What causes heartburn and acid belching and how to deal with them?

Heartburn is an uncomfortable, painful burning sensation behind the sternum, in the upper abdomen, spreading upward to the neck and throat. It may worsen after eating in a lying position (especially at night), when bending forward or physical activity, and last from several minutes to several hours.

Heartburn is caused by the entry of stomach acid and other stomach contents (enzymes, bile acids) into the esophagus and their effect on its mucous membrane. This occurs due to insufficiency of the lower esophageal (cardiac) sphincter and, accordingly, reflux and regurgitation - the movement of stomach contents in the direction opposite to normal.

The appearance of heartburn can be associated with many different conditions and conditions: gastritis, gastroesophageal reflux disease, hiatal hernia, eosinophilic esophagitis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, functional indigestion, pregnancy, eating habits, taking certain medications (anti-inflammatory drugs, aspirin). In addition, gastric juice and bile acids that damage the mucous membrane of the esophagus can contribute to the formation of ulcerations on the mucosa and cause precancerous changes (Barrett's esophagus).

Heartburn may be accompanied by belching, bloating, dysphagia, and nausea.

What is heartburn

In essence, this is a symptom that occurs when the sphincter opens and acidic contents are thrown into the esophagus. This is one of the most striking manifestations of GERD, signaling irritation and inflammation of the esophagus. Occasional heartburn due to overeating or consuming sour foods is not dangerous. But if reflux becomes almost daily, this is an alarming symptom. Most often, the problem occurs after eating, when the stomach begins to actively produce acid and pepsin to process the incoming food.

Heartburn in healthy people

In some cases, heartburn can occur in people who do not suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. For example, it often appears when certain medications are taken orally. First of all, this is a group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (for example, the well-known aspirin, paracetamol, ketonal, diclofenac and others). A significant number of people experience heartburn after eating refined carbohydrate foods (flour, sweets, fresh baked goods, jelly). After restoring the nutritional balance and normalizing the diet, heartburn ceases to bother these individuals.

Heartburn symptoms

Heartburn is described as a painful subjective sensation, accompanied by burning, pain and discomfort behind the sternum, spasm, pressure, nausea, and heaviness in the abdomen. With GERD, heartburn is one of many other symptoms. The pain can be localized in the epigastric region, in the throat area, and may be accompanied by sour belching and an unpleasant taste in the mouth. Sometimes reflux that occurs at night causes a sore throat and cough.

Heartburn gets worse after eating, especially when lying down or bending over, and may be temporarily relieved by eating or drinking liquids.

GERD in children

Reflux esophagitis in children with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is detected in 17% of cases (approximately). The exact prevalence of GERD in childhood is unknown, due to the variety of clinical manifestations of the disease.

Important information! The process of GERD itself can be quite natural for a child under one year of age. Due to the insufficient length and immaturity of the esophagus, stomach contents regularly enter it, and from there into the throat and oral cavity. In common parlance this is called regurgitation.

Signs of GERD in childhood are varied and numerous. You can suspect a disease in a child by:

  • regular severe vomiting after eating;
  • frequent belching with a sour aroma;
  • prolonged hiccups;
  • morning cough;
  • a feeling of bitterness in the mouth;
  • chest pain;
  • night snoring;
  • attacks of difficulty breathing;
  • thinning and darkening of tooth enamel.

Treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease in children is not much different from therapy for adults. Often the child outgrows the disease on his own, and it disappears without a trace, forever.

Causes of heartburn after eating

The main cause of heartburn, as we have already found out, is the entry of hydrochloric acid from the stomach back into the esophagus due to the fact that the sphincter is not completely closed. Numerous factors can cause heartburn:

  • foods, medications and various conditions that increase the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach;
  • damage or insufficiency of the muscles in the sphincter area, due to which it does not close completely;
  • changes in the position of the esophagus and stomach, facilitating the reflux of contents in the opposite direction.

Coffee and alcohol, spicy, sour foods, spices, carbonated drinks, and chocolate are considered irritants and stimulants of acid secretion. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and some painkillers are also dangerous. Sphincter tone is negatively affected by fatty foods, overeating and smoking.

During pregnancy, the presence of a hernia in the diaphragm, obesity, especially if fat accumulates in the abdominal cavity, the stomach rises higher, taking a more horizontal position. This makes it easier for acid to flow back into the esophagus.

In some situations, persistent heartburn is a sign of gastritis with high acidity, peptic ulcer, tumors and systemic diseases.

Why does reflux disease develop?

Very often, the exact cause of the development of GERD cannot be determined. The disease can be provoked by a combination of different factors, namely such as:

  • weight gain;
  • overeating fatty foods, unhealthy diet;
  • excessive coffee consumption;
  • alcoholism and energy drink consumption;
  • smoking and other bad habits;
  • taking certain medications.

Medicines that reduce the tone of the lower esophageal sphincter include:

  • anticholinergic medications;
  • antihistamines;
  • tricyclic antidepressants;
  • calcium channel blockers;
  • progesterones and nitrate-containing agents.

