Belching rotten eggs: causes, symptoms. What to do when you burp rotten eggs: useful tips and tricks

The article was prepared by a specialist for informational purposes only. We urge you not to self-medicate. When the first symptoms appear, consult a doctor.

Belching rotten eggs is the release of gases, with a characteristic smell of hydrogen sulfide, from the gastrointestinal tract into the oral cavity. Such belching is considered an abnormal phenomenon and indicates the presence of problems with the digestive system.

Putrefactive processes in the gastrointestinal tract, evidenced by belching of rotten eggs, occur against the background of impaired motor activity of the digestive tract and decreased secretory function.

A “lazy” stomach is in no hurry to digest what it eats, which, in turn, causes the sulfur-containing proteins present in the food to rot and release large amounts of hydrogen sulfide.

The putrefactive process in the stomach is similar to the process of protein breakdown, with the release of foul-smelling gas, in a spoiled chicken egg.

How does this belching occur?

First of all, belching with the smell of rotten eggs may indicate a decrease in secretion in the gastrointestinal tract. Such a violation of motor function leads to the fact that food begins to be digested slowly. Insufficient production of gastric juice provokes the rotting of protein contained not only in eaten meat, but also in beans, lentils, bread, etc.

In addition, the cause of the smell of rotten eggs from the mouth can be reflux syndrome. This condition occurs due to inflammation in the esophagus. It is characterized by the reflux of stomach contents into the lower parts of the esophageal tube. The disease is accompanied not only by unpleasant belching, but also by a bitter taste, as well as pain in the chest. Often the patient has difficulty swallowing food.

Reflux syndrome requires mandatory therapy, since inflammation can increase in size.

After some time, the production of hydrogen sulfide begins with the smell of rotten eggs, which enters the oral cavity through the esophagus.

Belching can often be accompanied by heartburn and diarrhea. If this condition does not appear often, then you can cope with it with the help of pills or folk remedies.

Symptomatic therapy

If rotten belching is caused by enzymatic deficiency, to eliminate the unpleasant sensations, it is necessary to correct the diet with the exclusion of milk, fresh fruits, bread and other provoking foods. To reduce the frequency of regurgitation, it is recommended to avoid bending over and heavy physical work immediately after eating. To cope with the reflux of rotten gases at night, it is useful to sleep on a high pillow. To reduce belching before verifying the diagnosis, you can use enzyme preparations and prokinetics. Laxatives and cleansing enemas help with constipation.

Causes of belching

This symptom means a lot. The most popular causes of burping are presented below:

DysbacteriosisThis condition is accompanied by bloating and constipation. Occurs due to digestive disorders. Most often, dysbiosis occurs after treatment with antibiotics. It is recommended to carry out antibiotic therapy along with the simultaneous use of Bifidumbacterin, Lactobacterin or another prebiotic.
Hypolactasia or lactose intoleranceBelching occurs after eating foods containing milk.
Crohn's diseaseCharacterized by the appearance of loose stools (sometimes interspersed with blood). Most often, it causes stomach pain, flatulence, weakness and fever.
Pyloric stenosisWith this disease, it is recommended to eat in small portions, since the narrowing of the transition between the duodenum and the stomach characteristic of the disease interferes with the movement of half-digested food into the small intestine.
Gluten intolerance (celiac disease)Problems arise after eating any bakery products and cereals.

In addition to all of the above, the appearance of rotten burps can be influenced by an infection in the gastrointestinal tract or the activity of pathogenic bacteria. Such conditions are accompanied by an increase in body temperature, vomiting, pain in the epigastric region and frequent diarrhea.

Belching rotten in pregnant women

Belching during pregnancy occurs in almost all women. This condition is caused by a growing uterus, which takes up more and more space in the abdominal cavity. As a result, it begins to put pressure on nearby organs, including the gastrointestinal tract. Along with belching, heartburn also often appears.

Also, a similar condition can be caused due to prolonged digestion of food in the stomach, which is common in pregnant women. Lingering in the organs of the digestive tract, the eaten food begins to ferment, resulting in belching with the smell and taste of rotten eggs. In addition, such an unpleasant symptom may indicate the presence of intestinal obstruction or pathology of the structure of the digestive organs.

