frequent bowel movements during early pregnancy

We decided to thoroughly prepare you for bearing a child by talking about possible problems and changes that occur in the body at different stages of pregnancy. We'll talk about the first trimester.

The birth of a child is the most joyful moment in the life of most women. Excitement is felt everywhere: from choosing a name for a newborn, to preparing for his arrival in your home. But no matter how carefully and responsibly you approach pregnancy planning, you cannot be fully prepared for all the changes that will occur in your body.

Being well aware of all the physiological processes and changes in your body will help you move through the coming months gently and neutrally, without exposing yourself to unnecessary stress.

Qualified specialists at the New Life clinic will support you at all stages of bearing a child. At the slightest deviation from the norm, we will promptly take all necessary measures to preserve your pregnancy and the healthy functioning of your baby.

We decided to thoroughly prepare you for bearing a child by talking about possible problems and changes that occur in the body at different stages of pregnancy. We'll talk about the first trimester.

Morning sickness

about toxicosis ; moreover, its adequate manifestation in the form of morning sickness is a universal “symptom” of pregnancy. It affects 85% of all pregnant women and is relatively normal. Some do not experience nausea at all, most get by with mild nausea, and some cannot start their morning without intense vomiting.

Manifestations of toxicosis can accompany you throughout the first trimester and at any time of the day, but they steadily worsen in the early hours. To “pacify” stomach rage and stop attacks, try having breakfast with light diet foods or protein foods. Be sure to drink plenty, especially still water and freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juices.

frequent bowel movements during early pregnancy

What do we do in the protocol?

1. We eat protein foods, except chicken and mushrooms. This diet prevents ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). Acceptable foods for IVF include rabbit, turkey and fish in any form. Cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt and other dairy products are also suitable. As a source of potassium and calcium, you can choose dried fruits - especially dried apricots, raisins and prunes. Greens are also recommended - parsley and dill. During IVF, it is necessary to completely exclude from the diet foods that cause flatulence and bloating. Foods rich in carbohydrates - potatoes and sweet flour products - are not recommended. IVF patients should also limit their salt intake. In order to improve stool, it is possible to consume fiber. 2. When stimulating ovulation, after puncture and embryo transfer, drink up to 2-3 liters per day of plain still water. Drinks containing caffeine - coffee, strong tea, Coca-Cola and others - are also not recommended. 3. We usually do not take vitamins in the protocol (except for those prescribed for blood). 4. For better endometrial growth, drink pumpkin juice (baby food or freshly squeezed) and eat pumpkin. We drink tea with raspberry leaves (2-3 leaves per cup), eat seafood. 5. Before transplantation, 1 day before, we drink Piroxicam 10 mg (relaxes the uterus) - 1 tablet 3 times a day. the day before the transfer and on the day of replanting, 1 tablet. 2 hours before transfer. 6. For nagging pain in the uterus, we drink No-shpa (up to 6 tablets per day), put on Papaverine suppositories and drink MagneB6.

If you start smearing during the protocol or in the first weeks of pregnancy:

A very large percentage of IVF pregnancies are accompanied by bleeding of varying severity, especially in the first 12 weeks, without negative consequences for the baby. If discharge appears, you should call your doctor. Don’t panic, drink Valerian or Persen, lie down. If you can’t get through to the doctor: Increase support: add Proginova 1 t. and an injection of Progesterone in oil 2.5% 1 mg, cancel Thrombo-Ass/AspirinCardio and Fraxiparine/Clexane. For brown spotting: No-spa 2t/3r and Papaverine suppositories. For brown-bloody smear: inject 1 ml of 2.5% Progesterone in oil (the ampoule must be heated to 30-40 degrees before the injection, and rub the pope until red), drink Dicynone - 3-4 tablets. in a day. For scarlet discharge: an injection of Progesterone and an injection of Dicinon IM 2 ml (up to 4 injections per day), an injection of No-shpa - 3 times a day, Tranexam - 1 t. * 3 rubles / day until a clean day. For detachment: Tranexam 2 ml intramuscularly 2-3 times a day. You can’t do without Metacin, which, unfortunately, is sold mainly by prescription. It is usually prescribed 1 tablet 3 times a day (when stored), or 1 tablet for pain. We bought it without a prescription on Kamenoostrovsky, in Pharmakor.

