Prunes for constipation: do they help, how to give them correctly, recipes for problems with stool

In what cases will it help?

Before choosing prunes as a way to combat constipation, it is important to determine the type of ailment and take into account your overall health. Indeed, adding fiber-rich foods to your diet and taking bulk laxatives with similar effects are the first steps in treating constipation. But such measures also have serious limitations.

That is, a large amount of fiber is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • peptic ulcer;
  • acute colitis;
  • exacerbation of proctological diseases;
  • disturbances of intestinal tone associated with neurological diseases, spinal cord injuries, etc.;
  • recent intestinal infection, severe intoxication.

In these cases, the laxative effect of prunes can be dangerous. If you have chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is important to consult a doctor and choose the appropriate way to combat constipation.

We talk about functional constipation when it is not associated with known structural, organic, genetic changes in the intestine. The problem is usually caused by poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, stress, or other situational factors, such as holding back the urge to urinate when unable to go to the toilet. In this case, dietary fiber is not contraindicated. On the contrary, they will help not only cope with bowel retention, but also prevent the situation from recurring.

Constipation is a very common problem in children. Why?

With the start of complementary feeding, babies' stools most often improve.
This is due to the introduction of fiber into the child’s diet, as well as an increase in the child’s physical activity. But after 1 year, the number of children suffering from constipation begins to increase again. This is due to giving up breastfeeding, switching to solid foods, and reducing the amount of water in the diet. Approximately every fifth child suffers from constipation after one year. How to deal with this problem? For your health - recommendations from the pediatrician of the ENT Plus clinic, a doctor of the highest category, Anna Gennadievna Marakulina.

Properties of prunes

Even small children and pregnant women can take dried plums as a natural laxative, since allergies to this product are extremely rare. Due to its high fiber content, dried fruit acts as a mild laxative, improves intestinal motor function and softens stool. It contains the following beneficial substances:

  • pectins;
  • iron, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and magnesium;
  • vitamins PP, C, B1 and B2;
  • provitamin A;
  • organic acids.

Prunes are easily tolerated and usually do not cause a violent reaction from the intestines in the form of increased gas formation and spasms.

How prunes work

The effect on constipation is due to the high content of soluble dietary fiber in prunes. They absorb water, swell and increase the volume of intestinal contents. In addition, dietary fiber is a favorable environment for the proliferation of beneficial intestinal microflora. The vital activity of bacteria is accompanied by the release of gas, and this, in turn, helps to loosen stool and make it easier to remove. Doctor Rykova in her work emphasizes that “vegetables, fruits, berries, which contain organic acids and sugars, contribute to increased motor activity of the large intestine” (Rykova S.N., 2022, p. 29).

There is no exact answer to the question of how quickly prunes act - it all depends on the individual characteristics of the person, as well as on the method of preparing the dried fruit. It is believed that drinks made from dried plums act faster, while drinking prunes in their pure form will lead to the desired result no earlier than in 6-8 hours. Therefore, for morning cleansing, you can eat a handful of the product at night, and if cleansing is required during the day, an infusion or decoction is better.


Considering the beneficial properties of prunes (dried) and its unique taste, this product is used to prepare a huge number of treats: salads, snacks, drinks, main and first courses.

Prunes also occupy a worthy place in the preparation of desserts. Cream, nuts, and kefir are often used with this product. But especially prunes have become friends with meat. If you add prune extract to meat, you can maintain its freshness, while the dried fruit will not change the taste of the main product.

Using these dried fruits, you can improve the taste of familiar dishes, such as cereals and salads.

Cooking methods

How to take prunes so that they act as a laxative? Below we will tell you about the cooking methods.


To prepare the compote, you need to take pre-washed prunes and clean water in a ratio of 1:4. There is no need to sweeten the drink, since the dried fruit contains a large amount of sugar. Boil for no more than 10 minutes. If you wish, you can add raisins and dried apricots to the compote. Prune compote weakens and helps normalize intestinal function, and also saturates the body with vitamins and microelements.


Prepare as follows: washed dried fruits are placed in a thermos or other suitable container and filled with hot water in a ratio of 1:3, left under the lid for several hours (no more than 8 hours). The infusion can be consumed together with berries.

Kefir with prunes

The washed dried fruits need to be crushed and poured with fresh kefir, wait 2-3 hours and mix. You can add chopped dried apricots, flax seeds, and bran to this “cocktail” to enhance the effect.

Beetroot jelly with oatmeal and prunes

A simple recipe will help get rid of delayed bowel movements quite quickly. You need to take a liter of clean water, one medium peeled beet, a glass of oatmeal and 100 g of prunes. The beets need to be grated on a coarse grater, and the dried plums should be chopped into large pieces. After this, add all the ingredients to a saucepan with water, bring to a boil and leave on medium heat for 30 minutes. Then strain, cool and take 1 glass twice a day.


Prunes are a natural product with virtually no contraindications. However, in some conditions it should be included in the diet with caution. Due to the large amount of sugars in its composition and high calorie content, prunes should be avoided by people with obesity, diabetes, and insulin resistance. Dried fruit is contraindicated for inflammation of the gallbladder and pancreas, urolithiasis, as it can worsen the course of the disease. You should not eat large amounts of prunes in the third trimester of pregnancy due to the risk of increased uterine tone due to gas formation in the intestines.

The information in this article is for reference only and does not replace professional advice from a doctor. To make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment, consult a qualified specialist.


