Calamus: description, beneficial properties, application and recipes

Botanical description of calamus marsh

Calamus is a tall perennial herbaceous plant that belongs to the arum family. This plant has a brown color, its rhizome is thick and creeping. The leaves are sharp, reach 1 meter in length and are shaped like a sword; they cover each other with their bases. The stem containing the flowers begins at the apex of the root. This root is green in color, has an edge on one side and a groove on the other. Above the cob is the upper part of the cob, also called the spathe because it looks like a leaf. This cob has the shape of a cylinder, it deviates from the stem. The spadix has many flowers, which are located on the fleshy axis.

The marsh calamus grows on highly moist soil; it strengthens itself in the soil with its strong root, which has many branches. The length of the root reaches 150 cm. Calamus grows near water, on the banks of lakes and rivers, in swamps; it forms large thickets, which are either pure or with mixtures of sedges and horsetails. It grows in the middle and southern zone of the European part of Russia, it can be found in Eastern Siberia and the Caucasus. Grows well in steppe and forest-steppe zones, along the banks of reservoirs, on swampy soils, flooded fields and in ravines.

Type and places of growth

This species is not an annual species. Approximately six varieties have been identified, but only two are recognized in official sources. There you can also find the names ordinary and cereal. It grows on the banks of fresh water, but is also found near swamps and small streams . It was the habitat that gave the grass its characteristic name.

Calamus is fruitful. Its fruit can be red or green. Botanists put forward the version that the grass came to Europe not without the help of importation. History knows the facts of the use of roots by Mongol-Tatar soldiers - they placed them in a pond. It was believed that calamus would help make the liquid safer by purifying it and preparing it for ingestion. For this reason, another popular name “Tatar potion” was established.

The marsh calamus has the ability to take root, which gave it the opportunity to spread to all corners of Europe. The grass looks like a small shrub, with a height not exceeding 1.6 meters. More often, the height of the bush is about 1.2 meters.

The leaves are bright green in color, can grow up to a meter in length and three centimeters in width, and are xiphoid in shape. The growth is fan-like, on top of the root. The spicy marshy smell is a striking difference between calamus and other related plants. The European population of the Russian Federation calls it marsh cinquefoil, due to its appearance.

The root can grow up to one and a half meters . Its surface has a dark crust that hides the light pinkish flesh. Its taste is bitter, but it is quite edible. The smell of the root can be compared to a mixture of tangerine and cinnamon.

The stem shape is straight. It is equipped with clearly defined sharp edges resembling a blade. The flowers are highlighted in yellow and are contained in a quantity of at least eight per inflorescence. They grow from the central point of the leaf.

Collection and preparation of calamus

Today, not everyone will be able to find and collect calamus, but many still find it and make blanks from it. To make it easier for people, special farms have been created that grow calamus. From the beginning of autumn to the beginning of winter, calamus is prepared: it is pulled out of the silt using a rake or pitchfork. Then the already collected roots need to be washed from contaminants and the remaining leaves must be cut off. After this, the roots should be dried, leaving the plant in the open air. Next, you need to cut the roots into pieces, the length of which is 10–20 cm. And if the root is very thick, then it needs to be split lengthwise.

The raw materials are dried under an iron roof at a temperature of +30–35 °C; the temperature cannot be increased, as the essential oil quickly evaporates. Rhizomes are considered well dried when they break easily. The essential oil in the calamus rhizome is approximately 5%; it also contains tannins, ascorbic acid, resins, copper, and starch.

Dried calamus preparations are spongy pieces of roots that are very light. Unpeeled roots have a flattened shape, slightly curved, the outer color is yellowish-brown, with a reddish or grayish-green tint. For the most part, dried roots are split. The peeled and split roots of the plant at the break and on the outside should be white or pinkish. Dried raw materials have a unique smell and a spicy-bitter taste.

Chemical components

Traditional healers claim that the roots of common and marsh calamus can help cure a number of diseases. Collection for these purposes is carried out in the autumn and spring periods. One of the characteristics of the plant is a large amount of essential oil in its composition, which gives it a number of useful and pleasant properties. Calamus oil is rich in:

  • asarone;
  • borneol;
  • calameol;
  • beta-pinene;
  • element;
  • akoron;
  • turmeric.

