Application of Lactofiltrum for pancreatitis

Pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics

Linguine, which is one of the main active ingredients of the drug, is a non-toxic organic compound. It is obtained from wood after careful processing. The substance has good binding properties, it removes from the body:

  • Heavy metal salts
  • Allergens
  • Excess cholesterol
  • Excess bilirubin and urea
  • Alcohol

After taking the medication, harmful substances are completely eliminated from the body within one day.

Lactulose is the second active ingredient of the drug; it belongs to the prebiotics. The substance blocks the reproduction of pathogenic organisms.

Indications for use

Lactofiltrum is an enterosorbent that regulates intestinal microflora. With pancreatitis, patients often experience intestinal dysbiosis or colic caused by taking prescribed medications. Once inside, Lactofiltrum begins to act in the large intestine, restoring its natural microflora. The drug improves immunity, relieves allergies and reduces the severity of symptoms of intoxication. Can be prescribed to people prone to allergic diseases.

Lactofiltrum for pancreatitis is prescribed to restore the intestinal microflora and cleanse it of toxins.

How to give Lactofiltrum to children

The drug can be used to treat children over 1 year of age. Regardless of the patient’s age, the drug should be taken 3 times a day. The duration of therapy should be determined by the doctor, but generally the treatment course lasts 14-21 days.

The drug, if there are difficulties with swallowing, can be crushed. You will need warm water for drinking. It is important that the medication must be given to the child an hour before meals. This will help not to interfere with the absorption of nutrients from food and the influence of other pharmaceuticals taken.


Lactofiltrum® is a unique* 2-in-1 “sorbent + prebiotic” combination:

  • Removes “excess”: cleanses the body of toxins, allergens, harmful bacteria due to lignin;
  • Helps normalize intestinal function , restoring microflora thanks to lactulose;
  • Has a beneficial effect on the skin , helping to reduce rashes and itching1-3 as a result of the complex action of the two components.

Question answer

Is it possible to take Lactofiltrum while breastfeeding?

Lactofiltrum is not contraindicated during lactation, but we advise you to consult your doctor before starting to take Lactofiltrum tablets while breastfeeding.

Does Lactofiltrum help against skin rashes?

There can be many reasons for skin rashes. First of all, it is necessary to find out the reason for their appearance, since they can be a symptom of a number of diseases. To do this, you need to consult a doctor - a dermatologist or allergist, who will conduct a full examination, make a diagnosis and prescribe comprehensive treatment.

One of the possible causes of redness and inflammation on the skin may be dysbiosis (imbalance of intestinal microflora) or allergies.

Dysbacteriosis and allergic diseases (atopic dermatitis, urticaria4) are indications for the use of the drug Lactofiltrum.

Thus, Lactofiltrum can help against skin rashes if they arose due to intestinal dysfunction (dysbacteriosis)4,5 or became a manifestation of an allergic reaction.

How to take Lactofiltrum?

Lactofiltrum should be taken orally, if necessary after preliminary crushing, with water, an hour before meals and taking other medications 3 times a day:

Method of using Lactofiltrum for intestinal dysbiosis:

  • adults and children over 12 years old - 2-3 tablets.
  • children from 8 to 12 years old - 1-2 tablets;
  • children from 3 to 7 years old - 1 tablet;
  • children from 1 year to 3 years - 1/2 tablet;

For bacterial vaginosis (vaginal dysbiosis), it is recommended to drink 2 Lactofiltrum tablets.

The average duration of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

How much does Lactofiltrum cost?

The average retail price of Lactofiltrum 30 tablets per package is 300 rubles.

The average retail price of Laktofiltrum 60 tablets per package is about 430 rubles6.

How to take Lactofiltrum for allergies?

For allergies, Lactofiltrum can be used as part of complex therapy for atopic dermatitis and urticaria.

Directions for use and dosage: orally, if necessary after preliminary crushing, with water, an hour before meals and taking other medications 3 times a day. The dose of the drug is selected depending on age, disease and severity of symptoms of the disease.

How to take Lactofiltrum together with birth control or other pills, does this drug neutralize the others?

According to the instructions for use of Lactofiltrum, the drug can be used in complex therapy together with other medications, subject to the rule of separate administration.

Lactofiltrum is taken orally, if necessary after preliminary crushing, with water, an hour before meals and taking other medications.

The instructions say that you need to take Lactofiltrum an hour before meals. Why such a time frame and what does it affect?

Lactofiltrum contains hydrolytic lignin, a natural enterosorbent with high sorption activity. Since sorbents, in addition to toxic substances, can also adsorb beneficial substances contained in food, it is necessary to follow the rules of separate administration. It is also possible that the therapeutic effect of some drugs taken orally may be reduced.

Can the drug Lactofiltrum contain traces of cow's milk protein (the child is allergic to this protein and some other proteins)?

