Indications for the use of a hemorrhoid pillow, clinical effectiveness of the procedure, contraindications and method of application

A hemorrhoid pillow is a real salvation for many patients suffering from varicose veins in the anorectal area. The device allows you to relieve tension from the sore area, helps prevent complications, pain when sitting and other signs of pathology. The pillow is used both among patients with already developed disease, and for the prevention of hemorrhoids among people at risk. The effect of using a pillow depends on the correct choice of device and its use.

A few words about the disease

Hemorrhoids are equally common in both men and women. The disease is caused by the development of stagnant processes in the pelvic area, constant load on the vessels, their deformation and inflammation. The causes of the pathology include a sedentary lifestyle, heavy physical labor, excess body weight, frequent constipation, pregnancy and many other factors. As the disease develops, the patient experiences discomfort, pain, and defecation becomes a real torment. Treatment of hemorrhoids in the initial stages is carried out with the help of medications; in the final stages of the pathology, surgical intervention is required.

To alleviate the symptoms of the disease and prevent complications, a seat cushion is used for hemorrhoids. This is a special device that provides comfort for patients who are forced to sit in one place for a long time. This group includes office workers, drivers, factory workers and many other professions. What such a pillow is, how to choose the right one, what types there are and where to buy the device, we will consider in the article.

How pillows work

The design of seat cushions for hemorrhoids means eliminating the possibility of painful contact of the tailbone and anorectal area with the hard surface of the chair. As if lifting this area above the seat, the pillow shifts the seater’s emphasis onto the pelvic and thigh bones.

Regardless of the shape (round, square, rectangular) and type of filler, the essence of the structures does not change. The main distinguishing feature of anti-hemorrhoid models is the presence of a recess for the anorectal area.

In this way, a number of positive measures are achieved: reducing pressure on the walls of the hemorrhoidal veins and anus, eliminating blood stagnation, and normalizing its outflow. Accordingly, a decrease in pain.

Who is the device for?

People suffering from pathology often experience pain in the rectum, so sitting in one place for a long time is real torture for them. To alleviate the condition in such patients, it is recommended to use an anti-hemorrhoid pillow. The product has a special shape, which allows you to relieve stress from the affected veins.

The following categories of the population should use a pillow against hemorrhoids:

  • office workers. People who spend most of their working time at the computer often suffer from hemorrhoids. For patients with already developed disease and those who do not suffer from pathology, it is recommended to use a pillow;
  • women expecting a child. During pregnancy, the uterus constantly grows, which increases pressure in the pelvic organs. In order to treat and prevent hemorrhoids, the use of a pillow is indicated at this time;
  • truck drivers. Drivers are at risk of developing the disease, so they simply need a hemorrhoid pillow;
  • patients who have undergone surgery to remove hemorrhoids. After surgery, stress on the anorectal area should be avoided;
  • elderly patients. For this category, the pillow is indicated to prevent disease due to age-related changes in the body.

People who spend long periods of time sitting are advised to use an anti-hemorrhoid pillow

In addition, doctors advise using an orthopedic pillow for people with a genetic predisposition, overweight patients suffering from constipation or diarrhea, as well as those who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Important! To choose the right pillow, you should take into account the purpose of use, the stage of hemorrhoids, the patient’s weight and some other features.

How to use an anti-hemorrhoid pillow correctly

The main rules for using pillows for hemorrhoids:

  1. The seat must lie on a hard surface. This ensures normal firmness of the pillow and prevents it from falling through.
  2. You cannot sit in one place for more than 3 hours without taking breaks. This increases the pain syndrome, and the patient experiences itching.
  3. Pillows should not be stored near heat sources (radiators, heaters). The influence of high temperature will cause the product to lose its shape and its performance properties will be impaired.
  4. They sit on a chair with an orthopedic mat with their legs down and their back straight. You cannot sit down with your legs tucked under you. If you do this regularly, blood circulation in the anal area will be disrupted and hemorrhoids will worsen.

The use of the described accessories reduces the risk of developing diseases of the genital organs and stagnation in varicose veins.