In addition, there are other substances that have a positive effect on the body. Although asarone is considered the root component, besides it you can find in the grass:

  1. Starch . Contains carbohydrates, which are a useful source of energy. There is a positive effect on digestive processes.
  2. Vitamin complex . The plant is rich in vitamins A, C, K, E and PP, as well as the entire group B. They are indispensable for various processes occurring in the body. Most of it supports vision, promotes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary organs and the reproductive system as a whole.
  3. Kholin . Vitamin B4, necessary for organizing the correct functioning of the central nervous system. This herb is contained in sufficient quantities, which makes it possible to create a line of special sedatives based on calamus. It is widely used among traditional methods of treatment.
  4. Iodine . Without this chemical element, proper functioning of the thyroid gland is not possible. The inhabitants of the northern expanses of Russia are often susceptible to iodine deficiency, which is why traditional medicine advises collecting and using calamus as a means of replenishing this substance.
  5. Tannins . Certain components are present in every second plant and calamus is no exception. They have a positive effect in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system. In addition, these substances have wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties.
  6. Ascorbic acid . An abundance of vitamin C, which is involved in building the body's defenses. With a deficiency, the risk of catching a cold or the flu increases, and in more advanced cases, another serious pathology.
  7. Palmitic acid . It is one of the main components of palm oils. The component is widely used in the cosmetology field. It helps accelerate healing processes, relieves irritation, eliminates skin flaking and participates in restoring the structure of damaged hair.

Useful properties of calamus

People have long known that calamus has many medicinal properties. This plant is very often used in folk medicine. A vodka tincture is made from the roots of calamus, which is used for medicinal purposes. A decoction of calamus helps with liver diseases, diseases of the bladder, nervous system, and tuberculosis. A tincture of calamus is also used for rheumatism. If a person has heartburn, then calamus root, which you just need to chew, will help him here.

A decoction of the roots of calamus is used by people who want to strengthen the hair on their heads, as well as by those suffering from lichen. Women's diseases can also be cured with the help of calamus - its decoction should be douched.

Putrid wounds are sprinkled with calamus powder. People complaining of stomach pain can take calamus decoction orally.

The roots of the plant have an effect that increases appetite, improves digestion, and also enhances the reflex secretion of juice in the stomach.

Today, calamus is used in medicine as a remedy for peptic ulcers. And in veterinary medicine, the roots of calamus have found use as a stomach remedy.

Air description application properties

Calamus is a perennial herbaceous plant, 60-100 cm high. Dry and fresh rhizomes of calamus (Rhizoma Calami) are used as medicinal raw materials in medicine. Raw materials are harvested in early spring and autumn. The rhizomes of the plant are dug up, then the remaining leaves, stems and roots of calamus are cut off with a knife. The rhizomes are washed, dried in the open air, cut into pieces up to 20 cm and dried at a temperature not exceeding 30°C.

An infusion of calamus rhizome increases appetite, improves digestion and enhances the secretion of hydrochloric acid, especially in patients with reduced gastric secretion. Calamus oil is part of the drug olimetin, used for the treatment and prevention of kidney stones and cholelithiasis, and is used as a tonic for diseases of the central nervous system.

Calamus is a perennial herbaceous plant 60-100 cm high

Calamus rhizomes are used for anemia, diseases of the gallbladder, kidneys, and menstrual irregularities. The essential oil contained in them calms hysteria, relieves stomach colic, etc. Its powder is used for heartburn, diarrhea and bad breath (on the tip of a knife).

Tibetan medicine uses calamus rhizomes as a tonic and anthelmintic. Chinese medicine uses calamus as a tonic and aphrodisiac for diarrhea and rheumatism. In Poland, the plant is used as an expectorant and anti-inflammatory agent, and externally against hair loss.

In folk medicine, an infusion of calamus rhizomes is used for gastritis with low acidity, stomach and intestinal colic, diarrhea, hepatitis, cholecystitis, inflammation of the kidneys and bladder, urinary tract, irregular menstruation, diseases of the biliary tract, gall bladder. Calamus greens and roots are used to prepare medicinal baths, which are used in the treatment of rickets and scrofula in children and neurosis in adults.

