosa. Glycerin enemas are effective for severe constipation, since the substance enhances gastrointestinal motility. Ingredients for preparing glycerin solution:

  • pharmaceutical glycerin – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sea ​​salt – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • boiled water – 1.5 l.

It is worth noting that glycerin should not be used too often as it disrupts the pH of the lower intestine. Enemas with it are recommended to be used as a last resort. Method for preparing the solution:

  1. Heat 100 ml of the entire portion of water.
  2. Dissolve salt in it so that no crystals remain in the solution.
  3. Add pharmaceutical glycerin and mix.


Honey contains vitamins B, C, H, inorganic and organic acids, and immunostimulating phytoncides. Losing weight with an enema based on a honey solution additionally ensures that the body is saturated with nutrients. This is an excellent prevention of the development of dysbiosis. Under no circumstances should honey rinsing be performed on those who are allergic to honey. Ingredients for preparing the solution:

  • boiled water – 2 l;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.

In addition to constipation, honey cleansing can be used for short-term fasting. In order for honey to retain all its beneficial properties, you need to add it only to warm water. Boiling water destroys the substances in this product. Instructions for preparing honey solution:

  1. Take warm boiled water.
  2. Add honey to it and mix thoroughly.
  3. Heat the solution to a temperature of 38 degrees.

With lemon

For weight loss, lemon is used in a variety of forms. There are many options for lemon diets. The effectiveness of this citrus is due to its ability to break down fats in the intestines. An enema with lemon solution improves nutrition through the intestinal walls and normalizes the internal environment of the lower digestive tract. Such procedures are especially effective for putrefactive dyspepsia, which develops due to impaired protein absorption. Ingredients required to prepare the solution:

  • lemon juice – 50 ml;
  • water with a temperature of 36-39 degrees – 1 liter.

Lemon is not recommended for people with gastritis and high stomach acidity. Honey can also be added to the juice of this citrus. The combination of such products has an even stronger weight loss effect. For 500 ml of water take 1 tbsp. l. honey Instructions for preparing a solution based only on lemon:

  1. Heat water to the specified temperature.
  2. Squeeze lemon juice into it and mix well.

Coffee shop

Coffee is especially popular for weight loss. It is used not only for anti-cellulite wraps. Coffee rinsing effectively rids the intestines of waste, toxins, and bile. In addition, it helps improve liver function. Only natural ground coffee exhibits such properties. Soluble or with impurities is not suitable for washing the intestines. Components for preparing the solution:

  • ground coffee – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • water – 1 l.

It is better for hypertensive patients to avoid coffee rinsing. The reason is a high concentration of caffeine, which has a stimulating effect on the nervous system. For hypertensive patients, this is dangerous due to the development of overexcitation and hypertensive crisis. Instructions for preparing the solution:

  1. Take a small saucepan and pour half of the filtered water into it.
  2. Add coffee and boil the mixture.
  3. Simmer the solution for 15 minutes so that the coffee better reveals its beneficial qualities.
  4. Pour in the remaining liquid, making sure that the temperature of the liquid is close to body temperature.

Recipes for solutions

To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, some advise using useful solutions rather than pure water:

  1. The most popular and effective is a salt enema for weight loss. The procedure uses a low concentration of salt, and the liquid is very similar in composition to saline solution. Dissolve a dessert spoon with regular table strength in a glass of water, and then increase the volume of liquid to 1.5 liters.
  2. Caffeine tones the intestines and stimulates the fat burning process. This is a very useful procedure for losing weight. But it is better for hypertensive patients to abstain from it - the concentration of coffee is quite high. In a large Turk, brew strong coffee at the rate of 3 tbsp. ground beans per 200 ml of water. Strain thoroughly and dilute to 1.5 liters.
  3. For 1.5 liters of water, take freshly squeezed juice from half a lemon. Use with caution if the skin is prone to irritation or with hemorrhoids and fissures in the anus. Lemon juice acts as a detoxifier and stimulates intestinal motility.
  4. Herbal. The herbal decoction will not only cleanse the intestines, but also treat it if necessary. It is best to brew chamomile, calendula, sage, celandine, St. John's wort. Proportion: 2 tbsp. spoons of dry crushed plants per half liter of water. Boil for 10-15 minutes over low heat, leave for another hour, strain and bring to 1.5 liters.
  5. Honey. Honey is a unique healing product. In addition, a honey enema is an excellent prevention of dysbacteriosis. 1 tbsp is enough. spoons of high-quality natural honey per 1.5 liters of water.