Important information! American scientists associate GERD with a hereditary predisposition. The development of the disease can also be affected by: stressful situations, hormonal imbalances, and injuries to the esophagus.

Gastric reflux may be temporary. It is considered pathological only in cases where the frequency of attacks is more than 50 per day, as well as when the pH in the esophagus reaches 4.0 or lower. An attack of pathological reflux can be provoked by: a change in body position, increased abdominal pressure, or disruption of the usual diet.

Treatment of heartburn after eating

In addition to the unpleasant sensations, heartburn and GERD are dangerous due to serious complications. These are inflammatory lesions of the esophagus that can lead to ulcers and bleeding, scarring and narrowing of the sphincter, causing problems with eating. In addition, frequent contact with acid leads to changes in the epithelium of the esophagus - the formation of precancerous “Barrett's esophagus”, and without treatment - even cancer.

Severe heartburn can also simulate a heart attack, and the patient may even end up in the hospital. Therefore, it is important to find out the causes of heartburn as soon as possible and begin treatment.

KP instructions

How to get rid of heartburn in adults at home


The doctor will definitely take into account all complaints, in addition to heartburn, and will even ask you to keep a diary in order to assess what factors provoke deterioration. Additionally, you will need an X-ray of the esophagus and stomach with contrast, endoscopy (EGD) to visually assess the walls of the esophagus and stomach, as well as a number of tests. In order to evaluate the functioning of the sphincter, manometry is performed with pH-metry of the esophagus - muscle tone and acidity in the lumen of the organ are measured.

Modern methods of treatment

Of course, lifestyle changes play a significant role in treatment. It is important to review your diet, removing irritating foods from it, and also, not to mention, eat food often, in small portions. It is important to refuse food 2-3 hours before bedtime. You need to try to give up alcohol, smoking and take medications strictly as directed by your doctor, even if these are banal painkillers. After eating, you should not immediately lie down or bend over; you should be more physically active so that the food leaves the stomach faster.

“The most common medications that patients themselves use for heartburn are antacids,” says gastroenterologist, therapist Vera Samsonova . – They “quench” hydrochloric acid in the stomach and alleviate the condition, eliminating discomfort and pain. However, they do not affect the problem itself - excessive production of hydrochloric acid and sphincter weakness; these are symptomatic drugs. And their effect is not very long-lasting, they bind the acid that has already been released, but do not affect the production of new portions.

Other drugs that are used are histamine H2 receptor antagonists. Their action is to block the activity of histamine, a substance that stimulates the stomach to produce hydrochloric acid.

Another group is proton pump inhibitors. These drugs also block stomach cells from releasing acid, but in a different way. The very first of the drugs in this group is Omeprazole. A more modern PPI is Rabeprazole. When taken once a day, Rabeprazole can reduce the production of hydrochloric acid for a long time, helping to prevent heartburn.

To the point

Tablets for heartburn: KP experts rated the top 10 drugs

How to get rid of heartburn and its consequences

Chronic or frequent heartburn causes an inflammatory disease with a recurrent nature called esophagitis - this is the most common consequence. The resulting ulcers and their subsequent scarring provoke a narrowing of the esophagus, which interferes with food intake. Heartburn may also be accompanied by bloating. To improve your well-being, the following is recommended:

  • exclude late dinner before bedtime;
  • the upper body should be elevated 15-25 cm during rest;
  • immediately after eating, you should not bend over or lie down;
  • conduct an audit of food products;
  • quit smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • Avoid tight belts and clothing that compress the abdominal area.

When to urgently call an ambulance

If heartburn occurs in the stomach from inappropriate food, the situation is not so dangerous. You should be wary of pain and a burning sensation in the chest that occurs due to an attack of angina or an increasing threat of myocardial infarction. With progressive symptoms such as bloody vomiting and black stools, you should call an ambulance. JSC "Medicine" (clinic of academician Roitberg) in the Central Administrative District has emergency teams on staff, its own fleet of vehicles and the latest generation equipment. They work 24/7. Severe heartburn and stomach pain may also be due to an exacerbation of the ulcer, which is also a reason to call an ambulance. If necessary, the team will take care of transporting and accompanying the patient to the hospital for hospitalization, where a final diagnosis will be made and treatment will be prescribed.

When to see a doctor

If heartburn in the throat begins to bother you frequently, regardless of the time of day, body position, or with a balanced diet, you should consult a doctor. Attacks cannot be tolerated or ignored due to the possible transition of the underlying causes into a chronic condition. The formation of ulcers in the esophagus due to the constant influence of hydrochloric acid on the mucous membrane provokes bleeding. They can lead to Barrett's syndrome and the subsequent development of oncology. You need to make an appointment to undergo diagnostics and receive heartburn medication to stabilize your well-being.

Preventing heartburn after eating at home

Prevention of heartburn is no less important, and this is the concern of the patient himself. Along with taking medications prescribed by your doctor, you need to reconsider your attitude to nutrition, reduce the amount of fatty and fried foods you consume, spicy foods, alcohol and carbonated drinks. It is equally important to lose weight; heartburn is often exacerbated by fat accumulated around the waist.

