Buy Regidron powder for oral solution 18.9g No. 20 in pharmacies

Since poisoning can happen to anyone, regardless of gender and age, you should know how to deal with it and what happens to the body. There are quite a few causes of poisoning and, nevertheless, they are all connected by common symptoms that cause a lack of certain components in the body and simply dehydration. This is what Regidron is intended for.

This drug is not new in the world of medicine, but has proven itself to be an effective and efficient drug suitable for people of any age, including children.


Regidron includes:

  • 10 g dextrose;
  • 3.5 g sodium chloride;
  • 2.9 g sodium citrate ;
  • 2.5 g potassium chloride.

In the solution obtained by dissolving 1 dose of powder (the contents of one sachet) in 1000 mg of water, the active ingredients are contained in the following concentrations: NaCl - 59.9 mmol, KCl - 33.5 mmol, Na citrate (in the form of dihydrate) - 9.9 mmol, dextrose - 55.5 mmol, citrate ions - 9.9 mmol, Cl- - 93.4 mmol, K+ - 33.5 mmol, Na+ - 89.6 mmol.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

What is Regidron?

The drug solution is used to correct the loss of fluid and electrolytes by the body during vomiting and/or diarrhea.


The glucose contained in the drug promotes the absorption of citrates and salts, which helps maintain metabolic acidosis .

The osmolarity of the finished solution is 260 mOsm/l, and its medium is slightly alkaline (pH 8.2). Compared to standard solutions that WHO recommends for use as part of rehydration therapy , Regidron has a lower osmolarity. Its sodium content is also lower than its analogues, and the potassium concentration is slightly higher.

There is sufficient evidence that hypoosmolar solutions are more effective, lower sodium concentrations help prevent the development of hypernatremia , and increased potassium levels promote faster recovery of potassium levels.


The pharmacokinetics of glucose, electrolytes and water, which are part of the solution, corresponds to the nature of the pharmacokinetics of these substances in the body.

Contraindications, side effects, overdose

The main contraindication is glucose intolerance; this is a fairly rare hereditary disease, but it is important to pay attention to this.

You should also pay attention to additional possible disturbances in the water balance, which often occur with diabetes mellitus, some chronic kidney diseases, as well as the consequences of impaired kidney function due to malfunction of the body, poisoning.

When problems with kidney function occur, it is necessary to discuss this additionally with a doctor so that comprehensive restorative treatment can be prescribed.

Overdose causes the opposite effect:

  • excess potassium in the body;
  • excess sodium in the body.

Such violations greatly weaken a dehydrated child’s body. Therefore, it is important to monitor the dosage so as not to introduce additional treatment.

Indications for use of Regidron powder

Indications for the use of Regidron are conditions accompanied by water-electrolyte imbalance (WEB).

When asked what the drug Regidron helps with, the manufacturer in the annotation for the drug indicates that the use of the drug is advisable:

  • if it is necessary to correct acidosis during diarrhea , which is accompanied by mild or moderate dehydration (for example, adults and children should drink the solution when body weight loss is from 3 to 10%);
  • for heat injuries associated with EBV disorders;
  • in cases of dangerous desalination of the body, when the level of chlorides in the urine does not exceed 2 g/l.

Powder - what is it used for preventive purposes?

The prophylactic use of Regidron is indicated for physical and thermal stress leading to intense sweating (when the body loses 750 grams (or more) of weight per hour), as well as in situations where a person loses over 4 kg of weight during the working day.

Why do you need Regidron for children?

Like adults, children are prescribed Regidron when there is a threat of dehydration, including vomiting and diarrhea, which are the result of gastrointestinal infections , as well as in situations where dehydration develops against the background of heat stroke.

However, if the child's stool is watery and contains bloody impurities, the body temperature has risen above 39 ° C, the child looks sleepy, lethargic and exhausted, he has stopped urinating, there is acute pain in the abdominal cavity, and diarrhea and vomiting occur more than five times per day, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

How to take for children with vomiting, diarrhea, fever

It is important to prescribe Regidron at the initial stage, preferably immediately, when the child has just discovered diarrhea. If the dosage is followed correctly, the product can be given even to infants.

