Application of new synbiotics in pediatric practice

Which brand of intestinal medication is better to choose?

The review presents pharmaceutical companies with an impeccable reputation, which have been specializing in the production of drugs for many years. According to medical experts, these companies produce the best drugs for intestinal restoration that meet high quality standards.

  • Sandoz (Linex) is a German pharmaceutical company represented in 140 countries. In 1993, a representative office was opened in Moscow. The Sandoz brand has become a symbol of high-quality and affordable medicines. The domestic market offers a large selection of over-the-counter pharmaceutical drugs for preventive action.
  • Microgen (Lactobacterin) is a Russian manufacturer of medical immunobiological preparations and other medicines. Since 2003, the company has produced more than 250 items. All products undergo strict certification for compliance with ISO and GMP standards.
  • JSC Partner (Probifor) is the largest manufacturing company from Russia. It produces on the domestic market the best drugs for the intestines, innovative probiotic substances for the manufacture of dosage forms. Developer of mass therapeutic and preventive dietary nutrition products.
  • Pharmstandard (Acipol) is an influential pharmaceutical company from Russia, founded in 2003. Actively works with foreign partners, introducing innovative developments. It produces more than 250 pharmaceutical drugs, of which 120 items are included in the list of vitally important drugs.
  • Vita Farma (Bifidumbacterin) is a Russian pharmaceutical company, operating since 1996. The main activity is the development, production and release of immunobiological drugs. Dosage forms for the prevention and treatment of dysbiosis. The products meet high quality standards.
  • Abbott Biologicals B.V./Veropharm JSC (Duphalac) – a joint Netherlands/Russia corporation is the largest manufacturer and supplier of medicines and medical products. Priority areas are oncology, gastroenterology, women's health.
  • Teva Pharmaceutical (Hilak Forte) is an Israeli pharmaceutical company, a leading leader in the production of medicines using innovative technologies. The production produces more than 1,800 types of medications every day, tailored to the needs of each patient.
  • Bifilux (Normoflorin) is a group of companies, founded in 1999. He is engaged in scientific activities, the development of innovative medicines, the production and sale of products patented in the biophytocorrection program for dysbacteriosis.
  • Danisco (Maxilac) is an international global brand from France. The company is developing probiotic cultures on an industrial scale. The quality criterion is the highest survival rate of bifidobacteria under various conditions.
  • Enzyme LLC (Bifiliz) is a pharmaceutical company from Russia, founded in 1995. The main activity is the production, storage and sale of medicines. Priority areas: production of probiotics, immunomodulators, interferons.


In “Studies of Optimism,” Nobel Prize laureate in the field of physiology and medicine Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov, discussing the life expectancy of living beings, expressed the idea that “longevity” is associated with intestinal flora. “If the theory according to which premature and painful old age depends on the poisoning of our tissues by poisons coming mainly from our intestines and produced mainly by intestinal microbes is correct, then it is obvious that everything that interferes with intestinal putrefaction must at the same time improve and delay old age,” he wrote, confirming these words with “examples of the longevity of peoples feeding mainly on sour milk.” His recipe for preparing pure cultures of “Bulgarian bacillus” with sugar can be considered the first “official” probiotic.

Rating of drugs for the intestines

In addition to the manufacturer, the decisive criterion when choosing a medicine will be the doctor’s prescription. For preventive purposes, probiotics and prebiotics for the intestines can be purchased at the pharmacy without a prescription. The rating includes the best drugs for the intestines, which were selected according to the following characteristics:

  • Release form;
  • Contraindications;
  • Compound;
  • Purpose;
  • Side effects;
  • Efficiency;
  • Assimilation;
  • Age of application;
  • Safety.

For greater coverage of characteristics, patient reviews, experience and personal observations of health workers were also taken into account. We did not ignore the availability of freely available drugs, the ratio of quality and price.

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Contraindications and side effects

Individual sensitivity to the active ingredients of multicomponent probiotics, as well as allergic intolerance to cow's milk protein (lactose), impaired absorption of galactose.

Side effects:

  • Diarrhea in the first 2-3 days of taking symbiotics. It occurs in people with sensitive intestines and goes away on its own. You can reduce the dose of the drug for the duration of the stool disorder. After normalization of the condition, the volume of the drug is adjusted to the original value (within a week).
  • Allergic manifestations (rash).

The best prebiotics for the gut

Prebiotics are beneficial food components that provide a breeding ground for a certain class of intestinal microorganisms. They are used to restore the body's immune defense after illness. They stabilize metabolic processes, improve peristalsis and relieve constipation. They have a healing effect on the inflamed intestines and restore the pH level.

