How to do an enema before anal sex and is it necessary?

The examination is carried out to a depth of up to 30 cm from the anus, this is the main difference between sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy, which is used to examine the entire large intestine.

Rectoscopy (hereinafter referred to as RRS) is performed using a rectoscope

(sigmoidoscope) - a special device, which is a rigid tube with a diameter of up to 10 mm with a video camera, an air supply device and a light source.

The proctoscope is inserted into the rectum through the anus. In order for the study to be indicative, special preparations are made for it. Preparation involves following a special diet for 2 days before the procedure and cleansing with enemas or medications.

Modern rectoscopes pump air in a minimal amount, the camera has a high resolution and the doctor can thoroughly examine the mucous membrane. If no anomalies or pathologies are detected and the patient tolerates the procedure well, the study lasts from 2 to 7 minutes. If there are deviations, the duration of the RRS increases.

Sigmoidoscopy helps to identify, including in the early preclinical stages, neoplasms in the rectum (tumors, polyps), and allows tissue sampling from suspicious areas of the mucosa for additional studies. Using sigmoidoscopy, hemorrhoids, paraproctitis, ulcerative colitis, anal fistulas, rectal fissures are diagnosed, in men - prostate adenoma, in women endometriosis of the rectum.

Sigmoidoscopy is prescribed both prophylactically and based on patient complaints:

  • pain in the anal area, in the intestinal area;
  • mucous, purulent, bloody discharge from the anus;
  • stool disorders: constipation, change in stool color, its shape (ribbon-shaped stool), inclusions of blood in the stool and others;
  • suspicion of rectal cancer;
  • chronic or recurrent inflammation of the rectum;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • suspicion of a neoplasm in the pelvic area (for women) or prostate gland (for men).

Rectomanoscopy is a safe diagnostic method. However, some direct and relative contraindications to RRS still exist.

Shower for butt2

If the issue of body hygiene has long been resolved and does not require special verbiage, then butt hygiene puzzles many. You can’t turn it inside out and rinse it, you can’t clean it with a toothbrush. But there is a way out: an enema before anal sex.

Oddly enough, this issue of hygiene worries both women and men. Both are equally squeamish. This is understandable: traces of yesterday's lunch on the penis will excite few people, and the aroma of love - the smell of feces and Vaseline - can cause a gag reflex. Well, yeah, butt doesn't smell like roses. It is to prevent such embarrassment that an enema is necessary. There are many ways to cleanse the intestines. These include enemas, rinsing, the use of laxatives (tablets and suppositories), and diet. It’s up to you to decide which one to choose, but it’s worth considering the cleansing enema in more detail.

An enema is the introduction of liquid into the rectum to cleanse it. For the procedure, you can use various solutions that are prepared independently or purchased at the pharmacy. You will also need special tools.

Relative contraindications to the procedure based on time or condition are:

  • inflammatory processes in the anal area in the acute phase;
  • exacerbation of hemorrhoids with nodular thrombosis;
  • cracks, narrowed lumen of the rectum;
  • exacerbation of paraproctitis;
  • profuse, intestinal bleeding;
  • acute thermal or chemical burn;
  • mental disorders;
  • poor general health.

In the above conditions, the possibility of performing the procedure and the timing of its implementation is determined by the doctor.

Is this harmful?5

Yes! Enema is harmful. If you get carried away too much. What is the danger of an enema? Everything is very simple. The intestines are a very tricky organ. He really likes when a certain part of the work is done for him. This task includes an enema. As soon as you start doing it more than 2 times a month, your intestines begin to get lazy. This is expressed in a decrease in perilstatics, the occurrence of constipation and flatulence.

In addition to reducing intestinal motor function, an enema washes away beneficial flora. And this is fraught with the occurrence of dysbacteriosis. You can end up not only with constipation, but also with diarrhea. Frequent enema procedures can lead to anal fissures or the occurrence and aggravation of hemorrhoids. All these factors make you wonder: is 5-minute pleasure worth the health problems?

Performing rectoscopy at the Clinic of High Medical Technologies named after. N. I. Pirogova

The length of the colon is approximately 1-1.5 meters. During sigmoidoscopy, the first 25-30 cm are examined, the procedure takes little time and therefore RRS is usually performed without anesthesia. Some patients tolerate the examination easily, some experience discomfort or pain, it depends on the individual characteristics of the patient.

Before the procedure, the patient is given special disposable clothing for the lower half of the body, the patient lies down on a couch or examination table. During sigmoidoscopy, a person takes a special position as directed by the doctor. The choice of position is determined by the specialist based on anatomical features, research objectives and patient comfort.

Before inserting the rectoscope, the doctor performs a digital examination to straighten the rectum in the area of ​​insertion. Next, air is supplied into the anus to expand the lumen of the intestine, and a rectoscope is inserted, the tip of which is generously lubricated with Vaseline. When the device is inserted, the doctor makes gentle rotary movements (rotations) and continues to supply air, opening the intestine further. At this time, the camera from the tip of the rectoscope transmits the image to the monitor.

At the end of sigmoidoscopy, the air pumped into it remains in the intestine for some time. Therefore, increased gas formation during the day after the examination is a variant of the norm.

Rules of anal sex9

Anal sex has only one golden rule - a condom. Without it, unfortunately, anal sex is prohibited. It's about the safety of both partners. The intestines contain a huge number of pathogenic bacteria that sleep peacefully until the opportunity presents itself to become active. Anal sex is just such a case. An unprotected member is susceptible to a massive attack.