It is better to dilute a sachet of the product in a liter of water or weak tea, and not in a glass, as for adults. This is due to the fact that an adult will be able to force himself to drink additional fluid, and it will be easier for him to recover than for a baby.

If the child is very small, then it is important to agree on the dosage with the pediatrician, tell what happened to the baby, which caused dehydration.

Fried, spicy and hot foods, which will provoke increased dehydration, should be excluded from the child’s diet during recovery.

When a child begins to vomit, the number of Regidron doses can be increased if the vomiting continues. The drug can be given 15 minutes after the last attack. With very severe bouts of vomiting, dehydration can reach a moderate or severe stage, when treatment will require outpatient monitoring and intravenous injections.

When a patient refuses to drink a tasteless liquid, there is no need to sweeten it. Regidron contains a sufficient amount of glucose. You can give the medicine to drink through a syringe.

To do this, a solution is drawn into it, and the baby simply holds it in his mouth while the adult carefully pours the contents into the oral cavity. When taking medication with a syringe, it is much easier to control the amount of the drug administered so as not to increase the dose allowed for the baby’s weight.

A small child can be administered Regidron solution in the form of a warm enema, which makes administration much easier in cases where the child does not want or cannot take the medicine. This method is excellent for severe vomiting and absence of diarrhea, when the medicine administered orally comes out almost immediately without fulfilling its function.

Do not exceed the dose of 50 ml of Regidron in 10 hours. Otherwise, in a sick child, the presence of potassium or sodium may exceed the permissible values, which will cause additional disorders in the body.


The manufacturer's instructions list the following contraindications for the use of the medicine:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • unconscious state;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • cholera- related diarrhea;
  • intolerance to Regidron components.

A relative contraindication is diabetes mellitus (type I or II).

Regidron powder, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

How to dilute the powder and how to drink Regidron solution for adults?

Regidron is taken orally at any time of the day, without reference to meal times.

To prepare a rehydration solution, the powder is dissolved in warm (optimal temperature 35-40 °C) boiled water. For medicinal purposes, 2.39 grams of powder should be diluted in 0.5 cups of liquid (100 ml), half a liter of water is taken for 11.95 grams of powder, and 1 liter for 23.9 grams.

If Regidron is taken for preventive purposes, twice as much water must be used to dissolve the powder: 200 ml, 1 and 2 liters, respectively.

How to take Regidron for adults?

For mild diarrhea, For moderate diarrhea, the daily dose is from 80 to 100 ml/kg. Treatment usually lasts 3-4 days. The signal for its cessation is the end of diarrhea.

For maintenance therapy until the damaged EBV is restored and diarrhea stops, the solution should also be taken at a rate of 80-100 ml/kg/day.

In the first six to ten hours, the patient should receive Regidron in a volume twice as large as the loss of body weight caused by indigestion. At this stage of treatment there is no need to administer other fluids.

If diarrhea continues even after correction of dehydration, the patient should receive a total of 8.3 to 27 liters of fluids per day, depending on weight. To compensate for the body's needs, Regidron, water and other liquids are used. The feeding regimen is selected by the doctor depending on the age and weight of the patient.

If you have nausea and/or vomiting, it is best to drink the liquid chilled and in small, repeatable doses. The use of a nasogastric tube is allowed, but in this case, rehydration should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

For convulsions (thermal or caused by drinking sickness) and other EBV disorders, fractional use of Regidron is indicated - 100-150 ml each. In this case, in the first half hour the patient should receive from 0.5 to 0.9 liters of a solution of rehydration salts.

Then, until the symptoms of heat injury and water/electrolyte deficiency completely disappear, the patient should receive the same dose of solution every forty minutes,

To prevent EBV disorders during extreme physical or thermal stress, the solution is taken in small sips each time thirst appears. Stop taking it as your thirst quenches.