Chemical composition of calamus

Calamus root contains: essential oil, tannins, acorin glycoside and calamine alkaloid. Calamus leaves also contain tannins and essential oil. Essential oil consists of a mixture of terpenes, sesquiterpenes, and its odor carriers are asaryl aldehydes.

Also in the roots of calamus there is a little unscented soap, and the root of calamus also contains vitamins, starch, protein, minerals - all of them are related substances.

Application of calamus

The use of calamus in alternative medicine is quite diverse. Fresh roots are used to disinfect water. Decoctions are prescribed for diseases of the teeth and gums. Calamus is effective for diseases of the biliary tract and liver, and kidney stones. For leukemia, a medicinal herbal mixture is used, which includes calamus root, nettle and elecampane. Calamus is useful for improving digestion and increasing appetite.

Calamus rhizomes are sometimes used for diseases of the central nervous system. When ground into powder, they help with heartburn, diarrhea and bad breath. Calamus preparations reduce blood pressure and increase sputum production. They are useful to take for gastritis with low stomach acidity. The plant is also used for rapid healing of wounds. In gynecology, a decoction of calamus is used for diseases of coccal and trichomonas etiology, secondary amenorrhea, and ovarian failure.

Video: medicinal properties and contraindications of calamus, and how to use it?

Medicine and marsh grass

Traditional healers have identified a number of diseases that the plant copes with:

  1. Gastrointestinal diseases . Calamus will restore lost appetite, help with stomach upsets, intestinal colic, diarrhea and flatulence, as well as many other diseases. Successfully eliminates spasms and relieves pain. It has an enveloping effect that reliably protects the gastrointestinal tract from a number of factors. Also, medicines based on it have the properties of reducing acidity.
  2. ARVI and influenza . In this case, it is used to make decoctions and tinctures to fight colds - calamus perfectly removes phlegm from the bronchi. In addition, the drugs can be taken for preventive purposes.
  3. Cardiovascular pathologies . It is used when a painful sensation occurs in the chest area, dilated vascular walls. Increases tone.
  4. Diseases of the central nervous system . A number of active substances in the herb will help overcome stress and depression. The medicine is a mild sedative.
  5. Headache . Calamus helps in eliminating recurring headaches, especially those caused by high blood pressure.
  6. Poisoning , including hallucinogenic substances. This plant easily copes with intoxication by hallucinogenic substances in the shortest possible time, neutralizing their effect.
  7. Male pattern baldness . Trouble for men over thirty-five. Regular use of the decoction allows you to preserve your hair.
  8. Male infertility . Improving the composition of semen and the overall effect can cure and prevent prostate adenoma.
  9. Tuberculosis . Plants are recommended when determining the disease, as it can help neutralize the action of pathogenic microflora. It also helps speed up recovery.
  10. Rheumatism . The roots of this plant eliminate the entire list of unpleasant sensations inherent in this pathology.
  11. Liver diseases . Various calamus-based remedies can reduce the negative effects on the liver.

In addition to those indicated in the list, there is an additional range of applications: for painful menstruation, to improve secretory function and to relieve heartburn.

During menopause

Calamus infusions help stop the onset of menopause. After completing a course of therapy, a woman will feel a significant improvement in her overall health. The hot flash disappears, the central nervous system returns to normal, attacks of irritability stop, depression recedes and overall mood improves.

For potency

This property is due to the components included in the composition, which also help improve sperm quality. As a result, reproductive capacity is significantly increased.

For teeth

Calamus roots are useful in treating gum inflammation and tooth pain. It stops bleeding and relieves pain. It is recommended to use for the prevention of oral diseases. A decoction is used to rinse the mouth every day, ideally after every meal. Pleasant properties include improving bad breath and relieving inflammation.

For gastritis

The ordinary and marsh varieties are recognized by folk medicine as the most effective means of preventing and treating gastrointestinal diseases. Reduces the risk of ulcers. Thanks to the high enveloping effect, a similar property is achieved.