Lactofiltrum does not contain cow's milk proteins, but contains milk processing products, namely galactose and lactose. Lactose intolerance often coexists with cow's milk protein intolerance. To resolve the issue of the possibility of taking Lactofiltrum in this case, you need to contact a specialist.

Lactofiltrum for acne, how to take

When treating acne, the drug can be effective only if the appearance of acne is caused by a disruption in the digestive tract.

The drug should be taken 1-3 tablets 3 times a day an hour before meals; doctors recommend taking the medicine with water.

The specific dosage should be selected depending on the complexity of the problem. The duration of treatment directly depends on the condition of the skin. The first results will be visible within a day of taking the drug, but it is recommended to complete the entire treatment course, usually it lasts 2 weeks. If necessary, therapy can be repeated after some time.

How it works

It is a mistake to think that rashes, dryness or other skin problems will go away on their own. Makeup is just a mask that hides the visible part of the problem. Truly beautiful and healthy skin depends on gut health.

Intestinal dysfunction and dysbacteriosis can provoke acne, allergic skin rashes, pigmentation, peeling, redness and other problems.

If you have such problems, take the test and find a solution

A special case is allergic rashes caused by atopic dermatitis. Read about the use of Lactofiltrum® for allergies here.

A modern innovative dual-action drug Lactofiltrum® has a complex effect on the body, restoring the balance of intestinal and skin microflora, reducing the toxic load, the drug helps to improve skin health and restore natural beauty.

  • sorbent, which cleanses and removes toxins from the body;
    Lactofiltrum® contains a natural sorbent - lignin.

    Lignin is a unique natural sorbent produced according to international quality standards. The efficiency of lignin is much higher than that of the popular activated carbon - for example, 2500 times for the sorption of E. coli! At the same time, lignin is safe and can be used by very young children, pregnant and lactating women. An important property is that lignin does not damage the mucous membrane of either the stomach or intestines. It is known that activated carbon cannot be used for more than 10-14 days, precisely because there may be ulcerative lesions of the mucous membrane. Lignin is recommended for long-term detoxification courses. Lignin is not just a sorbent; scientific research shows the presence of immunotropic (immune-strengthening), anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects.

  • prebiotic , restoring intestinal microflora.
    The function of a prebiotic in the composition of Lactofiltrum® is performed by lactulose , which helps restore the own beneficial microflora of the intestines and skin and also has immunotropic properties.

How does Lactofiltrum work?

Lactofiltrum® Healthy intestines - beautiful skin!
10 reasons to choose Laktofiltrum

  1. Lactofiltrum is the effect of two drugs at once: enterosorbent + prebiotic. Lignin cleanses and removes toxins, lactulose restores the balance of microflora.
  2. Lactofiltrum is 2500 times more effective than activated carbon in sorption of harmful bacteria and toxins.
  1. Laktofiltrum does not damage the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, and can be recommended for long-term use , unlike activated carbon and other sorbents.
  2. Lactofiltrum does not cause constipation even with a long course of use.
  1. Lactofiltrum helps to successfully cope with intestinal dysbiosis. The result is improved overall health and strong immunity.
  2. Lactofiltrum helps solve skin problems associated with skin and intestinal dysbiosis. Visible skin improvement after 4 weeks (confirmed by 80% of women).
  1. Lactofiltrum can be taken by pregnant and lactating women; it is safe .
  2. Lactofiltrum can be taken even by small children! Which is especially important for children suffering from allergies and dermatitis.
  1. Lactofiltrum is perfect for course detox programs .
  2. Lactofiltrum, thanks to its complex action, helps fight allergic skin rashes, quickly removes allergens from the body , and relieves itching.

How to take the drug

  • Take 1-1.5 hours before or after meals and medications.


  • 2-3 tablets 3 times a day, with plenty of water. The tablet can be crushed.

Admission course

  • 21 days - to restore healthy and beautiful skin.
  • from 14 days or on the recommendation of a doctor - for other indications.

The drug can be used in complex therapy with other drugs, subject to the rules of administration.
Can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components of the product.

Side effects

Negative manifestations of the drug are rare. We are talking about flatulence, diarrhea and allergic reactions. With long-term therapy, impaired absorption of minerals and vitamins may occur.

In chronic pancreatitis, physical activity should be avoided during treatment with Lactofiltrum. A sharp increase in intestinal motility provokes unpleasant sensations.

The drug does not have a negative effect on driving.

Composition and release form

Lactofiltrum is available in dark brown tablets with white-gray inclusions. The shape of the tablets is capsule-shaped, biconvex, with a score. The active substances are hydrolytic lignin and lactulose.

Lignin has binding properties. Thanks to this, toxins, allergens, pathogenic microorganisms and other harmful substances are removed from the body.

Lactulose is a prebiotic that stimulates the activity of natural microflora in the large intestine and prevents the proliferation of microbes.

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