If this condition continues for several days, it is necessary to undergo examination of the gastrointestinal tract.

Eating dry food or insufficient food intake can also lead to belching.

Some pregnant women, in an effort to maintain their figure, try not to overeat, reducing their daily caloric intake to a minimum. This leads not only to the appearance of unpleasant symptoms, but also to the fact that the child’s body in the mother’s womb does not receive the necessary vitamins, minerals and nutrients in such conditions. Therefore, you should definitely follow the diet recommended by your doctor.

Belching and flatulence

It is quite common to belch rotten eggs when you overeat. What to do in this case? We need to figure out why this symptom is accompanied by bloating and flatulence. Most often, the cause of this phenomenon is low acidity of gastric juice.

Under such conditions, food cannot be properly disinfected, and the likelihood of infectious damage to the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines increases. Because of this, putrefactive decomposition of food occurs in the gastrointestinal tract. This leads to bloating and unpleasant belching.

This situation can be aggravated by abdominal pain. It spreads along the intestines. Nausea is also added.

Quite often, two symptoms are observed at once: belching with rotten eggs and flatulence. What to do in this case? The reason for this unpleasant phenomenon is stagnation of food in the gastrointestinal tract. Food is poorly digested and moves slowly through the digestive system. In this case, such a failure is explained by a lack of enzymes produced by the pancreas. Because of this, food lingers in the digestive tract for a long time. It cannot be fully processed.

When such a symptom appears, a person feels heaviness in the stomach and nausea. You may develop an aversion to fatty foods.

How to quickly fix the problem?

If such belching occurs occasionally without the formation of other symptoms, you can eliminate it yourself. For this it is recommended:

  1. Adjust your diet
    . It is necessary to reduce the amount of dairy products (especially if you are lactose intolerant), sweets, fatty foods and foods containing complex proteins. The latter include beans, lentils, peas, pork, beef and other types of meat. It is better to give preference to fish, herbs, and non-starchy vegetables. It is also advisable to minimize the amount in your daily diet or completely avoid processed white rice. Before cooking, it should be thoroughly rinsed to remove starch.

  2. Drink warm water with honey in the morning (about 0.5 tsp honey per glass of liquid)
    . This drink has pronounced bactericidal properties.

  3. Taking baking soda
    . The required amount of product is approximately ? tsp Drink with warm or moderately hot water. Gastroenterologists do not recommend using soda to get rid of burps that smell like rotten eggs too often.

Antacids can also be used for treatment. Among them are Rennie, Gastal, Omeprazole, etc.

Foods that are not recommended to eat

If burping rotten eggs is not caused by a disease, but appears after eating certain types of food, it can be easily prevented. To do this, you should avoid canned vegetables, mayonnaise, fatty meat and fish dishes. You can leave lean chicken and turkey in your daily diet, which are recommended to be steamed or baked without oil. You should also avoid eating fruits that have high acidity.

These include all types of citrus fruits, grapes, and some varieties of apples (for example, Semirenko or Antonovka).

You should also forget about foods that take a long time to digest and digest. This category includes mushrooms and legumes (peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas). You should avoid eating large quantities of eggs, which contain sulfur. Their recommended daily dose is 2 pieces.

There is also no need to consume dairy products in large quantities. The daily dose for those who do not suffer from lactose intolerance is about 250 g. Please note that tobacco and alcoholic drinks can also cause foul-smelling belching.

Necessary diagnostic procedures

If you experience burping with the smell of rotten eggs after overeating or the wrong combination of foods, you don’t have to worry. Folk remedies or a one-time dose of pills will help you cope with this condition. If such a symptom occurs on an ongoing basis, you should contact a medical facility to identify the cause. Diagnostics include the following:

  • colonoscopy (examination of the inner surface of the large intestine using a probe);
  • ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs;
  • blood tests (biochemical and general);
  • coprogram (conducting stool examination);
  • manometry (comparison of pressure in different parts of the digestive tract);
  • irrigoscopy and other x-ray methods.

Further therapeutic procedures should be based on the results obtained after diagnosis. Treatment will depend not only on the identified diseases, but also on the age of the patient, as well as the stage of the pathology.