The minimum that will result from unauthorized entry is thrush. And it’s good if that’s all there is to it. But there is every chance of catching more serious problems. If this weasel got out of control and penetrated the ass without a saving tuxedo, then it must be carefully treated with the use of antiseptic agents.

Diving from one hole to another is strictly prohibited. You can’t enjoy the “buns” and immediately try to bite into the “pie.” If this happens, then the young lady will face serious gynecological problems. In general, if you plan to have a full break, then it’s better to start with classic sex. And then, put on a condom and get anal pleasure.

Diet before examination

Two days before rectomanoscopy, exclude bread products, cereals, vegetables, fruits, nuts and any other food containing fiber from the diet (protein diet);

Dairy products without additives are allowed for consumption - yoghurt, kefir, soft cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream; boiled eggs, lean meat or fish;

Products are steamed, in a slow cooker or baked in the oven.

After 17:00 on the day before the examination, they drink only water, weak tea, and cleanse the intestines with special preparations, and the examination itself is performed on an empty stomach. Colon cleansing is carried out in different ways. They use full-fledged enemas, microenemas, and medications. The method in each specific case depends on the patient’s condition, his capabilities and is determined together with the doctor. If enemas are necessary for cleansing, they should be done in this order and quantity: one in the evening before the procedure, two in the morning, 4 hours before the procedure, with an interval of 45 minutes.

To carry out the procedures yourself, you need to purchase an Esmarch mug at the pharmacy - a reservoir made of rubber, plastic, or other materials with a tube and tip. Enemas use drinking water without additives or gas, heated to normal body temperature or 1 degree higher. Esmarch's mug is raised to a height of about one and a half meters, filled with water (about 1.5 liters), and a little water is lowered through a tube with a tip so that the air comes out. Then close the tap on the mug (if there is none, use a clothespin). You need to lie on your left side, tuck your legs to your chest and insert the tip lubricated with Vaseline into the anus. Next, the tap is opened and water flows into the intestines. To prevent air from entering the intestines, the mug should not be completely emptied. At the very beginning of the procedure, you may feel the urge to stool. At such moments, the water supply is reduced or completely stopped until the urge disappears. For an enema to be effective, you need to hold the water in for at least 10 minutes.

If a person is intolerant to enemas or water does not cleanse the intestines well enough, the doctor may prescribe medications.

Is an enema necessary?7

After reading all the horror stories and drawing certain conclusions, the question arises: is an enema really necessary before anal sex? Little secret: no, you don't need it. It's all about the structure of the intestines and certain nuances of the digestive tract.

If a woman went to the toilet “in a big way” in the morning, follows a light diet, that is, eats more plant foods in moderate volumes, then it is not necessary to give an enema. Firstly, filling the intestines with feces is a long process. It takes about 24 hours.

Secondly: the length of the penis does not always reach the place where you can rest against your overcooked breakfast. And if something is picked out, it is not fatal and can be survived. Thirdly, if waste products are in the access area of ​​the penis, then the woman will definitely feel the urge to go to the toilet, and not the desire to have sex.

Complications during and after the procedure

Complications during rectomanoscopy occur extremely rarely. Their cause is the anatomical features of the intestine or carelessness or carelessness of a specialist, as a result of which the mucous membrane may be slightly injured and begin to bleed. If there is little blood, then after a short time everything goes away without consequences. If you notice traces of blood in your stool for more than a day after the procedure, or the volume of discharge exceeds one or two teaspoons, you should seek medical help. It happens that injury to the intestinal wall does not manifest itself immediately, but after several hours or days. The patient experiences pain in the peritoneum, increased sweating, bleeding from the anus, and chills. Even if you have one of the listed symptoms, you should immediately contact a proctologist.

Complications sometimes occur in people prone to allergic reactions. The body may react to the examination with swelling, rash, and fever. If anesthetics, sedatives or painkillers were used before the procedure, in rare cases chronic cardiac pathologies worsen.

Alternative to enema8

If giving an enema is scary, and you don’t really want to, then you can try alternative methods of cleansing the intestines.

  • Diet. You should eat foods that have been heat-treated and pureed. The main diet should be porridge and soups. Vegetables can be consumed only after heat treatment.
  • Establishing a meal schedule. In this case, the process of bowel movements will become regular and will take place at a certain time, for example in the morning. Please note that anal sex is possible within three hours after defecation.
  • Use of laxatives. This can be herbal preparations taken orally, or placing suppositories in the rectum.

If it is possible to use alternative methods of cleansing the intestines, then, of course, it is better to use them. This way you can protect yourself from various health problems that may arise due to frequent use of enemas.

On the other side of the screen10

How do porn actresses cope with such a task? Surprisingly, during erotic scenes, everything looks very aesthetically pleasing. It's a matter of careful preparation. Firstly, they follow a strict diet, which ensures rapid digestion of food and rapid disposal of waste products from the body. Secondly, before filming, they do a powerful cleansing enema using the siphon method. Siphon enema is a deep cleansing of the intestines along its entire length.

Thirdly, they use various aromatic lubricants, which allow them to drown out the amber from the anus. Everything that porn actresses do is very labor-intensive and time-consuming. It is unlikely that in ordinary life you would want to spend the whole day preparing your butt for sex. In addition, the stars of erotic cinema have enough finances to constantly restore their health, so their risk is completely justified.

It remains to summarize:

  • An enema before anal sex is necessary, but if certain rules are followed, it is not necessary,
  • An enema is not the most harmless activity,
  • Having an enema does not eliminate the need to use a condom,
  • Giving an enema takes time,
  • To give an enema you need to have certain skills,
  • A regular enema does not guarantee complete cleansing of the intestines and there remains a chance of slight embarrassment.
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