Prebiotics can be safely called a universal drug, without side effects. They are over-the-counter medications and are available for free sale. Experts have selected the best prebiotics for the intestines; the list of drugs was compiled based on customer reviews and doctor’s recommendations.


The active component of Duphalac is lactulose. This substance at the chemical level stimulates intestinal motility, causing osmotic diarrhea. It qualitatively breaks down disaccharides, helps absorb phosphates and salts, and removes ammonium ions. Due to its ability to remove nitrogenous compounds, Duphalac is prescribed to patients with chronic liver failure. Release form: syrup. Oral administration using a measuring cup. Can be prescribed to children from birth. Taking the drug reduces blood pressure.


  • Relieves constipation;
  • Softens stool for medical purposes;
  • Has a therapeutic effect in liver failure;
  • Effective 24 hours after administration;
  • Pleasant to the taste;
  • Prescribed during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


  • Overdose: flatulence, nausea, vomiting;
  • Lots of side effects.

The drug should not be used if there is intestinal obstruction. May negatively affect the nervous system. Concomitant use with antibiotics is not recommended. Patients with diabetes take Duphalac under medical supervision.

The best antibiotics

Hilak Forte

Dietary supplement in the form of drops. Hilak Forte contains sterile concentrates of metabolic products, autoflora metabolites with high biological activity. Contains an additional complex: fatty acids, biosynthetic lactic, phosphoric and citric acids, sodium, potassium, lactose. 1 ml of the drug contains more than 100 billion living microorganisms. The unique properties of Hilak Forte regulate the biological balance of intestinal microflora, restore the mucous epithelium of wall cells, and stimulate regeneration. Release form: drops. Before taking, a certain number of drops are diluted with boiled water. Take with meals or before meals. Prescribed for children from 2 years of age.


  • Natural composition;
  • No adverse reaction;
  • Complex treatment;
  • Quick effect;
  • Relieves chronic constipation.


  • Inconvenient release form;
  • Short shelf life after opening the bottle.

Hilak Forte is the best natural preparation with a “living” substrate for the prevention of dysbacteriosis while taking a course of antibiotics. It cannot be combined with other liquid probiotics and is prescribed only as monotherapy.

Do probiotics really have to be “live” to be beneficial?

More often than not, and research shows this, probiotic microorganisms must be alive to be beneficial.
Only “most often”, because in some cases the introduction of non-living probiotics is enough to produce a positive effect. For example, when you consume non-live probiotics such as L. rhamnosus, you are ingesting all the cellular components of the bacteria. They have no chance of secreting new substances or even multiplying in your digestive tract, but some of its components may still work! Thus, the lactase naturally present in it can be involved in the hydrolysis of lactose and hence helps you digest milk better and at the same time reduces the feeling of digestive discomfort. Bacterial DNA, a very rigid structure, can also influence cell signaling pathways that can fight inflammation in the gut.

The best synbiotics for the intestines

Synbiotics are bacterial complex preparations. The product is multicomponent; it simultaneously contains both probiotics and prebiotics. Thanks to the balanced complex, the best pharmacological effect is achieved. Reviews from patients note that after a course of taking synbiotics, the immune system is significantly strengthened and the external condition of the skin improves. The rating includes the best drugs for the intestines from the category of synbiotics.


The complex product consists of lacto- and bifidobacteria, metabolites, vitamins and microelements. The prebiotic lactitol works as an active component, enhancing the growth of beneficial intestinal microflora. Normoflorin consists of living bacteria, therefore it has a liquid form. Effectively suppresses pathogenic microflora, quickly regenerates the intestinal mucous membrane. Stimulates the production of interferons, reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood. Release form: liquid concentrate in a bottle. Has no adverse reactions. Prescribed to newborn children, pregnant and lactating women.


  • Strengthens the immune system;
  • Mild healing effect;
  • No adverse reaction;
  • Lactose tolerance;
  • Reduces cholesterol levels;
  • Quickly inhibits pathogenic microorganisms;
  • Works from the first use.


  • Long course of treatment;
  • Inconvenient release form.

In addition, Normoflorin breaks down lactose, so the drug is prescribed to patients with lactose intolerance. It is prescribed as a complex treatment and for prevention.


Reviews from doctors and patients place the multicomponent synbiotic Maxilak first. The universally balanced complex includes 9 types of strains of lacto- and bifidobacteria, lactic acid fermentation rods. The optimal concentration of live bacteria in one capsule reaches 4.5 billion. The product effectively protects the intestinal flora from the effects of harmful compounds and copes well with traces of intoxication.

Release form: capsules. Due to the high concentration, the daily dose is 1 capsule. Long shelf life at room temperature.