The active substance will protect the intestinal mucosa, not only preventing the action of a negative factor, but also stopping the inflammatory process entirely. However, such treatment requires consultation with a gastroenterologist.

Fighting nail fungus

The tincture of the plant's root has a strong antimicrobial effect, which makes it possible to use it in the treatment of nail fungus. It is applied to the nail plate and surrounding area.

Treatment will take a couple of weeks, a month at most. However, after the course, the nails will look healthier and the symptoms will disappear.

For vision

Traditional medicine has a rich collection of recipes that help improve and maintain vision and the functioning of the visual organs, in general. They are prepared based on the symbiosis of calamus and calendula.

The healing properties of the plant make it possible to restore eye pressure, normalize blood circulation in the eyes, and relieve fatigue. It also helps strengthen the retina and normalizes tear fluid.

When smoking

Traditional methods of getting rid of tobacco addiction note the effectiveness of this root. The recipe is simple - you need to chew pieces of dried roots. This reduces cravings. And when used together with mint, you can achieve double the effect.

For pancreatitis

When such a diagnosis is made, you can immediately proceed to the use of calamus in powder form. The product helps improve bile synthesis and its permeability. In addition, there is a restoration of acidity levels.

The powdered root is taken orally - a small volume, literally at the end of a spoon, is kept in the mouth, and then washed down with a mug of water.

For sore throat

A fresh decoction or tincture based on the root helps get rid of the disease. It destroys pathogenic microorganisms, relieves pain and eliminates inflammatory processes.

Calamus root

Many people know about the bactericidal properties of calamus root. In traditional medicine, alcohol tinctures from it are recommended to improve appetite, for gastrointestinal diseases, and also as a good expectorant and tonic. For childhood rickets and diathesis, baths are made, the main component of which is calamus.

Calamus root is used much more widely in folk medicine. Various decoctions and alcohol tinctures are prepared from it. It is part of a variety of medicinal mixtures and teas. Calamus root powder is used as a powder for purulent ulcers and wounds. It is also a good snort for treating a cold or sinus headache. It clears the airways, promoting sneezing.

Calamus is an effective remedy for neutralizing the destructive effect of drugs, in particular marijuana. If you smoke a pinch of small shavings of the root with marijuana, calamus completely stops the toxic effect of the drug. In fact, calamus root can neutralize the side effects of all hallucinogens.

If you take a pinch of powder with half a teaspoon of honey in the morning and evening, this remedy improves memory and cures heartburn. Decoctions and infusions of calamus root in the form of sitz baths help with gynecology. In addition, calamus has an analgesic and tonic effect, and increases the secretion of stomach contents. It is taken to improve vision, in the treatment of hepatitis and cholecystitis.

CALMARUS (ordinary calamus root) –
Sem. aroids - Araceae

DESCRIPTION. A perennial herbaceous plant with a thick yellow creeping rhizome up to 30 cm long. The rhizome at the ends of its branches develops bunches of narrow, bright green linear-xiphoid leaves, 60-120 cm long.

The stem has a fleshy ear-inflorescence, from the base of which a green covering leaf extends, which is like a continuation of the stem.

The spadix is ​​planted with greenish-yellow flowers, each of 6 membranous, with slightly thickened and inwardly curved tips of the leaves, 6 stamens. The fruit is an oblong, multi-seeded green or reddish drying berry. Blooms from the second half of May to July.

RAW MATERIALS. Medicinal raw materials - dried rhizomes of calamus (Rhizoma Calami). They are collected in the fall, when the water level in reservoirs drops and they can be removed from the silt with a rake or pitchfork. The rhizomes are washed, the leaves and roots are trimmed, cut into transverse pieces, and thicker ones are split lengthwise. Air and heat drying of rhizomes is allowed at a temperature not exceeding 25-30ºС. The smell is pleasant, aromatic, the taste is spicy-bitter. Shelf life - up to 3 years.

SPREADING. Calamus is found in the North Caucasus, Russia and Kuban. It grows along the banks of rivers, streams, lakes, ponds, on muddy soil and in wetlands, forming continuous thickets.