A gastroenterologist examines patients with complaints of putrefactive erection. Since rotten belching most often indicates the presence of a pathological condition, the diagnostic search is aimed at identifying the root cause of the symptom. The patient undergoes a comprehensive examination to study the morphological and functional features of the digestive and biliary system. The most valuable methods are:

  • Sonography
    . Ultrasound of the abdominal organs is an accessible non-invasive examination that is prescribed for rapid diagnosis. The method is not accompanied by radiation exposure and makes it possible to detect nonspecific signs of inflammatory diseases and space-occupying formations. According to indications, targeted ultrasound examination of individual organs is performed.
  • Endoscopy
    . Endoscopy is used in the diagnosis of pathology of the upper gastrointestinal tract to identify motility disorders, dysregulation of the pyloric sphincter, and signs of hypoacid conditions. For colonic symptoms, colonoscopy is informative, allowing, if necessary, a biopsy of the affected areas. Video capsule endoscopy is used less frequently.
  • X-ray methods
    . X-ray with oral contrast is used to visualize all parts of the gastrointestinal tract; taking delayed images allows you to assess the speed of passage of contents through the intestines and the coherence of the muscle sphincters. To study the biliary and pancreatic ducts, RPCP and percutaneous cholangiopancreatography are prescribed.
  • Stool analysis
    . Diseases accompanied by rotten erection often cause pathological changes in the feces. The standard coprogram can be supplemented by tests for helminth eggs and an expanded bacteriological study. If neoplasms or ulcerative-destructive processes are suspected, the Gregersen test for occult blood is performed.

Laboratory methods are recommended to clarify the diagnosis; patients may be prescribed liver tests, determination of the levels of pancreatic enzymes in the blood and urine, and measurement of the concentration of gastrin and pepsinogen in the blood. To assess gastric secretion, 24-hour pH measurements are performed.

A patient with complaints of rotten belching undergoes a comprehensive gastroenterological examination

Recommended drugs

If belching with the smell of rotten eggs appears as a result of overeating, then you can take the following pharmaceutical medications:

  1. Festal
    . An enzyme preparation based on three components (pancreatin, hemicellulase and bile components). The drug compensates for the insufficiency of the exocrine function of the pancreas. It has lipolytic, amylolytic and proteolytic properties. The drug should not be taken for acute pancreatitis, hepatitis and intestinal obstruction.

  2. Mezim Forte
    . This medicine is based on enzymes that help digest food better. It is used for errors in nutrition (for example, overeating). In case of overdose, it can cause discomfort in the epigastric region. Mezim should be taken with caution by patients with pancreatitis in the acute stage.

  3. Creon
    . This enzyme product contains lipase, protease and amylase. This complex of substances facilitates the digestion of fats, proteins and carbohydrates and relieves pain in the epigastrium, as well as gases. The drug should not be taken by people with acute pancreatitis or hypersensitivity to pancreatin. With an increase in the dose of Creon, allergic reactions may occur in the form of rashes on the skin.

All of these drugs quickly relieve unpleasant symptoms at home. You can get rid of burps with a rotten smell in one dose of tablets or capsules.

Medicine for belching in adults

Belching indicates the development of diseases of the digestive tract. When selecting a medication, the frequency of symptoms, the presence of chronic gastrointestinal diseases, and the intensity of the discomfort are taken into account. In the absence of pathologies, the disease can be eliminated by adjusting the diet. The following drugs are used as drug therapy:

  1. Gaviscon
    . Highly effective fast-acting drug. Indicated for heartburn, sour belching and dyspepsia.
  2. Rennie
    . Quickly eliminates discomfort syndrome and has a gentle effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Motilium
    . Lozenges eliminate various manifestations of improper digestion from nausea to belching with air.

Medicine for air belching in adults is selected based on the cause of the symptom. If the cause of belching lies in dysfunction of the pancreas, then the doctor may prescribe Festal, Mezim or analogues of these drugs. If liver function is impaired, Essentiale or Karsil are prescribed.

Belching often occurs due to disrupted intestinal microflora. For recovery, Linex, Bifidumbacterin are prescribed, and nutrition is adjusted. A combination of non-conflicting drugs to treat and relieve symptoms is acceptable.