  • Many components - 9 strains of bacteria;
  • Shelf life – 2 years;
  • One-time dose per day;
  • Large concentration of bacteria 4.5 billion;
  • No adverse reaction.


  • Not found.

In addition, Maxilak does not contain lactose, casein and gluten. Completely safe for patients with lactose intolerance. Allowed for use by children over 3 years of age, pregnant and lactating women.


The drug contains two active ingredients: lysozyme and a strain of bifidobacteria bifidum. The product has high antagonistic activity and inhibits a wide range of pathogenic microorganisms. Restores favorable conditions in the intestines, normalizes pH balance. Improves metabolic processes. Increases the body's antitoxic resistance. Prescribed for the prevention of dysbacteriosis and treatment of acute intestinal infections.

Release form: bottles. The powder is diluted with boiled water and taken 30 minutes before meals. Not stored in dissolved form.


  • Strengthens the immune system;
  • Compatible with antibiotics;
  • No contraindications;
  • There is no adverse reaction;
  • Restores vaginal microflora;
  • Synthesizes the production of B vitamins and amino acids.


  • Inconvenient form for reception.

Often prescribed against the background of intensive care. Thanks to lysicime, it is combined with many antibiotics, enhancing the anti-inflammatory activity of medications.

When is it necessary to restore intestinal flora?

The beneficial bacteria that are naturally present in our bodies can be damaged by several factors.
The most obvious and important of these factors is the use of antibiotics. Your doctor may prescribe it for various bacterial infections, but it is important to know that, unfortunately, while antibiotics kill pathogenic bacteria in your body, they also do not spare beneficial bacteria. For this reason, especially during long-term antibiotic treatment, it is very important to replace the beneficial bacteria to restore the balance of the intestinal flora. A poor diet can lead to a decrease in probiotics. Excessive consumption of carbohydrates and proteins, as well as fiber, leads to fermentation in the intestines, which can be a sign, for example, of flatulence. This creates an environment in your digestive system that promotes the growth of harmful bacteria and fungi, which crowd out the beneficial bacteria.

In most cases, these two factors are the cause of an imbalance in the intestinal flora, however, there are adverse effects that can also lead to this. Prolonged stress, drinking alcohol and smoking can also be triggers.

Which drug for the intestines is better to buy?

The intestines play one of the most important roles in the body: they are responsible for the digestion, breakdown and absorption of nutrients. In simple words, this is a kind of bio-filter for the whole organism. Therefore, he must always be kept in good shape. It is better to select drugs according to the situation, depending on the active components. When making your choice, you should consider the following recommendations:

  • Bifidumbacterin is the most universal choice for the whole family. Thanks to activated carbon, it quickly removes toxins from the body and relieves intoxication.
  • Linex - synthesizes B vitamins, contains lactose and is not recommended for patients with lactose intolerance.
  • Lactobacterin is a dry substrate with a long shelf life. Relieves intoxication, recommended for food poisoning. A good choice for tourist trips.
  • Probifor – maximum benefits, minimum contraindications. The biological preparation is an ideal remedy for newborns, pregnant and lactating women, and can be purchased without a prescription.
  • Acipol - these prebiotics are the best helpers for restoring microflora and intestinal mucosa after long-term use of antibiotics.
  • Duphalac is the first remedy for constipation and has a therapeutic effect for liver failure.
  • Hilak Forte - maximum efficiency, inexpensively and quickly restores stool, eliminates diarrhea.
  • Normoflorin is a vitamin complex, the most natural composition, suitable for newborns, stimulates the production of interferons.
  • Maxilak - the best effectiveness, restores irritable intestines, treatment with the drug shows the highest rate of absorption.
  • Bifiliz - combines with almost all antibiotics, qualitatively supporting the intestinal microflora during a long course of treatment.

All drugs included in the rating review are freely available and available without a prescription. But this does not mean that they should be taken without the advice of a doctor. The basic rule is do no harm! A visit to a doctor and his recommendations are considered not mandatory, but an important factor before choosing the appropriate drug.

What is intestinal flora?

Gut flora consists of all the microorganisms that live in our digestive system.
Their usefulness lies in the fact that these microorganisms use that part of the nutrients that enter our body. However, these gut bacteria can produce other beneficial nutrients such as some B vitamins, vitamin K, and can also break down many toxic byproducts. There are approximately 100 trillion of these microorganisms in the human body. A significant part of them are from 30 to 40 species, but in total, from 300 to 1000 species of bacteria live in the colon. Most of them are harmless to us and are useless bacteria - the so-called non-pathogenic. A small part of them consists of pathogenic bacteria and bacteria that are beneficial to our body. While beneficial bacteria are present in greater numbers in the intestinal flora, they do not allow pathogens to settle, making them an integral part of our immune system.

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