Operating principle

People often call a hemorrhoid pillow a “lifebuoy”, and this is completely justified. There is a hole in the middle of the device into which the area affected by cavernous formations is lowered. This allows you to remove the load from the painful area, thereby alleviating the patient’s condition. In addition, this design allows air access to the anorectal area and reduces the load on the spine, joints and ligaments.

With regular use, the following effect can be achieved:

  • improving blood circulation in the pelvic organs;
  • gradual disappearance of pain, burning and other symptoms;
  • preventing the progression of pathology;
  • reduction of hemorrhoidal cones in size.

The therapeutic effect is achieved by reducing the load on the anorectal area and eliminating contact of the anus with the hard surface of a car seat or chair.

Types of products

An orthopedic pillow for hemorrhoids can be made of various fillings and have a round, square, oval or rectangular shape. All products are classified according to the following principles:

  • permissible load. When purchasing a product, be sure to take into account the person’s weight. People who are overweight are not recommended to use foam pillows or devices filled with air. They may not give the desired therapeutic effect, and the rubber cushions may simply burst;
  • filling material. Most often, pillows for hemorrhoids have foam and polyurethane filling. The inflatable pillow is intended for use in the early stages of pathology and for its prevention;
  • form. Products for sitting against hemorrhoids are often donut-shaped, but there are also oval, rectangular, and horseshoe-shaped designs. When choosing a remedy, the patient is guided by his preferences.

Externally, the pillow resembles a small swimming circle, which is easy to inflate yourself. The product usually comes with a special pump. Most products allow you to adjust the thickness and volume of air in the pillow. In the instructions for use, the manufacturer indicates the correspondence of the pumped air and the weight of the patient. This feature makes it possible to achieve the best results.

The donut-shaped pillow is considered the most comfortable.

The foam product is available in various variations, it can be a circle, a square, a sphere. This pillow does not need to be inflated and is suitable for patients with low or average weight. The device is covered with anti-allergenic fabric that does not cause irritation.

Orthopedic pillows made of polyurethane foam have increased elasticity and take shape depending on the individual qualities of a person. The product is covered with a special material that does not cause irritation, is easy to clean, and does not leave marks on clothing.

You can make a pillow yourself at home, but there is no guarantee that the product will have the same therapeutic effect as a certified product. Orthopedic devices are tested for quality before they go on sale. Therefore, when purchasing a pillow from well-known brands, you can be confident in the effectiveness of the product.

What to look for when choosing?

If you decide to buy a seat cushion for hemorrhoids, you need to decide in two directions (choice of shape and filler), and then choose a manufacturer.


The products are available in several formats (all have a recess for the anorectal area):

  • round (with a recess or “ring” shape);
  • oval with recess;
  • square with a hole;
  • rectangular or U-shaped;
  • wedge-shaped;
  • parallel (folding version);
  • ergonomic shape with recesses for feet.

Reference! Anti-hemorrhoid pillows for drivers in a car are no different from models for a chair or armchair. Some options have additional fastenings for more secure fixation.

A ring-shaped pillow is considered the most comfortable. However, all of the above options are orthopedic. Shape is more a matter of personal preference, individual perception and taste (if we are talking about purchasing an accessory for the office).

Reference! Although manufacturers try to produce universal products that fit any model of chair and office chair, the models have different sizes and weight restrictions.


Manufacturers use polyurethane foam, latex, elastic foam (memory), and buckwheat husk as fillers. There are more budget inflatable options.

  • 100% latex - foam rubber - durable filler of natural origin. The perfect combination of elasticity and resilience. Modern technologies (perforation or Talalay) give the material breathable properties. The only drawback is the rather high price.

  • Polyurethane foam (PPU). Quite elastic synthetic material with pronounced orthopedic properties. Affordable and unpretentious. The service life of the pillow is 5 years.
  • Elastic foam (memory). Expensive high-tech varieties of polyurethane foam.
  • Buckwheat husk. An unconventional filler that attracts adherents of a healthy lifestyle. The breathable filler requires regular “beating”.
  • Air. Inflatable products are an acceptable, most budget option. Weight restrictions and fragility (compared to other types of fillers) prompt some to refuse the purchase.

