Anti-diarrhea remedies for children: a list of the best of them and a description of the general principles of treating the disease

Diarrhea in children is a common occurrence that can affect any child for a number of reasons. The development of diarrhea can be of a different nature, but in any case it requires due attention from the baby’s parents and the organization of high-quality treatment for the problem.

Modern medicine has advanced very far in terms of treating diarrhea, which is why there are no difficulties in its implementation. Today we’ll talk in more detail about the best remedies for diarrhea for children, the general principles of treating the problem and its dangers.

A few words about the essence of diarrhea and its causes

Diarrhea is a sign of gastrointestinal disorder

Diarrhea or diarrhea is familiar to every person. This disorder in the functioning of the stomach manifests itself at least once in the lives of all people, accompanied by very unpleasant things, at least for 1-2 days.

The healthiest and strongest people are not immune from diarrhea, let alone children? Given the specificity and unpleasantness of the disease, parents should be aware of the principles of its treatment and the potential danger of diarrhea.

Before you begin treating your child, you need to understand why diarrhea developed. As noted earlier, there are many reasons for this pathology. Among the most common in children we highlight:

  • development of intestinal infection;
  • staphylococcal diseases and salmonellosis;
  • the onset of hepatitis;
  • adverse reaction to medications taken by the child;
  • temporary disorder in the gastrointestinal tract.

There is no need to be afraid of diarrhea, since in the vast majority of cases it is caused by ordinary disruptions in the functioning of the stomach or minor intestinal infections.

They develop due to eating unwashed or poor-quality foods, as well as due to improper nutrition or taking certain medications. With a similar cause of diarrhea, getting rid of it is quite simple, but sometimes the provoking factor can be more serious.

To distinguish, so to speak, normal diarrhea from really dangerous diarrhea, it is important to pay attention to the consistency and general appearance of the discharge. In case of temporary, harmless disruptions in the functioning of the stomach, the stool will be simply watery and relatively homogeneous. In other cases, diarrhea may contain:

Types of adsorbent drugs

Smecta (or its analogues Neosmectin, Diosmectin) - powder for suspension.
One of the best remedies for diarrhea, bloating, heartburn, nausea and vomiting. Used for intestinal colic, bacterial infections, intestinal dysfunction, ulcers and gastritis. Suitable even for babies. Side effects include constipation. Do not exceed the course of medication than indicated in the instructions. And if the patient has chronic constipation, then smecta is contraindicated. It is correct to drink it before meals, diluting it with warm water. For young children, the medicine can be diluted in infant formula. Adults can take up to 6 sachets per day for diarrhea; for children from 2 to 12 years old, up to 3 sachets per day. Avoid taking smecta and antibiotics at the same time, because smecta, by adsorbing antibacterial substances, removes them, preventing them from affecting the body.

Activated charcoal is another helper for diarrhea. One of the most effective and inexpensive tablets. Coal can help not only against poisoning from expired foods and poisons, but also has a good effect in the treatment of gastritis and colitis. Activated carbon is also used in gastric lavage. Activated carbon should be taken in the first 12 hours after poisoning; an adult should drink at least 4 tablets per dose. It will remove all toxins from the body and normalize the acidity of the stomach.

Activated carbon does not dissolve in the intestines. It is excreted in the stool, causing it to turn black. With the use of activated carbon, diarrhea goes away quickly. Therefore, you should not take activated carbon for more than three days, as it removes not only harmful, but also beneficial substances. Coal, like smecta, is not compatible with other medications. Take a break between taking charcoal and taking other medicine.

Enterosgel is a sorbent in the form of a gel. Fast-acting detoxifying product. This medicine is not absorbed by the body and is excreted in the feces. Used as therapy for a period of one to two weeks. If you are prone to constipation, it is better to do an enema in the first days of starting to take enterosgel. Do not drink Enterosgel if you have indigestion.

The danger of diarrhea in a child

Dehydration is a dangerous complication

The danger of diarrhea lies in its immediate course and the reasons for the development of the problem. It is important to understand that a long course of diarrhea in both a child and an adult provokes serious disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

This state of affairs always negatively affects the general condition of the patient. In addition to this, it is possible that dehydration and other serious disorders in the body’s functioning may develop.

As for the causes of diarrhea themselves, there is no need to even talk about their potential danger. It’s good if there is a temporary upset stomach, but what can cause full-fledged pathologies?

In fact, these are the most terrible consequences, so ignoring or engaging in long-term self-medication for diarrhea in children is extremely dangerous, as this often leads to the development of serious complications.