Belching of rotten eggs often occurs after overeating. A gastroenterologist will tell you what to do in this case. Self-medication can be dangerous to health. It is important to identify the cause of the unpleasant symptom. Therefore, a comprehensive diagnosis is carried out. Based on the results obtained, the doctor prescribes treatment according to a specific regimen. It is selected in accordance with the characteristics of the body and the type of disease.

Medicines have a number of contraindications and side effects. Therefore, their uncontrolled use will only worsen the situation.

For example, belching of rotten eggs and diarrhea may occur. What to do if such symptoms occur? In this case, the stomach is washed and an enema is given. Antibacterial drugs are often required. Broad-spectrum medications are suitable. Most often, doctors prescribe Ciprofloxacin, Osmalox, Rifaximin and other similar drugs in such cases.

In addition, enzyme preparations may be prescribed. In this case, the patient feels bloating and heaviness in the abdomen after eating. The most well-known drugs in this group are Festal, Creon, and Pancreatin.

If the discomfort is caused by a violation of the intestinal microflora, the doctor will prescribe probiotics. The most well-known drugs in this group are “Linex”, “Bifidumbacterin”, “Polybacterin”, etc.

To remove toxins, harmful substances from the body that appear during improper digestion of food, sorbents may be required. This, for example, can be “Almagel”, “Atoxil”, “Enterosorb” and so on.

During the examination, it may be determined that the cause of the problem is a decrease in the acidity of gastric juice. In this case, the doctor will prescribe De-Nol, Ventrisol or their analogues.

Medicines you can take during pregnancy

Women expecting a baby can take Almagel. This is a combination remedy that includes an antacid and an anesthetic. It has pronounced enveloping properties. Widely used for ulcers, gastritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Contraindicated in people with impaired renal function and Alzheimer's disease.

No less effective is Allohol, which is a choleretic agent. The medicine helps reduce the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, Allochol is involved in the motor and secretory activity of the gastrointestinal tract. In case of overdose, it can cause allergic reactions and diarrhea. The drug is contraindicated in patients with obstructive jaundice, calculous cholecystitis, acute and subacute liver dystrophy, pancreatitis in the acute stage, as well as duodenal and gastric ulcers.

Pangrol is considered an effective drug for processes that cause belching. The medicine normalizes digestion processes and improves the functional state of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminating bloating in the abdomen in adults and children. The product should not be used if you are sensitive to pancreatin. If the specified dose is exceeded, frequent diarrhea may occur.


To stabilize the passage of hard feces, take dairy-free porridges, stewed vegetable dishes, and pureed soups several times a day. It is not recommended to eat fatty meat, fish, cottage cheese, or drink milk. It is important to exclude from the diet any foods that irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive tract and increase gas formation.

Proper drinking will allow you to quickly get on the path to recovery. It is important to drink wild berry jelly in small portions several times a day. It has enveloping properties and improves well-being. Blueberry compote and rice water are good for digestive disorders.

Treatment at home

Flaxseed oil has proven itself to be effective in treating rotten egg belching. This remedy is taken 1 tsp. morning and evening before bed. Wash down with warm or moderately hot water. If you suffer from burping rotten eggs, you can prepare a paste of fresh parsley and celery. These components have neutral acidity and good choleretic properties. The components are taken in equal proportions (100 g each) and crushed in a blender, and then take 1 tbsp. every 4 hours.

To get rid of rotten burps, you can chew dry clove buds. Just two pieces are enough for the symptom to disappear. No less effective is cinnamon, which should be taken at ? parts tsp and drink with warm or moderately hot water. A small piece of cinnamon stick (about 5 g), which needs to be chewed well, is also suitable. Ordinary raspberries also cope well with belching. You can take them in any form. Just a few berries will help quickly eliminate the problem.

Another equally effective remedy consists of viburnum and aloe. Berries in the amount of 3 tbsp. Grind heapingly in a blender or mash with a masher. The resulting mass is mixed with 1 tsp. aloe juice You can get it by grating the plant and squeezing it through cheesecloth. Take 2 tsp. every 4 hours. To make the product even more effective, you can add 1 tsp to it. honey

Recipes for tinctures and decoctions

Traditional medicine recipes will help quickly remove the cause that caused belching of rotten eggs. One of the most effective remedies is chamomile. Dried flowers in the amount of 2 tsp. Brew 150 ml of boiling water and leave for 30-40 minutes. Then the medicine is filtered and drunk in small sips. It is best to treat yourself with this drink before bed, since chamomile flowers have a pronounced sedative effect.