Advantages of orthopedic products

Using a pillow against hemorrhoids is easy. Simply place the product on a chair or car seat. The advantages of the design include:

  • possibility of use for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes;
  • no contraindications or age restrictions;
  • ease of use;
  • versatility (you can take it with you on the road, to work, or use it at home);
  • Possibility of use for the prevention of bedsores;
  • a positive effect not only on the anorectal area, but also on the muscles and joints.

Important! Orthopedic pillows for hemorrhoids are used not only for varicose veins in the rectal area, they are indicated for patients with diseases of the spine, coccyx and other perineal organs.

Reviews of the use of orthopedic pillows for hemorrhoids

Alexey, Voronezh: I am an experienced truck driver, I drive trucks across the vastness of the vast country, and I know about hemorrhoids. Previously, I often had severe attacks - it was impossible to sit or walk because of the pain. You can’t leave a car with a load on a flight, you had to endure it. When it got to me, I went to the doctor. The doctor advised me to buy an orthopedic pillow for use in a car, placing it on the seat in the cab. I immediately bought the “bagel” - I didn’t regret it. The pillow is shaped like a lifebuoy, with a hole in the middle. When you sit down, the surface of the car seat does not reach the sore spot, there is no contact - no annoying, debilitating pain. There is no pressure on the inflamed hemorrhoids, nothing bothers you. I am satisfied with the purchase. I give a special “thank you” to the doctor for his advice. I won't part with my pillow.

Svetlana, Moscow: I work in an office. You have to sit throughout the working day. On days of emergency there is no time to get up. Hemorrhoids developed. It started harmlessly, with unpleasant sensations. Now it is impossible to sit. I received a lot of treatment: I tried ointments and suppositories. Nothing helped - they let me go for a while until the next attack. Recently, an employee talked about using a pillow after hemorrhoid surgery. I listened to the advice, bought it and realized the beauty - you sit as if on a cloud, nothing hurts! Helped a lot.

Nikolay, Omsk: The doctor advised me to use a pillow for hemorrhoids after undergoing surgery to ligate the nodes with latex rings. I suffered from severe, debilitating pain; it was impossible to sit. I bought an orthopedic donut for sitting. It’s really comfortable: you sit down on a chair, and you don’t feel any discomfort or pain in the anus. I strongly advise anyone who is bothered by a similar problem.

How to choose a pillow

When purchasing a product, you should pay attention to the product’s shape, content and size. When choosing a pillow for your car, you should give preference to products equipped with special belts. A round pillow is considered the most comfortable. Here, the sides allow you to evenly distribute the load, minimizing the pressure on the pelvic organs.

When choosing a product, you should listen to your doctor’s advice, but at the same time be guided by your personal feelings

Don’t be embarrassed to find out the composition of the product and the type of upholstery in the store. A high-quality product should consist of hypoallergenic materials that do not cause irritation and diaper rash. Thanks to this filling, various pests do not grow in the pillow. When purchasing a product, it is important to consider the patient’s weight. Each manufacturer indicates acceptable body weight levels in the instructions for their product. If you ignore this indicator, the device will be useless.

Choice for car

The work activity of many people involves long periods of driving. This applies to truck drivers, drivers of buses, trams, trolleybuses and other vehicles. The ideal option for this category of patients is a pillow in the shape of a donut or horseshoe. This device does not allow the coccyx and anus to come into contact with the driver’s seat, which provides comfort and reduces the unpleasant symptoms of hemorrhoids.

In addition to standard fillers such as polyurethane, foam rubber and air, hemorrhoid pillows for drivers made from buckwheat husks are popular. Such devices accurately follow the contour of the body and reduce pressure on the anorectal area.

Many manufacturers offer orthopedic pillows with special straps. They are great for truckers and bus drivers.

Polyurethane cushion

Polyurethane antihemorrhoidal pillows are available in two types:

  • porous;
  • inflatable.

Common fillers for porous pillows are foam rubber and foam latex. These materials have been subjected to regular testing. As a result of the tests, we received permission to operate from highly professional experts.