If you have a physical and financial opportunity, call an ambulance and get hospitalized, preferably at the Institute. Otta (for a fee only, wards 900 rubles or 2500 rubles/day) or at 122 medical units - they have the best preservation there in the city. Your pregnancy, which you have been waiting for so long, is not a reason to take risks. Better to be safe!

Signs, rituals and just distractions

1. For puncture and transfer we wear red panties, red slippers and a red T-shirt! The survey showed that this sign almost always works. 2. Before the protocol, throw away or give to your friends ALL pads and tampons!!! 3. Write on a piece of paper the words “My pregnancy! Store for 9 months”, take a condom, put in a piece of paper and tie it, stuff it back into the package and fasten it with a stapler, hide it somewhere in a secluded place where no one will find it and forget it until the birth))) 4. Take a large paper clip (mother) and a small one paperclip (child), fasten, hide there. 5. Buy a pacifier and put it under the mattress. 6. Two fish under the mattress (for example, an envelope with fish in a Feng Shui store). 7. Plant the doll in the West. 8. Buy a pregnancy test. You approach the pharmacist and say so seriously, “Please give me a positive test.” Draw a stripe with a red felt-tip pen, try to be slightly higher than the supposed pregnant woman. When the time comes to test, use only THIS test. 9. Collect something with stripes. 10. Right from today, cancel all your illnesses. Just tell your body not to get sick and make a diagnosis - HEALTHY! 11. Place a sticker with the word “Pregnant Maker” on a jar of vitamins or any medicine. 12. Pet the horse statues near the horse-drawn carriage at the station. metro station "Vasileostrovskaya" And the main thing is to believe in yourself!!!

Signs of pregnancy

Separating the signs of pregnancy from the effects of puncture and taking stimulation and support drugs is quite problematic. All signs of pregnancy in the body appear against the background of growing hCG and hormones; this usually occurs no earlier than 14-20 DPP. In our experience, there may be no signs of pregnancy in the early stages. Most of our sensations can be explained by the medications we take and the consequences of ovarian puncture: - Pregnyl (hCG) from puncture remains in the body for another week after replantation and causes most of the symptoms: breast swelling, frequent urination, intestinal bloating, pain in the uterus, drowsiness, increased appetite, sclerosis , nausea. Therefore, at 6-7 DPP, if there is no rot in support, all these signs subside and a feeling of “failure” appears. At this time, your hCG is still small and cannot be felt. But all the same things at 12-14 DPP already indicate an increase in your hCG. Proginova/Divigel, Duphaston/Utrozhestan/Progesterone are also “to blame” for breast tenderness and bloating, elevated body temperature (up to 37.4) and other symptoms. Pain in the pelvis and back, nagging pain in the uterus can be a consequence of the puncture. Often implantation occurs completely unnoticed, sometimes accompanied by tingling in the uterus, shooting from the navel to the leg, etc. Therefore, there is no point in worrying if everything is quiet and calm for you, but just wait.

Examples of hCG:

If you have Pregnil (or an analogue) in your support, it makes no sense to take hCG before 14 DPP, since Pregnil takes a long time to be eliminated. HCG less than 40 units at 14 DPP often turned out to be a trace of Pregnil. Results from different laboratories may vary! If you don’t have Pregnil, then you can try to take hCG no earlier than 8-9 DPP; there were cases when at 8 DPP the hCG was 1.2 units, and at 10 DPP - 30!!! And in any case, retake at 14DPP. HCG appears in the blood the day after implantation and doubles every 48-72 hours. In urine, the concentration of hCG is 2-3 times weaker than in blood, so tests may not show stripes even at 14 DPP!!! This often happens in those who have kidney problems (failure). You need to do the test in the morning after 5-7 hours of abstaining from urination! The test should have a sensitivity of 10-20 mU (Evi test), the Frau test has a sensitivity of 25 units and is often harmful. If there are two embryos, the hCG doubles. Implantation of 2-3 day old embryos usually occurs at 3-8 DPP (sometimes later), 5-day embryos at 1-4 DPP. HCG at 14 DPP is on average from 70 to 700 units for one baby. Regardless of the starting number, babies develop normally! A large hCG number at 8-10 DPP and stripes on the test at 6 DPP may indicate twins. Often one of the embryos freezes, then the hCG stops growing proportionally, which can scare you. As a rule, discharge begins due to the detachment of a frozen embryo, which does not affect the other PU.