CHEMICAL COMPOSITION. Rhizomes contain up to 4.8% essential oil of complex composition. It includes: d-alpha-pinene, d-camphene, d-camphor, borneol, eugenol, methyleugenone, asarone, beta-asarone, calamen, sesquiterpene ketone acorenone, caryophyllene, proazulene and other terpenoids. In addition to essential oil, the rhizomes contain: bitter glycoside acorin, tannins, ascorbic acid. The leaves are rich in essential oil, starch and tannins.

APPLICATION. The substances contained in the rhizomes of calamus increase the excitability of taste nerves, enhance the reflex secretion of gastric juice, increase the biliary function of the liver, the tone of the gallbladder and diuresis, and also have anti-inflammatory and fungistatic effects. Calamus roots have long been used during epidemics of influenza, typhus, and cholera as a preventive measure against infection with these diseases. More often, decoctions and tinctures of calamus rhizomes are used. The decoction is used for hair loss, external wounds and ulcers are washed with the tincture, and the powder from the rhizome is used as a powder; it relieves heartburn and toothache well. For medicinal purposes, a decoction of calamus rhizomes is used internally as an aromatic bitterness to stimulate appetite for gastrointestinal diseases, gastritis, colitis, hepatitis and cholecystitis, and also as a tonic for depression of the central nervous system. Included in bitter tinctures, gastric preparations, Vikair and Vikalin tablets, used for gastric and duodenal ulcers, as well as for hyperacid gastritis.

The infusion and calamus decoction are used externally for rinsing, and the powder is used as a powder for purulent wounds and ulcers.

In folk medicine, calamus is used to treat scurvy, gout, influenza, cholera, typhus, jaundice, scrofula, diathesis, malaria, rickets, kidney diseases, inflammation of the bladder and various female diseases (as an internal and external remedy in the form of sitz baths The rhizomes and leaves of calamus are used for baths).


1. Infusion:

a) pour 15 g of crushed rhizome with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for up to 2 hours, strain. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals for flu, gout, inflammation of the kidneys, bladder, to stimulate appetite for gastrointestinal diseases;

b) pour 15 g of calamus rhizome with 1 glass of cold boiled water, leave for 8 hours, strain. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals for various gastrointestinal diseases, diseases of the liver, kidneys, gall and bladder and as a sedative.

2. Decoction:

Boil 15 g of dry rhizomes for 15 minutes in 3 glasses of water, leave for 1-2 hours in a tightly sealed container, strain. Take ½ glass 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for indigestion, gastric ulcers, intestines.

3. Tincture:

Pour 20 g of crushed rhizome with 100 ml of alcohol, leave for 8 days in a warm place, shaking frequently, strain. Take 20-30 drops with water 2 times a day for diseases of the liver, kidneys, gall and bladder, and gastrointestinal diseases. Apply a piece of cotton wool to aching teeth.

4. Powder

take 0.2-0.5 g of rhizomes 3 times a day with water for heartburn.

5. Infusion

mixtures of calamus rhizomes and oak bark in equal parts are taken for alveolar pyorrhea and bad breath.

USE IN NUTRITION. Aromatic jam is prepared from the leaves that come off the rhizome. Calamus rhizome can replace cinnamon, nutmeg and pepper.

Calamus salad

Select the inner young leaves of the plant, cut into strips, add onion, sour cream, and salt to taste.

Candied calamus roots

Place fresh calamus roots, 3-4 cm long, into thick syrup, splitting them into four parts, and steam for 5-10 minutes. Remove from syrup and dry. Then place in glass jars for storage in a dry place.

Pancakes made from calamus leaves

Calamus leaf powder is added to the dough prepared for baking pancakes. Bake in vegetable oil.

Calamus decoction

Take 20 g of dry calamus rhizomes, pour 1 liter of boiling water. Boil for 5 minutes and leave for 24 hours. Use for flavoring baked goods, salads, first courses.

Kvass with calamus

Add the prepared decoction of calamus roots to the kvass obtained in the usual way: 1 glass of decoction per 3 liters of kvass.

Calamus flowers

For some reason, calamus is not very popular in home gardening, but it is very hardy and unpretentious. The plant is especially suitable for those who have little time to care for flowers. You just need to make sure that the soil of the plant is always moist, since this flower grows mainly in swamps. The pot with the plant can be placed on a tray with water and added as needed.