It is important to stop smoking, and take any medications, especially those that irritate the stomach, only when absolutely necessary and after consulting with your doctor.

Prevention of GERD

It is impossible to predict the development of gastroesophageal reflux disease in a particular person. Therefore, the disease is difficult to prevent. If there is a hereditary predisposition, it is recommended for prevention:

  • eliminate physical activity that increases pressure in the peritoneum;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle without bad habits;
  • harden the body;
  • promptly treat gastrointestinal diseases;
  • regularly diagnose parasitic infestations and, if necessary, undergo treatment;
  • eat properly, in portions, regularly and in a balanced manner;
  • avoid stress, severe nervous shock;
  • treat psychoemotional diseases.

Interesting fact: every day, more than 10% of all energy expended is spent on digesting food. It is most difficult for the gastrointestinal tract to digest alcoholic products and animal proteins. You can relieve the gastrointestinal tract by giving up alcohol and changing the way you prepare meat dishes. It is strictly not recommended to combine alcohol with fatty snacks!

Not all patients can boldly say: “I cured GERD.” An innovative approach to treatment at the ACMD clinic will help you achieve a complete recovery!

Popular questions and answers

We discussed with gastroenterologist Vera Samsonova questions regarding ways to get rid of heartburn, including in expectant mothers, as well as tactics for dealing with frequent heartburn.

Is it possible to get rid of heartburn using folk remedies?

There are many folk methods that promise to get rid of heartburn quickly, but there is too little scientific evidence of their effectiveness and safety to recommend such remedies for use, especially without the advice of a doctor. If heartburn occurs frequently and has become your problem, you need examination and identification of the causes, and not traditional methods.

Can baking soda be used for heartburn?

Baking soda is one of the popular home remedies for heartburn. But this method is dangerous, although initially it extinguishes the acid, but then it stimulates the release of more and more new portions. Therefore, heartburn may only get worse after a while. Plus, it causes belching and bloating, reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus, and can worsen the condition of ulcerative defects. The absorption of soda into the blood changes the acid-base balance, which harms the kidneys.

How to get rid of heartburn during pregnancy?

Doctors use safe antacids to relieve heartburn.
In addition, it is necessary to correct nutrition and control weight gain so that there is no excess pressure of the growing uterus on the fundus of the stomach. Certain positions are helpful to prevent stomach acid from refluxing into the esophagus. But various folk remedies, especially baking soda, are not allowed for pregnant women!


A gastroenterologist examines patients with discomfort and a burning sensation in the throat. The diagnostic search is primarily aimed at a comprehensive study of the morphological and functional state of the esophagus, stomach, and upper intestines. The diagnostic plan necessarily includes an examination of the respiratory tract to assess the degree of pathological changes. The most valuable for identifying the root causes of heartburn are:

  • Endoscopic examination
    . Endoscopy allows you to visualize the mucous membrane and detect signs of inflammatory or ulcerative processes in the gastrointestinal tract wall. According to indications, the method is supplemented with a biopsy of suspicious foci of the mucous membrane of the upper digestive tract or manometry of the lower esophageal sphincter.
  • Study of gastric secretion
    . Daily measurement of pH in the stomach is necessary to determine the type of secretory activity of parietal cells. In patients with heartburn, the acidity level in the lower third of the esophagus should also be measured, since a decrease in pH less than 4 indicates the entry of aggressive gastric juice.
  • X-ray methods
    . Taking a series of radiographs at certain intervals after oral contrast helps to detect ulcerative destructive defects in the mucous membrane. Flow of contrast agent into the esophagus indicates insufficiency of the cardiac sphincter of the stomach.
  • Research of ENT organs
    . To confirm the presence of inflammatory or erosive changes in the throat, the upper respiratory tract is examined using special endoscopes or laryngeal mirrors: pharyngoscopy, laryngoscopy. Additionally, a swab is taken from the throat and nose to exclude infectious diseases.

To clarify the diagnosis for complaints of heartburn in the throat, laboratory tests are used: the level of pancreatic amylase and lipase is determined, the concentration of gastrin and pepsinogen in the blood is measured, and specific serological tests are performed. After excluding all organic and functional diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, an examination by a neurologist may be required.

Daily pH-metry of the stomach

What foods can trigger heartburn?

The likelihood of developing heartburn and belching after eating increases if you consume the following foods:

  • all types of citrus fruits;
  • products containing cocoa beans;
  • coffee, tea, carbonated drinks;
  • tomatoes;
  • cabbage;
  • legumes;
  • dairy products (except low-fat fermented milk);
  • fatty meats and fish and broths made from them;
  • baked goods and sweets;
  • sour berries;
  • apples;
  • hot sauces and almost all spices;
  • alcohol3.

A healthy person does not need to completely eliminate these foods, but they do need to monitor their amounts. For those who often experience heartburn, it is recommended to remove the listed foods from their diet so as not to aggravate the condition2.

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