Use of Regidron for poisoning

In case of poisoning, Regidron is taken regardless of the time of meal, often and in small sips (a large amount of liquid taken at one time can cause another attack of vomiting).

The dose is calculated depending on the patient's weight. So, for example, an adult weighing 80 kg should receive 0.8 liters of solution (10 ml/kg) within the first hour.

As the patient's condition improves, the dose is reduced to 5 ml/kg. If symptoms recur, the volume of administered medication is again increased to the original volume.

How to breed Regidron for children?

According to the instructions for use of Regidron for children, to prepare a drink, the contents of one package should be diluted in a liter of boiled water cooled to body temperature. For diarrhea in young children, the powder should be diluted in a larger volume of water to reduce the sodium concentration in the finished solution.

The prepared solution can be used within 24 hours, but it should be stored in the refrigerator.

Children are recommended to drink Regidron solution in small sips after each loose stool.

The instructions for Regidron for children warn that the drug should not be combined with other medications or diluted in any liquid other than water.

How to take Regidron for children?

Before starting treatment, the child should be weighed to assess the degree of dehydration and weight loss.

Nutrition or breastfeeding during the period of use of the drug is not interrupted or resumed immediately after rehydration. During treatment, the diet should not contain foods rich in simple carbohydrates and fats.

The use of the drug begins as soon as the child begins to have diarrhea. Treatment, as in adults, lasts 3-4 days until stool normalizes.

In the first ten hours, Regidron for children should be used at a dose of 30-60 ml/kg (taking into account the degree of dehydration). The average dose for a child is 2-3 tbsp. spoons per kilogram of body weight. If symptoms of dehydration decrease, the dose can be reduced to 10 ml/kg.

For newborn infants and young children, the medicine is given 5-10 ml every five to ten minutes during the first four to six hours.

When vomiting, it is better to give the solution to the child chilled.

An important rule for rehydration therapy for gastrointestinal infections is the absence of abundant drinking and food. If a child asks for food, preference should be given to low-fat, light foods.

How to properly prepare the medicine and use Regidron in case of poisoning?

Rehydron in bags (for preparing a solution)

Preparation of the medicine is extremely simple. All you need to do is open the sachet with a single dose and pour it into a container with 1 liter of water. As for water, it is better if it is boiled. The solution remains effective during the first day; it is best stored in the refrigerator.

If poisoning occurs, you need to use Regidron based on certain rules that will ensure maximum effect. The rules are:

  1. Do not add anything to the medicine, even if it seems harmless
  2. Drink frequently, but in small sips, so as not to provoke vomiting.
  3. Stir the solution before use
  4. Taking the medication does not affect meal times
  5. The amount of medicine should be 10 milliliters per 1 kilogram of weight

Indeed, it is important to use the solution based on your weight. That is, if your weight is about 80 kilograms, then you should drink approximately 800 ml of this drug. If you begin to recover and the symptoms of poisoning subside, you can reduce the dose by half. When the condition begins to worsen again, you should return to the original amount of solution.


When using a solution that is too concentrated, or when taking too much of a solution, there is a high risk of developing hypernatremia . With reduced renal function, hyperkalemia and metabolic alkalosis .

Hypernatremia manifests itself:

  • neuromuscular excitation;
  • weakness;
  • confusion;
  • drowsiness;
  • coma;
  • stopping breathing.

Manifestations of metabolic alkalosis are neuromuscular excitation, decreased ventilation, and tetanic convulsions .

In case of severe overdose with severe symptoms of hypernatremia or metabolic alkalosis, the administration of Regidron is stopped. Further treatment is carried out taking into account the results of laboratory tests.

special instructions

In case of severe dehydration, when the loss of body weight exceeds 10%, and the patient develops anuria , treatment begins with the use of rehydration agents for intravenous administration and only after that Regidron is prescribed.

The prescribed dose should not be exceeded unless a deficiency of electrolyte ions is confirmed by laboratory tests.