Calamus is unpretentious in terms of temperature, it feels good at 6–16 degrees, grows well in the shade and does not tolerate direct sunlight. Loves rooms with humid air. No soil fertilization is required. Calamus reproduces by dividing the bush throughout the year. The flower can be used for medicinal purposes for blood pressure, gastrointestinal diseases, and hair loss.

Calamus marsh

Perennial herbaceous plant of the calamus family. It has a long, thick rhizome with multiple accessory roots. It is covered with the remains of leaf sheaths. The color of the rhizome is greenish-brown, it is white inside, with a pungent odor and bitter taste. The stem is straight, not branching, up to 120 cm high, with a sharp edge. The leaves are long, up to 1 m, 3 cm wide, cone-shaped, flat.

The inflorescences are arranged obliquely on the stem in the form of cylindrical cobs 3–14 cm in length. The fruits are multi-seeded oblong red berries. Calamus blooms from late spring to July. Reproduces vegetatively. In Ukraine it grows everywhere in swamps and muddy banks of reservoirs, forming large thickets.

The rhizome and calamus root have medicinal properties. The rhizome is harvested in autumn or early spring. Calamus has been used in alternative medicine for a long time. Calamus preparations are prescribed for liver diseases, malaria, rickets, kidney and bladder diseases. They have a tonic effect on the depressed state of the nervous system, improve hearing and vision. Act as a bactericidal agent during epidemics of influenza and cholera.

Thanks to its expectorant properties, calamus cures bronchitis. This plant is also used for chronic diseases of the spinal cord.

Brief description and habitat of calamus

Calamus has found wide use as a medicinal product.
It is a perennial plant that grows in swamps, near rivers and other bodies of water. Initially, its territorial position was in Asia, and then it spread to other regions, even to America and Europe. In the seventh and eighth centuries, the Tatars brought it to the Slavic lands. Since then, the grass began to be called Tatar. The plant has many other names (reed root, ginger root, etc.). The healing properties of calamus have been used since ancient times. Roman doctors more than once spoke in their treatises about calamus and its positive qualities. Its positive effect on the liver, spleen, digestive system, lungs and mucous membranes of the eyes was mentioned. In the Middle Ages, calamus was used to disinfect purulent ulcers. To do this, it was ground to a fine state. It was also used for preventive purposes during outbreaks of cholera and typhus, as well as other terrible diseases with fatal consequences.

The plant is not capable of self-pollinating; this usually occurs with the help of insects. They have a vegetative method of reproduction. Its meaning is that small shoots originate from the rhizome, then detach from it and grow on their own. The height of the plant varies from fifty to seventy centimeters. The root is quite powerful and branched, externally it is covered with a red crust, and its internal part is white.

Calamus has a specific smell that cannot be confused with others. It is pronounced, but quite pleasant.

Calamus recipes

To treat frequent sore throats, you just need to chew a small piece of calamus root 5-6 times every day. And it must be in the mouth for 10–15 minutes. This treatment takes 6 months - and after the full course you will forget about sore throat forever.

If you have chronic tonsillitis, then a steam of the roots of calamus will help. You need to take 2 tbsp. l. calamus roots and pour 200 ml of boiling water over them, cover everything with a lid and leave in a water bath for 30 minutes. After this time, strain the steam. You need to gargle with this steam: the more times, the better.

For anorexia (loss of appetite), spastic pain in the intestines and stomach, take an infusion of calamus rhizomes. To prepare it, you need to take 2 teaspoons of calamus roots and pour one glass of boiled hot water over them, leave it all in a thermos to infuse. This infusion should be drunk warm, 50 ml 3-4 times daily. The infusion should be taken half an hour before meals.

An infusion of calamus roots in vodka will help against impotence. Take 1 liter of vodka, add 100 grams of calamus root into it and leave for 14 days to infuse. The room where this infusion will be located should be dark, and the air temperature should be room temperature. You need to take the prepared infusion daily, 30 ml three times a day.