Independent attempts to eliminate diarrhea, of course, are not excluded. However, even their implementation is unacceptable with such additions to diarrhea as:

  • severe and persistent pain in the abdomen or anus;
  • uncontrolled bowel movements;
  • temperature increase;
  • the presence of a large number of third-party secretions in the stool (from foam to blood);
  • vomit;
  • pale skin;
  • headaches or dizziness in the patient.

The development of the noted symptoms completely excludes self-medication of diarrhea and requires immediate consultation with a doctor. Remember that the danger of childhood diarrhea is great and the risks are unacceptable.

Antibiotics for diarrhea

Antibiotics for diarrhea are taken only if the cause of diarrhea is accurately determined. If this stool problem is caused by an intestinal bacterial infection, then only then is taking antibiotics a justifiable solution. Visually, the presence of an intraintestinal infection can be determined by characteristic impurities in the stool: mucus and bloody greenish inclusions.

In such cases, the following antibiotic medications are prescribed:

1) Amoxicillin

A chloramphenicol-based antibiotic commonly prescribed to patients with persistent diarrhea. The active substance destroys a wide range of pathogenic microflora, including those pathogens that have developed resistance to the action of tetracycline antibiotics.

Levomycetin is prescribed for the treatment of infectious diarrhea. This drug can provoke adverse reactions from various body systems, so before use you should clarify the contraindications for use. Among them are renal and liver failure, pregnancy, individual intolerance to the active substance.


  • Affordable price;
  • Time-tested effectiveness of the drug;
  • Availability of several forms of release;
  • Wide spectrum of antibacterial activity;
  • High bioavailability;
  • Can be used in childhood, but not earlier than 4 weeks.


  • Extensive list of contraindications and side effects;
  • The need for hospitalization when treated with large doses of the drug.

The price of Levomycetin is about 120 rubles.

2) Enterofuril (Nifuroxazide)

An antimicrobial agent based on nifuroxazide provides a pronounced bacteriostatic effect against staphylococci, streptococci, salmonella, shigella, enterobacteria and suppresses the production of toxins that poison the body. For diarrhea of ​​viral origin, it reduces the risk of bacterial superinfection. Adults are recommended to take Enterofuril in capsules; for children, the medicine is released in the form of a suspension.

The drug is prescribed for acute and chronic forms of infectious diarrhea, stool disorders associated with inflammatory lesions of the large intestine, as well as diarrhea of ​​unknown origin. This remedy has virtually no contraindications, rarely causes adverse reactions and does not provoke the development of dysbacteriosis. The only limitation for use is the body's increased sensitivity to nifuroxazide. The price of Enterofuril in capsules ranges from 200 to 220 rubles.

3) Furazolidone

Furazolidone is a drug from the group of intestinal antibiotics. It has a broad spectrum of antibacterial activity, so it can be used in the treatment of infectious diarrhea and diarrhea caused by food poisoning.

The drug is available in the form of tablets that cannot be chewed; they are drunk whole, immediately after eating. The duration of the therapeutic course is determined by the doctor, usually about 14 days. The average daily dose for an adult patient is 4 tablets.


  • Affordable price;
  • High antibacterial effect;
  • Possibility of treating most intestinal infections;
  • The presence of a protective coating on the tablet, which allows the drug to begin to act in the intestines;


  • Abundance of contraindications and side effects;
  • The need for medical consultation before starting treatment;
  • Inability to use the drug to treat young children and pregnant women.

The price of Furazolidone varies from 100 to 150 rubles.

The best drugs

Smecta - a remedy for diarrhea

In the process of treating diarrhea in a child, a competent approach is important, as mentioned earlier. It is almost impossible to get rid of diarrhea without the use of specialized medications, so it is extremely irrational to refuse them.

You should use only proven and safe medications in full accordance with the instructions supplied with them. Among the most used means we highlight:

  • Regidron is a glucose-saline solution that normalizes stomach function and reduces the risk of dehydration to a minimum.
  • Smecta is a sorbent that complements the effect of Regidron by normalizing feces.
  • Bififort or Hilak Forte are probiotics and prebiotics, respectively. These drugs also stabilize the local microflora and speed up the treatment of diarrhea.

It is advisable not to use various kinds of anti-infective agents and similar medications without the appropriate prescription from a doctor. This is especially important when treating children, since the consequences of their improper use can be extremely serious and can ruin the future life of absolutely any child.

Let us repeat, before treating diarrhea, it is important to carefully study the instructions supplied with the drugs and not violate their provisions. Otherwise, treatment will only be harmful.

Probiotics against diarrhea

Probiotics (see list 2022) are products containing microorganisms natural to the human intestinal microflora. If the microflora is disturbed - dysbiosis, probiotics help restore the balance of microorganisms, which leads to normalization of stool. There are many probiotics recommended for diarrhea.