Using a solution that is too concentrated may cause the development of hypernatremia , so the dosage recommended by the manufacturer should not be exceeded.

Do not add sugar or honey to the solution. Food can be consumed immediately after rehydration.

Regidron for vomiting is given to children and adults ten minutes after the attack. The medicine should be taken in small sips and slowly.

If dehydration is a consequence of diabetes mellitus , chronic renal failure or any other chronic pathology in which the electrolyte, acid-base or carbohydrate balance is disturbed, careful monitoring of the patient's condition is required when carrying out rehydration using Regidron.

The appearance of loose, bloody stools, the patient’s inability to answer questions, rapid fatigue, slow speech, drowsiness, fever up to 39 degrees or higher, anuria , diarrhea lasting more than five days in a row, as well as its sudden cessation due to the appearance of severe pain, are a reason to contact a doctor immediately.

Treatment at home in these cases is impossible and ineffective.

Regidron does not slow down the reaction rate, does not impede thinking processes and does not affect the ability to operate machinery or a vehicle.

Regidron for children

Regidron Bio for the treatment of poisoning

Regidron has been in demand in the markets for a long time, so many parents have heard about it and used it both before and now to treat diarrhea and vomiting in their children. In children, these disorders may be associated not only with food poisoning, but also due to pathogenic infections. True, nowadays pediatricians do not always recommend this drug, and this is due to some change in its composition.

Today, Regidron contains a high concentration of sodium - this is the main reason why doctors do not advise children to use it in all situations. This is also stated in the note to the medicine, which talks about the age limit. But those medications that are now recommended for treating children also have their drawbacks.

Again, they often contain a certain amount of sodium, and Regidron, despite its high concentration, has a beneficial effect on the body faster, especially since in children the process of dehydration occurs more quickly than in adults. Therefore, it is impossible to say for sure whether children should drink this solution.

Before making a decision, you should definitely consult your doctor. He will be able to more accurately determine whether or not this drug can be used, because it all depends on the specific case. If you decide to use this particular drug against all odds, you need to follow the following rules:

  1. Dilute the powder not in 1 liter of water, but in larger quantities
  2. After a child has loose stools, he should drink in small sips
  3. If your baby is vomiting, you need to take the medicine every 10 minutes.
  4. Until the first 10 hours, the dose should be from 30 to 60 ml of solution per kg of child’s weight
  5. It is strictly prohibited to take in case of diabetes mellitus and kidney problems.

Analogues of Regidron. How to replace Regidron at home?

Level 4 ATX code matches:

Synonyms of the drug are:

  • Hydrovit
  • Hydrovit Forte
  • Trihydron
  • Reosolan
  • Citraglucosolan

The Orion Pharma company also produces the drug Regidron Bio . Thanks to the presence of lactobacilli Rhamnosus GG and the prebiotic maltodextrin, which stimulates their growth, this product not only replenishes fluid loss, but also helps restore and maintain the natural intestinal microflora.

Like Regidron, all of the above drugs have a balanced composition and a specific salty taste, which children often do not like. Any attempt to improve the organoleptic properties of ready-made rehydration solutions using additives (honey, sugar, etc.) leads to a change in the original composition and a decrease in efficiency.

The most suitable analogue of Regidron for children is Humana Elektrolyt , which is more adapted for use in young patients.

Intended for children from birth to three years old, it contains fennel; for children over three years of age, the manufacturer produces powders with a pleasant raspberry or banana flavor.

How to make Regidron at home?

If the situation requires rehydration therapy, but the necessary drug is not at hand, there are several ways to prepare Regidron at home.

To obtain a solution suitable for soldering a child, dissolve sugar (20-30 g), salt (3-3.5 g), baking soda (2-2.5 g) in a liter of boiled (and cooled to 35-40 ° C) water ). When all the ingredients are dissolved, the medicine is taken according to the same scheme as the pharmaceutical drug.

A slightly simpler recipe involves adding ¼ teaspoon of baking soda, a similar amount of salt, and 2 tablespoons of sugar to 0.5 liters of warm boiled water.