To treat gonorrhea, in addition to the main treatment, they also take a hot bath from a decoction of calamus roots. The infusion should be made at the rate of 30 grams of calamus roots per 1 liter. This content must be infused for an hour. This bath must be taken every day.

To improve digestion, it is useful to drink a decoction of the roots of calamus. You should take 15 grams of roots and pour 500–700 ml of water over them, all this needs to be boiled for 15 minutes with the lid on. You need to drink 3 cups of this decoction every day.

Powder from calamus root will help with heartburn. Three times during the day you need to drink one teaspoon of powder from the roots of calamus - and heartburn will no longer torment you!

Calamus tincture

A tincture of calamus herb is useful for epilepsy, hysteria, and memory loss. It improves vision and digestion. The tincture is used to treat gastric ulcers, chronic gastritis with low acidity and diarrhea.

Recipe 1: 20 g of calamus must be mixed with 100 ml of vodka, left for 2 weeks in a dark place, strained and stored in a glass container. The tincture should be taken 15–30 drops before meals three times a day.

Recipe 2 for toothache and vomiting. Finely chopped dry leaves of the rhizome should be poured with 70% alcohol, left for a week in a dark place and taken 20 drops three times a day before meals.

Calamus during menopause

Herbal treatment is very popular during the transitional, menopausal period. Calamus is used to normalize hormonal levels. The root, ground through a coffee grinder, should be taken 1 teaspoon with meals.

Root decoction. The crushed calamus rhizome should be poured with cold water, left for about 7–8 hours, then boiled in a water bath for 25–30 minutes, cooled and strained. It is recommended to take the product 1 glass twice a day half an hour before meals.

Calamus for gastritis and Helicobacter

Helicobacteriosis is a dangerous disease that occurs when infected with special microorganisms. Helicobacter pylori bacteria cause stomach pain, heartburn, heaviness, belching, nausea and vomiting. In some cases, the bacteria present on the mucous membranes are inactive. But when immune systems fail, they negatively affect the digestive system as a whole. Serious consequences of this disease often include gastritis, ulcers and fatal cancers.

To treat this disease, all kinds of folk remedies are used, which are taken in the form of medicinal decoctions and tinctures. Various complex collections of special medicinal plants are often prescribed. They have a multidirectional effect not only on the cause of the appearance of bacteria, but also on the process of their manifestation in the body. It should be noted that treatment with folk remedies is recommended in certain courses to speed up healing and prevent progression of the disease.

One of the popular recipes for the treatment of Helicobacter bacteria and gastritis is calamus infusion. Crushed calamus rhizomes are poured with boiling water. The proportion should be one liter of water per four tablespoons of dry raw materials. It is recommended to consume this remedy 30-40 minutes before meals, half a glass.

Side effects and contraindications for taking calamus for gastritis

Excessive intake of calamus for gastritis can cause nausea and vomiting. You should avoid eating calamus during pregnancy. When treating with calamus root, caution must be exercised by hypotensive patients, as well as those suffering from kidney diseases in the acute stage. In some sources you can find indications of carcinogenic properties.

Indeed, most varieties of calamus contain significant amounts of asarone, a substance with carcinogenic properties. Fortunately, European calamus species contain only traces of this substance, so they cannot cause the development of cancer. However, it is not recommended to carry out long courses of treatment with calamus root.



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Calamus for teeth

Calamus is an excellent remedy for toothache. A decoction is made from calamus root, which is drunk or rinsed in the mouth. If your tooth hurts, you need to lubricate your gums with calamus tincture - and the pain will quickly go away. Calamus penetrates deep into the diseased tooth and has an analgesic effect on the root.

Recipe. 20 g of dry calamus root must be finely chopped, pour in 100 ml of vodka, let it brew for two weeks in a dark place, shaking occasionally, then strain and keep in a cool, dark place, in a tight container that does not allow sunlight to pass through. If you have a toothache, rinse your mouth with the tincture for 5–10 minutes, then spit it out. If the pain does not go away, it is recommended to repeat the procedure.

Calamus rhizome is chewed to strengthen the gums.