  1. Kucheryavyi Yu.A., Andreev D.N. et al. Chronic constipation: relevance, problems and modern treatment options. Consilium Medicum. 2017; 19 (8): 116-120
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  6. Baryshnikova G.A., Chorbinskaya S.A. et al. Potassium and magnesium deficiency, their role in the development of cardiovascular diseases and the possibility of correction. Consilium Medicum. 2019; 21 (1): 67-73
  7. Korovina N.A., Zakharova I.I. et al. Correction of vitamin and microelement deficiency in children. Medical advice. 2013; 4:94-98
  8. Bronovets I.N. Dietary fiber is an important component of a balanced, healthy diet. Medical news. 2015; 10:46-48
  9. Ellen Lever, S Mark Scott et al. The Effect of Prunes on Stool Output, Gut Transit Time and Gastrointestinal Microbiota: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Clin Nutr. Feb 2022; 38(1): 165-173 (Ellen Lever, Mark Scott et al. Effects of prunes on stool output, bowel transit time, and gastrointestinal microbiota: a randomized controlled trial).

How many prunes should you eat for a laxative effect?

Researcher Minushkin believes that “dietary recommendations for an adult patient with constipation are based on the motor function of the colon” ​​(Minushkin O.N., 2016, p. 705). For hypomotor dysfunction, 8-12 fruits per day are sufficient for proper waste load on the intestines. But you need to add vegetable oils, cereals, and wheat bran to your diet. The daily requirement for dietary fiber is 35g, so be guided by what you eat other than prunes. By consuming a large amount of fresh vegetables and fruits (300-400 g per day), the volume of dried plums can be reduced. Consider your well-being and individual reactions. In large quantities, dried fruit, like other high-fiber foods, leads to bloating and abdominal discomfort.

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Positive Action

Prunes are chosen as a remedy for constipation due to the combination of beneficial properties. Microelements and vitamins are necessary for the body, so fruit must be included in the diet. It helps in such situations:

  1. Leaves skin clear.
  2. Relieves acne.
  3. Acts as a preventive agent for cancer.
  4. Helps in the treatment of staphylococcus.
  5. Necessary for removing roundworms and lamblia.

The main benefit lies in the effect on the intestines. Constipation is eliminated, the organ is gently cleansed, and the functioning of the stomach is improved. Eating fruit improves the absorption of food, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and affects the functioning of the heart.

Many people find this product useful, as the substances contained in it have a beneficial effect on the skin and nervous system. It can be consumed by children, which makes the product valuable. The main thing is that the child does not have allergies.

It is important to know how to brew prunes for constipation, since dried fruit is more effective than laxatives and is safer. Normalizing stool leads to improved skin condition and well-being. Changes in the condition of the skin and its elasticity are noted. A minimal amount of sugar has a beneficial effect on kidney function. The water-salt balance is restored.

Prunes in laxatives

Bulk laxatives contain dietary fiber - plant and synthetic. A number of products contain natural ingredients such as plantain seeds, seaweed, figs, plum pulp, etc. If it is not possible to prepare prunes or you expect a faster and more pronounced effect, it may be advisable to use just such laxatives in consultation with your doctor. These remedies are most effective for constipation with normal transit, that is, in cases where stool retention is caused by diet disorders and other lifestyle factors.

Bulk laxatives based on plum pulp can be prescribed over a long course. Researchers highlight several advantages of such drugs:

  • systematic support for normal bowel movements: the products help not only to cope with constipation occasionally, but also to regulate bowel function for a long time;
  • there is no irritating effect on the intestines, which means there is no pain and cramping, diarrhea and other side effects;
  • no absorption or addiction.

Taking the products in accordance with the instructions on the package and the doctor’s recommendations will help you avoid the phenomena characteristic of consuming fiber in the form of products. We are talking about increased gas formation, bloating and rumbling in the abdomen. Prune-based laxatives are approved for use during pregnancy.

The British drug “Fitomucil Norm” contains the pulp of domestic plum fruits, as well as the shell of plantain seeds. The laxative works due to the soluble and insoluble fibers in the composition. The former absorb water in the intestines and, becoming a gel, soften the stool. And insoluble fibers stimulate intestinal motility, accelerating the passage of contents and their elimination.

Researcher Rykova in her work highlights the following positive effects of plum: “House plum has pronounced astringent, cleansing and mild laxative properties. Due to the high content of fiber, enzymes and phytoncides, plum fruits improve digestion, disinfect the intestines and enhance peristalsis, and have a mild laxative and cleansing effect. Due to the presence of pectins, plums have the ability to remove radionuclides from the body and have a detoxifying effect against heavy metal salts” (Rykova S. M., 2022, p. 31).

The sorbing effect of Fitomucil Norm is complemented by the effect of the psyllium seed shell: the component absorbs toxins and helps eliminate symptoms of body poisoning due to constipation.

Exercises for constipation. Does it help or not?

In my experience, it really helps! Active and mobile children are less likely to suffer from constipation. To prevent constipation, exercise is useful: running, swimming, gymnastics, squats, bending, abdominal strengthening exercises.

A child suffering from constipation, in addition to following a diet and drinking regime, is recommended to perform several simple actions in the morning:

— Get up early so that you have enough time for all morning activities, including going to the toilet, — Drink 1 glass of cold water on an empty stomach (you can with a mixture of dried fruits), — Perform the following exercises — Starting position standing: take as deep a breath as possible, then take a deep breath exhale, then pull your stomach in as much as possible and stick it out. Repeat the exercises several times. There is a high probability that after this the child will want to visit the toilet. Abdominal massage is also useful.

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