Products made from polyurethane are easy to care for and hygienic. The disadvantage of pillows is the unregulated degree of rigidity - the elasticity coefficient of the used fillers is the same. An inconvenience is the requirement to use polyurethane cushions on a solid base. When such a pillow is placed in a soft seat, the device becomes useless for preventing the disease and will have contraindications for use.

Operating rules

Hemorrhoids, especially in the final stages, significantly reduce a person’s quality of life. Due to constant pain, the patient cannot sit or drive a car for a long time. Relief comes only from lying down. An orthopedic pillow can significantly alleviate these sensations. To do this, you need to know how to use the product correctly.

Recommendations for using a pillow against hemorrhoids:

  • The device should only be placed on hard surfaces;
  • It is not recommended to place the product on a soft sofa or chair;
  • Use should be started when the first symptoms of the disease appear;
  • You need to sit on the pillow for no more than 1.5 - 2 hours. It is important to get up periodically, walk around the room, and do exercises to restore blood flow to the pelvic organs;
  • The type of device should be selected by the doctor, taking into account the degree of hemorrhoids, its severity and individual characteristics;
  • If the device becomes dirty, wash or wash it in accordance with the instructions for use.

Using the pillow correctly, it is possible to achieve the desired therapeutic effect and reduce pain from hemorrhoids

It is important to remember that no device can rid a person of the disease. All pillows are used for preventive purposes; they only help relieve unpleasant symptoms of the disease without affecting its causes.

Is it true that a pillow helps treat hemorrhoids?

When buying this pillow, you should understand that it will not be able to cure the disease and will not completely relieve the symptoms. This is not a full-fledged therapeutic agent, but an auxiliary tool that increases the effectiveness of therapy.

Treatment is determined only by a doctor who conducts a thorough medical examination of the patient. Analytical and instrumental diagnostic methods are used, the doctor examines, interviews the patient, and collects anamnesis.

As soon as the diagnosis of hemorrhoids is confirmed, a course of therapy is completed. The patient is treated with medications, ointments, suppositories, sitz baths, and a diet is prescribed. Treatment can be lengthy. During this period, a pillow is a good aid.

In order for the effect of its use to be felt, you should make a purchase from a reliable manufacturer.

A thing of low quality will not fulfill its purpose, will quickly deteriorate, and will become useless.

Hemorrhoids are treated comprehensively. Its main element is a radical change in lifestyle. An orthopedic pillow will improve the patient's condition and reduce pain. However, if you do not remove bad habits, start eating right, and be active, the disease will most likely reappear or worsen.

Use by pregnant women

Women expecting a baby are at risk for hemorrhoids. In pregnant women, physical activity decreases, metabolism is disrupted, stagnation processes develop, which often leads to the formation of varicose veins in the rectum and anus.

To prevent the onset of the disease and reduce the manifestations of an existing disease, doctors recommend that pregnant women use special pillows. In addition to the treatment and prevention of hemorrhoids, the orthopedic product allows you to relieve the spine and relieve stress from the spinal muscles.

You should also use a pillow after the baby is born, because after childbirth the risk of hemorrhoids is quite high. The product should be used while feeding the baby, when the woman sits for a long time.

Use after hemorrhoid removal

Many patients with hemorrhoids undergo surgery to remove the cavernous formations. During rehabilitation, patients need to remove the load from the veins of the rectum and anus as much as possible. An orthopedic device in the shape of a circle helps to achieve the desired effect. It is this version of the pillow that allows you to create comfort for the patient and prevent the development of complications.

Correct use of the product after surgery to remove hemorrhoids helps prevent complications and reduce pain.

Effect of the product after surgery:

  • ensuring air circulation to the postoperative area;
  • decreased pressure on the anorectal area;
  • calming effect on muscles and soft tissues;
  • preventing the formation of bedsores.

Important! Any actions after surgery, including the use of a pillow, must be discussed with the attending physician.