There are other recipes for weight loss solutions. But remember that if you are just starting to practice this method of cleansing, at first you can limit yourself to just water. All the same, the intestines are so clogged with toxins that nothing useful from the solutions will enter the body.

How to do an enema for weight loss

In order for the enema to be as effective as possible and help you get rid of extra pounds, prepare and perform the procedure correctly. Recommendations to follow:

  • Before the enema, you need to drink some mineral water without gases to avoid dehydration.
  • When performing an enema for weight loss for the first time, it is not recommended to use a lot of liquid; the optimal dose is 1-1.5 liters.
  • The water used for the enema should be 36-39 degrees.
  • It is not recommended to do the procedure for the purpose of losing weight more than once every two weeks.
  • To restore intestinal microflora after an enema, take special medications to prevent dysbiosis.
  • It is better to carry out the procedure in the morning. If you do not have the opportunity to do an enema in the morning, do it in the evening. First you need to rest for a few hours after a hard day.

To perform an enema you will need the following attributes:

  • Esmarch container, with a volume of at least 1.5 liters, with a tube and tap;
  • tip for inserting the tube into the anus;
  • oilcloth;
  • bucket;
  • petrolatum.

The procedure for performing a weight loss procedure:

  • Prepare the water or mixture that needs to be introduced into the body.
  • Fill the reservoir with liquid by first turning off the tap on the tube.
  • Lubricate the tip with Vaseline, which will make it easier to insert.
  • Hang the container or reservoir so that the liquid flows down calmly (the optimal height at which the container should be is 70 cm and 1.5 m from the level of the bed).
  • Lay oilcloth on the bed.
  • Lie on your left side, bend your right leg slightly.
  • Insert the tube into the anus and open the tap.
  • It is necessary to restrain the desire to empty the intestines, but you should not allow painful sensations to arise in the abdomen.
  • Remove the tip, lie down or walk around for a few minutes.
  • Go to the toilet until your bowels are completely empty, take a shower.
  • Rinse all attributes that were used during the procedure.
  • For many, performing an enema is a new procedure, and many questions arise regarding the technique of its implementation. Watch the video below to understand the nuances, do everything correctly and get maximum effect.

Cleansing enema for weight loss


There are also contraindications to the procedure, although they are few. You should not use this method during pregnancy. If handled carelessly, an enema can provoke an increase in uterine tone, and in the later stages, premature birth.

You should not cleanse the body with an enema if:

  • severe inflammatory processes in the intestines;
  • infectious or viral diseases;
  • exacerbation of hemorrhoids, fissures in the anus;
  • any neoplasms in the intestines.

Using an enema too frequently disrupts the normal intestinal microflora and can lead to dysbiosis. In addition, having gotten used to additional stimulation, the body loses the ability to regularly defecate on its own, and constipation appears.


Using an enema to lose weight is getting positive reviews.

Olga. 32 years old, Samara. I gave my first enemas before bed. At first I could only stand it for 1 minute. But when I stepped on the scale, the result was amazing - I lost 1 kg. The next evening, the water stayed on for five minutes, but another 2 kg was lost on the scales. I love this trend.

Svetlana 25 years old, Volgograd. I often use an enema. I try not to overuse it. But thanks to the procedure I lose up to 5 kg. At the same time, I eat right and run in the morning.

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