After receiving a positive hCG, at approximately 20-25 DPP, the doctor will prescribe an ultrasound of the ovum (eggs)), and at approximately 28-33 DPP, you can already listen to the hearts.

Screenings during pregnancy. Screening 3 in total during B - the first screening - between 10 and 13 weeks you need to donate blood for PAPP (papp) and hCG (this is a “double test” - biochemical) and do an ultrasound, which will measure the thickness of the nuchal translucency space (TN), coccygeal parietal size (CTR) and nasal bone (it should be clearly visualized). There are many points of view regarding the timing and order of donating blood for PAPP and hCG and performing an ultrasound. Two well-known St. Petersburg ultrasound specialists, Doctors Lebedev and Voronin, believe that you first need to donate blood at 11 weeks and then conduct an ultrasound closer to 12 weeks! It should be noted that in the Institute named after. Ott and the Helix laboratory, for example, take blood only after an ultrasound, and this, as a rule, is already 12-13 weeks. This means you should donate blood to the LC, because at later stages the blood gives many abnormalities and these are extra reasons for concern! If, God forbid, there is something alarming in the 1st biochemical screening, they will send you to the 2nd biochemical screening - this is already a “triple test” - they look at AFP, estriol and hCG between 15 and 17 weeks. The second screening is an ultrasound at 20-22 weeks, where all organs and bones are examined in detail and all genetic risks are also assessed. It’s good to do it on a good device and examine the baby doll at the same time))) The third screening is an ultrasound at 32-34 weeks. Here there is a lot of useful information about screenings.

Medicines allowed during pregnancy After transfer at home should be: No-Spa in tablets and/or ampoules, Papaverine in suppositories, Progesterone oil solution 2.5%, 1 ml in ampoules, Dicynone in ampoules (respectively, syringes), Tranexam 250 mg in tablets, Magne B6/Magnelis in tablets, support medications (Utprogestan/Duphaston, Proginova/Divigel/Crinon, etc.) in abundance

In an emergency case of spotting/bleeding: - if the spotting is brown or pale pink, then add 1 injection of Progesterone oil solution 2.5%, 1 ml per day until the spotting stops. - if it smears pink - 1 tablet of Tranexam 250 mg 3 times a day, but no more than three days + add 1 injection of Progesterone oil solution 2.5%, 1 ml per day until the smearing stops. - if the blood is red - on the first day, 3 injections of Dicinon (every 4 hours, an injection). Further, if the blood persists, 1 injection per day + 2 Tranexam tablets per day, but no more than three days. + add 1 injection of Progesterone oil solution 2.5%, 1 ml per day + 1 t. Proginova / 1 packet of Divigel per day until the smearing stops. If possible, instill Magnesium intravenously (once a day) or take it in tablets 1x3 times a day. - if there is severe bleeding - CALL EMERGENCY!!! And lie down!

Breast tenderness

Pain and tension in the mammary glands are one of the earliest signs of pregnancy, so this phenomenon in the first trimester should be regarded as normal. The mammary glands undergo a real hormonal revolution, actively preparing for further feeding of the baby. This may last for the first 3-4 months after conception.

To feel more comfortable, choose a looser bra size or purchase special supportive underwear. You can return to exquisite lace bras with underwire immediately after lactation ends.

When to see a doctor

You should consult a doctor if:

  • diarrhea during pregnancy lasts more than two days;
  • there are signs of dehydration;
  • there is severe pain in the abdomen or anus;
  • stools are black or bloody;
  • The temperature stays above 38 °C.


  • Malfunctions of the intestines during pregnancy can be caused by completely harmless reasons. For example, diarrhea during pregnancy sometimes occurs due to stress, changes in diet, or hormonal imbalance. However, only a doctor can determine the exact cause of diarrhea.
  • If diarrhea lasts more than two days, call a doctor. Your doctor can prescribe a suitable anti-diarrhea medication. If you think diarrhea is a sign of preterm labor or are concerned about your general health, consult your doctor immediately.
  • In rare cases, diarrhea during pregnancy can be a harbinger of premature birth. Call your doctor if your diarrhea is accompanied by abdominal cramps, a pulling sensation in your pelvis, heavy vaginal discharge, or contractions.