Where to buy the product

The main condition for achieving the desired result is the purchase of a quality product. You should not buy pillows from dubious sellers, in the market or secondhand. In this case, there is a risk of receiving a low-quality product. It is better to purchase the product at a pharmacy or specialized stores. From the seller you can find out information about the product’s quality certificate, who the manufacturer of the pillow is, as well as other aspects.

In addition, it is possible to order the product in the online store. In this area, it is recommended to use the services of only trusted companies that have proven themselves in the market and have positive reviews from doctors and buyers.

Which pillow is best for preventing hemorrhoids?

A round pillow is a universal product for the prevention of hemorrhoids. Both inflatable and porous round models are sold.

It looks like a standard inflatable ring or a small seat filled with porous material.

The most suitable pillow for disease prevention. Often purchased by pregnant women, drivers, and office employees. Such products are sold in pharmacies, orthopedic salons, and on the Internet.

In a car, a special seat circle is an almost irreplaceable thing. This is how car enthusiasts maintain stable blood circulation when they are on a long trip.

Review of popular products

The modern market offers a wide range of pillows aimed at the prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids. Let's look at products from several popular manufacturers.

There are many types of orthopedic pillows


The Fosta F 8026 pillow is a product made of durable polyurethane foam with high elasticity. Depending on the temperature of a person’s body, the device changes its plasticity, which makes it very convenient. The product is intended to reduce pain, eliminate stress on the spine, and can be used to prevent bedsores in bedridden patients. The product is made from environmentally friendly materials that have passed quality tests.


The TRELAX Medica P-06 product is used for complex treatment of hemorrhoids in patients with diseases of the spine and perineal organs. The pillow is great for women and men, can be used for pregnant women, the elderly, and during recovery after surgery. The device can be conveniently placed on a chair, bed, wheelchair, or car seat. The special material does not cause irritation, allows the skin to breathe, and prevents diaper rash. The pillow has a universal size, suitable for patients with different body weights.

Making your own pillow

If you can’t buy a finished product, you can sew the pillow yourself. To do this you will need the following materials:

  • dense stretch fabric (120 by 120 cm);
  • scissors;
  • dense threads;
  • needle;
  • pins for fastening;
  • foam for filling.

Manufacturing stages:

  1. First you need to determine the diameter of the product. Each person chooses the pillow size individually.
  2. You need to fold the fabric in half. The wrong side should be on the outside. After this, you need to draw 2 circles of different diameters with chalk or pencil.
  3. A large part is cut out along the outer contour, leaving 1.5 - 2 cm for the seams.
  4. Now fold the 2 parts and cut out a small circle along the inner contour. There is no need to leave fabric for seams here.
  5. Both parts are unfolded so that the front side is on the inside. The inner contour is stitched.
  6. Now you need to cut out the side part. Its diameter should match the length of the outline of the large circle.
  7. The strip is sewn to one of the circles, matching the front sides. After this, the product must be turned inside out. This step will create a fabric plate with deep edges.
  8. To complete the work, you should fold the second large circle with a strip, stitch the parts, leaving a hole for the filler. Once the foam is inside, sew up the hole. The outer seam can be decorated with braid.

The amount of filler and the density of the pillow depend on the patient's weight. If a person is fat, more foam will be needed.

Experts' opinion

What do doctors think about using a pillow?

Anatoly Nikolaevich, proctologist, Voronezh “It cannot be said that pillows against hemorrhoids can cure a person of pathology, but for patients with the disease who are forced to spend a long time in a sitting position, this device is a real godsend. Their meaning is that blood circulation in the anorectal area is not impaired, blood flows freely to the diseased area. As a specialist, I recommend using such products not only for people suffering from hemorrhoids, but also for preventive purposes.”

Anton Ignatievich, proctologist, Moscow “I always advise my patients to purchase such pillows. I can’t say that the devices provide a 100% effect, but they can’t do any harm either. In any case, when using the product, a positive effect is noted. The risk of congestion is reduced, blood circulates freely. Of course, a pillow is not a panacea. Even if a person uses such a device, he still needs to get up from his desk every 15–20 minutes.”

Doctors express a positive opinion about anti-hemorrhoid pillows

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