The difference from the original drug and the disadvantage of such drinks is the lack of potassium in them. To prepare a solution as close as possible to Regidron, potassium chloride should also be added to the water. The recipe is as follows: 4 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 0.5 teaspoons of salt, 0.5 teaspoons of baking soda and the same amount of potassium chloride per 1 liter of water.

Dr. Komarovsky recommends that mothers of small children always keep a packet of Regidron in their medicine cabinet, and if the drug is not available, use a decoction of rose hips or herbs, mineral water or dried fruit compote to water the child.

The temperature of the drink should be as close as possible to body temperature. This will allow the liquid to be absorbed into the blood as quickly as possible.

What is Regidron?

Rehydron is available in powder form

This medicine has a fairly simple composition; Regidron looks like a white powder that can quickly dissolve in water without any problems. It includes the following:

  • Chloride
  • Citrate
  • Potassium chloride
  • Glucose

The body loses all of these components during poisoning, which may be accompanied by vomiting or diarrhea; in fact, these are symptoms. Along with vomiting or diarrhea, the body loses a lot of electrolytes, fluids and other necessary substances for the stable and normal functioning of the body.

A shift in blood pH towards acidity leads to disruption of the proper functioning of organs. And taking Regidron helps restore the balance of microelements missing as a result of poisoning, helps restore microflora and stabilizes the functioning of organs and systems in the body.

Reviews about Regidron

Regidron is an easy-to-use and very effective remedy for preventing dehydration during vomiting and diarrhea. Most people who leave reviews about Regidron believe that the drug should be in every first aid kit.

Many patients cite the specific taste of the solution as its only drawback. If an adult still manages to drink the required amount of medicine, then persuading a child to take even part of the required dose is often quite difficult.

For this reason, many mothers advise choosing not Regidron for children, but its analogues with a more pleasant taste (for example, Regidron Optim, which differs from Regidron in the concentration of active substances and the presence of lemon flavoring in the composition of excipients).

Mode of application

Both sachets are diluted simultaneously in 200 ml of water (one glass) at room temperature.

The volume of solution that needs to be taken depends on the person’s weight and is calculated individually. All information necessary for calculations is included in the instruction leaflet for the product.

It is advisable for adults to drink the prepared solution immediately. Children are given one spoon every 10 minutes. When vomiting, the rule of fractional administration applies regardless of the patient’s age.

How much does Regidron cost at the pharmacy?

The price of Regidron BIO in Russia is about 500 rubles (packages 6.4 g, package No. 5). The cost of 1 sachet is about 100 rubles.

The price of Regidron in Ukrainian pharmacies is about 250 UAH. (packages 18.9 g, package No. 20). You can buy Regidron Optim (10.7 g sachets, package No. 20) for an average of 300 UAH. The price of 1 sachet of Regidron is 15 UAH.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • Regidron por.
    d/prig. solution for oral administration pack. 18.9g 20pcs Recipharm Parets S.L. ES RUR 727 order

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  • Regidron BIO (pack 6.4 g No. 5)SIIT srl IT

    RUR 756 order

  • Regidron (por. No. 1)Orion/Sotex

    25 rub. order

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  • Regidron Optim 10.7g N20 powder for oral solution Recipharm Parets S.L., Spain
    295 UAH order
  • Regidron 18.9 g No. 20 powder Orion Corporation/AT Recipharm Parets, Finland/Spain

    224 UAH order

  • Regidron Bio 6.4 g No. 10 powder sachet (A and B) Es.Ai.Ai.Ti srl, Italy for Orion Corporation, Finland

    346 UAH order


  • Regidron Optim Regidron Optim powder for solution, sachet 10.7g No. 20 Finland, Orion

    283 UAH order

  • Regidron Regidron powder dosed 18.9g No. 20 Finland, Orion

    263 UAH order

  • Regidron bio Regidron Bio powder d/prig. paired sachet solutions (A+B) 6.4 g. №5 Italy, SIIT

    375 UAH. order

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