Sometimes diarrhea in pregnancy is due to natural causes, such as a change in diet, but in some cases it can be a sign of something more serious, such as premature birth. In addition, this is a very unpleasant process, which can also cause dehydration, so it is still recommended to consult a doctor. He will choose the right treatment for you, and you will soon get better.

How this article was written The information presented in this article is based on expert advice published by trusted (medical and government) sources such as the American Pediatric Association and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. A complete list of links to sources used to write this article can be found at the end of the article. The information on this page is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Constipation and stool disorders

A significant increase in the “motherhood hormone” progesterone can slow down natural intestinal motility due to weakening of the tone of the muscles directly involved in it. If you take prenatal vitamin complexes, the concentration of iron in your body increases, which also contributes to the formation of constipation.

Bloating, constipation and flatulence are almost inevitable accompanying pregnancy. Eating rationally, consuming fiber and drinking plenty of fluids will help you normalize intestinal motility and get rid of these unpleasant sensations. In addition, moderate physical activity may help you, but it should be coordinated with a specialist managing the pregnancy to take into account contraindications and determine the balance of benefits and potential risks on an individual basis.

If natural remedies do not help, and you experience severe discomfort from intestinal dysfunction, consult with our specialist about selecting a mild, gentle laxative.

Treatment of constipation during pregnancy

Treatment of constipation in pregnant women begins with normalizing lifestyle and nutrition.

Recommended (if possible)

  • increased motor activity,
  • special physical therapy during pregnancy,
  • a diet aimed at improving intestinal motor function.


In therapeutic nutrition, foods that act as a fixative are limited: chocolate, coffee, tea. Avoid foods that increase the load on the intestines, slow down the evacuation of feces, causing flatulence and rotting: legumes, white cabbage, pickles and marinades, spicy dishes, fatty meat and poultry, soups based on fish, meat and poultry broths, radishes and radishes, spinach and onions.

It is recommended to consume more plant fiber (vegetables, fruits and berries, raw and boiled, bread with bran or wholemeal, cereals: buckwheat, millet, wheat in the form of crumbly porridges). Salads made from fresh vegetables seasoned with vegetable oil are healthy.

Increase fluid intake through juices and jelly, green tea, kefir, fruit drinks and compotes.

Read more about diet for constipation in our special article


Among the folk remedies for treating constipation, pregnant women can use an infusion of prunes and flax seeds, a mixture of prunes, raisins and dried apricots with honey.

Medicines for the treatment of constipation in pregnant women are prescribed with extreme caution. Suppositories with glycerin, treatment of the anus with Vaseline to facilitate bowel movements, osmotic laxatives with a mild laxative effect: Duphalac and Macrogol are safe during pregnancy.

It is allowed to take mucofalk, phytomucil and exportal (safe during pregnancy).

Forlax and Transipeg do not cause additional stimulation of the intestines, that is, they do not irritate the uterus, so their use during gestation is also allowed.

Important! Preparations based on hay, buckthorn, bisacodyl and castor oil are strictly prohibited for pregnant women.


At the beginning of pregnancy, you may notice a slight milky-white vaginal discharge - leukorrhea or, popularly known as leukorrhea.

Use panty liners (not deodorized) as hygiene products The use of tampons during pregnancy is excluded - they provide your genital tract with a favorable environment for the growth and development of pathogenic microorganisms, increasing the risk of infection.

Leucorrhoea in the first trimester is an absolutely normal and reasonable phenomenon, but if you notice greenish or yellow discharge with a characteristic pungent odor, be sure to notify our specialist about it.

Prevention of constipation in pregnant women

Even before pregnancy, the patient needs to be examined for chronic diseases of the digestive tract (hemorrhoids, impaired motility of the biliary tract, gastritis, colitis, hemorrhoids) to prevent constipation in the future. Three to six months before the expected pregnancy, at a minimum, you need to change your lifestyle and eating habits, to prepare the body for the increased functional load during pregnancy. An initially healthy lifestyle will help you feel great both during and after pregnancy!

——————————————————— If you need to get professional advice from a doctor, visit I. Medvedev’s medical clinic. You can make an appointment by calling +7 495 681 2345 or filling out the form

Apathy and fatigue

Now your body is working hard for the benefit of the child growing inside it. This may make you feel tired, overwhelmed, and apathetic more often than usual. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of resting or taking a nap during the day. Monitor the iron content in your menu - its deficiency can lead to anemia, which only aggravates the listed syndromes and leads to chronic fatigue.