Calamus oil

The oil is obtained from the rhizome of calamus by steam distillation. It is a viscous dark yellow or brown liquid with an original woody odor and spicy taste. The chemical composition of the oil may vary. This is explained by the fact that the plants were collected in different geoclimatic conditions. The main active ingredients of the oil: limonene, linalool, cismethylisoeugenol, asarone. Calamus oil is used to flavor strong alcoholic drinks.

Due to the spicy aroma of calamus, oriental type perfumes are created. It effectively fights various infections, including staphylococci. The oil is often used to treat respiratory problems, especially coughs. It is recommended to take it for the treatment of duodenal ulcers and gastritis with low acidity. Oil is also an excellent natural product that improves the metabolic process.

Calamus oil increases appetite and stimulates the secretion of gastric juice. This is an effective remedy for the prevention of urolithiasis and gallstone diseases. Systematic consumption of oil has a beneficial effect on the condition of the musculoskeletal system; it helps reduce muscle fatigue and strengthens bone tissue. For several centuries, calamus oil has been used as a natural aphrodisiac, which increases sexual desire and sexual activity.

Calamus infusion

Recipe 1. One teaspoon of calamus rhizomes must be stirred in 250 ml of hot boiled water, left for 20 minutes, then strained and taken half a glass a day half an hour before meals. The drug is effective against infectious mononucleosis.

Recipe 2. Dry calamus rhizome should be crushed, poured into a glass of cold water, and left for 20 minutes. It is recommended to take the infusion one tablespoon three times a day before meals.

Recipe 3. For stomach cramps, make an infusion of calamus with the addition of rowan flowers and berries. Calamus and rowan are poured into a glass of warm boiled water, left for an hour, after which the infusion should be brought to a boil and cooled. After filtering through several layers of gauze, the drink is taken warm, half a glass 2-3 times a day before meals.

Calamus root decoction

A decoction of calamus root normalizes sleep and improves the functioning of brain cells. The decoction is used to strengthen and grow hair.

Recipe 1. You need to boil two tablespoons of dry crushed root in 250 ml of water for 20–30 minutes, leave until completely cooled, then strain and add boiled water to the original volume. The decoction is used in the form of lotions and washes to treat wounds and ulcers.

Recipe 2. 6 g of raw materials should be boiled in 200 ml of water for 30 minutes in a closed container, strain and add boiled water to the initial volume. Take 2 tbsp three times a day after meals. spoons of decoction. The drug has a positive effect on pneumonia.

Recipe 3. Three teaspoons of finely chopped rhizome are poured into 400 ml of water, boiled in a sealed container for 15 minutes. and take half a glass before meals.

Contraindications to the use of calamus

Calamus should not be used for any bleeding; it is strictly not recommended for hypotensive patients. You should not take it if you have high acidity of gastric juice. If you still need to use a preparation from calamus, you should definitely include in its composition plants that reduce the production of hydrochloric acid. It is not recommended to take calamus during the acute phase of a stomach ulcer. It is also contraindicated for pregnant women.

It should be remembered that the use of natural medicines should be moderate. If the dose of calamus is increased, this will lead to vomiting.

Author of the article:

Sokolova Nina Vladimirovna |
Herbalist Education: Diploma in General Medicine and Therapy received from the University named after N.I. Pirogov (2005 and 2006). Advanced training at the Department of Herbal Medicine at the Moscow People's Friendship University (2008). Our authors

Calamus root contraindications and side effects

Calamus is unique in its composition and very useful, but there are also contraindications. Proper application and use in the right proportion will give many advantages, while careless use will only harm the body. The medicinal properties are obvious, but it is worth taking into account under what circumstances the use is not permissible:

  • intolerance at the individual level;
  • allergic reactions;
  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • low blood pressure, since calamus can lower it even further and also reduce the heart rate;
  • presence of bleeding of any category;
  • kidney ailments.

Neglecting the dosage and rules of administration can cause hallucinations and vomiting. This is primarily due to the strong medicinal qualities of the herbal preparation. This herb requires constant monitoring, and it is best to consult with a therapist or specialist who will give recommendations and examine the patient’s condition. Doctors do not recommend using calamus in tandem with sedatives, as this can cause more disastrous consequences.

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