Let's look at the main ones:

1) Bifidumbacterin

Bifidumbacterin is one of the effective probiotics that helps restore intestinal microflora, so it is actively used for various forms of diarrhea. The drug contains live bifidobacteria and bifidogenic factor, which promotes the growth of “beneficial” bacterial flora in the intestines.

The drug is safe for human health; it is prescribed even to newborn children. Bifidobacteria, which are part of Bifidumbacterin, gradually colonize the intestines, contribute to the suppression of pathogenic flora, stabilize metabolic processes, increase local immunity, and make it possible to better cope with intoxication of the body.


  • High efficiency and quick results;
  • Possibility of using the drug for the treatment of newborns and pregnant women;
  • Good compatibility with other drugs.


  • Relatively high price (if long-term treatment is necessary, you will have to spend an impressive amount);
  • Specific storage conditions (can only be stored in the refrigerator);
  • The likelihood of an allergic reaction.

The price of Bifidumbacterin varies from 200 to 500 rubles.

2) Linux

The product in Linex capsules belongs to the class of eubiotics, and it restores the intestinal microflora, literally “landing on it” bifidobacteria and lactobacilli enterococci. The product is available in capsules, and one capsule contains millions of live bacteria. They constitute the normal microflora of the human intestine. It is known that the presence of these microorganisms in the human intestine inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria, takes part in the synthesis of vitamins, and improves immunity.

The product should be taken after meals and washed down with a small amount of liquid. Typically, adults are prescribed 2 capsules three times a day, and for children who cannot swallow capsules, they need to be opened and the powder mixed with liquid is given. The duration of treatment is not limited and can last as long as needed. This drug is produced by the Lek company, and the cost of one package of 16 capsules currently starts at 230 rubles.

Do not combine the drug with alcoholic beverages or wash it down with hot water.

3) Hilak Forte

Hilak Forte is an effective German antidiarrheal agent, produced in the form of drops. Taking the drug helps normalize the intestinal microflora, preserves its physiological and biological functions, and restores the normal level of acidity in the gastrointestinal tract.

Hilak Forte can be used for diarrhea caused by taking antibiotics, gastroenteritis, colitis, allergies, salmonellosis. It is effectively used to treat traveler's diarrhea, which is caused by climate change and exotic foods. The drug can be used to treat children and pregnant women, as well as during breastfeeding. It has virtually no contraindications, except for hypersensitivity to its components.

Hilak Forte is well tolerated by patients of all ages. Allergic reactions in the form of skin itching and rashes are extremely rare. You should not take the drug with milk or milk-based products at the same time. The medicine does not require storage in the refrigerator.

List of the most affordable drugs

Medicines from several groups help against diarrhea. These are antidiarrheals, probiotics, enterosorbents. In some cases, antibiotics are indicated when the problem occurs due to a bacterial infection.

The purpose of taking medications is to consolidate stool and eliminate associated symptoms. When the cause is a disease, it must be treated to eliminate diarrhea.


The action of enterosorbents is aimed at removing toxic substances and poisons. Once in the gastrointestinal tract, they begin to draw in harmful components, after which they are eliminated naturally.

Among the effective enterosorbents, the drug Smecta can be distinguished. It helps get rid of diarrhea and other dyspeptic symptoms - heartburn, nausea, bloating. The medicine is inexpensive - about 150 rubles.

Enterodesis also shows good results. It helps cope with the manifestations of intestinal poisoning. Can be prescribed to children from one year old. The course of treatment lasts up to 7 days. Price - about 125 rubles.


The action of probiotics is aimed at eliminating dysbiosis, that is, normalizing the intestinal microflora. They stop the growth of pathogenic microorganisms and increase the activity of bacteria needed by the intestines.

Such tools include Linex. The drug is antidiarrheal. Price - up to 500 rubles. The probiotic Lactobacterin copes well with diarrhea. It normalizes intestinal microflora, normalizes stool and digestion.

Other probiotics effective for diarrhea:

  • Bifidumbacterin - the product is diluted in water, helps with poisoning, intoxication, intestinal infections;
  • Hilak Forte - helps increase the number of beneficial bacteria.


Antibacterial agents destroy bacteria, so they are effective against infectious processes and dysbiosis

Should be taken with caution and as prescribed by a doctor, because taking them can lead to the opposite effect - dysbiosis

Among the antibiotics for diarrhea, Furazolidone, Levomycetin, Phthalazol can be prescribed. The first drug copes with intestinal intoxication and dysentery. Levomycetin is indicated for intestinal invasion and bacterial infections. Phthalazole is effective in cases of intestinal poisoning and bacterial diseases.

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