Increased fatigue coupled with a hormonal surge can also affect your emotional stability. Mood changes are especially typical during the first half of pregnancy. The most useful recommendations are sufficient exposure to fresh air, adequate sleep and nutrition.

Lactation and constipation

During breastfeeding, constipation develops much less frequently than in pregnant women: the uterus no longer puts pressure on the intestines, the young mother is active, hormonal and other processes in her body return to a “pre-pregnancy” state, women usually follow a strict diet to avoid colic and allergies in the baby , drink a lot of water for sufficient lactation.

If stool retention does occur, treatment of constipation during breastfeeding is also corrected by diet (you need to be careful with beets and dried apricots because of the danger of flatulence in the baby), exercise and drinking regimen (sufficient intake of water or mineral water is also useful for lactation). Oil and salt enemas, glycerin and sea buckthorn suppositories stimulate bowel movements and have a beneficial effect on the healing of anal fissures and hemorrhoids.

Any medicinal methods (including internal laxatives, suppositories and enemas) during and after pregnancy must be agreed upon with the attending obstetrician-gynecologist. He will advise on the best ways to combat constipation and, if necessary, prescribe additional examinations and consultations.


Progesterone, actively synthesized by the body in the initial stages of pregnancy, tends to relax the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract. The esophageal mucosa, where an alkaline environment is normally present, is also involved in this process. Weakening of the gastroesophageal sphincter can lead to the formation of gastroesophageal reflux and the development of heartburn.

To avoid this , adhere to the principle of fractional meals, try not to eat at night, give up spicy, fatty and salty foods. You can try changing your body position while sleeping by making your pillow higher. It is also possible to use various drugs to stabilize the acid-base balance.

Weight gain

Pregnancy is the only time in a woman’s life when weight gain is not considered shameful, and is even encouraged. In the first trimester, you should gain from 1.5 to 3 kg, depending on the individual characteristics of the body. Our specialist will calculate this scheme for you.

Don't overdo it in your zeal to gain pounds. Create a menu according to the usual scheme, adding 150-200 additional kcal to it (the figure is relevant for the early stages). Lead a healthy lifestyle, eat healthy foods, supplement your diet with milk, cottage cheese, fruits, vegetables, fish, lean meat, and grains.

Alarming symptoms

  • Bleeding from the genital tract that occurs in pregnant women is not normal in any case. Statistics say: about 25% of all women suffer from uterine bleeding of unknown origin during pregnancy. Almost each of them requires hospitalization for medicinal prolongation of pregnancy and preventive measures against spontaneous abortion.

Bloody discharge in the first trimester of pregnancy may indicate the following disorders:

  1. Incipient miscarriage;
  2. Ectopic pregnancy (a process in which the embryo develops outside the uterine cavity, most often in the fallopian tube);
  3. Bubble drift.

Less common are bleeding due to abnormalities of the blood coagulation system : for example, von Willibrand's disease, thrombocytopenic purpura. An almost exceptional case is embryo self-reduction (the phenomenon in which one or more embryos self-dissolve in a multiple pregnancy). This case is not always accompanied by the appearance of bloody discharge.

  • Pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Severe dizziness and fainting;
  • Rapid weight gain or loss
  • Vomiting more than 3-5 times a day.

Be prudent and do not plunge into despair at the first change in your body. If you find yourself with at least one of the listed signs, immediately contact our specialist! Any of these symptoms may indicate the development of obstetric pathology. We will do our best to make your pregnancy easy, smooth and healthy.


As a rule, constipation during pregnancy is accompanied by a decrease in stool frequency to 1 time per week or less. At the same time, the consistency of the stool changes, pain and discomfort appear (usually in the left abdomen), and a feeling of incomplete emptying.

In the case of atonic constipation, the initial portion of feces is of a very dense consistency and larger in diameter, and at the end of the act of defecation, the feces are semi-formed.

The process of bowel movement itself is very painful and difficult; streaks of blood are observed in the stool due to tears in the rectal mucosa.

With spastic constipation, the stool becomes “sheep-like” (fragmented stool). Problems arise with the passage of gases, flatulence, nausea and bitterness in the mouth.

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