No less effective in combating this symptom is mint tincture. In addition, she struggles with pain in the epigastric region. To do this, pour boiling water (1 glass) over a tablespoon of fresh or a teaspoon of dry herb and leave for about an hour. After this, filter and divide the resulting portion into two doses. Drink every 3 hours.

An infusion of linden and thyme will help in the fight against this unpleasant symptom. Dried flowers should be taken in equal parts (2 tsp each) and placed on the bottom of the thermos. Pour 3 cups boiling water and close the lid. After 6 hours, the liquid must be filtered. Drink throughout the day instead of tea.

Birch buds have good choleretic properties. To prepare a healthy drink, pour 1 tsp. raw materials with a glass of boiling water. Infuse for 2 hours, then filter and divide the resulting product into 3 doses. This remedy should be taken with caution if you have problems with the gallbladder and kidney stones.

Omez 10 mg for heartburn

Omez 10 mg belongs to the group of drugs called proton pump inhibitors, which are used to treat heartburn4. The drug helps suppress the production of acid in the stomach. Omez 10 mg is recommended to be taken 30 minutes before meals so that it has time to reach the parietal cells of the stomach and block the work of the proton pump - the last stage of acid production. The maximum recommended course of treatment without consulting a doctor is 14 days4.

Omez 10 mg is available in a special aluminum strip, which protects the drug from the effects of environmental factors. Pillets (small granules containing the active substance inside) have three layers, two of which contribute to the full delivery of the active substance to the parietal cells. The drug undergoes 37 control tests. It is recommended to take 2 capsules of Omez 10 mg per day4.

The causes of heartburn after eating sweets are the excessive production of stomach acid. Omez 10 mg helps reduce the production of this acid, so it can be used to treat and combat heartburn and sour belching caused by sweets4.


  1. I.G. Pakhomova. Heartburn: modern principles of examination and treatment of patients // RMJ. 2015. No. 21. pp. 1249–1252.…
  2. Ivashkin V.T., Maev I.V., Trukhmanov A.S., Baranskaya E.K., Dronova O.B., Zayratiants O.V., Sayfutdinov R.G., Sheptulin A.A., Lapina T. L.L., Pirogov S.S., Kucheryavyi Yu.A., Storonova O.A., Andreev D.N. Clinical guidelines of the Russian Gastroenterological Association for the diagnosis and treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease. Ros journal gastroenterol hepatol coloproctol 2017; 27(4):75-95. (
  3. Osadchuk A.M., Davydkin I.L., Gritsenko T.A., Khairetdinov R.K., Kurtov I.V., Danilova O.E., Rogozina L.A., Kosyakova Yu.A., Krivova S. .P. Heartburn syndrome. Current issues of pathogenesis, differential diagnosis and treatment // Modern problems of science and education. – 2022. – No. 5.; URL: (access date: 09/22/2020).
  4. Instructions for use of the medicinal product for medical use OMEZ®10 mg LP 00328 dated 07/11/17 Date of access 09/22/20.

Necessary preventive measures

To prevent the smell of rotten eggs from appearing, close attention should be paid to prevention. To do this, you need to monitor your diet. It is recommended to completely exclude from the daily diet everything that causes fermentation in the body. This category includes:

  • fast food;
  • milk;
  • meat;
  • sour fruits;
  • sweets;
  • yeast bread.

Excessively strong black tea, coffee and carbonated drinks also have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract. After them, the breath often smells unpleasant. When choosing medications, you need to take into account their composition. Some of them can cause belching with an unpleasant odor. We are talking about cysteine, thiamine, biotin and hydrogen sulfide. These medications include, for example, Fluimucil (a drug that thins phlegm) or Rinza syrup (for cold symptoms).

Also, do not forget about regular medical examinations for preventive purposes. Such procedures will help identify existing diseases in the early stages and prevent their further development. Only by following the above set of measures can you maintain your health for many years.

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